I Think My School District Just Turned Me Into A Trump Voter

Oh bullshit. That didn't happen.

Posted this before but there was ONE (1) occasion where a kid brought firearms to my high school, and the school administration freaked the fuck out. He got suspended. Or maybe expelled, not sure.

This was the same kid who a few years before was the only one who stepped forward when we took a class trip to a museum and they showed us a flintlock and offered to let us handle it. He was the only one interested, and he seemed very interested. That's just observation on my part, but the dots connect.
Yeah, actually they did.

My dad still has the hunting rifle he used to take to school and then go hunting with.

They had hunting clubs in high schools.
---------------------------------- and target ranges at the KofC and the MASONIC building in the basement . And walk through town with your gun after school to the ranges . Then hitch hike home after shooting at the range or load'er up and walk through the woods plinking or shooting at rabbits and squirrels . The big kids had their rifles in their pickups rear windows parked in the school parking lots .

Are you guys like 170 years old?
------------------------------------------ no , its just that America was still America in the 60s and very early 70s until it started changing for the really bad in the early 80s , imo Pogo .

uh HUH.

See that incident I described above, where the school freaked out and the kid got suspended/expelled for bringing a firearm to school? That was right there in the 1960s. You know, when "America was still America", whatever that means, (yet another emotionally-based non sequitur -- perhaps Mac1958 can decline to explain it)..... that's why I don't believe you. Personal experience.




Even more at link
Gun Clubs at School | National Review

That is, if they handed them in at all. Up until the ’70s, especially in rural areas, it was commonplace to see kids entering and leaving their school campuses with rifle bags slung lazily over their backs. Guns were left in school lockers, and rifles and shotguns were routinely seen in high-school parking lots, hanging in the rear windows of pickup trucks. A good friend of mine is from North Dakota. His father was telling me recently that in the late 1960s he would hunt before school and then take his rifle — and his bloodstained kills — to school to show his teachers. He and his friends would compare their shooting techniques in the school grounds. Nobody batted an eyelid. In North Dakota, school shootings were non-existent; in the country at large, they were extremely rare.
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Public education works for many people too-but not all.
But is better policy, over the whole. And it's not close. You probably shouldn't waste your time trying to convince me otherwise.

I disagree. Over half of what I pay in property taxes goes to the schools that me nor any of my tenants have children in. With home school, you don't need six figure administrators to run things. You don't need school buses or drivers. I've never heard of a home school shooting. Kids are safer, have more individual attention, and have higher goals than those in public school.
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.
Good one. Schools could have used the incident as a positive learning experience from the kid who pointed his finger at someone and said "ka-pow!" Unfortunately, not only was he ratted out by a well-rewarded tattle-tale, his teacher ratted him out to her superiors, too. Then the principal ratted the kid out to higher authroities and put a black mark forever on the kids' school record. What ever happened to sitting the kid down and saying "You know, if that had been a real gun, you could wind up hurting someone and spending the rest of your life in jail. You also frightened some of your fellow classmates, not to mention your teacher who trusted chi
Why is that, because only a certified teacher can teach?
No,because curricula would suffer, amd the teachers simply would not be as good over the whole.

As it turns out, the average teacher actually is a better teacher than the average non teacher.

I don't know where you are getting your information from. Most people who home school have internet sites that help and provide information for teaching at home. What parents teach is no different than what school teaches perhaps outside of religion or BS classes like gym and home ed.

My tenants for example have two girls both home schooled. Once their work is complete, they are able to go outside and play. In school, they are basically baby sitting services and keep you there regardless how much school work you completed. There is no reward for studying.

I hated school when I was a kid. I think if we had home schooling back then, I would have been able to learn much more than in school. The mere threat of having to go to school if I didn't study at home would have been enough for me to bust my ass.
Like I said, I'm sure it works for a lot of people. But not a good idea,on a larger scale. Thats all. Better to make our public schools better.
The only way you could do that is to put military officers in them who more than self their country love. :tank:
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.
Okay so you’re pissed that the teacher told you to stop doing that?

