I Think My School District Just Turned Me Into A Trump Voter

I feel for G's son. Taking a sophomore kid's business to Limbaugh or Carr to make political war is just plain over the line.

I have a lot of respect for G, but this is a mistake.

Why is making this a political war over the line? What was over the line was the political BS that caused this to happen.

You and pogo are simply against him hitting back politically because it is the side you agree with this time.

You're quite the mind reader, aren't you?

More importantly, have you given a moment's thought to what would happen to the kid were his story to be picked up by the national tabloid media? What will be left of him once Rush and Co. are done with either eulogizing him as the next American Sniper, or decrying him as a gun-obsessed monster to come?
The vast majority of us were rejecting a hyper partisan status quo mentality of a permanent political class made up of professional politicians, appointed and/or hired bureaucrats who were far more concerned with increasing their own power, prestige, influence,and personal wealth than they cared about solving problems or benefitting the American people. The ONLY difference between Republicans and Democrats are the constituencies they pretend to represent and they throw different kinds of bones to their respective constituencies just to keep us quiet and/or voting for them and/or sending in the campaign contributions. But they don't intend to do ANYTHING that would upset their personal gravy trains. They talk a good game and claim lots of successes, but they don't care much whether they actually accomplish anything or solve any problems and they blame everybody but themselves when they don't. They figure they'll have theirs and be long gone before it all comes crashing down and then whoever is unlucky enough to be there at that time will get blamed for it.

Enter a presidential candidate with a lot of personal baggage, but who was neither partisan nor professional politician, who offered a vision of a brighter, stronger, more secure, more prosperous, more successful America and stated specific practical things that needed to happen to fix problems, and had a track record of getting hard things done. THAT's what the vast majority of us voted for. He sometimes annoys, irritates, embarrasses us, but that is of minor importance when it is up against the fact that for the most part, he has not disappointed us in his efforts to accomplish that vision and he really doesn't care who gets the credit. Trump supporters rate results as far more important than protocol, status quo, 'it's never been done that way before" etc.


1. Government is The Problem.

2. Just with the Trumpy at the helm, Paradise is just around the corner. Government will make it so.

3. Trumpy lies about everything and his granny, in so doing embarrasses everyone left, right, and center, but hear him out: PARADISE!!!

4. Have you heard? Results! North Korea is no longer a threat, and Americans can sleep soundly.

5. Some sure do sleep the mental slumber of the brain-dead - otherwise known as Trumpy's "base" - and they are notoriously calm. But: RESULTS!!!

UpIsDownistan never ceases to amaze.

And some people engage in actual discussion. And some post a bunch of insulting and/or hateful hyperbole and sound bites.

1. Government is The Problem.

2. Just with the Trumpy at the helm, Paradise is just around the corner. Government will make it so.

3. Trumpy lies about everything and his granny, in so doing embarrasses everyone left, right, and center, but hear him out: PARADISE!!!

4. Have you heard? Results! North Korea is no longer a threat, and Americans can sleep soundly.

5. Some sure do sleep the mental slumber of the brain-dead - otherwise known as Trumpy's "base" - and they are notoriously calm. But: RESULTS!!!

UpIsDownistan never ceases to amaze.

And some people engage in actual discussion. And some post a bunch of insulting and/or hateful hyperbole and sound bites.

Discussion requires folks to stick with the facts as they know them. Inventing an entire, self-contradictory, laughably round-the-bend, up-is-down alternative reality, over several paragraphs, is an insult to the intelligence of everyone watching the sordid spectacle, and an invitation to extensive ridicule.

If you can't deal with what you amply deserve, get the hell out of the kitchen.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
But seriously you don't know what that teacher's political leanings are, it could be either way and she is still stupid.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
But seriously you don't know what that teacher's political leanings are, it could be either way and she is still stupid.
I read the OP...the teacher wasn't in the room when this happened....

