CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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If a person has Cancer and eventually dies from a cold, we don't say the person died of a cold.
It doesn't work that way. If the person dies from a cold, the cold IS the cause of death. If he died from cancer, then cancer is the cause of death.

We don't say, he died from a cold, but he also had high blood pressure. So let's tick the high blood pressure box on this one, we'll tick off the cold box next time.
Your inability to understand the simplest concepts, does not reflect well on you, or the schools that failed to teach you to think.

Define the concept. Anyone who is afraid to say if he has seen a big white ship TV should not be advising anyone else on how to think.

The ship is in NYC to save lives because the hospitals are overflowing with patients that cannot breathe. Was it there last April?

Sorry, I forgot, you don’t answer questions that expose your phony intellectual honesty,

I’m on to your mental chicanery, you request I prove that the big white ship was not in NYC last April.

I probably could get something from the Navy, but what good would that do? Virus denying idiotic conspiracy theorists must believe the Navy is in the conspiracy to destroy the economy in order to hurt Trump.
Your inability to understand the simplest concepts, does not reflect well on you, or the schools that failed to teach you to think.

Define the concept. ...

No. I am not here to teach you what your 2cd grade teacher was supposed to.

I explained my problem with your point, you had a choice of addressing it or dodging it.

you choose dodge.
It doesn't work that way. If the person dies from a cold, the cold IS the cause of death. If he died from cancer, then cancer is the cause of death.

We don't say, he died from a cold, but he also had high blood pressure. So let's tick the high blood pressure box on this one, we'll tick off the cold box next time.

The point with this virus is that when a person is 65 and younger and very healthy with a normal immune system it is not likely to reach a point of killing them because their immune system has high odds to win.

If the above is your status, but you are having a cough. sore throat etc from a common cold and get infected your odds decrease for having a mild infection.
If it kills this person, no one in their right mind would declare the cause of death to be sore throat.,

When those 65 and older are infected but very heathy, they still have decreased odds for a mild recovery solely because of age.
Plenty of people at 65 live 15 to 30 years longer. No one would ignore the sudden traumatic attack on the lungs heart and other organs of a 65 year old and say they died of old age and natural Causes.

people a medical condition specifically those with immune disorder or lung disease getting infected is pretty much a death sentence. If those patients were not on the verge of death when infected, the cause of death will be the novel virus.

If one is on medication for disbetes, heart condition or anything but treatment is prolonging life, and they get infected, the virus is the cause of death.

The conspiracy theories posted on a thread about intellectual honesty make this thread a joke.
#186 reply to #183
I explained my problem with your point,

That exactly it. It’s your problem that you can’t answer a simple question.

if you have a problem with my pointing out that 630 patients died in 24 hours in New York because you think that is the normal daily death rate unaffected by a global pandemic then you must point out the problem with the report I posted. You don’t have a problem with it because you have not told us what your problem with it is.

You utter mush because that is all you apparently know how to do.

Post #23
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real. Denying that, is not credible.

Citing ‘temptation’ because you surely know if you claimed you found evidence of your rediculous conspiracy theory, you will certainly be asked to provide it.

Mush! Nothing but mush!
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#186 reply to #183
I explained my problem with your point,

That exactly it. It’s your problem that you can’t answer a simple question.

if you have a problem with my pointing out that 630 patients died in 24 hours in New York because you think that is the normal daily death rate unaffected by a global pandemic then you must point out the problem with the report I posted. You don’t have a problem with it because you have not told us what your problem with it is.

You utter mush because that is all you apparently know how to do.

Post #23
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real. Denying that, is not credible.

Citing ‘temptation’ because you surely know if you claimed you found evidence of your rediculous conspiracy theory, you will certainly be asked to provide it.

Mush! Nothing but mush!

YOur inability to provide any context is noted again.

Your overreaction to my concern about inflating numbers, is, not called for.
That reported death totals weirdness aside, the arguments for inflating the numbers are likely equivalent to those for deflating them.

I think it depends on "hedging your bets".. If you're the MEDIA and want to stay immune from scrutiny for INFLATING this crisis and playing "it bleeds it leads" -- NOW when the WORST CASE NUMBERS you were pushing just a month ago don't seem so reliable --

.... then you want to INFLATE deaths.

OTH -- If you're in the Trump Admin and want to take more credit for being PROACTIVE and pushing the nation into LOCKDOWN ------

...... then you want to DEFLATE deaths...

So this is gonna be another rude and crude encounter between Trump and the House and the Media for a year or more..
#189 reply to #187 Re: libs in hospitals to count deaths as COVID-19,

Post #20
. We have already seen threads reporting on inflated counts from Italy.

Have you posted any of those threads on this one?

If you are concerned you should post for the record has you so concerned:

Post #187
Your overreaction to my concern about inflating numbers, is, not called for.

NYC is adding the following numbers of additional hospital beds and ICU’s for a reason. Do you believe the following added capacity to NYC hospitals is real?

