I thought the left said Trump was a pretend Christian?

I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

Of course he's a pretend Christian, as are several posters here.

And how in the world was the potential death toll not addressed during the decision-making process? How in the world was something that important missed? This was the first time someone had asked that question, when the bombs were about to fly? Seriously? "Oh, by the way...."?

Frankly, I'd rather not know. Keep that circus behind closed doors, and we'll deal with the effects out here.


Mac here can judge even who is and is not a real Christian over the internet. I mean that's just how judgy he really is.


Jesus tells us we will know His followers by their fruit... "By their fruits you will know them".

I have always heard the Lord works in mysterious ways....

Trump has planted many fruit trees that I am sure the Lord is happy with.

Trump has gathered much Fruit for the Lord.....

You Tards work for Satan......….
Of course he's a pretend Christian, as are several posters here.

And how in the world was the potential death toll not addressed during the decision-making process? How in the world was something that important missed? This was the first time someone had asked that question, when the bombs were about to fly? Seriously? "Oh, by the way...."?

Frankly, I'd rather not know. Keep that circus behind closed doors, and we'll deal with the effects out here.

Once more, Stormy, as long as Stock Market is doing well, you are more upset that Ann Coulter can't talk at Berkeley than Trump potentially killing people.

Big Picture, you Tards and your Nazi Tactics of

suppressing free speech are more dangerous in the long run.
As I understand it, Jesus was big on calling people "Tards".

Oh and hypocrites and blind guides. Also Matthew 23

Those two very much remind me of people who proclaim judgment on others but know very little about Jesus' words or the Bible in general
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."


To be fair I think Trump made the right decision here but I don't see that as evidence that he puts his trust in salvation in Jesus Christ alone and makes it his highest goal to follow Him. I don't see this as proof that he is a regenerate Christian IOW
Lol Trump is a complete sack of shit. Of course he doesn’t subscribe to actual moral values.

You Tards are all so very FULL of SHIT....

You talk about morals with what you support?

Give us a flucking break.
Big Picture, you Tards and your Nazi Tactics of suppressing free speech are more dangerous in the long run.

No one is stopping Coulter from spewing her filth.
She is entitled to say what she wants. She isn't entitled to a platform.

People have an idea about Jesus that he was a "self-esteem" teacher, because in the 21st (and late 20th) century, you're only "nice" if you make people feel good about themselves.

Jesus had no interest in making people feel good about the fact that they were dead in their sins. He was sometimes quite encouraging, and sometimes forcefully blunt, and often unapologetically harsh. He told his beloved disciple Peter, 'Get behind me, Satan."

This "if you just say really nice things to people that makes them feel good all the time, you're a 'good Christian' stuff" is mostly nonsense. If your eternity is worth saving, it's certainly worth the truth.
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

Lol what the fuck was the military even doing there to begin with? You people are just hilarious.

Protecting Finland, Norway, Denmark and the rest of the socialist Utopias interest ?
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

Of course he's a pretend Christian, as are several posters here.

And how in the world was the potential death toll not addressed during the decision-making process? How in the world was something that important missed? This was the first time someone had asked that question, when the bombs were about to fly? Seriously? "Oh, by the way...."?

Frankly, I'd rather not know. Keep that circus behind closed doors, and we'll deal with the effects out here.

Only God knows someone's heart and true faith...you're in no position to be the judge on that
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

Lol what the fuck was the military even doing there to begin with? You people are just hilarious.

Protecting Finland, Norway, Denmark and the rest of the socialist Utopias interest ?
From.... what?
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

And that has what to do with christianity?

Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version (KJV)
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Only God knows someone's heart and true faith...you're in no position to be the judge on that
And far be it from you to judge anyone.


Should I break out the ol' USMB search engine for a few hundred examples?

Naw. Why bother.

"God". Hypocrite.
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."

Kind of has nothing to do with being a Christian, it's just that someone in the Pentagon with a lick of sense got to him after Pompeo and Bolton almost had him convinced to go to war.

The Iranians can't beat us, but we really can't beat them. What they can do is wreck the world economy by disrupting the oil supply.

It sounds like Abraham's blossom to me that Trump just read or remembered...

Luke 16:19–31

Their was a rich man clothed in fine linen and fwho feasted sumptuously every day. gwas laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, hwhat fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores. ithe angels jto Abraham’s side.6 The rich man also died and was buried, kHades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and lsaw Abraham far off and Lazarus jat his side. m‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and ncool my tongue, for oI am in anguish in this flame.’ pyou in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. qMoses and the Prophets; rlet them hear them.’ sfather Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ qMoses and the Prophets, tneither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’ ”

Only God knows someone's heart and true faith...you're in no position to be the judge on that
And far be it from you to judge anyone.


Should I break out the ol' USMB search engine for a few hundred examples?

Naw. Why bother.

"God". Hypocrite.

That verse says you will be judged with the measure you use. No one takes it to the end in complete context. So I think it's fair for me to say "child abuse is an atrocity" because I'm a teacher, I love children, and I don't abuse them. That is a fair judgment on my part. It would not be fair for me to say, "These people should not be sinning" because that's the classic example of me picking out a speck while ignoring a log. It's not the judgment itself that is wrong, it's judging rightly while looking at your own self.

Christians can have a good idea who are fellow Christians, but it's not really our job to ever know individually. It belongs to the Judge. That's not me, that's not you. So when you declare some people here are "pretend Christians", it's the ultimate un-throning of God...you are taking over His job. You're obviously not meant to do that
I don't recall a recent president saying this:

Trump Says He Called Off Strike On Iran Because He Didn't See It As 'Proportionate'

How many will die," Trump said in a series of tweets Friday.

Upon hearing the projected death toll, Trump said, he decided that the strike was not "proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone."


To be fair I think Trump made the right decision here but I don't see that as evidence that he puts his trust in salvation in Jesus Christ alone and makes it his highest goal to follow Him. I don't see this as proof that he is a regenerate Christian IOW
Lol Trump is a complete sack of shit. Of course he doesn’t subscribe to actual moral values.

Read my OP again, the hatred is strong with you to the point youre blinded.


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