I study Liars: I've never seen anyone like President Trump...

Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
It doesn’t matter there would be no trump if there was no obama...
And the Clinton’s never told the truth... ever!!!!!

Don't use the word Clinton and truth in the same sentence you may knock the earth off its axis.

This sounds like some the social media lies that the Russians put out in 2016...so you're a professional?
Diversity, it's one thing. I live with with Mexican illegals that are corrupters of American culture and NOW they demand "Diversity", IE, SPANISH, being taught in areas that never even heard SPANISH before.. Illegals are just are invaders. Lets get real here. Mexicans are invaders and we have Quisling politicians that protect Illegal Mexicans instead of poor Americans. They call us trash , but aren't our politicians supposed to represent AMERICANS, their bloody constituents, not what's good for foreigners? WHY do Mexican illegals NEED sanctuary cities ?With our poor Americans camping along our streets? Our poor Americans Need sanctuary, and jobs. NOT Mexicans, shame on our politicians for pandering to foreigners first.
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Trump is a human wrecking ball who flattened everything in his path, including the GOP's aghast, frozen-to-the-spot establishment. Little Marco, Low Energy Jeb, Lyin Ted all were batted aside, taunted, crushed. scandals that would have killed a normal candidate made Trump stronger. the media loved it. so do regular American voters.
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

Sorry, O already sailed that boat.

Name 20 lies Obama told. Which would be very low compared to Trump who has only been in office a little more than a year.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Every word that came out of his mouth was a lie, I think there’s a picture of Obama in the dictionary when you look up the word in the dictionary, or is that a Clinton? LOL
No, Obama was just a serial liar. Clinton just upgraded it to purdgery.


Spell much?
So does that make it right?
Sorry, O already sailed that boat.

Name 20 lies Obama told. Which would be very low compared to Trump who has only been in office a little more than a year.

Opinion | President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Every word that came out of his mouth was a lie, I think there’s a picture of Obama in the dictionary when you look up the word in the dictionary, or is that a Clinton? LOL
No, Obama was just a serial liar. Clinton just upgraded it to purdgery.


Spell much?

Maybe not. I think he is trying to say that the Clintons lied about some surgical procedures...
You mean lying under oath?
Trumps job is to destroy the united states as a world power and to destroy any and all attempts at human rights. Trump is doing exactly that.

You're confusing him with the last administration, Obama was the king of lies...
So she went off a survey of asking liars if they lie? How can you believe liars? I know Trump lies however, it seems she is using a skewed survey of asking liars how many times they? How in the hell do you know the liars they were surveying weren’t lying. The stupidity and her bias leads me to conclude she is lying.
Diversity, it's one thing. I live with with Mexican illegals that are corrupters of American culture and NOW they demand "Diversity", IE, SPANISH, being taught in areas that never even heard SPANISH before.. Illegals are just are invaders. Lets get real here. Mexicans are invaders and we have Quisling politicians that protect Illegal Mexicans instead of poor Americans. They call us trash , but aren't our politicians supposed to represent AMERICANS, their bloody constituents, not what's good for foreigners? WHY do Mexican illegals NEED sanctuary cities ?With our poor Americans camping along our streets? Our poor Americans Need sanctuary, and jobs. NOT Mexicans, shame on our politicians for pandering to foreigners first.

It's more kind hearted leftists who want Mexicans to not learn English so they can get a decent paying job who want Spanish taught in schools. Democrats know that the more educated you are, the less dependent on government you are and the less Democrat you are
I study liars too.
That's why I'm here reading liberal bullshit.

You can’t possibly think Trump is honest, can you?

I trust him more than any liberal and it ain't even close.
5.5 documented lies per day. Every day. ( on the average)
And you trust him.
Ha ha ha

The fucker trust him because Trump attacks liberals. You see, it doesn't matter that Trump is dishonest, a rapist, commits adultery or is in bed with Putin. All that matters to these raving pieces of shit is the reality that he attacks liberals.

As long as he attacks Liberals = he can sell America down the goddamn river as far as they're concern and that is ok.

Fucking traitors.
Cons don't mind that Trump once professed to being a Liberal.
I study liars too.
That's why I'm here reading liberal bullshit.

You can’t possibly think Trump is honest, can you?

I trust him more than any liberal and it ain't even close.
5.5 documented lies per day. Every day. ( on the average)
And you trust him.
Ha ha ha

The fucker trust him because Trump attacks liberals. You see, it doesn't matter that Trump is dishonest, a rapist, commits adultery or is in bed with Putin. All that matters to these raving pieces of shit is the reality that he attacks liberals.

As long as he attacks Liberals = he can sell America down the goddamn river as far as they're concern and that is ok.

Fucking traitors.
Cons don't mind that Trump once professed to being a Liberal.

Actually, he professed to being a Democrat. And he specifically said he didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left him. So what you said is completely misleading

The Democrat party in the 40s and 50s was a completely different thing than it is now. Sure, it was left of the Republican party. But they weren't all moonbat leftist extremists like you are now
I grew up in the sixties. I remember when America was about honesty, we confronted TRUTH. It wasn't a segue into rationalizing bullshit. Trans genders, or illegal aliens, flat earthers, global warming deniers, back then people were rational and capable of dealing with facts, what ever they where.
I grew up in the sixties too

I remember the LIES about Vietnam that got 60,000 boys killed
Trumps job is to destroy the united states as a world power and to destroy any and all attempts at human rights. Trump is doing exactly that.

You're confusing him with the last administration, Obama was the king of lies...
You can not back up your silly claim. No matter how often you say it, it will never be true and you will never be able to list thousands of lies the way Trump lies are listed.
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

1) YOU are a LIAR for putting the title "I Study Liars"! If you are ignorant enough to declare "I study Liars" you are proving one thing. YOU ARE A LIAR!

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