"I think this was a blessing from God..."

What are you talking about? People ALL across this country are keeping themselves safe from the virus by wearing masks, washing their hands, practicing social distancing, and cleaning surfaces with cleansers that kill viruses.
A lot of those same people have already had the virus and didn't even know it. The masks and social distancing, etc. are just prolonging the virus's effects. The virus isn't going away.

Should we stay at home and keep the country shut down from now on?

I think that everyone understands that we (the collective we) can't shut everything down and stay at home indefinitely. However, that doesn't mean we are faced with a false dilemma or a false dichotomy between only shutting down and/or only going back to the way things were before the virus. We are perfectly capable of embracing a third way which is to stay open but do so with voluntary restrictions to keep us safe unless or until the virus rears its ugly head in hotspots at which more restrictions are warranted. But when nutcases who are not wearing masks insist on storming into enclosed public places (like stores) and start yelling about their constitutional rights (I can't find a constitutional right to not wear a mask), they help no one while they also endanger everyone.
The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

How about, let's apply that process and line of reasoning to the moment a child's life begins.

Shall we?
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.

You have a cool and wise head.
I voted with my mailed to me early ballot and put it in the can. I voted for everything on the ballot and especially NOT for Chairman Trump, aka Captain Chaos the Infected Maniac.
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.

You have a cool and wise head.
I voted with my mailed to me early ballot and put it in the can. I voted for everything on the ballot and especially NOT for Chairman Trump, aka Captain Chaos the Infected Maniac.

Thanks. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for 2020 on Wednesday the 14th. I have my Tommy Copper mask, my hand sanitizer in the car. I will early vote in person at the AG Center in Jackson, TN, and sanitize before I touch my clothes, body or start the car.
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.

You have a cool and wise head.
I voted with my mailed to me early ballot and put it in the can. I voted for everything on the ballot and especially NOT for Chairman Trump, aka Captain Chaos the Infected Maniac.

Thanks. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for 2020 on Wednesday the 14th. I have my Tommy Copper mask, my hand sanitizer in the car. I will early vote in person at the AG Center in Jackson, TN, and sanitize before I touch my clothes, body or start the car.

Be safe and sane. Let the sanitizer dry before lighting up!
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.

You have a cool and wise head.
I voted with my mailed to me early ballot and put it in the can. I voted for everything on the ballot and especially NOT for Chairman Trump, aka Captain Chaos the Infected Maniac.

Thanks. I will vote the Biden/Harris ticket for 2020 on Wednesday the 14th. I have my Tommy Copper mask, my hand sanitizer in the car. I will early vote in person at the AG Center in Jackson, TN, and sanitize before I touch my clothes, body or start the car.

Be safe and sane. Let the sanitizer dry before lighting up!

Yes. I won't be smoking in the car, as we will be going in PJ's SUV. I respect her right not to have hers, smell like my Jeep.:)
Who said that about Covid19 and actually coming down with it? Well, we know it couldn't be Jim Jones of Guyana fame because he's been dead for over 40 years. And we know it couldn't be Marshall Applewhite of Heaven's Gate Hale-Bopp fame because he's been dead for over 20 years.

So, who was it who said that, and said that just today? Was it someone in a psych ward somewhere? That's what one would think.

No, it was said by President Donald Trump.

For cryin' out loud, what is it going to take to convince his supporters that Trump is not right in the head? You know, he's only getting worse, don't you?

5th Avenue Rule. He can do or say ANYTHING, no matter what, and they don't care. Hell, he lied about the fucking virus, STILL is, and they don't care.

Group pathology, like Europe, 90 years ago.

"But we now know much more about the virus. And we know its lethality is lower than we originally feared — and highly concentrated in the very elderly and people with serious health problems.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated in May that the coronavirus kills about 0.26 percent of the people it infects, about 1 in 400 people. New estimates from Sweden suggest that only 1 in 10,000 people under 50 will die from the virus, compared to 1 in 14 of people over 80 and 1 in 6 of those over 90."

Getting realistic about the coronavirus death rate
He lied. No spin changes that.
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

You are lying.

No true conservative would vote for Biden. Biden is a mere figurehead for an increasingly authoritarian Marx-flavored Democrat Party elite.

