I thank God every day for immigrants that come to America!!

To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

When trump's grandfather immigrated into the USA, the land had opportunities. Today, every time an industry starts up, like gaming and game software design, to mention the latest, the US government and its associated banks/lenders strangle it with lightning fast consolidation.

Gone are the days of anti trust laws, Walmart will take down your shop too and will never get broken up like Standard Oil of Rockefeller was.

So, let's look closer. What kind of immigrants come to America in the 21st century? The ones that look for education are probably priced out by the student loan bubble. But even if not, US immigration laws mandate, that students take that degree back home and not to stay in the US. Depending on conditions in your home country, students are more happy to do that now than ever before.

The other immigrants are the seasonal laborers. That speaks for itself. Even the day laborers in New York send their money back home to Mexico, where they build nice homes for their families with it.

So who wants to stay in the USA that has now no economic activity domestically? We did discuss this at class the other day. Logically, those stay in the US who go there for the last remaining US specific economic opportunity then, and those are the welfare tourists.
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
For someone who knows so much about education how come you didn't take advantage of your opportunities?
My family, most of whom are Hispanic immigrants, thank you for the welcome. But you should know that we all voted for Donald Trump. We all came here legally and we don't want or need any of your liberal government programs. We expect every other person trying to come to the US to do stand in line and do so legally just like we did.

God Bless America and God Bless Our President.
First off, get off the programs bullshit.....unemployment in this country is 4%, at least for now, which mean, people are working. Stop buying the freebee liberal mantra' of welfare and bullshit. And my dear friend, most of that welfare is in the form of corporations and disability, which is a white man's free check.
It should be noted, dear friend, that those people stopped at the air ports, like you came to this country LEGALLY AND STILL FELT THE WRATH OF TRUMP, SO DON'T FEEL SO DAMNED SAFE.
Finally, no where in my comments did I say illegals. The photos I used may have been a bit misleading, but my comments are for legal immigrants from all over the world, including you and your family...which I doubt very seriously came here legally, just sayin

Then why are more than 40 million still on food stamps?
Most people on food stamps have jobs. Instead of Walmart or whoever paying them decent wages we provide them with food stamps. Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One

I have a solution. If the only job they have the skills to do are the ones that pay them an equivalent wage to their low skills, that's their fault and they shouldn't get a dime in social welfare. It's not the taxpayers place to offset someone's low skills when the pay they get for those low skills is equivalent to the value of those skills.

You say most on welfare have jobs. Are you also saying that when the number was much lower those on food stamps didn't have jobs?
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

Yeah...those Tsarnaev brothers were really into higher education.
My family, most of whom are Hispanic immigrants, thank you for the welcome. But you should know that we all voted for Donald Trump. We all came here legally and we don't want or need any of your liberal government programs. We expect every other person trying to come to the US to do stand in line and do so legally just like we did.

God Bless America and God Bless Our President.
First off, get off the programs bullshit.....unemployment in this country is 4%, at least for now, which mean, people are working. Stop buying the freebee liberal mantra' of welfare and bullshit. And my dear friend, most of that welfare is in the form of corporations and disability, which is a white man's free check.
It should be noted, dear friend, that those people stopped at the air ports, like you came to this country LEGALLY AND STILL FELT THE WRATH OF TRUMP, SO DON'T FEEL SO DAMNED SAFE.
Finally, no where in my comments did I say illegals. The photos I used may have been a bit misleading, but my comments are for legal immigrants from all over the world, including you and your family...which I doubt very seriously came here legally, just sayin

Then why are more than 40 million still on food stamps?
Most people on food stamps have jobs. Instead of Walmart or whoever paying them decent wages we provide them with food stamps. Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One
Thank you.....the biggest topic of this last election, which never got mentioned, is wages. You increase wages and welfare stops. You decrease welfare, keep wages low, expect a slow growth in GDP.

Why do you increase wages when the skills someone offers isn't to the level to which you want to raise wages? There's a constant clamor about increasing the minimum wage yet none of those clamoring have said a single word about what those that would get the increase will do to EARN it.

Cut welfare and let those that earned the money spend it.
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
When the Irish, English, French, German, Russian, Italian, et cetera immigrants came to the United States, they came to seek a future in a nation they saw as "free," free of religious oppression, free of monarchy rule, free to pursue their dreams. It has been a beacon for those who wanted to better themselves and be a part of a unique nation that had not existed before and thus, they blended in.
Islamists on the other hand, want religious oppression towards all who don't obey their religious laws, they don't want to be a part of this nation, rather, they want to change it by any and all means necessary. The bottom line is what they want is:
The Islamic States of America.
A nation that is ruled by the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith. A nation that makes women and non-believers, second class citizens. A nation that oppresses you, persecutes you and kills you, if you don't convert.
Hence, Islam has no place in this nation.
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

It sounds like your god is false globalist elite idol worshipping. Keep prayin', brother..............
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
When the Irish, English, French, German, Russian, Italian, et cetera immigrants came to the United States, they came to seek a future in a nation they saw as "free," free of religious oppression, free of monarchy rule, free to pursue their dreams. It has been a beacon for those who wanted to better themselves and be a part of a unique nation that had not existed before and thus, they blended in.
Islamists on the other hand, want religious oppression towards all who don't obey their religious laws, they don't want to be a part of this nation, rather, they want to change it by any and all means necessary. The bottom line is what they want is:
The Islamic States of America.
A nation that is ruled by the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith. A nation that makes women and non-believers, second class citizens. A nation that oppresses you, persecutes you and kills you, if you don't convert.
Hence, Islam has no place in this nation.

