I think I have Finally Figured Out Why Dimocrats Ar e Being Chicom Shills

Are the Dimocrats supporting the Chicoms due to.....

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I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

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Lol, you mean like 10 tRumplings will start the same thread within minutes of each other using exactly the same verbage and links?

I assume there are some of cases, but nowhere close to what you leties are doing.

Yesterday it was first a number of far ranging efforts to find research into injected solvents, then like flipping a switch you all went to "it was sarcastic".

What will it be today? It seems the instructions come out in early afternoon, so I'm sure we will find out soon.

"you all"

For couple of days I was under rock, or absent, wasn't even watching what's going on.

So I got back, and see lefties all screaming how Trump recommended drinking bleach. That was interesting, since no sane person would say anything like that. Well, I read transcript, watched the videos and saw that was just another hoax launched by the media, and just another instance of TDS.

I don't know what's about the "sarcasm" you talking about, but for sure I won't take your word for it and will do my own research before I say anything. I just know that if you lefties claim something, most likely or almost certainly it did not happen.
You'd have to be insane to believe that.
You just swallowed that RWNJ propaganda whole, didn't you.
You dont believe a word of it?

are communists above bigotry toward africans in your opinion?
Don't cherry pick to make excuses.

The best propaganda contains tidbits of truth to make it more plausible.
There are many examples if you care to look

maybe our fear of minority stereotyping is too pc, but china is totally the opposite way
Sure, just ignore my comment and continue to focus on minutia.
What is your greater point that you think Frank and I are missing?
Go back to my first comment.
Humor me and give us the number of that post
Thanks but there is nothing in post #28 for me to react to

Don't cherry pick to make excuses.

The best propaganda contains tidbits of truth to make it more plausible.

There's nothing in post 28 you want to react to.

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