I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit

That is complete and utter fake news.
Prove it. We never saw any signature envelopes. We never got routers or machines to audit. And Trump never got an evidentiary hearing. Not to mention Congress refused to investigate the election when over 100,000 people were in DC. demanding one.

You have to be a real idiot.
Yet Ruby Freeman won her defamation case against Guiliani.

Allegations of election fraud against two Georgia election workers who became the subjects of a Trump-backed conspiracy theory in the aftermath of the 2020 election were found to be "false and unsubstantiated," according to an investigative report released Tuesday by the Georgia Elections Board.

Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea "Shaye" Moss, both former election workers from Fulton County, faced threats of violence from conspiracy theorists after their election-night conduct on a polling place livestream proliferated online among right-wing election deniers who believed Donald Trump won the 2020 election.
That does not mean she is innocent. All it means is that a corrupt court said she is. The video shows what happened.
Interesting, every single such case, without exception, was thrown out well before the opportunity existed to present any evidence.

Doesn't that, in itself, seem at all suspicious to you?

Not security footage of vans showing up in the wee hours in Detroit and Milwaukee, subsequently disgorging boxes and boxes of ballots....All counted without observation.

Not security footage of numerous totes being rolled out from concealment, containing 30,000 ballots....All counted without observation.

Not over 3,000 eyewitness affidavits (sworn under pains and penalties of perjury) of people who saw the aforementioned vans, mechanically produced ballots, "mail-in" ballots with no folds, voting machines and tabulators hooked up to the internet, a truck driver who moved scores of thousands of PA "mail-in" ballots from NY.

Not supposed election officials seen surreptitiously passing around USB drives, that were subsequently plugged into voting machines and tabulators.

Not a recanvass of Maricopa County, which found no fewer that 40,000 ballots cast under fraudulent pretexts.

Newp...Not a single smoking gun!
Oh but its a Republican lawyer issue.....
The television announcer declaring Biden wins Virginia win behind her the tally board had Trump winning. Also he couldn't win a primary until all others were convinced to drop out.
The 2000 election was just as bad.
Probably has a lot to do with 62 lost trial cases in a row, some in front of Trump appointed courts or judges, along with Supreme Court refusing to take the case and overruling Texas from interfering in other states. Add to that the difference between what Trump lawyers would say on courthouse steps and Right Wing TV, vs what they would even accuse in court, while not having evidence, yet still managing to overstep legal bound of the profession, and being sanction for their duplicity of public rabble-rousing and their courtroom activity making a mockery of even bringing some of their nuisance suits to take up the court's time. Don't leave out the CyberMonkeys, being hired by state GOPs but not finding enough with investigations to change a single county, much less a state or national electoral quantity, indeed in some cases finding Biden got more legitimate votes on their extensive investigate recount than originally reported. Add to all that the total distaste for the action of hair on fire, whipped up minority partisans staging and attack on the capital to interrupt and overturn the election, totally out of sinc with acceptable actions in elections for 250 years of adults, conducting themselves post election under our laws, our constitution. Also, do not forget, Trump's AG, Trump's FBI Director, and Trump's Department for Homeland Defense director attesting to it being a clean election overall. All in all, the vast majority of Americans, seeing an knowing all this, but insisting on real evidence vs emotional commitment, just could not, nor ever would buy into the Trump narrative, preferring to retain the rights in the future, to have their voice in elections be the guiding force selecting leadership, rather than yielding to small vocal partisan at times unhinged sounding/acting minority.

Hopefully the totality of above, helps you understand why the effort to overturn the results failed, and the majority continued to insist on some coherent proof of gross election malfeasance.

Whoa, too much information for me at one time that due to my developmental learning disabilities I cannot comprehend. Do you mind possibly breaking it down a little bit at a time and simplifying it for me please?

I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit​

It's legit because our laws were followed and the proper procedural steps took place as they were designed to do. And since there was never even one case in any court that proved the 2020 presidential election was illegitimate, most people have accepted it as a fait accompli. Get over it guys, stop pissing into the wind. You can't do shit about it, and you making yourself look like fools.

You can't be serious.

Well- Actually, McKinley won the Presidency without ever leaving his front Porch. Calvin Coolidge did very little campaigning in 1924.

Biden did win the "Swing States" - MI, WI, PA, NV, AZ, and GA.

IA, FL and OH haven't been swing states in some time.

I'm sure there are a lot of things that don't make sense to you.

I admit that I don't know anything about McKinley, but everything else you said was bullshit.

The 2000 election was just as bad.

Can you please explain as I was only ten years old then and I don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Hopefully the totality of above, helps you understand why the effort to overturn the results failed, and the majority continued to insist on some coherent proof of gross election malfeasance.
Thank you for putting it so succinctly:
1. You hope this issue will go away;
2. You understand why any impropriety in this election has been denied; and
3. The standard of proof of gross election malfeasance is public opinion.
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Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕

Biden was the only viable option to Trump. More than a statement of support for Biden, it was a profound statement against Trump.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first?
He did campaign. You didn't see it on MAGATV, because thats MAGATV.
What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
Biden won Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia.

He won 336 eloectoral votes to 232, as certified by the individual states.

He won by 7mm more votes.
Actually, there were two in Wisconsin....Guess how they ruled?

What 2 cases would that be? I'll look up the cases if you tell me the names but I'm not going to validate your assertion by searching for cases that I do not believe exist.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
If I recall my U.S political history, mostly before the Civil War presidential candidates did NOT actively campaign for office.
Trump won the walk in votes IN ALL 50 STATES. The democrat Party only survives by cheating
So what? The in person voting was only 30% of the total votes or about 48 million votes verses 112 million who voted by mail or absentee. Biden's victory was historic. Benedict Donald's lies were hysteric.

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