I think I have Finally Figured Out Why Dimocrats Ar e Being Chicom Shills

Are the Dimocrats supporting the Chicoms due to.....

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me.

I have long known that Dimocrats are not loyal Americans since the time they defended Jane Fonda and pulled the rug out from under Free South Vietnam, but their support for Beijing was just bizarr.

Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?

Now I think I know why given the Dimocrats long track record in this regard; they admire the Chicoms for their anti-black racism!

Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs minister, Geoffrey Onyeama, issued scathing remarks against the communist government of China on Thursday, announcing Nigerian diplomats in Guangzhou were instructed to document cases of racism by Chinese against their citizens.
For weeks, videos, local reports, and other evidence have indicated widespread racist attacks and policies by Chinese in Guangzhou, a southern port city that is home to many of China’s African residents. Africans and black people from other parts of the world in the city reported being forcibly evicted despite paying their rents and banned from businesses like hotels and restaurants.
In a particularly embarrassing incident for the American company, a McDonald’s in Guangzhou posted a sign stating it would not allow black-skinned people into the establishment, triggering “diversity and inclusion training” mandated by corporate officers.
Many Africans were reportedly forced to sleep on the streets of Guangzhou, despite having the money to pay for shelter, because no Chinese residence or hotel would take them.
The racism appears to be based on rumors circulated in party by the Communist Party that cases of Chinese coronavirus in its origin country are now coming from “foreigners.” Beijing calls cases of individuals diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus after entering the country from abroad “imported” cases and claims any threat to Chinese nationals comes from these, and not domestic, cases of the virus.
There is no evidence that African people are more likely to be carrying the virus and it is not clear why some in Guangzhou concluded that banning black people from their businesses would protect them from the Chinese coronavirus. Africa is among the continents with the lowest numbers of documented Chinese coronavirus cases.
“We are deeply wounded by what is happening to Nigerians and other Africans living in China, it is something we never expected and we will pursue it,” Onyeama told reporters in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, on Thursday.

Isnt it amazing how facts can just fall into line like that?

The Dimocrats are joining the side of racism and discrimination yet again!
This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me. Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?
  1. After the failures of Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Russia, Russia, Russia and Nancy, Adam and Jerry's Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, after their failures to get Trump's tax records, and after Trump's huge success in India, what worse thing could be dealt a president like Trump now on his downhill slide into reelection than for the country to be dealt the blow of a pandemic virus that should not have penetrated far and fast into our country? Not just that the virus gained a hold quicker and broader than it ever should have, apparently coming in largely by Chinese from Canada to that nursing home in Bill Gate's home town to quickly spread everywhere like fire, but the forced shutdown imposed by the Democrats at THEIR INSISTENCE that has crippled the country, destroyed Trump's great economy and sent the nation spinning into turmoil! And now the Democrats are screaming that we don't dare lift the shutdown neither, despite evidence that we have overestimated it by up to 50X! WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  2. Virus in place, threats of it never going away, it has placed Trump permanently on the front page under the spotlight and criticism. Nothing he can do is right now and he is criticized at every turn for not being a mind-reader and a magician. WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  3. The coronademic has essentially taken the Democratic debate off line. There is no debate, no media attention, no questions, no challenge to Biden, Bernie folded lie a cheap suit, no one is even thinking about the democratic debate, caucus, convention, nomination, his record, or what kind of president Joe might actually be. Even they got nothing other than to present him as a "person X" to just waltz in and take Trump's job. The 2020 DNC Slogan has become: Joe Biden: At least he's not Donald Trump. Is that the new qualification for the most important job in the country? The Democrats are hoping it will be for you cause they got nothing good to say about WHY anyone should vote for Joe other than: "he's not Donald Trump." WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  4. The Democrats have been working with and kissing Chinese's asses for years since the days of Bill Clinton. Remember, the Democrats are the ones all these other socialist anti-America countries all like! Trump has been rocking their boat big time with military challenges in the China Sea, battling them over trade, NK, etc. Now the Chinese and Dems are pairing up together against Trump. Coincidence? WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  5. With all this going on, Biden has been handed the perfect excuse now to go fully underground. Not out campaigning, not giving interviews, no debates, he pops up to read a prepared script on some Facebook or Skype video every blue moon. They even anticipated that it might be difficult to even hold an election this Fall and might need delayed and so have begun the media challenge claiming that Trump will try to run so that if it happens, they can try to spin it as a Trump spin tactic! They'll claim Trump is on the ropes running scared! Anything hoping to turn public perception of him. They got Joe safely packed away on ice where he can rest, take his Geritol, try to remember what his wife looks like, not sniff anymore children, and best of all, hopefully stay well as possible and not come down sick, or at least show his illness and have to drop out of the race. WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
IN EVERY WAY, in every instance, the Democrats have been handed their BEST CASE situation for Trump being harmed, dragged down in the media, while giving Joe a free pass, a boost, clear sailing, and a wide open lane to making it to the November election with as little scrutiny and challenges, examination and burden on his frail body as possible!


WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats have been handed?

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This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me.

I have long known that Dimocrats are not loyal Americans since the time they defended Jane Fonda and pulled the rug out from under Free South Vietnam, but their support for Beijing was just bizarr.

Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?

Now I think I know why given the Dimocrats long track record in this regard; they admire the Chicoms for their anti-black racism!

Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs minister, Geoffrey Onyeama, issued scathing remarks against the communist government of China on Thursday, announcing Nigerian diplomats in Guangzhou were instructed to document cases of racism by Chinese against their citizens.
For weeks, videos, local reports, and other evidence have indicated widespread racist attacks and policies by Chinese in Guangzhou, a southern port city that is home to many of China’s African residents. Africans and black people from other parts of the world in the city reported being forcibly evicted despite paying their rents and banned from businesses like hotels and restaurants.
In a particularly embarrassing incident for the American company, a McDonald’s in Guangzhou posted a sign stating it would not allow black-skinned people into the establishment, triggering “diversity and inclusion training” mandated by corporate officers.
Many Africans were reportedly forced to sleep on the streets of Guangzhou, despite having the money to pay for shelter, because no Chinese residence or hotel would take them.
The racism appears to be based on rumors circulated in party by the Communist Party that cases of Chinese coronavirus in its origin country are now coming from “foreigners.” Beijing calls cases of individuals diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus after entering the country from abroad “imported” cases and claims any threat to Chinese nationals comes from these, and not domestic, cases of the virus.
There is no evidence that African people are more likely to be carrying the virus and it is not clear why some in Guangzhou concluded that banning black people from their businesses would protect them from the Chinese coronavirus. Africa is among the continents with the lowest numbers of documented Chinese coronavirus cases.
“We are deeply wounded by what is happening to Nigerians and other Africans living in China, it is something we never expected and we will pursue it,” Onyeama told reporters in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, on Thursday.

Isnt it amazing how facts can just fall into line like that?

The Dimocrats are joining the side of racism and discrimination yet again!

That was a nice long winded lie.
This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me. Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?
  1. After the failures of Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Russia, Russia, Russia and Nancy, Adam and Jerry's Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, after their failures to get Trump's tax records, and after Trump's huge success in India, what worse thing could be dealt a president like Trump now on his downhill slide into reelection than for the country to be dealt the blow of a pandemic virus that should not have penetrated far and fast into our country? Not just that the virus gained a hold quicker and broader than it ever should have, apparently coming in largely by Chinese from Canada to that nursing home in Bill Gate's home town to quickly spread everywhere like fire, but the forced shutdown imposed by the Democrats at THEIR INSISTENCE that has crippled the country, destroyed Trump's great economy and sent the nation spinning into turmoil! And now the Democrats are screaming that we don't dare lift the shutdown neither, despite evidence that we have overestimated it by up to 50X! WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  2. Virus in place, threats of it never going away, it has placed Trump permanently on the front page under the spotlight and criticism. Nothing he can do is right now and he is criticized at every turn for not being a mind-reader and a magician. WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  3. The coronademic has essentially taken the Democratic debate off line. There is no debate, no media attention, no questions, no challenge to Biden, Bernie folded lie a cheap suit, no one is even thinking about the democratic debate, caucus, convention, nomination, his record, or what kind of president Joe might actually be. Even they got nothing other than to present him as a "person X" to just waltz in and take Trump's job. The 2020 DNC Slogan has become: Joe Biden: At least he's not Donald Trump. Is that the new qualification for the most important job in the country? The Democrats are hoping it will be for you cause they got nothing good to say about WHY anyone should vote for Joe other than: "he's not Donald Trump." WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  4. The Democrats have been working with and kissing Chinese's asses for years since the days of Bill Clinton. Remember, the Democrats are the ones all these other socialist anti-America countries all like! Trump has been rocking their boat big time with military challenges in the China Sea, battling them over trade, NK, etc. Now the Chinese and Dems are pairing up together against Trump. Coincidence? WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
  5. With all this going on, Biden has been handed the perfect excuse now to go fully underground. Not out campaigning, not giving interviews, no debates, he pops up to read a prepared script on some Facebook or Skype video every blue moon. They even anticipated that it might be difficult to even hold an election this Fall and might need delayed and so have begun the media challenge claiming that Trump will try to run so that if it happens, they can try to spin it as a Trump spin tactic! They'll claim Trump is on the ropes running scared! Anything hoping to turn public perception of him. They got Joe safely packed away on ice where he can rest, take his Geritol, try to remember what his wife looks like, not sniff anymore children, and best of all, hopefully stay well as possible and not come down sick, or at least show his illness and have to drop out of the race. WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats been handed against Trump?
IN EVERY WAY, in every instance, the Democrats have been handed their BEST CASE situation for Trump being harmed, dragged down in the media, while giving Joe a free pass, a boost, clear sailing, and a wide open lane to making it to the November election with as little scrutiny and challenges, examination and burden on his frail body as possible!


