I sure hope we are or will hunt down the lead terrorist who kidnapped those girls

Clue 1): We help Israel. That leads us to a whole slew of difficult issues. It is self defeating to do so. Need I go on?
Ironic as hell that someone with the moniker "the Rabi" questions Americans getting all up in Muslim's faces with their uncontrolled hate of others not of their religion. Funny about that.

Yes, I question sending Americans to die for a very murky cause under questionable circumstances for uncertain gain. I'm just patriotic that way.
You on the other hand have revealed yourself as a jew-hater and asshole within two posts.
This SHOULD be everyones problem. If the world united on dealing with major acts of terrorism in a swift & lethal manner it might actually put a stop to it. Just because these girls are in Africa doesn't make their lives less valuable. America should always help defend the defenseless.

All the stupid #'s and online petitions are meaningless.

What happens if we go there to get this guy and there's 'collateral damage' to some innocent civilians there and public sentiment turns against us in that country? If you want to do something about it, I think that UN should get involved and send soldiers from OTHER countries to apprehend this guy. We don't need more enemies and another 'front'.


The UN is waiting on us to do something, they will not make a move before we do, b/c they have never made a move w/o us

Well, I think that we should change that, we don't always need to be the "tip of the spear". There are plenty of other countries that can try to apprehend this guy. Sometimes, 'the road paved with good intentions, leads to hell.'.
The U.S. military has been part of the hunt for Christian terrorist Joseph Kony in the Congo since 2008.

So I wouldn't get too excited about a quick killing of the leader of Boko Haram. . :cool:

A fellow Muslim....you rooting for him?
Sorry but how did this get to be our problem? A Nigerian Muslim terrorist kidnaps Nigerian girls in Nigeria and suddenly they become "our" girls? I want the guy to die a horrible death too, but it isnt our problem.

This SHOULD be everyones problem. If the world united on dealing with major acts of terrorism in a swift & lethal manner it might actually put a stop to it. Just because these girls are in Africa doesn't make their lives less valuable. America should always help defend the defenseless.

All the stupid #'s and online petitions are meaningless.

What happens if we go there to get this guy and there's 'collateral damage' to some innocent civilians there and public sentiment turns against us in that country? If you want to do something about it, I think that UN should get involved and send soldiers from OTHER countries to apprehend this guy. We don't need more enemies and another 'front'.

Collateral damage? In the jungle? And killing this prick will NOT lead to more enemies. The radicals are already all on our enemy list. If there ever was a situation that could gain us good will this is it. But hey, fuck it, lets send millions to a country who's people are voting to succeed themselves and do squat where real help is needed.
This SHOULD be everyones problem. If the world united on dealing with major acts of terrorism in a swift & lethal manner it might actually put a stop to it. Just because these girls are in Africa doesn't make their lives less valuable. America should always help defend the defenseless.

All the stupid #'s and online petitions are meaningless.

What happens if we go there to get this guy and there's 'collateral damage' to some innocent civilians there and public sentiment turns against us in that country? If you want to do something about it, I think that UN should get involved and send soldiers from OTHER countries to apprehend this guy. We don't need more enemies and another 'front'.

Collateral damage? In the jungle? And killing this prick will NOT lead to more enemies. The radicals are already all on our enemy list. If there ever was a situation that could gain us good will this is it. But hey, fuck it, lets send millions to a country who's people are voting to succeed themselves and do squat where real help is needed.

There are people who live in the jungle. If we have to stage there for a while and enforce certain restrictions on the innocent civilians, they will soon see us as an 'occupying force' . If we kill him, this may incite some of his followers to focus their energy against us to avenge his killing or capture. Don't they have ties with AQ?

I don't think we should have sent Ukraine one cent because we shouldn't be involved in that region in the first place.
We will just have to disagree. I see absolutely no reason we shouldn't be trying to rescue these children. If this situation is left unresolved it will only serve to embolden others to act in similar barbaric ways. At the very least this guy should be a top target for assassination.
We can not pick, and choose what depots to go after based on emotion. We need a resolute policy, I'm all for killing every radical muslim on the planet, but like the Rabbi said, every action has repercussions!

What responsibility does Nigeria have for Nigerians? If their men don't have the balls to go against these sub humans, why should we? The Nigerians don't want to deal with potential reprisals! We are not the world police, and whatever we do, or don't do - it will end bad for us. I'm tired of being the sucker for the third world :eusa_hand: Nigeria needs to cover all expenses!

At least now, the liberals might look at islam more clearly. These savages get their motivation from the same filthy hate book as the rest of the so called " moderate muslims. " Where the fuck are they? :eusa_whistle:
We can not pick, and choose what depots to go after based on emotion. We need a resolute policy, I'm all for killing every radical muslim on the planet, but like the Rabbi said, every action has repercussions!

What responsibility does Nigeria have for Nigerians? If their men don't have the balls to go against these sub humans, why should we? The Nigerians don't want to deal with potential reprisals! We are not the world police, and whatever we do, or don't do - it will end bad for us. I'm tired of being the sucker for the third world :eusa_hand: Nigeria needs to cover all expenses!

At least now, the liberals might look at islam more clearly. These savages get their motivation from the same filthy hate book as the rest of the so called " moderate muslims. " Where the fuck are they? :eusa_whistle:

My concern isn't with the Nigerian government. And our policy WAS resolute after 9/11. It's only muddled now because of limp wristed liberals.
It is a product of the age of Obama that 200 Nigerian girls in a remote Nigerian jungle get more press and more assistance than four Americans in Libya or one ex-marine that is chained by all fours on the floor of a Mexican jail at the same time.
It is a product of the age of Obama that 200 Nigerian girls in a remote Nigerian jungle get more press and more assistance than four Americans in Libya or one ex-marine that is chained by all fours on the floor of a Mexican jail at the same time.

