I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Wrong again. Read your Bible. True peace and perfection will ONLY come when Yeshua returns.
Yeshua is here now as a young Hindu woman living in a small town in the hills near Mumbai. As a young girl she enjoys visiting the many caves in the area. A seeker of peace and solitude in a world where it is becoming increasingly rare.
Wrong again. I refer to the Sovereign G-d of Creation Himself. Nobody will escape Him.
And you have greater knowledge of that timetable than I do ? You are a new visitor to this world. I like the display of ambition but not in the given pretense.
nfbw 240917 Visdkw02791

i. America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz inserts 1835 Alexis De Tocqueville : Christianity, therefore, reigns without obstacle, by universal consent... dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

i. I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About. 240917 {post•2791}

According to research on Church membership when de Tocqueville traveled America in the 1830s there were 80% of the population who did not join a church.

de Tocqueville could only have assumed that all those persons attending church services were Christian but the other 8 out of 10 were an open question. Due to the fact that the second thru fourth presidents were not believers in original sin and the salvation of mankind derived from the death of God’s only begotten son tells me only two out of ten humans on American soil were Christians.

Why is Saint-Ding spreading historical falsehoods.

nfbw 240917 Visdkw02791
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Well you do really seem like a dumbass. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat
Thanks but no thanks. I am not a Democrat
I see problems with both of our major political parties. I just see a lot less problems with the Democrats so I agree with them most of the time. I am an Independent. If I were to define myself ; I would consider my self a pragmatic realist.
Thanks but no thanks. I am not a Democrat
I see problems with both of our major political parties. I just see a lot less problems with the Democrats so I agree with them most of the time. I am an Independent. If I were to define myself ; I would consider my self a pragmatic realist.
Independent my ass. You're a hardcore Leftist and traitor to the country
I do not trust anything except Scripture. The Bible says there is none righteous, not even one
It is unfortunate that so much of the Old Testament teachings contaminated the teachings of Christ. "Ask , and it shall be given you. Seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened to you. " That was an invitation.
Thanks but no thanks. I am not a Democrat
I see problems with both of our major political parties. I just see a lot less problems with the Democrats so I agree with them most of the time. I am an Independent. If I were to define myself ; I would consider my self a pragmatic realist.
I consider you an idiot
I consider you an idiot
You're supporting a liar ,cheat ,fraud ,rapist ,convicted felon and you're calling me an answer diot. Honey , if the shoe fits you need to wear it. Be sure to use lots of makeup so you'll match trump and Vance your heroes. But don't use Trump's big lifts. It makes trump more awkward than he already is and aren't a healthy fit.
You're supporting a liar ,cheat ,fraud ,rapist ,convicted felon and you're calling me an answer diot. Honey , if the shoe fits you need to wear it. Be sure to use lots of makeup so you'll match trump and Vance your heroes. But don't use Trump's big lifts. It makes trump more awkward than he already is and aren't a healthy fit.
Like I said I am a big fan of peace, prosperity and freedom. Trump brings policies that are in line with these values. Vote MAGA.
When the Extreme Left Democrat Agents successfully eradicate Trump, they will point to all the "hard and sincere efforts" they had the DOJ go through to try to prevent the tragedy. Then secretly celebrate their accomplishment.

The Right will cry victim harder...and that will be the end of that.
They are setting the stage for just that as you read this.....
Everyone with some common sense already knows this.

AG Garland: DOJ to 'Spare No Resource' in Assassination Attempt Probe​


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