I think we all agree that government tax payer money should have nothing to do with college or "higher education". Correct?

An engineer once told me that crunching those numbers is the 'drudgery' part of engineering. I'd rather be working on the actual building.

Of course, it takes both, therefore both have equal value.

My brother is an architect since 1986. When he first started far and away his favorite part was building the scale models they used to make of buildings.

Over the years he became specialized in hospitals by focusing on them during the recessions as they were one of the few places that always had money for building.

Now he has turned that into no more designing and other firms pay his firm for him to look over the plans for hospitals and tell them where they went wrong and where they can save money on the designs.
Bottom line is it takes both the designer and the builder to make it all work. Your experience in adding a room on to your house would not qualify you to design anything larger than a barn.

I do not agree that the manifold skills needed to actually construct such a building far exceed the skills needed to design it. One can be taught to use a hammer or saw far easier than they can be taught to calculate the load bearing wall capacity or the density needed for the foundation to keep the building from falling over or sinking into the ground.
You have just demeaned skilled workmen everywhere.
My brother is an architect since 1986. When he first started far and away his favorite part was building the scale models they used to make of buildings.
I did that as a project in my architectural drawing class in high school. Got an "A" on it (although it wasn't finished).
Most people do not have a problem with publicly funded education through the 12th grade.

Would extending that really be all that crazy of an idea?

Many countries that include college in their public education are kicking our asses in most areas that require higher educations
Peasants Licking Their Chains

The students who live off high allowances in college want you to ignore the worst part of this destructive system—it is work without pay. "Prep" school gets its name from "prepare for college." It's designed only for them and they don't even belong in America.
Why should they? Pay the tuition. Take out a legit loan. Get a scholarship. Or don't go. Easy. If what they offer is so great it will be worth the investment.
That's the obvious solution. But politicians would lose a lot of power, and we can't have that.
The real question is: Why should a business be bailed out with taxpayers' money but not students?

Consider too that the shareholders in the business had taken the money and run!
So, one bad turn deserves another? That's fucking stupid. Government shouldn't be bailing out private business. And they should be trying to control education either.
Indentured Servitude College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up

Just like college football is a free minor league for the NFL, college education is a free minor league for the corporations. Any country that pays students for their grades will lead this century's world economy. Our economy deserves to collapse if superior minds aren't immediately rewarded as much as superior athletes are, from childhood on.
Beat that dead horse again and again. :icon_rolleyes:
He countered with, "how about skyscrapers"? I checkmated him with "Designing such a building is just part of building it, and the manifold skills needed to actually construct such a building far exceed the skills needed to design it.

Without blue collar workers the plans and dreams of the highly educated never Emake if off the drawing board.
Even With Free Tuition, the Students Will Still Live in Psychologically Destructive Poverty

More relevant, instead of limited to the attitudes the rulers want you to take is the fact that unpaid college education is as outrageous as telling contruction workers, "This project will take four years; you won't get paid until it is done."

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