Over the course of the month of April, NYC Health + Hospitals will create nearly 762 ICU beds – more than any other hospital system in the country – and add nearly 2,500 medical beds.
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Woodhull will add 91 medical and surgical beds and 23 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens will add 373 medical beds and 44 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/North Central Bronx will add 77 medical beds and 31 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan will add 156 medical beds and 74 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Kings County will add 292 medical beds and 117 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi will add 265 medical beds and 93 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem will add 141 medical beds and 44 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst will add 230 medical beds and 69 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island will add 104 medical beds and 18 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue will at 212 medical beds and 52 ICU beds
  • NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln will bring 525 beds and 197 ICU beds online
Post #23
. The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real. Denying that, is not credible.

Are all the hero medical workers we see risking their lives to save the lives of complete strangers day in and day out ... are they all LIBS? I can believe that - not the lies you are cooking up about them.
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If a person has Cancer and eventually dies from a cold, we don't say the person died of a cold.
It doesn't work that way. If the person dies from a cold, the cold IS the cause of death. If he died from cancer, then cancer is the cause of death.

We don't say, he died from a cold, but he also had high blood pressure. So let's tick the high blood pressure box on this one, we'll tick off the cold box next time.

Problem is -- you think like a coroner -- NOT a bureaucrat.. Not even a SCIENTIST at the NIH bureaucrat...

Bureaucrats are motivated to make the OUTCOMES fit their "modeled projections"... Even if they have to change the definition of the thing they're manipulating..
I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Can you post conspiracy crap from the nation's leading dispenser of conspiracy crap in this zone?

Can you read the thread and answer the topic or go back to your hole ?
The topic is conspiracy theory nonsense. Doesn't belong in this zone.

The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.

You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
Finding it suspicious when coroner's list coronavirus as the cause of death among patients with underlying health conditions is the stuff of conspiracy nuts.


You libs have shown that you invent reasons to put your partisan gain ahead of professional responsibilities at ever turn.

So, your pretense otherwise, is just you defending your side's bad behavior.
An elderly person with heart disease who contracts coronavirus and dies because their heart is too frail to fend off the virus is counted among the victims of COVID-19 and conspiracy nuts cry foul.

What about an elderly patient who has the virus and is fighting it off, and dies of an unrelated stroke?
If the stoke was brought on by them fighting the virus, COVID-19 was the cause of death.

My example. I clearly stated "unrelated" and you immediately ignore that given, and start thinking how to blame the virus so you can count it.

You just demonstrated my point. Perfectly. Thanks for playing. See the receptionist on the way out for your lovely consolation prizes.
Your point is silly. The chances of that just coincidentally happening are vanishingly small.

Actually, it's not. And you've demonstrated my point.
You've got no point. It's a trivial chance that they would have an unrelated death while suffering from COVID19.

You're guessing at trivial.. People with chronic CardioVasc conditions, Cancer, otherwise impaired immune systems are TOLD they will probably die of an infection of some kind.. And that's true.. But the STARTING POINT IS -- they KNOW the risk of contracting anything.. Apparently you don't....
I think it depends on "hedging your bets".. If you're the MEDIA and want to stay immune from scrutiny for INFLATING this crisis and playing "it bleeds it leads" -- NOW when the WORST CASE NUMBERS you were pushing just a month ago don't seem so reliable --

.... then you want to INFLATE deaths.

Thats wrong. Here‘s why:

There are 12,800 deaths already. Some of those would still be alive had the right people panicked 30 days earlier.

The media did not panic the population enough. And they should not get most of the credit for shutting the economy down. They must share that game saving play with the investor class, money changers, and yes the elders if the NBA when they canceled the season. The Wall Streeters are much more scientific than political. Trump’s inchoherent attempt to downplay what was spreading in 21 countries here, as nothing more than the seasonal flu, ... failed and the stock market was infected and in need of a ventilator.
So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that- Trump March 9.​

The trouble with Trump the Calmer is that businessmen and investors know the difference been a seasonal virus and a novel virus.

No NBA NFL MLB, no tourism, global recession, schools had to close,

The US economy was shutting down on it’s own.

The whole country became socialists

The Maddow side has no reason to inflate deaths. Or motive.

The media to be scrutinized is the Trump News Media. Fox News.
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IT seems for many people on this board the only thing that is important is for their OPINION to be the right one, we all have opinions & share them, that's all the value they have. take what you can use & leave the rest.
There are 12,800 deaths already. Some of those would still be alive had the right people panicked 30 days earlier.

Jan 31 was the date that travel ban from China was enacted.. DURING the impeachment. Didn't see a lot of concern from WHO, CDC, or other American leaders.. In fact WHO CRITICIZED Trump for enacting the ban and he took flack from the media for doing it.. If you're looking for the "delayed" reaction, its from China lying and suppressing the severity of the disease...

