I think I have Finally Figured Out Why Dimocrats Ar e Being Chicom Shills

Are the Dimocrats supporting the Chicoms due to.....

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I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

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Ol' Mac never has to name names (2).
Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?
Because rich Democrats serve and profit from the same "lying fascists" as Trump:

Trump's Conflicts of Interest in China - Center for American Progress

"Trump, despite his rhetoric, is a participant and a beneficiary of the global economic system that he blames for the gutting of the American middle class.

"The Chinese financial investments that end up funding Trump’s office buildings and similar high-end developments are the mirror image of the trade deficit that has cost the United States, and Trump-supporting regions in particular, millions of jobs.

"The United States sends money across the Pacific to pay for goods manufactured in China, then China uses a lot of that money to make dollar-denominated investments in real estate and other sectors, and purchase U.S. Treasury bonds."

Donald Trump’s Debt to China
This behavior of Dimocrats and the 'major media' carrying the Chicoms talking points and attacking our own President during a national emergency has been puzzling me.

I have long known that Dimocrats are not loyal Americans since the time they defended Jane Fonda and pulled the rug out from under Free South Vietnam, but their support for Beijing was just bizarr.

Why would they do that? Why defend the worst murdering, lying, fascist national government on the planet?

Now I think I know why given the Dimocrats long track record in this regard; they admire the Chicoms for their anti-black racism!

Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs minister, Geoffrey Onyeama, issued scathing remarks against the communist government of China on Thursday, announcing Nigerian diplomats in Guangzhou were instructed to document cases of racism by Chinese against their citizens.
For weeks, videos, local reports, and other evidence have indicated widespread racist attacks and policies by Chinese in Guangzhou, a southern port city that is home to many of China’s African residents. Africans and black people from other parts of the world in the city reported being forcibly evicted despite paying their rents and banned from businesses like hotels and restaurants.
In a particularly embarrassing incident for the American company, a McDonald’s in Guangzhou posted a sign stating it would not allow black-skinned people into the establishment, triggering “diversity and inclusion training” mandated by corporate officers.
Many Africans were reportedly forced to sleep on the streets of Guangzhou, despite having the money to pay for shelter, because no Chinese residence or hotel would take them.
The racism appears to be based on rumors circulated in party by the Communist Party that cases of Chinese coronavirus in its origin country are now coming from “foreigners.” Beijing calls cases of individuals diagnosed with Chinese coronavirus after entering the country from abroad “imported” cases and claims any threat to Chinese nationals comes from these, and not domestic, cases of the virus.
There is no evidence that African people are more likely to be carrying the virus and it is not clear why some in Guangzhou concluded that banning black people from their businesses would protect them from the Chinese coronavirus. Africa is among the continents with the lowest numbers of documented Chinese coronavirus cases.
“We are deeply wounded by what is happening to Nigerians and other Africans living in China, it is something we never expected and we will pursue it,” Onyeama told reporters in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, on Thursday.

Isnt it amazing how facts can just fall into line like that?

The Dimocrats are joining the side of racism and discrimination yet again!
The neo-Socialist (formerly Democrat) Party in the US has seen an increase in the numbers of Marxist/Leninist youths being churned out of our public education system, as a result of an infiltration by teachers and professors harboring a pro-Communist ideology; as such, the formerly Democrat Party has shifted further to the left to accommodate the growing numbers of Marxist/Leninists that are coming into their ranks and over time will continue to shift further left as more AOC's come into their ranks.
Personally, I don't think that Biden is pro-Communism, but he is a useful asset of China. He has publicly claimed that "China isn't such a bad guy," even though they have killed millions and kills young people protesting that demand "freedom" to choose their own candidates. In Tiananmen Square, thousand of unarmed citizens were killed, simply protesting Communist rule. Leaders of the latest protests in Hong Kong were arrested and have "disappeared" and others beaten and shot.
Biden is doing exactly what China wants when he has publicly stated that he will take weapons away from our law-abiding citizens, as China has said that the American public owning guns is a problem.
So, while there may be a racist element to some of it, the overall problem remains one of the Communist goal of world domination and authoritarianism.
I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

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Lol, you mean like 10 tRumplings will start the same thread within minutes of each other using exactly the same verbage and links?
I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

View attachment 327890
Lol, you mean like 10 tRumplings will start the same thread within minutes of each other using exactly the same verbage and links?

I assume there are some of cases, but nowhere close to what you leties are doing.
I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

View attachment 327890
Lol, you mean like 10 tRumplings will start the same thread within minutes of each other using exactly the same verbage and links?

I assume there are some of cases, but nowhere close to what you leties are doing.

Yesterday it was first a number of far ranging efforts to find research into injected solvents, then like flipping a switch you all went to "it was sarcastic".

What will it be today? It seems the instructions come out in early afternoon, so I'm sure we will find out soon.
I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

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rdean is a Chinese girl?

Now that came out of left field...
The democrats have frittered away their opportunity to establish their policies and sell it to the American people.
They have been so focused on removing Trump with one hoax to another hoax to another hoax, that their time
has expired for mounting any kind of platform.
Now with time running out before the election, they are all in on lying about Trump and this pandemic. They have nothing else.
They have to go with how Trump screwed everything up, he did nothing right, he killed 50,00 Americans, we are all going to die
drum beat. They have thrown a nearly 80 year old man who has problems with speaking and remembering into the election cycle.
That is just sad for him, and their party. They better have it figured out by the 2024 election, because they are running out of
hoaxes. Chicoms isn't working for them
I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

View attachment 327890
Lol, you mean like 10 tRumplings will start the same thread within minutes of each other using exactly the same verbage and links?

