I was wrong about William Barr; Hes a patriot

William Barr scared me. I assumed he would churn out some disinformation to help Trump but no, he brilliantly appeased Trump enough to get him to back off, then ran out the clock on the FISA sham investigation nonsense.

Look. Trumps campaign had shady Russian connections. FBI looked into it. As they should. And thankfully it was mostly nothing.

Barr is a patriot. He prevented the election from being tainted by some rogue right wing conspirators churning out DOJ endorsed lies right before an election

I was wrong. Attorney General Barr.....thank you for your noble service sir.

Did he forgive your college debt?

No. President Biden is going to do that by executive order. A blessing

So he bribed you? What about all of us that paid our college debts off? My thought is, if you take out a loan, you are responsible for the loan, Novel concept about personal responsibility.
I guess folks like you will just have to wait and see huh?

That Orange Jumpsuit for the Don will fit him very well!
Yeah, we'll wait and see.... just like with the Russian collusion bullshit.
Some people are stupid and gullible as fuck and never learn.

Trump accepted with delight all the ill-gotten gain from the Russian theft of Democrat property. Mueller proved several area of collusion between the two. As you should know, there is no crime called collusion. We know what they did and how they did it.
William Barr scared me. I assumed he would churn out some disinformation to help Trump but no, he brilliantly appeased Trump enough to get him to back off, then ran out the clock on the FISA sham investigation nonsense.

Look. Trumps campaign had shady Russian connections. FBI looked into it. As they should. And thankfully it was mostly nothing.

Barr is a patriot. He prevented the election from being tainted by some rogue right wing conspirators churning out DOJ endorsed lies right before an election

I was wrong. Attorney General Barr.....thank you for your noble service sir.

Did he forgive your college debt?

No. President Biden is going to do that by executive order. A blessing

So he bribed you? What about all of us that paid our college debts off? My thought is, if you take out a loan, you are responsible for the loan, Novel concept about personal responsibility.
Universities should guaranty all loans given they are the ones jacking up tuitions.
I guess folks like you will just have to wait and see huh?

That Orange Jumpsuit for the Don will fit him very well!

Nazi mentality. Any political foe against Big Brother needs to be imprisoned: Trump, Pence, Kavanaugh, Jarad, Melania........

So your saying the dear leader Trumpybear has a nazi mentality when he calls for his political foes to be locked up?

I guess we'll see if paying off the porn star was only a crime for the bag man huh?

You're flailing and just make up accusations now. I never once brought up Pence, Kavanaugh, Jarad, Melania........
He is in a live investigation. Again, if he perjured himself to the FBI the consequences are fairly dire. You believe what you will. You have yet to state why Bobulinski would lie.
We don't technically know what he said to the FBI and so speculating on perjury is not really useful. Flynn perjured himself, but he doesn't seem to be in much legal jeopardy.

I'm not accusing Bobulinski of lying until I know more about what he's accusing them of doing. So far, these are vague accusations.
When one of the idiots posts an op, the other idiots are drawn like fish to bait...all knowing so much that isn't so...
He is in a live investigation. Again, if he perjured himself to the FBI the consequences are fairly dire. You believe what you will. You have yet to state why Bobulinski would lie.
We don't technically know what he said to the FBI and so speculating on perjury is not really useful. Flynn perjured himself, but he doesn't seem to be in much legal jeopardy.

I'm not accusing Bobulinski of lying until I know more about what he's accusing them of doing. So far, these are vague accusations.
there was nothing vague about what he said,,
he made direct claims and backed them up with emails and text messages,,,

only lying POS like you deny it,,
He is in a live investigation. Again, if he perjured himself to the FBI the consequences are fairly dire. You believe what you will. You have yet to state why Bobulinski would lie.
We don't technically know what he said to the FBI and so speculating on perjury is not really useful. Flynn perjured himself, but he doesn't seem to be in much legal jeopardy.

I'm not accusing Bobulinski of lying until I know more about what he's accusing them of doing. So far, these are vague accusations.
He is stating that Biden lied when he said he had zero dealings with Hunter in terms of garnering monies. The charge is not vague IMO. It is direct. He is saying that Joe Biden knowingly allowed Hunter and Jim to trade on the last name and political power of Joe Biden to garner monies for themselves directly and for Joe secretively. That is his allegation.
He is stating that Biden lied when he said he had zero dealings with Hunter in terms of garnering monies. The charge is not vague IMO. It is direct. He is saying that Joe Biden knowingly allowed Hunter and Jim to trade on the last name and political power of Joe Biden to garner monies for themselves directly and for Joe secretively. That is his allegation.
I'm looking for more specific information. This is still quite vague. How did they "trade on the last name and political power"?
there was nothing vague about what he said,,
he made direct claims and backed them up with emails and text messages,,,

only lying POS like you deny it,,
Then go ahead and tell me what he specifically said about what they did.
once again,,, its been posted many times on this forum and you know it,,,

you ignoring it is your fault not mine,,,

but please do keep talking I am enjoying the spin,,,

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