I was banned from Jewish forum !!!!

You're in the "Jews will not replace us" camp, aren't you?

Bodecea, meet Emanuel Celler,


Emanuel Celler (May 6, 1888 – January 15, 1981)

the jewish american congressman from NY who served for almost 50 years, succesively elected by the NY jewish community. Celler spent half a century fighting tooth and nail to allow non white mass immigration into the US and finally succeded in 1965 when the so called Hart-Celler Act, that opened America's gates to non-white mass immigration, was signed into law by Johnson:

Also in 1965, he proposed and steered to passage the Hart-Celler Act, which eliminated national origins as a consideration for immigration. This was the culminating moment in Celler's 41-year fight to overcome restriction on immigration to the United States based on national origin.


Even if I wanted I couldn't have created a conspiracy theory involving american congressmen, probably the human beings whose words and acts are the most scrutinized in the whole world. Every speech Celler made in Congress in 50 years advocating mass immigration were recorded, transcribed and are available for anyone to see in Washington DC. If this is conspiracy theory what's reality, bodecea?

Without the huge jewish american colony living in the greater New York region, this man would never have been elected a US representative!!

Now bodecea will probably say: "This is one Jew out of millions."

Celler was just the most visible tip of the iceberg. Behind him you have an entire army of jewish writers, lawyers, bussinessmen, politicians, journalists, you name it... all of them engaged in a real crusade to influence the american people, society and government.

Here's another american Jew, this time, an intellectual who wrote dozens of books preaching the "wonders" of a multicultural, multiracial America:



Horace Meyer Kallen (August 11, 1882 – February 16, 1974) was a German-born American philosopher who supported pluralism and Zionism.

Now bodecea will undoubtedly say: "Well, that's still only two american Jews out of millions."

After I show her 5000 prominent american Jews who participated in this 100 year crusade to destroy America's racial composition she will still say it's just 5000.

You just can't win.

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See? It's only a matter of time before rightwing "christians" turn on Jews.

They've seen this dance before....with Martin Luther and with Muhammed.
How am I “turning“ on them?

They get to call us “Nazis” or “fascists” or “white supremacists”, but we aren’t allowed to criticize them?
Trump is defeated ! the Stalinist Gang won and destroyed America in just 3 years
Sorry mate, but if the human scumbag is gone - that's about the best thing for the USA to happen.
Lefties&Libs haven't destroyed the USA yet - but are increasingly onto it for the past 45 years.

So it takes a smart, experienced and "reasonably" honest politician aka President to tackle these Lefty&Libs - and not just some egocentric loudmouth and a frantic MAGA community.
Just my 2 cents. - okay back to topic.
I blew out my back last summer and never been the same.
I went from a fighting machine to a Middle Aged man
It can get better. For the first year or so mine was so painful I had to hire out my lawn work. Now it only flairs up on hard jobs like the one I'm on now.
Such is life I guess
How can any of them call themselves "Jews" when all their scriptures pointed to Jesus being their messiah and yet they rejected him. Their religion today is nothing like what it was 2000+ years ago.
Jesus Was the First Protestant

The Jews were already saved through Abraham, Moses, and David. Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. The religious hierarchy got the Romans to crucify Him, but all the other Jews were blamed as scapegoats for the similar behavior by the Christian hierarchy, who were also nothing but agents for the Roman emperor.
Jesus Was the First Protestant

The Jews were already saved through Abraham, Moses, and David. Jesus was sent to save the Gentiles. The religious hierarchy got the Romans to crucify Him, but all the other Jews were blamed as scapegoats for the similar behavior by the Christian hierarchy, who were also nothing but agents for the Roman emperor.
Jesus was sent to save everybody, Jews and Gentiles. But most of the Jews ended up rejecting Jesus and the New Covenant. They really didn’t like losing their special status with God. So they rejected Jesus and early Christians. At first they thought Christianity would just go away like a fad, but it didn’t. They realized their mistake and the fact that they had a huge problem on their hands, that is why they had to have their Council of Jamnia and come up with the Talmud, to basically reinvent their religion in order to exclude the idea of Jesus being the messiah.
I have enormous political disagreement with most American Jews. I am still proud to be Jewish. I still do not dislike most fellow Jews as people.

Jewish people have disproportionately contributed to Science and Medicine. Here.
Did you see the power grab on trump by the Trotsky left
Did you see the power grab on trump by the Trotsky left
To a great deal I agree with Leon Trotsky. I believe that All Humans are Created Equal. I believe that all people should must have Positive Rights to Food, Housing, and Medical Care.

Sadly, Joseph Stalin changed Progressive Doctrine by incorporating Inequality and Repressions. Most Modern Progressives are much closer to Joseph Stalin then to Leon Trotsky.
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To a great deal I agree with Leon Trotsky. I believe that All Humans are Created Equal.

What else on this planet can you name that are all equal?
  • Are all cars equal? Can one go as fast or handle as well as the others?
  • Are all days equal? Do they all go the same with identical weather?
  • Are all lions equal? Is one just as fast and deadly as another?
  • What about fruit? Are all apples equal? Does one taste as sweet as the other?
So how are all people equal when some are shorter, some are stronger, some have better parents, some have more money, and some are more ambitious and intelligent?
To a great deal I agree with Leon Trotsky. I believe that All Humans are Created Equal. I believe that all people should must have Positive Rights to Food, Housing, and Medical Care.

Sadly, Joseph Stalin changed Progressive Doctrine by incorporating Inequality and Repressions. Most Modern Progressives are much closer to Joseph Stalin than to Leon Trotsky.
Israelis and American Jews are a huge huge difference
What else on this planet can you name that are all equal?
  • Are all cars equal? Can one go as fast or handle as well as the others?
  • Are all days equal? Do they all go the same with identical weather?
  • Are all lions equal? Is one just as fast and deadly as another?
  • What about fruit? Are all apples equal? Does one taste as sweet as the other?
So how are all people equal when some are shorter, some are stronger, some have better parents, some have more money, and some are more ambitious and intelligent?
But All Humans are G-d's Creation. All Humans must have inalienable rights.

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