I Think My School District Just Turned Me Into A Trump Voter

Don't kids play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians or Grand Theft Auto anymore? You know, out in the yard, using sticks and fingers as guns? Is that seen as psychopathic these days, or is it only because these kids were older?
I had real cap guns. I think I even shot my friend's bb shotgun at a paper target.
I've similar stories g5000, and am really really ga\lad my kids are out of the public school system

they took ALL my patience.

taling to any of the staff about my kids was like talking to some gaurd at a prison about an incarcerated family member

i simply asked , how many students were murdered in Rare shooting events in schools in 2018 ?? I betcha that its not TOO or Very many '2020' .
g5 is mixing apples with oranges. Columbine happened a lonnnng time before Trump.
And has been happening ever since because stupid fucking idiots in this country think that a gun in the wrong hands is still more important than a human life.
Until it's theirs.
Columbine , how many 'Columbine' type events were there in the whole year of 2018 and how many kids were killed in Black Swan events in 2018 '2020' .

Let's see how many Columbine events there have been since Columbine, you stupid idiot.

More than 221,000 students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine

Don't believe everything you read.

No, there have not been 18 school shootings already this year

My link isn't about this year, dumbass.
Your link is from FEBRUARY 2018.
Why don't you LEARN to read and then decide what to believe?
Look at the damn article I posted and you'll see it's a database, not an Op-Ed...>

If you read MY article, you will see how they used phony data for the claim that was out there. Your article does the same. Many of the cases had nothing to do with school. They were shootings outside the school, on school grounds in the summer when school was closed, suicides and so forth.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
And if this time they're wrong and a buncha kids get killed?

Can you name me one school shooter who was known to make gun figures and go "bang?" For crying out loud, what if a kid is smiling at his teacher because she's wearing a short dress? Would that be indicative of him being a rapist too?

It's this attitude that turns people off from joining your side of the political isle. Our side says let kids be kids. Your side says look for anything a liberal considers out of the ordinary and make a normal kid a psychopath.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
So, you are saying it can't be???

Sure it can be. But so can a kid writing on his hand with an ink pen. So can a kid who dresses a little oddly. So can a kid who's extremely quiet and has no friends.

In other words, a kid pointing his finger out and thumb up doesn't mean anything.
I think I even shot my friend's bb shotgun at a paper target.

we used to hunt each other w/bb guns....~S~

Same here. We had those Daisy bb guns that you had to pump up. The rule was no more than 3 pumps per shot at a person, but on occasion, some people would break that rule.

Also had a pellet gun that was capable of bringing down large gray squirrels from around 75 ft. away. That one wasn't allowed when we played war.
The real bitch of it is that the other kid who was also playing shoot-em-up was not suspended. The ratfink punks didn't even mention he was also playing shoot-em-up.

I raised my son not to be rat, so when he was interrogated by security, he kept his friend's name out of it. He took all the heat.
So, if he kept his friends name out of it,
who was he play shooting at, the teacher or this friend?

What did he take heat for?

Story doesn’t make sense to me....
ever consider your son is lying
The real bitch of it is that the other kid who was also playing shoot-em-up was not suspended. The ratfink punks didn't even mention he was also playing shoot-em-up.

I raised my son not to be rat, so when he was interrogated by security, he kept his friend's name out of it. He took all the heat.
So, if he kept his friends name out of it,
who was he play shooting at, the teacher or this friend?

What did he take heat for?

Story doesn’t make sense to me....
ever consider your son is lying

Even though the story might not make sense to you, that is no reason to assume his son was lying. And, for what it's worth, something like that happened to the son of a friend of mine here in Amarillo. He pointed a finger gun at another kid, telling him he did good (many on here have probably used the same gesture to say good job), the teacher saw him, and he was put on some weird kind of probation. He transferred his son to another school, and the weird probation followed him to the new school.

Nowadays, because teachers are on super high alert for threats, they tend to take it a bit far in protecting the kids.
Furthermore, how do you chalk it up as....
kids being kids?

With everything that’s been going on,
how is ‘pretend shooting’ normal kid shit?

This isn’t the days of
playing cops and robbers, anymore
The rule was no more than 3 pumps per shot at a person, but on occasion, some people would break that rule.

By today's standards , we'd probably still be in therapy Biker....~S~

Hey, bb guns weren't the only dangerous toys that were out there when I was growing up. Anyone remember Wacky Clackers that you could get from Shakey's Pizza? Get 'em going fast and hard enough, they will shatter, sending shards everywhere.