Okay, I’m gonna give you a little anecdote I alluded to in the previous post. A few years ago I was in a restaurant minding my own business when this guy from several tables go “bam, bam, bam!” with his hand in the shape of a gun. It was creepy and menacing given his demeanor. If the guy did this bang gesture with a gun shaped hand all stoic like I wouldn’t be freaked out. It would just be weird. This guy did it like a psychopath would. Was the whole situation harmless in the end? Yes, but it was still unnerving initially at the time because I had no idea who this dude was and if he was psycho enough to start shooting at me. The point is, the hand gun gesture by itself isn’t the issue. It’s the demeanor that matters.
On average, folks that are home-schooled are better educated the folks that are indoctrinated in government institutions.
By what measure? And, even if true, they are not comparable samples. So I don't think that speaks to the superiority of home schooling.
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.

Rubber bands don't hurt like small folded up pieces of paper shot with a doubled-up rubber band do.

This could put an eye out:

(This guy's paper bullets are too thin)

Nah, some of my fellow students were worse. They shot paper clips. Those really hurt when you go hit; especial with the pointed end. :badgrin:
What about spit wads through straws. Lol.
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.

Rubber bands don't hurt like small folded up pieces of paper shot with a doubled-up rubber band do.

This could put an eye out:

(This guy's paper bullets are too thin)

Nah, some of my fellow students were worse. They shot paper clips. Those really hurt when you go hit; especial with the pointed end. :badgrin:
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.
Okay so you’re pissed that the teacher told you to stop doing that?

Okay, I’m gonna give you a little anecdote I alluded to in the previous post. A few years ago I was in a restaurant minding my own business when this guy from several tables go “bam, bam, bam!” with his hand in the shape of a gun. It was creepy and menacing given his demeanor. If the guy did this bang gesture with a gun shaped hand all stoic like I wouldn’t be freaked out. It would just be weird. This guy did it like a psychopath would. Was the whole situation harmless in the end? Yes, but it was still unnerving initially at the time because I had no idea who this dude was and if he was psycho enough to start shooting at me. The point is, the hand gun gesture by itself isn’t the issue. It’s the demeanor that matters.

I think it's the age that matters in your comparison.

When I was a child, I would lay on my front lawn in the winter and make snow angels with my arms and legs. The neighbors would walk by and laugh at how cute I was. When I do it now, the neighbors don't laugh. They call the police, and the cops tell me to get my drunken ass back in the house. :auiqs.jpg:

There is no need to be alarmed by a child making a gun with his hand. An adult? That's an entirely different situation because the adult is acting like a child.
What about spit wads through straws. Lol.
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.

Rubber bands don't hurt like small folded up pieces of paper shot with a doubled-up rubber band do.

This could put an eye out:

(This guy's paper bullets are too thin)

Nah, some of my fellow students were worse. They shot paper clips. Those really hurt when you go hit; especial with the pointed end. :badgrin:

Oh yes, those spit ball days. I remember a teacher getting nailed right in the eye with one of those.
On average, folks that are home-schooled are better educated the folks that are indoctrinated in government institutions.
By what measure? And, even if true, they are not comparable samples. So I don't think that speaks to the superiority of home schooling.
Perhaps, but taking you as a representative sample of one, that is enough . . . .


. . . . just teasin' ya.
Yep, think a few in my school got hit as well. Those caught had to spend their off period in detention in study hall.
What about spit wads through straws. Lol.
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.

Rubber bands don't hurt like small folded up pieces of paper shot with a doubled-up rubber band do.

This could put an eye out:

(This guy's paper bullets are too thin)

Nah, some of my fellow students were worse. They shot paper clips. Those really hurt when you go hit; especial with the pointed end. :badgrin:

Oh yes, those spit ball days. I remember a teacher getting nailed right in the eye with one of those.
The point is, regardless of your son’s true intentions, did he unintentionally make someone feel scared because of some emulation in his mind from a movie or some shit and that wires got crossed? Essentially what I am saying is that the gun-shape of his hand wouldn’t have been such a big deal if his demeanor was different.

Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.
Okay so you’re pissed that the teacher told you to stop doing that?

