I was wrong... the health of the mother is not valid for an abortion.

So I'm hearing you admit that greater education in scientific fact would make people disagree with your policies, and therefore, education is bad. Further, I'm hearing you admit that you want people kept as ignorant as possible so that you can achieve your agenda.

When the clear truth is brought out into daylight, the murderous left wrong-wing agenda falls apart. I was remembering a story I had read some time back, and just now spent some time Googling to find it.

Angie was laughing before her ninth abortion. Then she saw the aborted baby - News

It was evident Angie was using abortion as a means of contraception, and had accepted the pro-abortion line her unborn baby was simply a clump of cells, observed Terzo.

But after her ninth abortion, Angie asked to see the “tissue” of her 13-week-old unborn child.

“I debated about how to arrange the pieces” of the aborted baby, related the author, which at that age would have been fully formed. “There was no protocol on such things.”

The writer opted to “piece [the baby] back together as we normally did to ensure that none of the parts were missing.”
Angie looked at the body.

“Thanks,” she said, her trademark smile still fixed on her face. When her eyes traveled to the container, she gasped sharply, and for the first time since she had arrived, Angie was utterly silent. A few moments later, her entire body shuddered and gooseflesh was raised on her smooth brown arms.

When she reached out her to touch the baby, I tried to pull the dish away. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me. We were both silent for a few moments as she continued to stare at the contents of the dish. I stepped back and Angie fell forward to her knees, her fingers still wrapped around my wrist. …

“That’s a baby,” she said, barely audible at first. “That was my baby,” she said. Her volume steadily increased as a torrent of words poured from her mouth, words that made everyone extremely uncomfortable. “What did I do? What did I do?” she said over and over and began to sob. Some of the girls in the recovery run began to weep along with her.

When abortion center staff finally managed to pry the dish from her fingers, Angie became frantic.

When they couldn’t calm her or get her up from the floor, the staff dragged her, screaming and struggling, down the hall to the bathroom.

Even then her cries could be heard, as she pleaded repeatedly to be given her baby’s body. Her request was refused.

Finally, the staff called her emergency contact. It was her current boyfriend, who came to the abortion facility, and after 45 minutes persuaded her to come out of the bathroom.

Both he and Angie were in tears when they left the abortion center, Terzo writes.

Call me coldhearted if you wish, but the first thing I thought was, "How is she not just spontaneously miscarrying after that many abortions?"
There is no comparison between terminating a pregnancy and "murdering a child". Women have the God-given right to decide when and if, we are going to have a baby, and screw any man who would take away our right to determine when and if we are going to have a baby.

The ways and means of avoiding having an abortion, if you believe that having an abortion is wrong, including, but not limited to, keep it in your pants if you are a man, and for women who think abortion is wrong, dont have an abortion. This isn't a matter of don't steal something, because forcing a woman to parent a child she cannot afford or doesn't want, never turns out well for either the mother or the child.

You want children to exist, to what end? You don't want to pay to feed, house or educate these children, so why are you so desperate for these children to be born? If you helped women take care of these children, they would be in a better position to welcome these babies.

My youngest daughter says that many young women of her generation are refusing to have children at all. Child care and the cost of raising a child is so high, that young women feel they will never have any quality of life at all if they have a child. Many are getting their tubes tied in their 20's before ohaving children.

Biology 101 newsflash for you. . .

If a woman is pregnant, she already HAS a child.

Whether she might not want it or not. . . And guess what!?!

Children have a right to the equal protections of our laws.

So do pregnant women.

No duh.

Do pregnant women have the right to biplate the rights of anyone else?

They have the right to their own bodies and to choices regarding their bodies. You know. The same right you men have.

They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".
Educate and stop pontificating. Convert with argumentation. Show these images of ground up fetuses if you want. Get people to voluntarily stop using abortion instead of avoidance. Do all that and leave women alone when they reach the hard decisions about life.
Biology 101 newsflash for you. . .

If a woman is pregnant, she already HAS a child.

Whether she might not want it or not. . . And guess what!?!

Children have a right to the equal protections of our laws.

So do pregnant women.

No duh.

Do pregnant women have the right to biplate the rights of anyone else?

They have the right to their own bodies and to choices regarding their bodies. You know. The same right you men have.

They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.
Educate and stop pontificating. Convert with argumentation. Show these images of ground up fetuses if you want. Get people to voluntarily stop using abortion instead of avoidance. Do all that and leave women alone when they reach the hard decisions about life.

And all men except you should shut up and have no say, because you're a hypocrite.
So do pregnant women.

No duh.

Do pregnant women have the right to biplate the rights of anyone else?

