I Think My School District Just Turned Me Into A Trump Voter

Yep. So you include my people with other afterthoughts?

Do you advocate teachers support students who hate Jews?
---------------------------------- Don't SUPPORT them but personal hate for JEW's is fine until it turns into violence . Probably none of the teachers business RWinger .
Sad that someone would say that.
---------------------------- hate is simply an ill defined emotion that varies between people . And just so the ill defined HATE doesn't turn into violence there is no problem Bode . There are no laws against the emotion of hate in the USA as far as i am aware Bode .
Didn't say it was illegal, just said it was sad.
-------------------------------- and i say its none of your business Bode .
Geez, the black ones were hopping all over the place in shop class with rubber band guns. It's just kids being kids. I had already done all that by 8th grade. I wanted to make a gun rack with the bandsaw.

8th grade and they're pew-pewing it around the shop tables.
We made little cannons in wood shop. It was my first lathe project. Natch we had lots of pretend cannon battles. Not a single trip to the principal's office.

Interesting where our values take us. My wood projects were first a candelabra and then a model of a grand piano. About two inches tall.

Sure enough I went on to make several more (real) musical instruments....

I b'lieve Pogo may have a flake of sugar in his blood.

Fun fact: Nobody has ever been murdered by being shot with a grand piano. Not even a model.

As I said it all depends on what one aspires to. Some of us like to make nice furniture or an instrument that brings cheer. Others like to go blow shit up. I'm quite sassified with my choice.
Has anyone ever been killed by a falling piano or anvil?

The second one has a piano 'shot' out of the back of a truck.

Well, fell out but :D

edit: because someone is going to miss it /sarcasm
Why is that, because only a certified teacher can teach?
No,because curricula would suffer, amd the teachers simply would not be as good over the whole.

As it turns out, the average teacher actually is a better teacher than the average non teacher.

I don't know where you are getting your information from. Most people who home school have internet sites that help and provide information for teaching at home. What parents teach is no different than what school teaches perhaps outside of religion or BS classes like gym and home ed.

My tenants for example have two girls both home schooled. Once their work is complete, they are able to go outside and play. In school, they are basically baby sitting services and keep you there regardless how much school work you completed. There is no reward for studying.

I hated school when I was a kid. I think if we had home schooling back then, I would have been able to learn much more than in school. The mere threat of having to go to school if I didn't study at home would have been enough for me to bust my ass.

I agree with your sentiment, Ray. I hated literally every day from the first day of first grade, once it sunk in that I was being sentenced to go to that dungeon literally every day and there was no way out of it. Particularly after that first day when this imposing penguin who personally knew none of us berated us all as "sinners" to be despised. No one has ever assimilated any kind of workable knowledge when motivated by negativity and intimidation. Nobody gets anywhere near creativity when any expression of individualism is pulled like so many weeds.

That of course had nothing to do with religion, or with politics, but with the regimentation, the being herded into a vast pool of the Persecuted to be steamrolled into obedient robots who mouth the prescribed words on cue. FUCK that and everything that vaguely resembles it.
Geez, the black ones were hopping all over the place in shop class with rubber band guns. It's just kids being kids. I had already done all that by 8th grade. I wanted to make a gun rack with the bandsaw.

8th grade and they're pew-pewing it around the shop tables.
We made little cannons in wood shop. It was my first lathe project. Natch we had lots of pretend cannon battles. Not a single trip to the principal's office.

Interesting where our values take us. My wood projects were first a candelabra and then a model of a grand piano. About two inches tall.

Sure enough I went on to make several more (real) musical instruments....

I b'lieve Pogo may have a flake of sugar in his blood.

Fun fact: Nobody has ever been murdered by being shot with a grand piano. Not even a model.

As I said it all depends on what one aspires to. Some of us like to make nice furniture or an instrument that brings cheer. Others like to go blow shit up. I'm quite sassified with my choice.
Apparently your 8th grade wood shop teacher was more into creativity than mine was.
Geez, the black ones were hopping all over the place in shop class with rubber band guns. It's just kids being kids. I had already done all that by 8th grade. I wanted to make a gun rack with the bandsaw.

8th grade and they're pew-pewing it around the shop tables.
We made little cannons in wood shop. It was my first lathe project. Natch we had lots of pretend cannon battles. Not a single trip to the principal's office.

Interesting where our values take us. My wood projects were first a candelabra and then a model of a grand piano. About two inches tall.

Sure enough I went on to make several more (real) musical instruments....

I b'lieve Pogo may have a flake of sugar in his blood.

Fun fact: Nobody has ever been murdered by being shot with a grand piano. Not even a model.

As I said it all depends on what one aspires to. Some of us like to make nice furniture or an instrument that brings cheer. Others like to go blow shit up. I'm quite sassified with my choice.
Has anyone ever been killed by a falling piano or anvil?

The second one has a piano 'shot' out of the back of a truck.

Well, fell out but :D

edit: because someone is going to miss it /sarcasm

Haha. That falls under "accidents" like the earlier false comparison invoking auto accident deaths.

Besides which, if you get crushed by a falling piano, you're still making music. In the key of "Be flat".
Last edited:
Yep. So you include my people with other afterthoughts?

Do you advocate teachers support students who hate Jews?
---------------------------------- Don't SUPPORT them but personal hate for JEW's is fine until it turns into violence . Probably none of the teachers business RWinger .
Sad that someone would say that.
---------------------------- hate is simply an ill defined emotion that varies between people . And just so the ill defined HATE doesn't turn into violence there is no problem Bode . There are no laws against the emotion of hate in the USA as far as i am aware Bode .
Didn't say it was illegal, just said it was sad.

