I was wrong about William Barr; Hes a patriot

He is stating that Biden lied when he said he had zero dealings with Hunter in terms of garnering monies. The charge is not vague IMO. It is direct. He is saying that Joe Biden knowingly allowed Hunter and Jim to trade on the last name and political power of Joe Biden to garner monies for themselves directly and for Joe secretively. That is his allegation.
I'm looking for more specific information. This is still quite vague. How did they "trade on the last name and political power"?
CEFC is a Chinese privately held energy company. Biden formed a partnership with them trading on the name and in exchange for millions to garner them contracts and such. That is what Bobulinski says and the emails point to that as well. Interestingly the former chairman of CEFC has since vanished. LOL

You can't make this stuff up.
William Barr scared me. I assumed he would churn out some disinformation to help Trump but no, he brilliantly appeased Trump enough to get him to back off, then ran out the clock on the FISA sham investigation nonsense.

Look. Trumps campaign had shady Russian connections. FBI looked into it. As they should. And thankfully it was mostly nothing.

Barr is a patriot. He prevented the election from being tainted by some rogue right wing conspirators churning out DOJ endorsed lies right before an election

I was wrong. Attorney General Barr.....thank you for your noble service sir.
Obviously a regular old swamp dwelling creature more interested in keeping the swamp full and booming.
I would be more concerned about bidens direct family connections to china than trump having russian salad dressing,,
Trump gets more money from China than Biden ever has.

Biden takes bribes from CHINA---and Trump doesn't, but watch you pretend.
Clinton gave technology to China. Progs are deeply invested and surrogates to the Chinese. That is why I believe they will be the rulers of the world quite easily within a couple of decades or so. A Conventional war with them would have to go Nuclear very fast by us as our first line hardware is destroyed and we can not produce it as fast as China can if theirs were. Wasting tens of trillions of dollars on "human" infrastructure and countless boondoggle military projects and wars with little in return.
CEFC is a Chinese privately held energy company. Biden formed a partnership with them trading on the name and in exchange for millions to garner them contracts and such. That is what Bobulinski says and the emails point to that as well. Interestingly the former chairman of CEFC has since vanished. LOL
The only email that points to this is "10 held by H for the big guy?", correct?

The WSJ says this deal was never even signed. Correct?
CEFC is a Chinese privately held energy company. Biden formed a partnership with them trading on the name and in exchange for millions to garner them contracts and such. That is what Bobulinski says and the emails point to that as well. Interestingly the former chairman of CEFC has since vanished. LOL
The only email that points to this is "10 held by H for the big guy?", correct?

The WSJ says this deal was never even signed. Correct?
my god youre a fucking idiot,,,

under the table deals are never signed,,,
CEFC is a Chinese privately held energy company. Biden formed a partnership with them trading on the name and in exchange for millions to garner them contracts and such. That is what Bobulinski says and the emails point to that as well. Interestingly the former chairman of CEFC has since vanished. LOL
The only email that points to this is "10 held by H for the big guy?", correct?

The WSJ says this deal was never even signed. Correct?
We don’t have all the emails. Idk. Bobulinski stated otherwise.

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