I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

It demonstrates how fragile we have been -- both our political system and our society -- that such a person can create so much damage with the help of relatively few enablers.

I didn't know.
Why? YOu are one of the biggest enablers. When you get on here whining with your white grievance bullshit every fucking day, you played right into Trump's hands.
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Me, I want the government on the lookout so the next 9/11 doesn't happen

Then you most definitely voted for the wrong guy. 9/11 types are salivating over the opportunities afforded to them by Biden’s lack of border control. There will be a terrorist attack stemming from the lax border. If Trump is elected and it happens on his watch, Democrats will be quick to blame him instead of Biden.
The lying and pretending about the trump presidency has gotten to the point of absurdity. So let me post a reminder of just exactly how thnigs were, not how The gatewaypundit or Donald Trump tell you they were.

What Happened on March 26, 2020

American cases of COVID-19 exceed all other countries on this date, with 81,578 cases and 1,180 deaths

Record number of Americans file for unemployment - 3.3 million according to US Department of Labor

And this kind of incompetant "leadership" is what y ou wantto go back to?

It's what happened from Jan 21st 2017 to March 2020 that people remember about Trump.

The Covid thing was the exception to the rule. Dems plan on introducing another Covid strain during Trump 2.0? Things were ROCKING under Trump 1.0 until dems introduced Covid and shut the country down. They knew Trump was WELL on his way to a 2nd term. Gotta give 'em credit though, they did a great job of causing a panic and then blaming Trump.
Trump had increased the deficit considerably...

The Tax Cuts were now a financial milestone while the corporation tax reduction created a massive share buy back.

Income gaps were widing..

Trump's GDP growth was no better than Obama's despite borrowing 50% more money and considerably less than Bidens...

But the main problem is that you want to forget the final Quater... Tom Brady doesn't think winning the Super bowl is having three good quarters (which turn out to be very average) and then blowing the final quarter.
Trump removed the monitoring teams. Then he lied how serious it would be. The took no responsibility...

It was crisis, Trump could just stood up, said I am your President and these are my team odf experts and lets listen to them... Would have won relection in a landslide, but he is a fucking idiot.
Then you most definitely voted for the wrong guy. 9/11 types are salivating over the opportunities afforded to them by Biden’s lack of border control. There will be a terrorist attack stemming from the lax border. If Trump is elected and it happens on his watch, Democrats will be quick to blame him instead of Biden.
Guy, you guys have been screaming about "Terrorists on the southern border" since 2002.

Yet everyone who has committed a terrorist act since 9/11 was either an American Citizen or a legal alien.

If Trump gets elected, terrorism will be the least of our problems. The main reason why 9/11 happened was because when the CIA warned Bush that Bin Laden was up to something involving airplanes, Bush said, 'Well, you covered your asses" and went fishing.
Then you need to read better.

No nation had more than the 1.2 million dead we had

And no large developed nation had a higher death per capita rate

According to YOUR. Link

We are larger than most nations

But our death rate was not the highest

Even allowing for politicization of the reporting process to inflate the numbers
Biden is doing a good job. It's time to look at what he has done and not what idiots in social media tell you he has done.
LOL - do you count?

The job of the President is to lead, to bring us together. That's what we need more than anything. Trump and Biden (and, more to the point, their entrenched parties) have utterly failed to do this.
No, they made a choice. Keep your job or do your own thing. It's a decision we all make every day.
They were forced to make a choice by their bosses, Joey! Either cave to our viewpoint and take the vaccine or lose your job. We don't care if you have reservations about the safety of the vaccine. We don't even care if you've already HAD Covid and had natural immunity! You will do as you're told...or you will be fired.
We are larger than most nations

But our death rate was not the highest

Even allowing for politicization of the reporting process to inflate the numbers
What nation had a larger death per capita rate?

And there are several nations with larger populations
Even more shocking to me than that moment is the speed with which the proverbial wheels are coming off. Belief in election integrity is probably damaged permanently. All because the ego of a bloviating conman who smears orange makeup on his face would not allow him to accept he lost the 2020 election. He has exposed the fragile nature of our democracy. Constantly probing for weaknesses to exploit.
I'm always amused by you on the left who preach about "election integrity" when you oppose the requirement of valid ID in order to vote! You won't let people into your own convention without ID but you have no problem letting people vote without it! Why is that, Berg?
They were forced to make a choice by their bosses, Joey! Either cave to our viewpoint and take the vaccine or lose your job. We don't care if you have reservations about the safety of the vaccine. We don't even care if you've already HAD Covid and had natural immunity! You will do as you're told...or you will be fired.
I guess if your employer tells you you must donate a kidney or lose your job, then?

These cultists crack me up!
What nation had a larger death per capita rate?

And there are several nations with larger populations
I concede that on paper the US has more deaths

But thst was not trump’s fault

New York was putting people with wuflu in nursing homes which was a death sentence of old people

And the reporting was horrible

In one case a motorcycle accident dest was listed as covid19
I concede that on paper the US has more deaths

But thst was not trump’s fault

New York was putting people with wuflu in nursing homes which was a death sentence of old people

And the reporting was horrible

In one case a motorcycle accident dest was listed as covid19
So you lied and now you make lame excuses
The Covid thing was the exception to the rule.

The spanish flu was an exception to the rule
Swine flu was an exception to the rule
COVID-19 was an exception to the rule

The difference is how each administration responded to the crisis.
I'm always amused by you on the left who preach about "election integrity" when you oppose the requirement of valid ID in order to vote!

That isn't the argument being made. I have a valid ID to vote. It was gave to me when I registered to vote in 1980. It's called a voters registration card. I've been told over and over that isn't good enough.

It's not that some want everyone to have an ID to vote. It's that they want them to have to jump through additional hoops in the hopes they won't vote.


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