I was very proud of my President during today's press conference

2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
THAT is what I like about his stance. Trump does not want tariffs. He is only using them to force other nations to remove their tariffs on U.S. goods/services.

Trump is actually anti-protectionist. He is simply using protectionism to force others to give it up.

Fuck the rest of the world. Their days of ripping off the U.S. are OVER!!!!
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
Neither Obama nor Hillary had/has the nerve to answer questions in a room full of hostile reporters
Trump showed he had command of the issues

Left wing true believers won't be impressed, but independents and middle America sure is, impressed that is
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
THAT is what I like about his stance. Trump does not want tariffs. He is only using them to force other nations to remove their tariffs on U.S. goods/services.

Trump is actually anti-protectionist. He is simply using protectionism to force others to give it up.

Fuck the rest of the world. Their days of ripping off the U.S. are OVER!!!!
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
Neither Obama nor Hillary had/has the nerve to answer questions in a room full of hostile reporters
Trump showed he had command of the issues

Left wing true believers won't be impressed, but independents and middle America sure is, impressed that is


You can't really believe that.
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
No, not the Obama fiasco. This was on yesterday when I got off work. (Obama wishes he was still president)

Trump was very nice to the press, yet they all sounded like they hated his guts.
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
Neither Obama nor Hillary had/has the nerve to answer questions in a room full of hostile reporters
Trump showed he had command of the issues

Left wing true believers won't be impressed, but independents and middle America sure is, impressed that is
Obama and Hillary, Hillary and Obama. They are history and POTUS is a Putin sham. Oh, and by the way, the "press conference" was embarrassing at best. POTUS apologists will leap to any nugget of Orange refuse and claim it is a diamond. Jeeze.
THAT is what I like about his stance. Trump does not want tariffs. He is only using them to force other nations to remove their tariffs on U.S. goods/services.

Trump is actually anti-protectionist. He is simply using protectionism to force others to give it up.

Fuck the rest of the world. Their days of ripping off the U.S. are OVER!!!!

^^^^^This. Trump is NEGOTIATING to get obstacles to OUR goods removed from other countries. He has the leverage of the U.S. market, and is using it wisely. Of course the countries talking advantage of us for many, many decades are going to complain.
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.
Another highlight was the grace and intelligence of the Asian American female reporter for business news. All reporters should have that much class and strength. this woman fired away pertinent questions related to the international setting that was at the United nations and President Trump took notice of her and complimented her. She was great! WHO IS SHE? She may be from Fox business news.

Read: Trump’s bizarre, rambling solo press conference on Kavanaugh, Rosenstein, and more Read: Trump’s bizarre, rambling solo press conference on Kavanaugh, Rosenstein, and more via @voxdotcom
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
Neither Obama nor Hillary had/has the nerve to answer questions in a room full of hostile reporters
Trump showed he had command of the issues

Left wing true believers won't be impressed, but independents and middle America sure is, impressed that is
Obama and Hillary, Hillary and Obama. They are history and POTUS is a Putin sham. Oh, and by the way, the "press conference" was embarrassing at best. POTUS apologists will leap to any nugget of Orange refuse and claim it is a diamond. Jeeze.
You're full of shit.
I feel bad for Brett Kavanaugh and his family. Democrat leaders have lowered themselves to the bottom of the swamp and dredged up the nastiest filth they can throw. Democratic leaders should disgust any real American. They only care about votes, power and abortion.

He should have kept his dick in his pants.
I feel bad for Brett Kavanaugh and his family. Democrat leaders have lowered themselves to the bottom of the swamp and dredged up the nastiest filth they can throw. Democratic leaders should disgust any real American. They only care about votes, power and abortion.

He should have kept his dick in his pants.
Far as I can tell his dick never entered the picture.
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
Neither Obama nor Hillary had/has the nerve to answer questions in a room full of hostile reporters
Trump showed he had command of the issues

Left wing true believers won't be impressed, but independents and middle America sure is, impressed that is

No way would Obama have let a bunch of Fox News reporters fire questions at him. Surely even the delusional Trump haters know that...
He was strong and confident, he took random questions from reporters that he knows are hostile to him and gave detailed and reasoned answers.

He made it clear that he is working for America and Americans

My personal favorite moment was when he spoke of the farmers that are behind him despite the short term pain the tarrifs are causing them, his assessment on that is 100% accurate. One of my biggest clients is in the iron business and I had the same conversation with him as Trump described with the farmers, yes the tarrifs are causing slightly lower margins, but they are way overdue.

Some highlights of the best moments (copied from someone else, wish I could take credit though):

1. Mr. Kurd
2. Cancelled meeting with Justin Trudeau, not interested if they won’t reduce their tariffs, will consider raising taxes and tariffs against them
3. NAFTA has been good for Canada, not good for the US
4. Allies need to reimburse us for protection
5. China loves Our President’s big brain
6. Failing NYT was a paper POTUS once loved
7. NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT will endorse POTUS or go out of business
8. China’s growth has dropped 32% over last four months
10. “You’ve been asking questions for ten minutes. Should we let her ask another question?”
11. Democrats would sabotage and vote against George Washington today
12. Brett Kavanaugh’s career and reputation has been slandered by a con job
13. Avenatti is a low life
14. Support two state solution for Israel/Palestine, whatever brings peace to the region
15. “Kurds are great people, great fighters”
16. North Korea is mountainous and a very beautiful country
17. “They say I’m incompetent, next week they say I’m ruling the world - which is it?”
18. New trade agreement with Mexico without Canada
19. We will see the result of the fake news against Brett in the midterms
20. Democrats in purple states that he won by 30-40% will have to support my nominee or lose their re-elections

BONUS: Jim Acosta humiliated for the millionth time today

I'm feeling better and better about the midterms coming up!

You are easily impressed. That press conference was a shambling disaster of mumbled talking points and self-congratulations.
Neither Obama nor Hillary had/has the nerve to answer questions in a room full of hostile reporters
Trump showed he had command of the issues

Left wing true believers won't be impressed, but independents and middle America sure is, impressed that is


You can't really believe that.

Please provide evidence of all the times Obama allowed reporters he knew didn’t like him question him.
When the White House press corps dared report on Obama administration scandals, Obama got mad and ripped into the White House press corps in what they described as a "PROFANITY LACED TIRADE".
I seldom watch presidential news conferences but don't take that as any criticism against Trump. The reason is because the general media and I don't share much of a common interest. Based on OP's list, the topics discussed wouldn't have held my interest. The majority of the media these days seems more interested in spreading gossip and passing if off as reporting.

I'd much rather google a subject of my choice limiting the results to news within the last 24 hours. I did that last night with subject of "NAFTA". By the way, Justin Trudeau's take on item #2 is that there wasn't a meeting with Trump scheduled nor requested. Which to me struck me as neither here-nor-there, I moved on to read about the real issues.
I feel bad for Brett Kavanaugh and his family. Democrat leaders have lowered themselves to the bottom of the swamp and dredged up the nastiest filth they can throw. Democratic leaders should disgust any real American. They only care about votes, power and abortion.

He should have kept his dick in his pants.
Far as I can tell his dick never entered the picture.

He's on TV crying about it right now!

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