Okay, I’m gonna give you a little anecdote I alluded to in the previous post. A few years ago I was in a restaurant minding my own business when this guy from several tables go “bam, bam, bam!” with his hand in the shape of a gun. It was creepy and menacing given his demeanor. If the guy did this bang gesture with a gun shaped hand all stoic like I wouldn’t be freaked out. It would just be weird. This guy did it like a psychopath would. Was the whole situation harmless in the end? Yes, but it was still unnerving initially at the time because I had no idea who this dude was and if he was psycho enough to start shooting at me. The point is, the hand gun gesture by itself isn’t the issue. It’s the demeanor that matters.

I think it's the age that matters in your comparison.

When I was a child, I would lay on my front lawn in the winter and make snow angels with my arms and legs. The neighbors would walk by and laugh at how cute I was. When I do it now, the neighbors don't laugh. They call the police, and the cops tell me to get my drunken ass back in the house. :auiqs.jpg:

There is no need to be alarmed by a child making a gun with his hand. An adult? That's an entirely different situation because the adult is acting like a child.
Okay I’m gonna tell you another anecdote that is going to shatter your worldview because I am a millennial who grew up in the supposed helicopter parent generation. In Kindergarten the kids and I at recess were playing a game that involved us all shooting each other with the gun hand gesture. At one point, I was “shot” and was declared “dead” so I fell to the ground like I was unconscious. Naturally, the female teacher supervising us walked over to make sure I was just pretending. Obviously she can’t risk some medical emergency. I quickly got up and told her that I was just “dead”. I then carried on with the group and that was the end of it. The teacher did nothing else. She did not at all care were mimicking guns. She said nothing about it. She only came over to ensure I was just pretending.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

Are you positive that the teacher and assistant principal aren't Trump supporters? BTW, why would any school officials be "terrified" of you?
Yep, think a few in my school got hit as well. Those caught had to spend their off period in detention in study hall.
What about spit wads through straws. Lol.
Oh please, we used to shoot rubber bands at each other in class until the teacher told us to stop. What we have here is a snowflake scenario. A kid taking his hand and going bang-bang is now a reason for suspension and psychiatric evaluation? Years ago we used to have a word for it. We called it normal.

Rubber bands don't hurt like small folded up pieces of paper shot with a doubled-up rubber band do.

This could put an eye out:

(This guy's paper bullets are too thin)

Nah, some of my fellow students were worse. They shot paper clips. Those really hurt when you go hit; especial with the pointed end. :badgrin:

Oh yes, those spit ball days. I remember a teacher getting nailed right in the eye with one of those.

We used to take paper cups, turn them upside down and stomp on them so they made a popping sound. One time the teacher in the cafeteria caught me doing that, sent me to the administrators office, and they called my mother to come to the school.

My mother was a waitress and thought something was really wrong. She never drove in her life, and frantically took a bus to the school to see what the problem was. When the administrator got done speaking, she said "You mean to tell me you called me all the way over here because my kid stepped on a paper cup? Whats wrong with you anyway?" That administrator turned three shades of red.
Lol, yep, remember that, too.
I love your mom’s response!
Yep, think a few in my school got hit as well. Those caught had to spend their off period in detention in study hall.
What about spit wads through straws. Lol.
Rubber bands don't hurt like small folded up pieces of paper shot with a doubled-up rubber band do.

This could put an eye out:

(This guy's paper bullets are too thin)

Nah, some of my fellow students were worse. They shot paper clips. Those really hurt when you go hit; especial with the pointed end. :badgrin:

Oh yes, those spit ball days. I remember a teacher getting nailed right in the eye with one of those.

We used to take paper cups, turn them upside down and stomp on them so they made a popping sound. One time the teacher in the cafeteria caught me doing that, sent me to the administrators office, and they called my mother to come to the school.

My mother was a waitress and thought something was really wrong. She never drove in her life, and frantically took a bus to the school to see what the problem was. When the administrator got done speaking, she said "You mean to tell me you called me all the way over here because my kid stepped on a paper cup? Whats wrong with you anyway?" That administrator turned three shades of red.

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