I assume there are some of cases, but nowhere close to what you leties are doing.

Yesterday it was first a number of far ranging efforts to find research into injected solvents, then like flipping a switch you all went to "it was sarcastic".

What will it be today? It seems the instructions come out in early afternoon, so I'm sure we will find out soon.

"you all"

For couple of days I was under rock, or absent, wasn't even watching what's going on.

So I got back, and see lefties all screaming how Trump recommended drinking bleach. That was interesting, since no sane person would say anything like that. Well, I read transcript, watched the videos and saw that was just another hoax launched by the media, and just another instance of TDS.

I don't know what's about the "sarcasm" you talking about, but for sure I won't take your word for it and will do my own research before I say anything. I just know that if you lefties claim something, most likely or almost certainly it did not happen.
You're so predictable as you stand in the middle of the far left side of the road.
We all laugh when you proclaim you're not a "winger"
Mac is the biggest fraud on these boards.

But he sure had me going with his neutral nonpartisan horse shit.

It is nice to realize he is just another partisan Dimocrat troll looking for laughs because that is what losers like him do.
You're so predictable as you stand in the middle of the far left side of the road.
We all laugh when you proclaim you're not a "winger"
Mac is the biggest fraud on these boards.

But he sure had me going with his neutral nonpartisan horse shit.

It is nice to realize he is just another partisan Dimocrat troll looking for laughs because that is what losers like him do.

They all claim they're "non-partisan", sometimes they're actually Republicans. Like Mueller, or Comie, or Romney, before they back stab you.
I dont mind his opinions, just the pretense that he is above politics and just goes by the facts. We ALL THINK we do, but most of us recognize our own bias (mine is right though)
You're so predictable as you stand in the middle of the far left side of the road.
We all laugh when you proclaim you're not a "winger"
Mac is the biggest fraud on these boards.

But he sure had me going with his neutral nonpartisan horse shit.

It is nice to realize he is just another partisan Dimocrat troll looking for laughs because that is what losers like him do.
I'm poking fun at gullible idiots.
Worse than gullible.

This is how they (blatantly try to) deflect from the racism that they know, damn well, still exists in too much of their party.

This only enables it more, so they are complicit. Those who enable it may even be worse than those who perpetrate it.

There's plenty of it right here on USMB, and I'll have my nice, long list of such posts ready for any of them who want to deny it.

It is interesting how all those lefties simultaneously jump to every topic and every thread, with the same ideology, and the same mindset. It's almost like one, or couple persons are posting from different logins at the same time. It's like Chinese Wu Mao army, with "American" prefix...

View attachment 327890
Lol, you mean like 10 tRumplings will start the same thread within minutes of each other using exactly the same verbage and links?

I assume there are some of cases, but nowhere close to what you leties are doing.

Yesterday it was first a number of far ranging efforts to find research into injected solvents, then like flipping a switch you all went to "it was sarcastic".

What will it be today? It seems the instructions come out in early afternoon, so I'm sure we will find out soon.

"you all"

For couple of days I was under rock, or absent, wasn't even watching what's going on.

So I got back, and see lefties all screaming how Trump recommended drinking bleach. That was interesting, since no sane person would say anything like that. Well, I read transcript, watched the videos and saw that was just another hoax launched by the media, and just another instance of TDS.

I don't know what's about the "sarcasm" you talking about, but for sure I won't take your word for it and will do my own research before I say anything. I just know that if you lefties claim something, most likely or almost certainly it did not happen.
When this topic fades away, they'll find the next thing to jump on. There will ALWAYS be some distraction to keep them worked up.
Like I said, Trump nowhere said anything about drinking bleach. He was talking about disinfectant.

Everyone on left is acting like he did, which shows how desperate they are.

This is the most irritating narrative yet.


If you can't believe, why are you saying it, moron?
Like I said, Trump nowhere said anything about drinking bleach. He was talking about disinfectant.

Everyone on left is acting like he did, which shows how desperate they are.

This is the most irritating narrative yet.

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If you can't believe, why are you saying it, moron?
His caretakers told him what to say

Are they the same caretakers that care for Hillary?

You just swallowed that RWNJ propaganda whole, didn't you.
You dont believe a word of it?

are communists above bigotry toward africans in your opinion?
Don't cherry pick to make excuses.

The best propaganda contains tidbits of truth to make it more plausible.
There are many examples if you care to look

maybe our fear of minority stereotyping is too pc, but china is totally the opposite way
Sure, just ignore my comment and continue to focus on minutia.
What is your greater point that you think Frank and I are missing?
Go back to my first comment.
Humor me and give us the number of that post
Thanks but there is nothing in post #28 for me to react to

Don't cherry pick to make excuses.

The best propaganda contains tidbits of truth to make it more plausible.
Like I said, Trump nowhere said anything about drinking bleach. He was talking about disinfectant.

Everyone on left is acting like he did, which shows how desperate they are.

This is the most irritating narrative yet.

View attachment 327938

If you can't believe, why are you saying it, moron?
His caretakers told him what to say

Are they the same caretakers that care for Hillary?

View attachment 327943
Yep The organization these caretakers work for is called the DNC. They dont speak until they get their words from the DNC

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