1. Government is The Problem.

2. Just with the Trumpy at the helm, Paradise is just around the corner. Government will make it so.

3. Trumpy lies about everything and his granny, in so doing embarrasses everyone left, right, and center, but hear him out: PARADISE!!!

4. Have you heard? Results! North Korea is no longer a threat, and Americans can sleep soundly.

5. Some sure do sleep the mental slumber of the brain-dead - otherwise known as Trumpy's "base" - and they are notoriously calm. But: RESULTS!!!

UpIsDownistan never ceases to amaze.

And some people engage in actual discussion. And some post a bunch of insulting and/or hateful hyperbole and sound bites.

Discussion requires folks to stick with the facts as they know them. Inventing an entire, self-contradictory, laughably round-the-bend, up-is-down alternative reality, over several paragraphs, is an insult to the intelligence of everyone watching the sordid spectacle, and an invitation to extensive ridicule.

If you can't deal with what you amply deserve, get the hell out of the kitchen.

I am pretty realistic in the kitchen. You were not at all realistic with your post.
So my son, a high school sophomore, is sitting in class and the teacher leaves the room for some reason.

The kids start goofing off and my son and his best friend start aiming their fingers at each other and going bang-bang. They play a lot of PUBG. They're kids. This is what kids do.

Some other fucking candyass motherfucking pussy soap bubble of a punk in the class tells the teacher when she comes back that my son was pretending to shoot a gun at HER (the teacher). The teacher wasn't even in the room!

My son is taken to security and interrogated, and several "witnesses" are interrogated.

The assistant principal calls my wife (because the bitch is terrified of me) and tells my wife my son is suspended, and he cannot return until he sees a fucking shrink.

I shit you not.

This insanity is right out of Kafka.

If there is anyone on Trump's staff, or Rush Limbaugh's show, or Fox News reading this, please PM me. I would like to make these fucking retards into a national embarrassment.

Thank you.
But seriously you don't know what that teacher's political leanings are, it could be either way and she is still stupid.
I read the OP...the teacher wasn't in the room when this happened....
That's correct. The person who suspended my son after her bogus investigation is the vice principal.

I just had a confrontation with the principal and the school counselor. Holy shit, it was amazing just how cowardly this fucking bitch is. She is used to bullying kids around, but acted like a totally spineless fuckwit when dealing with an adult.

I am not kidding. I am having a hard time trying to think of someone I have encountered before who is this big a coward.
I feel for G's son. Taking a sophomore kid's business to Limbaugh or Carr to make political war is just plain over the line.

I have a lot of respect for G, but this is a mistake.

It's a mistake to let parents and taxpayers know what's going on behind the scenes in their schools? I don't think so. I think it would be a mistake if we didn't.
The principal admitted they redid their investigation and talked to the other kid my son was horsing around with.

So even though they know their "lone wolf" fucking fable is bullshit now, she refused to apologize and insisted my son still has to prove he isn't mentally ill!

I feel for G's son. Taking a sophomore kid's business to Limbaugh or Carr to make political war is just plain over the line.

I have a lot of respect for G, but this is a mistake.

Why is making this a political war over the line? What was over the line was the political BS that caused this to happen.

You and pogo are simply against him hitting back politically because it is the side you agree with this time.

Because it isn't a political issue, that's why.

Unless you can explain to the class wtf a school's operation, reasonable or unreasonable, has to do with Rump, or with any kind of "politics" at all.

Clearly the school's (over)reaction here is based on a concern about gun violence in schools. While this or that politician may choose to take a side related to that, "gun violence in schools" is not itself a political issue but a social one. Politics and politicians have no authority or influence over social values. What is Donald Rump supposed to do, issue an executive order saying a kid can make a finger gun?

I might add, we had no indication from the OP if this suspension was entirely from the incident described, or if it comes from a cumulative history. That's all stuff we don't know, but that's not political either.

