"I thought healthcare was going to be free.

"Did you know it was the law that we have to have health coverage or pay a fine?!"
... and the Rs claim there is no choice in the ACA


That's a choice?

Pay or be fined?

Gives all new meaning to "pro-choice"

the Rs are who claim there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch" - and now they complain when the myth is brought to lite ... health is a fact of life not a choice.

... and the Rs claim there is no choice in the ACA


That's a choice?

Pay or be fined?

Gives all new meaning to "pro-choice"

the Rs are who claim there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch" - and now they complain when the myth is brought to lite ... health is a fact of life not a choice.


So you're defending Obama's and the Democrats' massive tax increase on the working poor and middle class?
Its says affordable health care.. I don't see free health care in that sentence.

People who already have health care have a choice to go with obama or stay.

People who have not been able to get insurance for 6 months will now get it...

Meaning someone who's cancer has eatten up their who savings and home and are left for dead will now receive the care that they need.

Just want you to know that the chemo rooms are jammed pack with people, so you never know if it could be you next.

I know of a professional woman who used up all of her resources and died last summer due to being kicked off insurance. I find that very unfair

The poor already get health care, I do feel that this may help the middle class in the long run hopefully.
How come the first black POTUS couldn't of been a proud man like Allen West instead of a bitter civil terrorist like Obama?

Its says affordable health care.. I don't see free health care in that sentence.

People who already have health care have a choice to go with obama or stay.

People who have not been able to get insurance for 6 months will now get it...

Meaning someone who's cancer has eatten up their who savings and home and are left for dead will now receive the care that they need.

Just want you to know that the chemo rooms are jammed pack with people, so you never know if it could be you next.

I know of a professional woman who used up all of her resources and died last summer due to being kicked off insurance. I find that very unfair

The poor already get health care, I do feel that this may help the middle class in the long run hopefully.

Show us the "affordable" part of it when someone is already living paycheck to paycheck and they're FORCED to add an extra monthly bill
What do you mean I have to sign up and PAY for health insurance?
That ain't what was told to us."

Almost exactly, word-for-word, what was railed at me when I had to hand out the Dept. of Labor's information sheet to our employees today!!


One of them even went straight to the phone to tell somebody, "Did you know it was the law that we have to have health coverage or pay a fine?!"


That, dear friends, is how shit like this happens


As PT Barnum once said, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."
Its says affordable health care.. I don't see free health care in that sentence.

People who already have health care have a choice to go with obama or stay.

People who have not been able to get insurance for 6 months will now get it...

Meaning someone who's cancer has eatten up their who savings and home and are left for dead will now receive the care that they need.

Just want you to know that the chemo rooms are jammed pack with people, so you never know if it could be you next.

I know of a professional woman who used up all of her resources and died last summer due to being kicked off insurance. I find that very unfair

The poor already get health care, I do feel that this may help the middle class in the long run hopefully.

Why are Americans as a whole responsible for those Americans down on their luck?

That's a choice?

Pay or be fined?

Gives all new meaning to "pro-choice"

the Rs are who claim there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch" - and now they complain when the myth is brought to lite ... health is a fact of life not a choice.


So you're defending Obama's and the Democrats' massive tax increase on the working poor and middle class?

no, that is not what it is -

the Exchanges bear the proof for its appeal to those very people you mentioned it is meant to help.
the Rs are who claim there is no such thing as a "Free Lunch" - and now they complain when the myth is brought to lite ... health is a fact of life not a choice.


So you're defending Obama's and the Democrats' massive tax increase on the working poor and middle class?

no, that is not what it is -

the Exchanges bear the proof for its appeal to those very people you mentioned it is meant to help.

Yes. That's exactly what it is.
Even my old pal John Roberts said so.

Now my servers, during the slowest time of the year and coming up on Christmas are saddled with an extra bill
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

Now those same people will be going to a Doctor for a common cold. And they will have a fit when they find there is a co-pay or they haven't met the huge deductible in the policy.

We will be paying for it through higher health insurance premiums and Federal taxes to pay for 30 million people that will get a health insurance policy FREE.

We will also have to pay for thousands of new IRS agents that will monitor our income and enforce the ACA. And, who do you think pays the salary for the thousands of government employees running the health exchanges in 50 states? That would be those that work and pay taxes.

Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.

Now those same people will be going to a Doctor for a common cold. And they will have a fit when they find there is a co-pay or they haven't met the huge deductible in the policy.

We will be paying for it through higher health insurance premiums and Federal taxes to pay for 30 million people that will get a health insurance policy FREE.

We will also have to pay for thousands of new IRS agents that will monitor our income and enforce the ACA. And, who do you think pays the salary for the thousands of government employees running the health exchanges in 50 states? That would be those that work and pay taxes.


Its says affordable health care.. I don't see free health care in that sentence.

People who already have health care have a choice to go with obama or stay.

People who have not been able to get insurance for 6 months will now get it...

Meaning someone who's cancer has eatten up their who savings and home and are left for dead will now receive the care that they need.

Just want you to know that the chemo rooms are jammed pack with people, so you never know if it could be you next.

I know of a professional woman who used up all of her resources and died last summer due to being kicked off insurance. I find that very unfair

The poor already get health care, I do feel that this may help the middle class in the long run hopefully.

Show us the "affordable" part of it when someone is already living paycheck to paycheck and they're FORCED to add an extra monthly bill

I don't know exactly how its going to work but the Medicaid expansion is suppose to help with that.
Ethan Rome: Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion Helps Middle-Class Families, State Economies

• It gives people a chance to get back on their feet when times are tough. Sixty-five percent of people who receive Medicaid are from working families.
• It serves millions of people with severe mental and physical disabilities and helps them live independently in their own homes.
I even suggested the Medicaid option for one girl, whose mother doesn't work

But that's for the lowest of low income

It's the low-to-middle that will feel it most
Better they pay for it rather than you and me when they go to they emergency room for a common cold.
We are going to pay for it anyway, moron.

You don't think these people have the money to pay their deductible, do you?

What passes for brains in Democrats these days.
wow, I think Dutch needs a tub of anal ease after that stupid statement.
Its says affordable health care.. I don't see free health care in that sentence.

People who already have health care have a choice to go with obama or stay.

People who have not been able to get insurance for 6 months will now get it...

Meaning someone who's cancer has eatten up their who savings and home and are left for dead will now receive the care that they need.

Just want you to know that the chemo rooms are jammed pack with people, so you never know if it could be you next.

I know of a professional woman who used up all of her resources and died last summer due to being kicked off insurance. I find that very unfair

The poor already get health care, I do feel that this may help the middle class in the long run hopefully.

Show us the "affordable" part of it when someone is already living paycheck to paycheck and they're FORCED to add an extra monthly bill

I don't know exactly how its going to work but the Medicaid expansion is suppose to help with that.
Ethan Rome: Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion Helps Middle-Class Families, State Economies

• It gives people a chance to get back on their feet when times are tough. Sixty-five percent of people who receive Medicaid are from working families.
• It serves millions of people with severe mental and physical disabilities and helps them live independently in their own homes.

Ever notice the "affordable" part means someone else is going to pay for it? Never seems to mean that you yourself are going to pay less out of your pocket because those that are paying for the "affordable" get to pay more. The only people getting "affordable" insurance are those that wouldn't pay for it anyway. Everyone else gets to float the "affordable" with increased premiums and taxes.

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