WHAT BETTER SILVER PLATTER far worse than the virus itself could the Democrats have been handed?

View attachment 327669
I suspect you are correct and the traitors have simply gone full reatard and dont grasp how utterly anti-American they now are.
Looks like Jim bought in to Russian and right wing propaganda about the Chinese propaganda?
It looks like you have been totally fooled by the chinese communists.
About what?
fooled about china not having bigoted or perhaps racist views toward black people

that does not fit the cuddly panda bear image of china that the communist dictatorship prefers

so libs are either very gullible or they are playing dumb
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This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me.

I have long known that Dimocrats are not loyal Americans since the time they defended Jane Fonda and pulled the rug out from under Free South Vietnam, but their support for Beijing was just bizarr.

Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?

Now I think I know why given the Dimocrats long track record in this regard; they admire the Chicoms for their anti-black racism!

Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs minister, Geoffrey Onyeama, issued scathing remarks against the communist government of China on Thursday, announcing Nigerian diplomats in Guangzhou were instructed to document cases of racism by Chinese against their citizens.
For weeks, videos, local reports, and other evidence have indicated widespread racist attacks and policies by Chinese in Guangzhou, a southern port city that is home to many of China’s African residents. Africans and black people from other parts of the world in the city reported being forcibly evicted despite paying their rents and banned from businesses like hotels and restaurants.
In a particularly embarrassing incident for the American company, a McDonald’s in Guangzhou posted a sign stating it would not allow black-skinned people into the establishment, triggering “diversity and inclusion training” mandated by corporate officers.
Many Africans were reportedly forced to sleep on the streets of Guangzhou, despite having the money to pay for shelter, because no Chinese residence or hotel would take them.
The racism appears to be based on rumors circulated in party by the Communist Party that cases of Chinese coronavirus in its origin country are now coming from “foreigners.” Beijing calls cases of individuals diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus after entering the country from abroad “imported” cases and claims any threat to Chinese nationals comes from these, and not domestic, cases of the virus.
There is no evidence that African people are more likely to be carrying the virus and it is not clear why some in Guangzhou concluded that banning black people from their businesses would protect them from the Chinese coronavirus. Africa is among the continents with the lowest numbers of documented Chinese coronavirus cases.
“We are deeply wounded by what is happening to Nigerians and other Africans living in China, it is something we never expected and we will pursue it,” Onyeama told reporters in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, on Thursday.

Isnt it amazing how facts can just fall into line like that?

The Dimocrats are joining the side of racism and discrimination yet again!
your president gets fried because he is a fucking idiot. no other reason.
so libs are either very gullible or they are playing dumb
Or they are Traitors knowingly aiding and abetting a foreign communist regime that murders its own people and undermining a duly elected President of the USA.

Based on their behavior and rhetoric, I say it is the latter case.

Dimocrats are lying fucktards.

Hard to imagine who hates America more: the ChiComs or the "fundamentally transform America" democrats. At least the ChiComs are foreigners so you expect some envy, but democrats were once Americans
This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me.

I have long known that Dimocrats are not loyal Americans since the time they defended Jane Fonda and pulled the rug out from under Free South Vietnam, but their support for Beijing was just bizarr.

Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?

Now I think I know why given the Dimocrats long track record in this regard; they admire the Chicoms for their anti-black racism!

Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs minister, Geoffrey Onyeama, issued scathing remarks against the communist government of China on Thursday, announcing Nigerian diplomats in Guangzhou were instructed to document cases of racism by Chinese against their citizens.
For weeks, videos, local reports, and other evidence have indicated widespread racist attacks and policies by Chinese in Guangzhou, a southern port city that is home to many of China’s African residents. Africans and black people from other parts of the world in the city reported being forcibly evicted despite paying their rents and banned from businesses like hotels and restaurants.
In a particularly embarrassing incident for the American company, a McDonald’s in Guangzhou posted a sign stating it would not allow black-skinned people into the establishment, triggering “diversity and inclusion training” mandated by corporate officers.
Many Africans were reportedly forced to sleep on the streets of Guangzhou, despite having the money to pay for shelter, because no Chinese residence or hotel would take them.
The racism appears to be based on rumors circulated in party by the Communist Party that cases of Chinese coronavirus in its origin country are now coming from “foreigners.” Beijing calls cases of individuals diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus after entering the country from abroad “imported” cases and claims any threat to Chinese nationals comes from these, and not domestic, cases of the virus.
There is no evidence that African people are more likely to be carrying the virus and it is not clear why some in Guangzhou concluded that banning black people from their businesses would protect them from the Chinese coronavirus. Africa is among the continents with the lowest numbers of documented Chinese coronavirus cases.
“We are deeply wounded by what is happening to Nigerians and other Africans living in China, it is something we never expected and we will pursue it,” Onyeama told reporters in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, on Thursday.

Isnt it amazing how facts can just fall into line like that?

The Dimocrats are joining the side of racism and discrimination yet again!

That was a nice long winded lie.

So you support ChiCom treatment of blacks.

Good to know, fake negro

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