CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
You've got no point. It's a trivial chance that they would have an unrelated death while suffering from COVID19.

No, it is not, not in the elderly population, or the at risk population of people with co-morbidities.

Your answer reveals that you, or liberals like you, are likely to just assume, and thus inflate the count.

My point validated. Thank you.
You do not have a point. You have a weak-assed excuse.

Do you ever get tired of defending Cheeto Jesus?
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
I've yet to see you post any evidence at all showing people are being wrongly identified as coronavirus deaths.

I didn't claim to have such evidence.

BUt I did just get two libs to demonstrate that they would inflate the numbers if given the opportunity.
Well that's a lie.

Said the man who's position is that any death, WITH CONVID must have been caused by the virus.

And should be counted as such. LOL!!!!
Well duh. Short of a car accident or something similar. You can assume that anyone who has a heart attack while infected with coronavirus probably would not have had the heart attack at that specific time without the coronavirus.

Use your head for something besides a blunt instrument for a change.
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
You've got no point. It's a trivial chance that they would have an unrelated death while suffering from COVID19.

No, it is not, not in the elderly population, or the at risk population of people with co-morbidities.

Your answer reveals that you, or liberals like you, are likely to just assume, and thus inflate the count.

My point validated. Thank you.
You do not have a point. You have a weak-assed excuse.

Do you ever get tired of defending Cheeto Jesus?

Your failure to challenge my point is noted.

My political support of the President is fine. You people make it easy, with your insane, delusional hysteria.

And the upcoming election? A choice between Trump and BIden? LOL!!!

THanks. It has not been this easy to be a partisan republican since Reagan.
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
I've yet to see you post any evidence at all showing people are being wrongly identified as coronavirus deaths.

I didn't claim to have such evidence.

BUt I did just get two libs to demonstrate that they would inflate the numbers if given the opportunity.
Well that's a lie.

Said the man who's position is that any death, WITH CONVID must have been caused by the virus.

And should be counted as such. LOL!!!!
Well duh. Short of a car accident or something similar. You can assume that anyone who has a heart attack while infected with coronavirus probably would not have had the heart attack at that specific time without the coronavirus.

Use your head for something besides a blunt instrument for a change.

THank you for admitting that you and people like you, will be inflating the numbers of deaths.

Not sure what more you want from me.

Here, have a cookie.

I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
You've got no point. It's a trivial chance that they would have an unrelated death while suffering from COVID19.

No, it is not, not in the elderly population, or the at risk population of people with co-morbidities.

Your answer reveals that you, or liberals like you, are likely to just assume, and thus inflate the count.

My point validated. Thank you.
You do not have a point. You have a weak-assed excuse.

Do you ever get tired of defending Cheeto Jesus?

Your failure to challenge my point is noted.

My political support of the President is fine. You people make it easy, with your insane, delusional hysteria.

And the upcoming election? A choice between Trump and BIden? LOL!!!

THanks. It has not been this easy to be a partisan republican since Reagan.
Ok, one more time:







You are making excuses. Nothing more.
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
I've yet to see you post any evidence at all showing people are being wrongly identified as coronavirus deaths.

I didn't claim to have such evidence.

BUt I did just get two libs to demonstrate that they would inflate the numbers if given the opportunity.
Well that's a lie.

Said the man who's position is that any death, WITH CONVID must have been caused by the virus.

And should be counted as such. LOL!!!!
Well duh. Short of a car accident or something similar. You can assume that anyone who has a heart attack while infected with coronavirus probably would not have had the heart attack at that specific time without the coronavirus.

Use your head for something besides a blunt instrument for a change.

THank you for admitting that you and people like you, will be inflating the numbers of deaths.

Not sure what more you want from me.

Here, have a cookie.

View attachment 320229
Good god man, you are just as thick as two short planks, aren't you.
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
I've yet to see you post any evidence at all showing people are being wrongly identified as coronavirus deaths.

I didn't claim to have such evidence.

BUt I did just get two libs to demonstrate that they would inflate the numbers if given the opportunity.
Well that's a lie.

Said the man who's position is that any death, WITH CONVID must have been caused by the virus.

And should be counted as such. LOL!!!!
Well duh. Short of a car accident or something similar. You can assume that anyone who has a heart attack while infected with coronavirus probably would not have had the heart attack at that specific time without the coronavirus.

Use your head for something besides a blunt instrument for a change.

THank you for admitting that you and people like you, will be inflating the numbers of deaths.

Not sure what more you want from me.

Here, have a cookie.

View attachment 320229
Good god man, you are just as thick as two short planks, aren't you.

Nope. Quite bright actually.