Islam has as much a place in this country as Christianity, Catholics, Judaism, etc. Truth be told and history revealed.....more people have been slaughtered under the Christianity cloak, than any religion in man kind history!! You need a lesson on tolerance
I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
I wish more people on the Left were this honest.

Very few would admit this is the goal.
We should all want to dilute the ignorant in this country.....who in their right mind defends a buffoon that occupies the white house day in and day out over words he himself keeps muttering???? I'm sick to death of this lying white mf, its too gotdamned much!!
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
For someone who knows so much about education how come you didn't take advantage of your opportunities?
LOLOLOLOL...another reason we need new blood in this country, eh?
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

Yeah...those Tsarnaev brothers were really into higher education.
But that Dillion Roof guy was and that blonde blue eyed murderer in Quebec.......Pot get the fuck out and meet kettle
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

Yeah...those Tsarnaev brothers were really into higher education.
But that Dillion Roof guy was and that blonde blue eyed murderer in Quebec.......Pot get the fuck out and meet kettle

Roof is not an immigrant or a member of a religion that wants to kill infidels,he was a lone wolf asshole and not indicative of the white race in general.
Nice try though.
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

Yeah...those Tsarnaev brothers were really into higher education.
But that Dillion Roof guy was and that blonde blue eyed murderer in Quebec.......Pot get the fuck out and meet kettle

Roof is not an immigrant or a member of a religion that wants to kill infidels,he was a lone wolf asshole and not indicative of the white race in general.
Nice try though.
Uh, we were talking "religion", yes?
Islam has as much a place in this country as Christianity, Catholics, Judaism, etc. Truth be told and history revealed.....more people have been slaughtered under the Christianity cloak, than any religion in man kind history!! You need a lesson on tolerance


To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.

Yeah...those Tsarnaev brothers were really into higher education.
But that Dillion Roof guy was and that blonde blue eyed murderer in Quebec.......Pot get the fuck out and meet kettle

Roof is not an immigrant or a member of a religion that wants to kill infidels,he was a lone wolf asshole and not indicative of the white race in general.
Nice try though.
Uh, we were talking "religion", yes?

No,we were talking about immigrants. Funny you dont know that since you started the thread.
To date, what the US has in its favor are immigrants. They come to this country and their biggest priority is education, education, education. Their kids grow up with a value that we American's take for granted, and that is education is the key to prosperity and dreams.

In this country, today, we have nothing but sorry ass nigga's and poor shit white trash calling the shots with our voter base. From rural america to urban shit holes....Two pathetic entities that gave us Trump, a sorry ass congress, fucked up senate and a immoral landscape that will soon ruin this country. So I welcome anybody coming to this country, diluting the stench that American born ingrates proclaim as their own.

I thank you and I pray God you procreate enough to end the nightmare of America's own.
When the Irish, English, French, German, Russian, Italian, et cetera immigrants came to the United States, they came to seek a future in a nation they saw as "free," free of religious oppression, free of monarchy rule, free to pursue their dreams. It has been a beacon for those who wanted to better themselves and be a part of a unique nation that had not existed before and thus, they blended in.
Islamists on the other hand, want religious oppression towards all who don't obey their religious laws, they don't want to be a part of this nation, rather, they want to change it by any and all means necessary. The bottom line is what they want is:
The Islamic States of America.
A nation that is ruled by the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith. A nation that makes women and non-believers, second class citizens. A nation that oppresses you, persecutes you and kills you, if you don't convert.
Hence, Islam has no place in this nation.

Islam has as much a place in this country as Christianity, Catholics, Judaism, etc. Truth be told and history revealed.....more people have been slaughtered under the Christianity cloak, than any religion in man kind history!! You need a lesson on tolerance
Killing in mass numbers in the name of religion occurred centuries ago. As a matter of fact, the "Crusades" the Muslims continue to complain about, was only in response to continued attacks against Christian and Hebrew regions and because the Byzantine Emperor begged the Pope for armies to stop the Muslim attacks against Jerusalem. The Muslims had been attacking, killing, enslaving and trying to conquer Europe with large armies for four centuries "prior" to the first Crusade.
The Catholic church was responsible for the Inquisition, but over time, the advent of Lutheranism and the Renaissance, such things died out. Islam has "never" ceased its ongoing attempt to "conquer" non-Islamic territories. The Christians had their Jesus Christ (essentially the world's first hippie) to temper their attitudes. Islam only has one miserable, fake prophet who was a Arab warlord, thief, murderer and pedophile. He claimed he was the last of the prophets and that there would be none who would follow. His devout followers firmly believe that to be a true Muslim, Muhammad's latter teachings of hate and killing, supersede his earlier teachings of peace. As for any reformation, Islam already had it, which created the Wahhabi version...even stricter than the others. Yet no matter which version, Shi'a or Sunni, the ultimate goal remains the same. There remains an old saying today which holds true, "when a non-Muslim nation borders a Muslim nation, there is blood." The west hasn't been at war with Islam, but Islam has never stopped being at war with the non-Muslim world. Thus, it is my opinion that the west must go to war with all of Islam, or lose to it.

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