I don't know what OL stated but I advised that g5000 should not allow the talking heads to frame the issue as political. And I explained then, that they would do that in order to spike their ratings, because tribalist conflict is a boon for ratings --- but it also completely obscures what's going on and reduces it to yet another pawn in that bullshit tribal "everything is politics" song and dance. As long as that keeps happening, nothing gets addressed.

As Ray is about to do in exactly two posts...
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I have been contacted by the producer of a nationwide program. The host is a household name.

They are putting me on the air today.

Good. This kind of thing needs airing and national discussing.

Just don't let them frame it as a "political" thing. They always do that to take our eyes off the ball. All it does is entrench more tribalism. They do that just because tribalism is good for ratings. If they go there, call them on it.

Issues like this have been political for the last few decades. It’s impossible to take politics out of it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

There's nothing 'political' about social issues. That's just putting on a false front. And the only thing that accomplishes is to sweep it under the Irrelevancy rug.

This isn't a social issue, it's an education issue. When crap like this is going on in our schools, we need to know this and you can bet your last dime opinions would be drawn on party lines.
The principal admitted they redid their investigation and talked to the other kid my son was horsing around with.

So even though they know their "lone wolf" fucking fable is bullshit now, she refused to apologize and insisted my son still has to prove he isn't mentally ill!


I'd still like to know how they purport to act on the basis of other people's descriptions of an incident they didn't even see.
I feel for G's son. Taking a sophomore kid's business to Limbaugh or Carr to make political war is just plain over the line.

I have a lot of respect for G, but this is a mistake.

Why is making this a political war over the line? What was over the line was the political BS that caused this to happen.

You and pogo are simply against him hitting back politically because it is the side you agree with this time.

Because it isn't a political issue, that's why.

Unless you can explain to the class wtf a school's operation, reasonable or unreasonable, has to do with Rump, or with any kind of "politics" at all.

Clearly the school's (over)reaction here is based on a concern about gun violence in schools. While this or that politician may choose to take a side related to that, "gun violence in schools" is not itself a political issue but a social one. Politics and politicians have no authority or influence over social values. What is Donald Rump supposed to do, issue an executive order saying a kid can make a finger gun?

I might add, we had no indication from the OP if this suspension was entirely from the incident described, or if it comes from a cumulative history. That's all stuff we don't know, but that's not political either.

I don't know what OL stated but I advised that g5000 should not allow the talking heads to frame the issue as political. And I explained then, that they would do that in order to spike their ratings, because tribalist conflict is a boon for ratings --- but it also completely obscures what's going on and reduces it to yet another pawn in that bullshit tribal "everything is politics" song and dance. As long as that keeps happening, nothing gets addressed.
It is definitely a political issue. I posted about my son having a pen confiscated because it was made out of a shell casing. The teacher is an anti-gun far left hippie. And the principal kept the pen until I kicked him in the balls and forced them to give it back to my son.

That principal is now a district superintendent and he has the final call on allowing my son back to school and he is being a total prick.

Even though he now knows ALL the facts, and he now knows the reason my son was suspended was based on a bogus fable, he STILL will not reinstate my son unless my son is forced to talk to a counselor about this non-existent event!

Right out of Kafka.
I have been contacted by the producer of a nationwide program. The host is a household name.

They are putting me on the air today.

Good. This kind of thing needs airing and national discussing.

Just don't let them frame it as a "political" thing. They always do that to take our eyes off the ball. All it does is entrench more tribalism. They do that just because tribalism is good for ratings. If they go there, call them on it.

Issues like this have been political for the last few decades. It’s impossible to take politics out of it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

There's nothing 'political' about social issues. That's just putting on a false front. And the only thing that accomplishes is to sweep it under the Irrelevancy rug.

This isn't a social issue, it's an education issue. When crap like this is going on in our schools, we need to know this and you can bet your last dime opinions would be drawn on party lines.

There again, you're leaning on this false dichotomy crutch where everything in the world reduces to two "parties".
Guess what -- IT DOESN'T.

Y'all dichotomy-obsessed wags slay me. Now you want to trot the Duopoly into schools??

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