Zone1 I understand why non-Catholics dislike Catholicism of any variety

I am a Catholic.
But I would never attack anybody just because they are not
Please enlighten us. When did any "church" tell you that?
good response

and why all the foul language by Thunk (who nonetheless otherwise makes a lot of sense and sounds like he is truly interested in following Jesus)
I was born and raised catholic and I still am. But it seems to me the church and the people are redefining Catholicism into something I don't recognize.

I'll stick with the bible and interpret it for myself.

you are correct. The Church is not at all what it once was and that should conceern everyone, Catholic or otherwise. As goes the (true) Catholic Faith, so goes the world it inhabits.. or used to inhabit. Ok, it still does exist, but it is scattered like the abandoned sheep when there is no shepherd. Of course there is always the shepherd Jesus we can cling to even when His Church is in eclipse... but it is extremely difficult to be truly "In Christ" when His Church is... all but destroyed. :( :mad:
you are correct. The Church is not at all what it once was and that should conceern everyone, Catholic or otherwise. As goes the (true) Catholic Faith, so goes the world it inhabits.. or used to inhabit. Ok, it still does exist, but it is scattered like the abandoned sheep when there is no shepherd. Of course there is always the shepherd Jesus we can cling to even when His Church is in eclipse... but it is extremely difficult to be truly "In Christ" when His Church is... all but destroyed. :( :mad:

Yeah - it's a pitty. Even our boss died on a cross. So where could be a last rest of a little hope?

Yeah - it's a pitty. Even our boss died on a cross. So where could be a last rest of a little hope?

"So where could be a"

little proper English grammar (etc) so people could understand what is being said?

"So where could be a"

little proper English grammar (etc) so people could understand what is being said?


The orignal sentence had been [/ironic modus [/on]]"Wo könnte noch ein letzter Rest für eine kleine Hoffnung sein?"[/ironic modus [/off]]. I forgot the word "da". I liked to say [ironic modus [/on]]"Wo könnte da noch ein letzter Rest für eine kleine Hoffnung sein?"[ironic modus [/off]] = "Where could there be a last vestige for a little hope?". Sorry that this had hurted your own not existing love for the English language.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost
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I can also understand why some Catholics dislike Protestants (or maybe I should say Protestantism..?).

Which reminds me: I think God dislikes all of us. He loves us.. Sending Christ proves this.. :) but like?

doubt it. What is there to like? We are selfish, stuck in our sinful ways, and etc... What the heck is there to like?
doubt it. What is there to like? We are selfish, stuck in our sinful ways, and etc... What the heck is there to like?
It was the best of times
It was the worst of times

the end

I will bet your reaction is, "That's not the whole story--not even close!" What if DaVinci painted a few brushstrokes outlining the hair of the Mona Lisa. Would it ever have become a great work of art?

We are all a work in progress, all designed by the Master Creator. If we are still sinning, still imperfect, it means He is not yet finished with us. Yet. Have faith.

What makes the Master Creator truly great is that we have input. Think about it. When a baby first stands, he is not expected to win the Olympic mile the next day. The same with us when we set ourselves a goal of overcoming any sin. When we set that goal, we stand up. We should not expect to win the Olympic event of reaching that goal on the second day. One step at a time. How many times did that Gold Medal Olympic runner fall between the time he first stood and the time when he stood on stage with that Gold Medal?
It was the best of times
It was the worst of times

the end

I will bet your reaction is, "That's not the whole story--not even close!" What if DaVinci painted a few brushstrokes outlining the hair of the Mona Lisa. Would it ever have become a great work of art?

We are all a work in progress, all designed by the Master Creator. If we are still sinning, still imperfect, it means He is not yet finished with us. Yet. Have faith.

What makes the Master Creator truly great is that we have input. Think about it. When a baby first stands, he is not expected to win the Olympic mile the next day. The same with us when we set ourselves a goal of overcoming any sin. When we set that goal, we stand up. We should not expect to win the Olympic event of reaching that goal on the second day. One step at a time. How many times did that Gold Medal Olympic runner fall between the time he first stood and the time when he stood on stage with that Gold Medal?

you certainly expended a lot of verbiage to tell me something I already know and have for many many years
Many who call themselves "catholic" have no clue about our religion.

From noah to the mark of the beast to the Holy Eucharist...they know nothing & call themselves catholic.

It's been many years since I went to church because the churches are full of these people!
I dont believe it
I went to this purportedly Catholic site and got into a discussion with some of the "Catholics" there. OMG!

It was unbelievable. They insulted me at every turn and acted like only they knew anything about... just whatever topic. They disagreed with stuff that they would then turn around and put in different words and act like they were correct and I am just an idiot.

So this is obviously very un-Christian behavior. There were a few posters there who were polite and acted like a true Christian so I don't want to act like everyone there is evil LOL

But yeh... sadly, I can now fully understand (partially understood already) why non-Catholics get a feeling of actual evil in dealing with "Catholics" so called.