And you proved my point for me. So, thanks.
reply to #161
Snap shot analysis renders snap shot conclusions. Guaranteed.

I’m not analyzing anything. I ask what are you seeing? You and Correll apparently don’t see anything out of the ordinary going on in NYC the past few weeks.

It’s as if you look outside your window and see a foot of water on your driveway still rising. So to avoid making a snapshot decision you look up the weather report from one year earlier and see a sunny day.

So back to the couch for a nap. All as well.
You can assume
Assumption doesn't usually generate fact or truth-
Neither do tRumplings yet you listen to them like they were making pronouncements from on high.

You know, something I've been working on,

would you mind, when you accuse people of "racism", if it is you know, that normal thing you libs do,

could you spell it out, like "Evul Wacism"?
And now a deflection.

Arguing with idiots is annoying and unproductive.

I'm done responding to you in this thread.

Don't worry, I know your next post will declare your "victory", but you didn't "win". You just hammered on the stupid until I got tired of dealing with it.
reply to #161
Snap shot analysis renders snap shot conclusions. Guaranteed.

I’m not analyzing anything. I ask what are you seeing? You and Correll apparently don’t see anything out of the ordinary going on in NYC the past few weeks.

It’s as if you look outside your window and see a foot of water on your driveway still rising. So to avoid making a snapshot decision you look up the weather report from one year earlier and see a sunny day.

So back to the couch for a nap. All as well.

YOur refusal to be honest about my point is noted.
You can assume
Assumption doesn't usually generate fact or truth-
Neither do tRumplings yet you listen to them like they were making pronouncements from on high.

You know, something I've been working on,

would you mind, when you accuse people of "racism", if it is you know, that normal thing you libs do,

could you spell it out, like "Evul Wacism"?
And now a deflection.

Arguing with idiots is annoying and unproductive.

I'm done responding to you in this thread.

Don't worry, I know your next post will declare your "victory", but you didn't "win". You just hammered on the stupid until I got tired of dealing with it.

The way you use baby talk where referring to the President, I thought you would be wiling to listen to my idea on "Evul Wacism".

I just think that it makes sense,
Whether deaths are being inflated is a valid question, but I find it as interesting that media (FOX included) are not reporting the number of recoveries for comparison, nor reporting the increasing success with Hydroxychloroquine.

They seem to be sticking with "If it bleeds, it leads".

This reminds me of a conversation I had recently with this dumb ass.

I told him 5 people I know died drinking themselves to death young, he told me he wasn't there to observe it, it could of been other causes.

I am like you stupid fuck they where drinking vodka 24/7.
Rush is a brilliant Auto Salesman.,,
The man can massage facts like no one else and his fan base, who don't actually listen to his sentences, will buy his message of, "R GOOD! D BAAAAAAAD!"
Ask 99% of Rush fans (I have) to paraphrase his daily schpiel and they'll just stare at you like a deer in the headlights and say, "Ds BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!".
Are you working on the opposite to say the D is sainthood and R is devil?

Rush is very intelligent- denying that is being intellectually dishonest which is what this entire thread was about- but, one would have to actually read to know that. The actors, in the District of Criminals, are the used car salesmen. Rush is like a campaign manager for Republicans, just like the talking heads and journalist are the campaign workers for the Democrats. Believing them, or you, as one's source for clarity is silly. Words mean things. If one doesn't understand simple English get a dictionary.
I despise the extreme view of both parties.
Where did I say Rush wasn’t intelligent?
He’s uses his intelligence to massage data to make money.
Whatever is good for Rush on any given day is good.
YOur refusal to be honest about my point is noted.

You don’t have a point. I asked what you are seeing happening in NYC right now? You fear giving a simple answer.

Have seen the big 1000 bed US Navy hospital shop docked in NYC? Originally sent by the COMMANDER IN CHIEF, to take on Non-Covid patients. Just announced they are taking virus injected patients.

Why did T Trump send it there? Is Trump in on the deep state fake virus hoax plot to destroy his own presidency?

I saw the ship. Did you see the ship?
YOur refusal to be honest about my point is noted.

You don’t have a point. I asked what you are seeing happening in NYC right now? You fear giving a simple answer.

Have seen the big 1000 bed US Navy hospital shop docked in NYC? Originally sent by the COMMANDER IN CHIEF, to take on Non-Covid patients. Just announced they are taking virus injected patients.

Why did T Trump send it there? Is Trump in on the deep state fake virus hoax plot to destroy his own presidency?

I saw the ship. Did you see the ship?

Your inability to understand the simplest concepts, does not reflect well on you, or the schools that failed to teach you to think.
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