I will not cooperate! A statement of scientifically and constitutionally backed defiance


The problem here, is now we have data.

There were states that mandated masks, and states that didn't. There were nations in Europe that mandated them, and some that didn't. There was statistically, not a lot of difference, and if there was any? It actually tended to be in the reverse. Those places that mandated the harshest lock-downs and masking protocols were hit the hardest.

So why should folks mess with nature and their immune systems? What arrogance of humanity makes us think that millions of years of evolution of our species can be manipulated by authoritarian diktats to control nature? Why should businesses, corporations, and institutions have the right to put TK's immune system and psychological well being at risk?


". . . This dogma was illustrated by Anthony Fauci’s response to the situation in Texas, which repealed its mask mandate and saw cases plummet. Asked to explain this result, Fauci responded: “I’m not really quite sure….It could be they’re doing things outdoors.” He declined to even consider the fact that perhaps masks are not effective at controlling spread of the coronavirus. In other words, the theory that universal masking stops the virus is becoming non-falsifiable. . . "


". . . The entire paper is worth reading. It cites most known studies and knowledge in the scientific literature prior to the Spring of 2020, including the WHO: “Facemasks are not required, as no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons.”

The author goes on to explain a myriad physiological dangers associated with mask wearing:

And some psychological harms of masks:

And the conclusion:

This article represents a new challenge to the pro-masking position. It argues that masks are not merely a “talisman,” as the Journal of the American Medical Association said in April 2020 (before the authors were forced to retract three months later). The situation is far worse: masks are not just useless, but actively damaging to individual health and social well-being. . . . "

I'll leave this here for any stragglers to this thread. It's rare someone makes a point better than I do.

For the reasons stated in Mr. Beale's post, I will not be cooperating with mask or vaccine mandates.

We're done here.
It compounds the viral load in someone who is vaccinated who catches Delta. That in turn makes them more likely to transmit it to people who haven't been vaccinated. It defeats the purpose of the vaccine, does it not?
This is simply not true from what I have seen. It dies not seem to help stop transmission of the delta variant but it does not help it either. At least there is no study anywhere that I can find and is credible that makes such a claim.

That, however, is a rather silly reason not to take it as well as far as I am concerned. You have a responsibility for you - I am not going to either endanger myself or my family because someone else refuses the vaccine and ends up dead because of it. To be quite frank, that is a choice they made when they refused the vaccine - a calculated choice to assume the risk WHEN, not if but when, they get COVID.

COVID is not going away - ever. That is a simple reality. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is going to get COVID. Years down the line it will be a cold but today it is a clear risk for death or disability.
I'll leave this here for any stragglers to this thread. It's rare someone makes a point better than I do.

For the reasons stated in Mr. Beale's post, I will not be cooperating with mask or vaccine mandates.

We're done here.
well then, I guess I missed the conversation as I was gone a few days but I did not comment on masks - those are silly IMHO as the vaccine exists so your risk is your own.
This is simply not true from what I have seen. It dies not seem to help stop transmission of the delta variant but it does not help it either. At least there is no study anywhere that I can find and is credible that makes such a claim.

That, however, is a rather silly reason not to take it as well as far as I am concerned. You have a responsibility for you - I am not going to either endanger myself or my family because someone else refuses the vaccine and ends up dead because of it. To be quite frank, that is a choice they made when they refused the vaccine - a calculated choice to assume the risk WHEN, not if but when, they get COVID.

COVID is not going away - ever. That is a simple reality. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is going to get COVID. Years down the line it will be a cold but today it is a clear risk for death or disability.
It's not so much that I'm afraid of it as I am upset that I am not allowed to take this vaccine on my own terms. Take it now or be banished from functioning society until you do...

I'd sooner rebel than be coerced. Right now, the vaccine is incomplete. If someone who is vaccinated can still transmit the virus to someone else who isn't, then the vaccine isn't doing its job. It may help the one who is vaccinated, but not the one who contracts it due to the vaccine being only partially effective. Perhaps I explained that poorly before.

It doesn't make them transmitters, it allows them to be carriers due to its inability to program the immune system to fight it off efficiently. The symptoms may be diminished, but the person will still contract it and perhaps expose someone else to the full strain.

I can't right now. I just... can't. That's why I haven't left this house since February of last year.

I hope that clears things up.
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Thank you and good day.
Then don't get vaccinated. And I am against mandatory vaccinations.

It would be really nice if you would put the slightest effort into not infecting and killing others, like kids who can't get vaccinated.