I think it haa more to do with the fact that they are kids. Not 200, but nearly 300. And Benghazi is discussed DAILY on Fox News.
Certainly, because there is no oil or no prophet involved for the USA.
Stay away until there is something profitable for the USA.

I'm sure Boka Haram has its own prophet.

You're such a fucking dolt. You're ready to throw away American lives on someone else's problem.

You are a prick, Rabbi, masquerading as a human.

Yes, this is every decent person's business in the world, and, yes, it is our problem.

Banal is evil, as you just demonstrated.

so Jake why do we and the Brits always have to do it?.....China was just there courting the guy.....they wanna be the new world leader....here is their first job....let them send some of their troops in after the guy......why dont the Muslim nations send in some of their people to take out some of their garbage?......just askin....
We will just have to disagree. I see absolutely no reason we shouldn't be trying to rescue these children. If this situation is left unresolved it will only serve to embolden others to act in similar barbaric ways. At the very least this guy should be a top target for assassination.

The reason is that this is simply one act in a much larger struggle going on in Nigeria that the United States doesn't need to find itself in the middle of.
I'm sure Boka Haram has its own prophet.

You're such a fucking dolt. You're ready to throw away American lives on someone else's problem.

You are a prick, Rabbi, masquerading as a human.

Yes, this is every decent person's business in the world, and, yes, it is our problem.

Banal is evil, as you just demonstrated.

so Jake why do we and the Brits always have to do it?.....China was just there courting the guy.....they wanna be the new world leader....here is their first job....let them send some of their troops in after the guy......why dont the Muslim nations send in some of their people to take out some of their garbage?......just askin....

The answer to that one is simple....

like dimocrap scum, none of those people make any pretense of being moral in any way, shape or form.

Same thing with dimocrap scum getting caught using the power of the United States Government in the form of the IRS against their political opponents..... What did you expect the scum of the earth to do with that kind of power?

Just like dimocrap scum abandoning men fighting and dying in a foreign land while scum like Hitlery and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, who HAVE DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR SAFETY, do nothing........

Because it might interfere with a catchy campaign slogan.

What did you expect from the scum of the earth?

And what would you expect from the communist Chinese and neighboring raghead countries?

Seriously. What else would you expect?

I am NOT being sardonic. I'm seriously not.
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Sorry but how did this get to be our problem? A Nigerian Muslim terrorist kidnaps Nigerian girls in Nigeria and suddenly they become "our" girls? I want the guy to die a horrible death too, but it isnt our problem.

This SHOULD be everyones problem. If the world united on dealing with major acts of terrorism in a swift & lethal manner it might actually put a stop to it. Just because these girls are in Africa doesn't make their lives less valuable. America should always help defend the defenseless.

All the stupid #'s and online petitions are meaningless.

I agree with you. If Americans do not get concerned about these terrorist attacks / kidnappings in other nations there will be no one left to be concerned about us when it arrives at our own door, Gramps.
This is certainly not our problem, that is a given. There are hundreds of thousands of children the world over dying and being killed on a daily basis and we do nothing. Then, suddenly, 300 in Nigeria are deserving of the great USA to come to their rescue. Silly really when you stop and think about it. We could do FAR more good for children whose locations are known but exist in abject poverty and starvation. Hell, there are that many children RIGHT HERE that could use the help. That does not make a good press release though so those children are left with nothing from us. THIS, otoh, can be spun for some political brownie points so no expense is shared.

There is the valid point though that we are involved in a ton of other locations that are none of our business as well. Some of the so called ‘none of our business’ crowed in this thread support our actions in Iraq – another place that was none of our damn business. I guess it is okay to be in other peoples shit when you are killing them just not when you are saving children. It is real tough to stand there and claim it is none of our business when we are starting wars and engaging in conflicts like Libya. With that sort of behavior it is far more preferable that we get into some altercations that actually have a ‘moral’ outcome.

Basically, as long as we are acting in the manner that we have been acting in – sure, we should be over there doing something.
Sorry but how did this get to be our problem? A Nigerian Muslim terrorist kidnaps Nigerian girls in Nigeria and suddenly they become "our" girls? I want the guy to die a horrible death too, but it isnt our problem.

This SHOULD be everyones problem. If the world united on dealing with major acts of terrorism in a swift & lethal manner it might actually put a stop to it. Just because these girls are in Africa doesn't make their lives less valuable. America should always help defend the defenseless.

All the stupid #'s and online petitions are meaningless.

I agree. Some issues are so clear that all should mostly agree. Between us, the UK, Germany, Russia, France, China.....you'd think we could round up a few elite squads and handle it

God knows we spend money and lives on enough issues that don't make sense.

This is a brainer. Show the world that, even while politically divided, there is still a line that if you cross it, America will fuck you up.

Cruelty to children is one of them. Let our boys lock and load and rid Nigeria of this scum
Grandpa I totally agree with your sentiment. Why we can't make a sniper movie out of this episode I don't know. If we had black ops that were not constrained by fantasy justice we could handle these people. The days of doing what is right and keeping your mouth shut are gone. And the self righteous indignation from the liberals when it suits their interests is repugnant. One day it is against the principles that this country stands for to assassinate foreigners and the next the very same people that said that say we need to send seals and drones in to terminate these pieces of human garbage.

My point with the earlier post is that in a world of so much evil we still have to prioritize, and that the safety and security of Americans, not the latest people in the headlines, is the foremost DUTY of our govt and that this administration is not following that mandate.

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