Trump is not right wing. He has strongly criticized neocon military adventurism. He has also criticized big corporations:

Who said that about Covid19 and actually coming down with it? Well, we know it couldn't be Jim Jones of Guyana fame because he's been dead for over 40 years. And we know it couldn't be Marshall Applewhite of Heaven's Gate Hale-Bopp fame because he's been dead for over 20 years.

So, who was it who said that, and said that just today? Was it someone in a psych ward somewhere? That's what one would think.

No, it was said by President Donald Trump.

For cryin' out loud, what is it going to take to convince his supporters that Trump is not right in the head? You know, he's only getting worse, don't you?

5th Avenue Rule. He can do or say ANYTHING, no matter what, and they don't care. Hell, he lied about the fucking virus, STILL is, and they don't care.

Group pathology, like Europe, 90 years ago.

"But we now know much more about the virus. And we know its lethality is lower than we originally feared — and highly concentrated in the very elderly and people with serious health problems.

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated in May that the coronavirus kills about 0.26 percent of the people it infects, about 1 in 400 people. New estimates from Sweden suggest that only 1 in 10,000 people under 50 will die from the virus, compared to 1 in 14 of people over 80 and 1 in 6 of those over 90."

Getting realistic about the coronavirus death rate
He lied. No spin changes that.

Quote the lie.

Word for word.
Quote the lie. Word for word.
If you can't admit that he told Woodward TWICE that he downplayed a virus that HE SAID was deadly (in Normal World, that's known as "dishonesty")...

If you can't admit that he did that MANY, MANY times...

If you can't admit he repeatedly MOCKED AMERICANS for just trying to protect themselves and their families...

Then please play with someone else. There is nothing I can say to someone like you.
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Quote the lie. Word for word.
If you can't admit that he told Woodward TWICE that he downplayed a virus that HE SAID was deadly (in Normal World, that's known as "dishonesty")...

If you can't admit that he did that MANY, MANY times...

If you can't admit he repeatedly MOCKED AMERICANS for just trying to protect themselves and their families...

Then please play with someone else. There is nothing I can say to someone like you.
Don’t go away mad, just go away....bwhaaaa!
Who said that about Covid19 and actually coming down with it? Well, we know it couldn't be Jim Jones of Guyana fame because he's been dead for over 40 years. And we know it couldn't be Marshall Applewhite of Heaven's Gate Hale-Bopp fame because he's been dead for over 20 years.

So, who was it who said that, and said that just today? Was it someone in a psych ward somewhere? That's what one would think.

No, it was said by President Donald Trump.

For cryin' out loud, what is it going to take to convince his supporters that Trump is not right in the head? You know, he's only getting worse, don't you?

When you have only one horse in the race and regardless how badly he preforms, you're going to root for him because he's all you got.
...no matter how wrong, reprehensible, and unfit to be president that horse might be.

Republicans are infamous for being blind partisan hacks and placing party before country.
“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

That was odd, imo. It kinda felt like an infomercial, the way he was selling us on those pharmaceutical drugs ("so good", "incredible", "fantastic") and praising those pharmaceutical companies, and talking about how great the vaccine is going to be, and how great it's going to be that the military will be doing the distribution. Very weird times we're living in. I for one will not be participating in that, and for me it's not about Trump, this whole thing is much much bigger than him.

There are some concerning things going on that most people are unaware of, because everyone is distracted by the usual D vs R stuff and by whatever the msm wants us to focus on. This video below talks about that, I think everyone should watch the whole thing:

“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.

You are dreaming, hoping, praying. It’s a Hail Mary pass and you know how often they succeed.
But when nutcases who are not wearing masks insist on storming into enclosed public places
Like Pelosi?!?

“Perhaps you recognize me, it’s your favorite President”
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I was reading some conspiracy nut saying spreading it to the white house was a Dem plot. I guess trump blew that theory, unless God is a Democrat.

The default setting for scientists and academics when it comes to explaining the world around us is logic, reason, and the scientific method.

Having said that, what does it say about modern day conservatives in America that their default setting for reaching explanations is either conspiracy theories or unfounded opinions that border on silliness if not downright lunacy?