I got to talking with this Mexican woman in a grocery store some years ago and she said (it was like fingernails on a chalk board back then) that she "used to be Catholic, but now I'm a Christian"


Catholics (the sincere ones) ARE definitely Christian. As stated before, the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded. But ahhhhhhhhhhh

It is full of demons IMO

And not just the NO sect (Vatican et al) either...

Yes, I know, I should focus on the posters who were sincere... I do tend to see the glass half empty. :(

But you know... What I've said here needed to be said..
There are other reasons. That Church does "good works" but they're steeped in paganism masquerading as Christianity.

And no, that church is NOT the Church Christ founded. You keep it insisting on that, but that will never make it true
And no, that church is NOT the Church Christ founded. You keep it insisting on that, but that will never make it true
But the Essene monk , even in the cult version of his life , had been dead over 60 years before his brother set up a church in his name , albeit ignoring his specific directive to do so . Which story do you Cultists offer us ? And why choose to ignore his teaching ? It is little wonder that numbers are falling so much . The basic story line is so muddled .
I went to this purportedly Catholic site and got into a discussion with some of the "Catholics" there. OMG!

It was unbelievable. They insulted me at every turn and acted like only they knew anything about... just whatever topic. They disagreed with stuff that they would then turn around and put in different words and act like they were correct and I am just an idiot.

So this is obviously very un-Christian behavior. There were a few posters there who were polite and acted like a true Christian so I don't want to act like everyone there is evil LOL

But yeh... sadly, I can now fully understand (partially understood already) why non-Catholics get a feeling of actual evil in dealing with "Catholics" so called.

I got to talking with this Mexican woman in a grocery store some years ago and she said (it was like fingernails on a chalk board back then) that she "used to be Catholic, but now I'm a Christian"


Catholics (the sincere ones) ARE definitely Christian. As stated before, the Catholic Church is the Church Christ founded. But ahhhhhhhhhhh

It is full of demons IMO

And not just the NO sect (Vatican et al) either...

Yes, I know, I should focus on the posters who were sincere... I do tend to see the glass half empty. :(

But you know... What I've said here needed to be said..
/----/ Dominus vobiscum
But the Essene monk , even in the cult version of his life , had been dead over 60 years before his brother set up a church in his name , albeit ignoring his specific directive to do so . Which story do you Cultists offer us ? And why choose to ignore his teaching ? It is little wonder that numbers are falling so much . The basic story line is so muddled .
Which demon do you speak to
you certainly expended a lot of verbiage to tell me something I already know and have for many many years
You need to do some serious self reflection, dude. Then again, you seem like you are on a mission. So maybe you do realize what you are doing.
catholics believe in a works based salvation like the pharisees and contrary to Jesus' teachings.
catholics believe in a works based salvation like the pharisees and contrary to Jesus' teachings.
That is NOT true. You, like all anti-Catholics, are lacking in understanding of what the Church teaches. But then you pass yourselves off as experts on it anyway... SOOO incredibly tiresome!

No Catholic worth his salt believes that we can work our way to Heaven EXCEPT that... it LOOKS like... if you read certain Scriptures.. that that IS what we are called to do!

It is complicated, as many things about God are!

There are Scriptures (I've read the entire DR Bible) that say such things as: you are judged according to your deeds. Old and New T say this.

Then there is this: "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.." (Phil 2:12).

It is not like: "Oh, I have to go to the soup kitchen and volunteer EVERY day or I will fry in Hell forever!"

No, it is like this: I must pray (first "work" I think we are called to do) and through such prayer discover what God may want me to do with the talents and gifts he has given me. Then when I act on that, I may discover I didn't get things perfectly right the first time... I get back on my feet, pray more and continue on... The Bible says to pray incessantly. That is the first "work" we are called to IMO, along with sharing the Gospel w/ others... But you have to know something before you can share it w/ others..
That is NOT true. You, like all anti-Catholics, are lacking in understanding of what the Church teaches. But then you pass yourselves off as experts on it anyway... SOOO incredibly tiresome!

No Catholic worth his salt believes that we can work our way to Heaven EXCEPT that... it LOOKS like... if you read certain Scriptures.. that that IS what we are called to do!

It is complicated, as many things about God are!

There are Scriptures (I've read the entire DR Bible) that say such things as: you are judged according to your deeds. Old and New T say this.

Then there is this: "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.." (Phil 2:12).

It is not like: "Oh, I have to go to the soup kitchen and volunteer EVERY day or I will fry in Hell forever!"

No, it is like this: I must pray (first "work" I think we are called to do) and through such prayer discover what God may want me to do with the talents and gifts he has given me. Then when I act on that, I may discover I didn't get things perfectly right the first time... I get back on my feet, pray more and continue on... The Bible says to pray incessantly. That is the first "work" we are called to IMO, along with sharing the Gospel w/ others... But you have to know something before you can share it w/ others..
you know nothing about my background- i grew up catholic, went to a rc school; we had a rc church on our property etc...

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