Another favorite of people my age when they were kids was that really cool game called Lawn Darts. You threw sharp spikes with fins on them at a circle that was near the other team. Sometimes, people ended up with extra holes in them.

And....................you know, one of my current favorite shows on the television right now is The Kids Are Allright. They show a bit of how dangerous it was to be a kid in the 70's.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

Gee. The unthinkable. You finally start to get it. The Left is totally fucked up, and now they will try to brainwash your kid into conforming to their sick mentality. The good news is that the very best conservatives come out of liberals whose are finally burned by their own idealism. Welcome to the real world.
We made little cannons in wood shop. It was my first lathe project. Natch we had lots of pretend cannon battles. Not a single trip to the principal's office.

Interesting where our values take us. My wood projects were first a candelabra and then a model of a grand piano. About two inches tall.

Sure enough I went on to make several more (real) musical instruments....

I b'lieve Pogo may have a flake of sugar in his blood.

Fun fact: Nobody has ever been murdered by being shot with a grand piano. Not even a model.

As I said it all depends on what one aspires to. Some of us like to make nice furniture or an instrument that brings cheer. Others like to go blow shit up. I'm quite sassified with my choice.
Apparently your 8th grade wood shop teacher was more into creativity than mine was.

We made ash trays. Today in school, your not even allowed to say ash trays.

I made an ashtray but in metal shop. It was molded in the shape of the contiguous United States. You could put your cigarette down in Florida, or in Puget Sound, or in Maine. But a few years later, you could put your joint there.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

Gee. The unthinkable. You finally start to get it. The Left is totally fucked up, and now they will try to brainwash your kid into conforming to their sick mentality. The good news is that the very best conservatives come out of liberals whose are finally burned by their own idealism. Welcome to the real world.
I've been in the real world my entire life, dipshit.
An over reaction may get one child suspended need undeservedly.

An under reaction may get a bunch of kids dead.

I'm sorry your kid ended up in trouble over it, but omlets and eggs, ya know.

If the teacher sent the kid to the administrators office, that's one thing, but suspending the kid and telling the parents they need to take time off of work and spend the money for a shrink is quite another. I can't imagine how many psychiatrists we would have needed back when I was in school.
What good would sending a potential shooter to the principal's office do?

A kid making gun shapes with his hand is a potential shooter? How is it I went to school with hundreds of potential shooters and nobody ever got shot?

Maybe get more movement behind your party before you have enough of them to institute Thought Police.
And if this time they're wrong and a buncha kids get killed?

Is there a link to a kid making a pretend gun out of his finger and a kid actually shooting people later in his life?

When I was a kid I recall all of us doing that at one time or the other and know of no one using a real gun and killing someone.

Is there any real correlation or are we as society just being unreasonable.

It isn't reasonable to connect a finger-gun with a future shooter. But we as a society have been pushed into super-vigilance by a few too many occasions of "what could we have done to see this coming". So the connection is unreasonable, but it's also understandable.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.

Gee. The unthinkable. You finally start to get it. The Left is totally fucked up, and now they will try to brainwash your kid into conforming to their sick mentality. The good news is that the very best conservatives come out of liberals whose are finally burned by their own idealism. Welcome to the real world.
I've been in the real world my entire life, dipshit.

Your opinion.
The rule was no more than 3 pumps per shot at a person, but on occasion, some people would break that rule.

By today's standards , we'd probably still be in therapy Biker....~S~

Hey, bb guns weren't the only dangerous toys that were out there when I was growing up. Anyone remember Wacky Clackers that you could get from Shakey's Pizza? Get 'em going fast and hard enough, they will shatter, sending shards everywhere.

Another favorite of people my age when they were kids was that really cool game called Lawn Darts. You threw sharp spikes with fins on them at a circle that was near the other team. Sometimes, people ended up with extra holes in them.

And....................you know, one of my current favorite shows on the television right now is The Kids Are Allright. They show a bit of how dangerous it was to be a kid in the 70's.

I had a toy gun as a kid that was a bit different. Don't remember what it was called but instead of firing a projectile it sent a shock wave at your target. Had a plastic drum on a wide barrel and would send a pretty hard pop. I dug it from a scientific POV, but looking back that sort of thing shouldn't have even been on the market. It hurt people's ears.

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