The media did not panic the population enough. And they should not get most of the credit for shutting the economy down. They must share that game saving play with the investor class, money changers, and yes the elders if the NBA when they canceled the season.

The media CONTINUALLY and irresponsibly used the "worst case" projections from models that were just projections.. Had to suffer thru Morning Schmoe and Mikka making faces and rolling their eyes about "how many people did Trump kill today".. SOME in the media suggested instead of the Chinese or Wuhan virus -- it should be called the Trump virus... Media IS gonna get people killed with this kind of juvenile, irresponsible "analysis" and reporting...

This thread is about "media honesty".. Which TODAY is an oxymoron.. There is no media.. There are Political Action contributing TABLOID outlets... People need to defend their intellect and knowledge THEMSELVES.... Without biased "fact checkers" that just give spin and talking points, and by CONSUMING enough of it to do the research BY YOURSELF.....
#186 reply to #183
I explained my problem with your point,

That exactly it. It’s your problem that you can’t answer a simple question.

if you have a problem with my pointing out that 630 patients died in 24 hours in New York because you think that is the normal daily death rate unaffected by a global pandemic then you must point out the problem with the report I posted. You don’t have a problem with it because you have not told us what your problem with it is.

You utter mush because that is all you apparently know how to do.

Post #23
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real. Denying that, is not credible.

Citing ‘temptation’ because you surely know if you claimed you found evidence of your rediculous conspiracy theory, you will certainly be asked to provide it.

Mush! Nothing but mush!


The population of New York state is approximately 19,000,000.

The population of New York city is approximately 8,300,000.

If 630 died in twenty four hours in New York as you've stated that means...

630 daily X 365 days = 229,950 will die in a year... Let's call it 230,000 yearly

Assuming that the average age a person will live to be is around sixty let's do some math...

19,000,000 NY state population / 60 years = 316,666.66 or around 320,000 deaths a year.

8,300,000 NY city population / 60 years = 138,333.33 or around 140,000 deaths a year.

Those figures of course assume a stable population where there are only enough births to replace those who died. Seems to me that you're making a big thing out of nothing if you're going to count every person who died no matter what the cause. This is why the issue of what they died of and the area you're coving is important to know. Otherwise the numbers become skewed, resources are wasted, and people become unsympathetic and unaffected about the information presented.


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19,000,000 NY state population / 60 years = 316,666.66 or around 320,000 deaths a year.

What are you doing? Limbaugh Math?

you could just look it up;


But out of 155,191 total deaths in New York State the number of deaths by pneumonia is 4179 per year.


—New York is reporting at least 149,316 total positive cases of COVID-19, 18,079 people currently hospitalized, 4,593 in intensive care, and 6,268 related deaths. That makes it the top state with the most U.S. coronavirus cases. A full 74,601 of those cases and 3,544 deaths are in New York City. (City-level data is sometimes less up to date than state-level data.)​

—These statistics likely represent a tremendous undercount, given that many people are dying in their homes but are not counted in official tallies because they have not been tested for the virus, as Gothamist and WNYC reported. New York: Latest updates on Coronavirus
A full 779 people died in the state from confirmed cases of the illness in the 24 hours between April 6 and April 7, the most yet.”​
When I divide total NY pneumonia related deaths of 4179 by 365 days in a year I get 12 deaths per day.​
So, 779 x 365 = 285,000 deaths per​
that is a lot don’t you think, when the normal number is 4200 per year or​
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Here's one example of the New Math in scoring virus deaths:

1 person with "the virus" sneezes and loses control of his/her/its car.
12 people on the sidewalk are mown down; 8 of them die.
1 bystander, not touched, has a seizure and dies.
The driver is uninjured; taken to hospital for evaluation

5 more hospitalized!

Did Rush write that for you? Our was it ACA Trump Tweet?

Perhaps you can explain this:

Trump’s new coronavirus argument: 2 million people are being saved

“What would have happened if we did nothing?”

Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,”
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I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
Coronavirus deaths are not being inflated. There is no conspiracy involved here. People close to me are in serious condition as a result of this. We will win this thing, get back on our feet again, and still prevent the Socialist Democratic Party from enacting their agenda.
Coronavirus deaths are not being inflated. There is no conspiracy involved here. People close to me are in serious condition as a result of this. We will win this thing, get back on our feet again, and still prevent the Socialist Democratic Party from enacting their agenda.
You might, just a suggestion, stick to the OT, which requires reading all that is written-
To begin with where did you read this is a conspiracy theory? I'm pretty sure, since it's my thread, I said it's about "intellectual honesty"- to be intellectually honest requires an open mind- an open mind easily absorbs knowledge- knowledge can manifest itself in ways unimaginable- no where did I say this is a conspiracy theory.
BTW, are you aware that ALL things began as a theory? Shallow minded people regurgitate with pejoratives pretending to be erudite- inquiring minds inquire - from everywhere possible before rendering a conclusion.
Closed minds regurgitate.
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