Nothing really. There are no conservatives left in America, except in the centrist portion of the Democrat party. I am an Independent and about as close to conservative as is breathing out there. I am voting for Joe Biden, no radical right republicans for me. There's a big difference between right wing nut balls and conservatives.

Maybe a huge electoral victory for Joe would prevent civil unrest. That would be about the only good thing resulting from a Biden victory.

Joe will bring better foreign policy, better covid policy, a more inclusive government for all the American people, not just the trump true believers, more balanced use of natural resources, while protecting the environment, as well as providing the same type economic leadership that turned over a vibrant expanding economy to the trump administration, far healthier on mainstreet not just wall street than we have now. At the same time, he will have far less drama and lies than come with the current administration. I will Go With Joe in 2020.

You are dreaming, hoping, praying. It’s a Hail Mary pass and you know how often they succeed.

Doing better on Covid police is a pretty low bar, as trump talks of support, but holds no mask inside or out super-spreader events right at the white house, where 34 associated with the white house are infected not.
Trump serves only the 1% and the trumpers and those are the only people he cares about or treats with any respect at all. All others, he talks as if they are enemies of the country, though they are part of the country he was elected to lead. You do not lead by intentionally pissing people off to entertain your base. We were in the top of energy exporters before trump came to office according the the CIA world fact book. It is debatable the we were already number 1 in natural gas. At the same time, trump has reduced restrictions on methane (a noted greenhouse gas) emissions at wellhead and transmission facilities. He has moved to open the largest protected rain forest in the United states, to energy exploration, thought we lead the world as it is from production in the lower 58 states. He has promoted coal, unwanted due to known pollution realities, tried to raise amounts of emissions from cars and release auto manufacturers from energy efficiency standards, while appointing a fossil fuel lobbyist to head Dept of Interior and EPA.
There is no doubt the Wall street has come roaring back while mainstreet and manufacturing continue to suffer in the new trump economy, while his short sighted view and refusing to lead on the covid pandemic encourages people to ignore precautions that could control the pandemic and see small business rebound.
His lies, half truth, and withholding information from the American people are known and provable.
I gave no "hail Mary" pass. You just have your head stuck in the sand so you will not see what is going on around you.
Quote the lie. Word for word.
If you can't admit that he told Woodward TWICE that he downplayed a virus that HE SAID was deadly (in Normal World, that's known as "dishonesty")...

If you can't admit that he did that MANY, MANY times...

If you can't admit he repeatedly MOCKED AMERICANS for just trying to protect themselves and their families...

Then please play with someone else. There is nothing I can say to someone like you.

Apparently leftardz have no concept of what it means to multi-task.

It is completely responsible and acceptable to me, for Trump (or any other political leader) to do two things at once. Namely, to downplay an oncoming threat publicly while enacting polices to deal with any immediate concerns at the same time.

Trump was not off the mark, to try to maintain calm, show faith and confidence in our abilities, etc. . . while simultaneously shutting down travel from China and shutting down parts of the economy. . . even as an act of precaution.

The thing that burns leftard ass the most? His instincts were pretty much spot on.

We are just about to have a vaccine and already, even without the vaccine, the death rate is LOW. Much lower than if he had followed the Biden plan.
Last edited:
Quote the lie. Word for word.
If you can't admit that he told Woodward TWICE that he downplayed a virus that HE SAID was deadly (in Normal World, that's known as "dishonesty")...

If you can't admit that he did that MANY, MANY times...

If you can't admit he repeatedly MOCKED AMERICANS for just trying to protect themselves and their families...

Then please play with someone else. There is nothing I can say to someone like you.

Apparently leftardz have no concept of what it means to multi-task.

It is completely responsible and acceptable to me, for Trump (or any other political leader) to do two things at once. Namely, to downplay an oncoming threat publicly while enacting polices to deal with any immediate concerns at the same time.

Trump was not off the mark, to try to maintain calm, show faith and confidence in our abilities, etc. . . while simultaneously shutting down travel from China and shutting down parts of the economy. . . even as a perceived precaution.

The thing that burns leftard ass the most? His instincts were pretty much spot on.

We are just about to have a vaccine, already and even without the vaccine, the death rate is LOW. Much lower than if he had followed the Biden plan.
Okay cool!

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