They have the right to their own bodies and to choices regarding their bodies. You know. The same right you men have.

They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?
Educate and stop pontificating. Convert with argumentation. Show these images of ground up fetuses if you want. Get people to voluntarily stop using abortion instead of avoidance. Do all that and leave women alone when they reach the hard decisions about life.

And all men except you should shut up and have no say, because you're a hypocrite.
The post was not aimed at you. You have made it clear that exchange is unwanted. You have your individual intimate conviction in your isolated world. So much the better for you.
Your false accusations only embarrass you and detract further from any credibility that remained.You are an extremist in words lacking courage for deeds.
You are like all these political imbeciles around here who cannot hear a single word that does not toe their ideological line without launching into unreasoned vitriol. You don't even see responses objectively, only who might have said it and whether it immediately, at first superficial glance conforms to your set of correct verbiage.
Such a position will not do anything in the current debate but create more bitterness and division.
No duh.

Do pregnant women have the right to biplate the rights of anyone else?

They have the right to their own bodies and to choices regarding their bodies. You know. The same right you men have.

They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?
So do pregnant women.

No duh.

Do pregnant women have the right to biplate the rights of anyone else?

They have the right to their own bodies and to choices regarding their bodies. You know. The same right you men have.

They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

You twist and misconstrue what I have posted at every turn because it suits your purposes.

As for "being poor is worse than being dead crap" at the end, this is written by a person who has never been poor in their entire life. Who has never seen doors which are open to others, closed to them because of their financial circumstances, and who firmly believes that the poor in North America have it so much better than the poor in other countries.
Educate and stop pontificating. Convert with argumentation. Show these images of ground up fetuses if you want. Get people to voluntarily stop using abortion instead of avoidance. Do all that and leave women alone when they reach the hard decisions about life.

And all men except you should shut up and have no say, because you're a hypocrite.
The post was not aimed at you. You have made it clear that exchange is unwanted. You have your individual intimate conviction in your isolated world. So much the better for you.
Your false accusations only embarrass you and detract further from any credibility that remained.You are an extremist in words lacking courage for deeds.
You are like all these political imbeciles around here who cannot hear a single word that does not toe their ideological line without launching into unreasoned vitriol. You don't even see responses objectively, only who might have said it and whether it immediately, at first superficial glance conforms to your set of correct verbiage.
Such a position will not do anything in the current debate but create more bitterness and division.

Too bad, so sad, public forum, so I'm going to continue to point out your double standard, not to mention your chauvinistic patriarchal attitude.
They have the right to their own bodies and to choices regarding their bodies. You know. The same right you men have.

They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?

No, I already addressed that. It has nothing to do with life but with politics. That's sad.
Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial [sic] fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been.

It is the same moral degeneration that makes it so easy for deadbeat fathers to evade their responsibility to their children, that also deceives us into thinking that killing these children in cold blood is an acceptable way for mothers as well as fathers to escape their responsibility.
They do, indeed, have the same right to make choices regarding their bodies that men do, ie. the right to choose not to engage in behavior that might create a baby. Noticeably, if men choose to engage in sex and end up making a baby, they do not have the right to subsequently kill that baby to escape the consequences of their choice. So why should women have a right that men don't?

Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?

No, I already addressed that. It has nothing to do with life but with politics. That's sad.


Let me lay it out for you.

It has to do with FACTS, TRUTH and the CONSTITUTION.

I thought that would be the common ground between all of us.

Crazy, unrealistic, wishful thinking. . . I know.
Men walk away from the consequences of their actions every single day. I know lots and lots of children whose biologicial fathers are not involved in their lives in any way, and who never have been. Women can't just walk away from pregnancy or childbirth. Even if they give the child away for adoption it will always be there.

Having an abortion is "facing the consequences of their choice". It's acknowledging that you don't' have the resources to give this child life, and that existence without resources, is not "life".

Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?

No, I already addressed that. It has nothing to do with life but with politics. That's sad.


Let me lay it out for you.

It has to do with FACTS, TRUTH and the CONSTITUTION.

I thought that would be the common ground between all of us.

Crazy, unrealistic, wishful thinking. . . I know.

According to the Supreme Court the Constitution grants a right to privacy.

That isn't going to change.....
Oh, spare me with the "No, men are eeeeevil, so we need to let women be just as eeeevil!" schtick. I know lots and lots of men who are having the lion's share of their income taken in child support. How successful men are in walking away from their consequences depends a great deal on how willing the women are to let them get away with it.

Women CAN just walk away from pregnancy and childbirth. It's called "adoption". Hell, we even put laws in place allowing them to abandon the kid with no blowback. And that's STILL not convenient enough to suit you; you just GOTTA be able to kill the kid.

