I Thought Democrats 'Aren't Coming For Your Gas Stoves'?!

At the beginning of January, the health and climate effects of gas cooking stoves in homes was an issue policy makers and academics were studying.

Then, on Jan. 9, Bloomberg News published an interview with Richard Trumka, Jr., a commissioner on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, who suggested that the government might consider stricter regulation of new gas stoves in response to health concerns about indoor air quality.

Within days, those stoves had become fodder for partisan influencers and campaign merchandise.

"God. Guns. Gas Stoves," wrote U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, (R-Ohio) on Twitter.

Florida Gov. Ron Desantis' political organization quickly came out with aprons for sale in the style of a yellow Gadsden flag, once an icon of the Tea Party, but with a gas stove where the rattlesnake usually sits.

"Not only is Biden coming for your paycheck, he is coming for your stove. You heard me right. The White House is now attempting to ban all gas ovens and burners," said Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Each of these pro-stove declarations came after Trumka had already clarified that the agency "isn't coming for anyone's gas stoves."


Faux news has a port in a main vein of each member of the flock. They know how to manipulate you. They do it all the time.

Turn off Faux. It's bad news for Americans.
Perhaps not at the federal level, but the state and city level?
Get that foot in the door and.......

Perhaps not at the federal level, but the state and city level?
Get that foot in the door and.......

Next thing you know whole subdivisions will ban gas appliances ....... wait, that happened decades ago with the all electric homes.
heat pumps..inefficient...and if homes are all electric then brown outs/black outs will occur whenever the gov't orders it....or maybe just those homes that are not inline with gov't policies. Incrementalism in total control over peoples' thinking and their lives
100% correct. It’s part of the SmartGrid/AMI programs that they’ve been working on for the last decade and a half. They intend to be able to influence, if not outright control your electricity usage through these systems within the next two decades.

I never said it’s a good program, or thst I’d ever let itbhappen in my home, but it’s what they’re pushing for.
Guess just like they aren't coming for your guns...

'Cities including Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and New York City — which are collectively home to more than 10 million Americans — have enacted varying restrictions on natural gas hookups impacting gas-powered furnaces, ovens and stoves.

Leaders of the Democrat-led cities have argued that transitioning away from natural gas would help achieve climate and net-zero ambitions.'

Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in 2021 if his city could ban natural gas, 'any city can do the same'​

Are you here to just troll, or add to the conversation?
Hmmmmm, reminds me of someone.

ill add to the conversation.

seems kind of hypocritical for conservatives to complain about liberals taking gas stoves away (because of health concerns) while supporting draconian laws against pot.
ill add to the conversation.

seems kind of hypocritical for conservatives to complain about liberals taking gas stoves away (because of health concerns) while supporting draconian laws against pot.

The left: "Your gas stove is just like a Schedule 1 illegal drug!" 🤡🤡🤡
ill add to the conversation.

seems kind of hypocritical for conservatives to complain about liberals taking gas stoves away (because of health concerns) while supporting draconian laws against pot.
Not sure how you reconcile the two of those, but.....okay. :smoke:
ill add to the conversation.

seems kind of hypocritical for conservatives to complain about liberals taking gas stoves away (because of health concerns) while supporting draconian laws against pot.
I'm a liberal and I don't want NG stoves taken off the market or ICEs and I think the war on American Citizens who smoke, whatever they want to, is straight up authoritarianism as well.
I'm a liberal and I don't want NG stoves taken off the market or ICEs and I think the war on American Citizens who smoke, whatever they want to, is straight up authoritarianism as well.

i dont want them banned, either.

i consider myself lib/prog and there are very few things i would ban.

what i would prefer is that everyone have ALL the facts to decide for themselves
Oh please, they are the people that banned the sale of 2.5 gallon toilets years ago. If you wanted a toilet that worked properly, you had to sneak one in from Canada.

I know what power bureaucracies have. As a retired truck driver we were under the thumb of several agencies. They can create law without Congress and impose fines without congressional approval. Totally unconstitutional, when a politician wants something most people will be against, they run to their bureaucracies to make the law for them.
Power & Control is the name of the game for the narcissistic induced statist left. Just remember to give them all the rope they ask for so they can end up hanging themselves!
Guess just like they aren't coming for your guns...

'Cities including Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and New York City — which are collectively home to more than 10 million Americans — have enacted varying restrictions on natural gas hookups impacting gas-powered furnaces, ovens and stoves.

Leaders of the Democrat-led cities have argued that transitioning away from natural gas would help achieve climate and net-zero ambitions.'

Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in 2021 if his city could ban natural gas, 'any city can do the same'​

I am picking up the scent of behind the scene $$$$$ in this one. Same with the 1st line in the below link. Key words to look for; taxing, "financing subsidies".

i dont want them banned, either.

i consider myself lib/prog and there are very few things i would ban.

what i would prefer is that everyone have ALL the facts to decide for themselves
'CLASSICAL' Liberal(NOT social Liberal) original Intent Constitutionalist here. I strongly agree with your opinion on bans. In fact I agree with your entire response! Are you sure about your political orientation??? You come across in word more as a right leaning Libertarian(Classical Liberal) to me. You just come across to me as possessing too much common sense to be a social Liberal/prog. EXCELLENT response on your part for sure!

Welcome aboard! You lucked out as you just landed on the best M/B on the planet Earth! USMB is a true free speech message board meaning our Moderators only moderate when absolutely necessary. Our rank & file USMB crew are pretty much up to speed in the forums of their choice, & combined with our world class Moderators that actually KNOW how to run a genuine message board(rare!) USMB has become the M/B that all other M/B's are measured against. Great response on your part & I am pretty sure you will fit in just fine with our well established & talented USMB crew! Make sure to cruise the forums as USMB has ALL the bases covered meaning USMB is a FULL SPECTRUM M/B, like we got something for everybody! Till next time!
Uhh in case the brain dead Leftists forgot, the initial cost of converting to electric appliances, not just stoves, but dryers, furnaces, and hot water heaters hovers somewhere in the upper ionosphere. It's not just the appliances themselves, but having to:
A. Upgrade the service panel and possibly the overhead incoming lines to accommodate the increased amperage, that's usually in the neighborhood of over $3K itself.
B. Run all new cabling and outlets into the kitchen and laundry areas for the appliances, and new wiring for the furnace and water heater, another $2K
That's over $5,000 in initial costs alone just to hire the electrician for the infrastructure BEFORE investing thousands in the appliances.
I'm a liberal and I don't want NG stoves taken off the market or ICEs and I think the war on American Citizens who smoke, whatever they want to, is straight up authoritarianism as well.
Do you identify as a Classical Liberal or a social Liberal??? I completely agree with your post!


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