Funny how you didn’t respond to my post. Also sad.
We made little cannons in wood shop. It was my first lathe project. Natch we had lots of pretend cannon battles. Not a single trip to the principal's office.

Interesting where our values take us. My wood projects were first a candelabra and then a model of a grand piano. About two inches tall.

Sure enough I went on to make several more (real) musical instruments....

I b'lieve Pogo may have a flake of sugar in his blood.

Fun fact: Nobody has ever been murdered by being shot with a grand piano. Not even a model.

As I said it all depends on what one aspires to. Some of us like to make nice furniture or an instrument that brings cheer. Others like to go blow shit up. I'm quite sassified with my choice.
Has anyone ever been killed by a falling piano or anvil?

The second one has a piano 'shot' out of the back of a truck.

Well, fell out but :D

edit: because someone is going to miss it /sarcasm

Haha. That falls under "accidents" like the earlier false comparison invoking auto accident deaths.

Besides which, if you get crushed by a falling piano, you're still making music. In the key of "Be flat".

Oh! :eek: :aargh::abgg2q.jpg:
Geez, the black ones were hopping all over the place in shop class with rubber band guns. It's just kids being kids. I had already done all that by 8th grade. I wanted to make a gun rack with the bandsaw.

8th grade and they're pew-pewing it around the shop tables.
We made little cannons in wood shop. It was my first lathe project. Natch we had lots of pretend cannon battles. Not a single trip to the principal's office.

Interesting where our values take us. My wood projects were first a candelabra and then a model of a grand piano. About two inches tall.

Sure enough I went on to make several more (real) musical instruments....

I b'lieve Pogo may have a flake of sugar in his blood.

Fun fact: Nobody has ever been murdered by being shot with a grand piano. Not even a model.

As I said it all depends on what one aspires to. Some of us like to make nice furniture or an instrument that brings cheer. Others like to go blow shit up. I'm quite sassified with my choice.
Apparently your 8th grade wood shop teacher was more into creativity than mine was.

We made ash trays. Today in school, your not even allowed to say ash trays.
if there were no stupid policies , there would be no suing . See the policy that hung that little boy who chewed a pop tart into a gun Bode .

Well we are a lawsuit happy country, and most of our politicians who write the laws are lawyers. That's one of the reasons we got there.
g5 is mixing apples with oranges. Columbine happened a lonnnng time before Trump.
And has been happening ever since because stupid fucking idiots in this country think that a gun in the wrong hands is still more important than a human life.
Until it's theirs.
Columbine , how many 'Columbine' type events were there in the whole year of 2018 and how many kids were killed in Black Swan events in 2018 '2020' .

Let's see how many Columbine events there have been since Columbine, you stupid idiot.

More than 221,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine

Don't believe everything you read.

No, there have not been 18 school shootings already this year
Not sure why the op switching from trump hater to trump supporter will help with this minor problem at his son's school unless he's like a lot of the nut jobs on this thread who look to trump as big daddy who will solve all their problems both large and small.

I think it's the whole movement in general. Liberals are chasing people out of the boat faster than a fire. Suspend a kid because he made a gun with his hand, let boys in dresses go to girls restrooms and changing rooms, never strike a child no matter how bad he is. It's probably just the straw that broke the camels back.
How many times have you sat in a school classroom and watched a teacher "indoctrinate"? What was that teacher "indoctrinating" about? What did you do to either inquire about or try to stop that "indoctrination"?
Teachers indoctrinate students not to hate blacks, Hispanics, the handicapped, gays and non Christians.

That is why conservatives homeschool

I noticed you didn’t mention Jews. How interesting.
Do you understand what a Non Christian is?

Yep. So you include my people with other afterthoughts?

Do you advocate teachers support students who hate Jews?

Gee, that's a tough one.

So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
So, you are saying it can't be???
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
And if this time they're wrong and a buncha kids get killed?
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
And if this time they're wrong and a buncha kids get killed?
I heard that making a gun shape with your hand is as lethal as a 9mm.

One thing to consider and is seldom used from the left is.....common sense.
A hand gesture....a slice of bread cut out to look like pistol, or the
shape of Idaho turned on it's side.......should not constitute anything deadly.
Let's get a grip.
Don't kids play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians or Grand Theft Auto anymore? You know, out in the yard, using sticks and fingers as guns? Is that seen as psychopathic these days, or is it only because these kids were older?
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
And if this time they're wrong and a buncha kids get killed?

Is there a link to a kid making a pretend gun out of his finger and a kid actually shooting people later in his life?

When I was a kid I recall all of us doing that at one time or the other and know of no one using a real gun and killing someone.

Is there any real correlation or are we as society just being unreasonable.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
And if this time they're wrong and a buncha kids get killed?
You’re fucking retarded
g5 is mixing apples with oranges. Columbine happened a lonnnng time before Trump.
And has been happening ever since because stupid fucking idiots in this country think that a gun in the wrong hands is still more important than a human life.
Until it's theirs.
Columbine , how many 'Columbine' type events were there in the whole year of 2018 and how many kids were killed in Black Swan events in 2018 '2020' .

Let's see how many Columbine events there have been since Columbine, you stupid idiot.

More than 221,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine

Don't believe everything you read.

No, there have not been 18 school shootings already this year

My link isn't about this year, dumbass.
Your link is from FEBRUARY 2018.
Why don't you LEARN to read and then decide what to believe?
Look at the damn article I posted and you'll see it's a database, not an Op-Ed...>

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