Having an abortion is the epitome of NOT facing the consequences of your choice; it is fobbing the consequences off onto the helpless child so that you can pretend you did nothing at all, it never happened. Acknowledging that you don't have the resources to give a child life would be where you DON'T MAKE A KID AT ALL. Or, if you screw that up, you let someone else give him a life.

I'm not even going to address that ridiculously entitled, sociopathic "being poor is worse than being dead" crap at the end.

Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?

No, I already addressed that. It has nothing to do with life but with politics. That's sad.


Let me lay it out for you.

It has to do with FACTS, TRUTH and the CONSTITUTION.

I thought that would be the common ground between all of us.

Crazy, unrealistic, wishful thinking. . . I know.

According to the Supreme Court the Constitution grants a right to privacy.

That isn't going to change.....

1. The Supreme Court is not fucking infallible.

2. The Supreme Court Can and Has reversed its decisions before.

3. Nobody has the right to violate the rights of a child and then HIDE the violation behind a so called right to privacy.

4. Our Basic human rights are not fucking "granted" to us by the fucking Costitution.

Did you skip a lot of civics and history classes (as well as biology) in school?
Refusing to address many of the reasons many women turn to abortion is also abandoning your requirements if you call yourself pro-life IMO.

Why are so many "pro-lifers" so willing to do this?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?

No, I already addressed that. It has nothing to do with life but with politics. That's sad.


Let me lay it out for you.

It has to do with FACTS, TRUTH and the CONSTITUTION.

I thought that would be the common ground between all of us.

Crazy, unrealistic, wishful thinking. . . I know.

According to the Supreme Court the Constitution grants a right to privacy.

That isn't going to change.....

1. The Supreme Court is not fucking infallible.

2. The Supreme Court Can and Has reversed its decisions before.

3. Nobody has the right to violate the rights of a child and then HIDE the violation behind a so called right to privacy.

4. Our Basic human rights are not fucking "granted" to us by the fucking Costitution.

Did you skip a lot of civics and history classes (as well as biology) in school?

You didn't dispute anything I said so what is it that you think I haven't learned?

It's been almost 50 years now. Just think how many lives could have been saved in that amount of time if we had only been willing to address the reasons many women abort?

It's all good with you for this to continue another 50?

Have you never considered or contemplated the fact that - not everyone who sees the injustice of abortion is coming at it from a "pro-life / all life is sacred" perspective?

No, I already addressed that. It has nothing to do with life but with politics. That's sad.


Let me lay it out for you.

It has to do with FACTS, TRUTH and the CONSTITUTION.

I thought that would be the common ground between all of us.

Crazy, unrealistic, wishful thinking. . . I know.

According to the Supreme Court the Constitution grants a right to privacy.

That isn't going to change.....

1. The Supreme Court is not fucking infallible.

2. The Supreme Court Can and Has reversed its decisions before.

3. Nobody has the right to violate the rights of a child and then HIDE the violation behind a so called right to privacy.

4. Our Basic human rights are not fucking "granted" to us by the fucking Costitution.

Did you skip a lot of civics and history classes (as well as biology) in school?

You didn't dispute anything I said so what is it that you think I haven't learned?

It's been almost 50 years now. Just think how many lives could have been saved in that amount of time if we had only been willing to address the reasons many women abort?

It's all good with you for this to continue another 50?


Because dumb ass... for as long ad abortion remains legal, convenient, accepted, tolerated, defended or shrugged off by the likes of YOU. . .

THERE WILL NEVER be enough that ANY OF US COULD EVER DO "for women" that will EVER SECURE THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILDREN who will still FACE being aborted.

Caring more for women will NOT right that wrong.

Ask any fucking pro abort to make a deal with you.

Offer them free healthcare for life, a free education, free housing. . . ANYTHING. . .In exchange for them to agree to ban abortions and secure the rights of children in the womb.

See how few takers you will ever get.

So much for your fucking red herring.
Last edited:
You didn't dispute anything I said so what is it that you think I haven't learned?

It's been almost 50 years now. Just think how many lives could have been saved in that amount of time if we had only been willing to address the reasons many women abort?

It's all good with you for this to continue another 50?


Your premise is, to its very roots, bullshit.

You're trying to sell extreme left wrong-wing Socialist polices as the cure for abortion—policies which history has proven only increase the very suffering that they purport to intend to mitigate or eliminate.

The only real cure for abortion, is to recognize it for what it is—the cold-blooded murder of an innocent human being; and for our criminal justice system to treat it exactly the same as it would treat any other deliberate murder of an innocent child. Trying to bribe would-be child-murderers with the false promises of Socialism is no solution at all.

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