But I know that just asking that is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty" by a "commie". My apologies.

Again, don't get vaccinated. I support your decision, and I'm dead serious.
Then don't get vaccinated. And I am against mandatory vaccinations.

It would be really nice if you would put the slightest effort into not infecting and killing others, like kids who can't get vaccinated.

But I know that just asking that is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty" by a "commie". My apologies.

Again, don't get vaccinated. I support your decision, and I'm dead serious.
Why do you think I've been locked down in this house for the past 17 months? I don't want to catch the virus and or infect others with it.
Don't get vaccinated. I'm against mandates. I support you.

You know there really is a way you can not get people sick.

Don't go out sick. That's it, Mac. All of this strum and drang and it's back to what we knew in 2019. If you're sick, stay home. That's it.
You know there really is a way you can not get people sick.

Don't go out sick. That's it, Mac. All of this strum and drang and it's back to what we knew in 2019. If you're sick, stay home. That's it.
Nope, I'm living my life just fine. I appreciate your concern. Please try to calm down.
It's not so much that I'm afraid of it as I am upset that I am not allowed to take this vaccine on my own terms. Take it now or be banished from functioning society until you do...
But that really is not the case. You can utterly abstain from taking it, there is noting stopping you whatsoever. Sure, Biden would LIKE to force it on you but at this point there seems to be no political backing for those types of measures. There are already several laws passed to ensure that does not happen. I agree, it is your choice and it should be on your terms. I do not see that going away to be perfectly honest, the numbers are simply not there to back the totalitarian measures the left wants to make.

I'd sooner rebel than be coerced. Right now, the vaccine is incomplete. If someone who is vaccinated can still transmit the virus to someone else who isn't, then the vaccine isn't doing its job. It may help the one who is vaccinated, but not the one who contracts it due to the vaccine being only partially effective. Perhaps I explained that poorly before.
No, I get it but it just seems like a silly take on it. You are essentially saying that because you want to force me to do something I am going to put myself in unnecessary risk. You are giving those control over your future (a considerable amount of control considering the virus may kill you) because you are unhappy that they are trying to control you...? That seems like a poor way of sticking it to them. I think of it this way, peel off everything but the hard facts we know: COVID does have a significant chance to kill me even with its high survivability. I would not partake in an action that would kill me even 1 out of a thousand times I partook, it is just a silly risk to take. Over a billion full vaccinations have been administered and the side effects are far less risky than the virus. What do I care that the dems are being idiots about the vaccine, I am not going to let them dictate to me to take it or not. The risk analysis says I should so I did.

It doesn't make them transmitters, it allows them to be carriers due to its inability to program the immune system to fight it off efficiently. The symptoms may be diminished, but the person will still contract it and perhaps expose someone else to the full strain.

I can't right now. I just... can't. That's why I haven't left this house since February of last year.

I hope that clears things up.
The exact same thing is true without the vaccine. Evidence also shows you are LESS likely to pass it on as a vaccinated person as a breakthrough infection is still more unlikely but even if it did nothing at all for transmission not taking the vaccine would do literally nothing in preventing you from spreading it around. That circles right back to the risk analysis for you personally.

I understand that you do not want it and I completely agree that is your right - you get to chose to take it or not. What I really would like to point out, however, is that it seems to me that you are undertaking this additional risk because you have essentially outsourced your decision to the democrats. They act in one way and that spurs you to refuse the vaccine. Do not give them power, even if you are doing in opposition. They should not have any real influence in the risks that you expose yourself to.
Did you say something?
Well, not to you apparently as you seem to ignore everything. Sad, at one time you actually put useful thoughts here. Then Trump moved into your head and now all you can do is be a troll.

We need the old MAC back, there are to damn few posters on this board that make intelligent posts.
You know there really is a way you can not get people sick.

Don't go out sick. That's it, Mac. All of this strum and drang and it's back to what we knew in 2019. If you're sick, stay home. That's it.
You do realize that you can be asymptomatic and carrying the virus, right?
You can utterly abstain from taking it, there is noting stopping you whatsoever. Sure, Biden would LIKE to force it on you but at this point there seems to be no political backing for those types of measures. There are already several laws passed to ensure that does not happen. I agree, it is your choice and it should be on your terms. I do not see that going away to be perfectly honest, the numbers are simply not there to back the totalitarian measures the left wants to make.
Fair enough...

You are giving those control over your future (a considerable amount of control considering the virus may kill you) because you are unhappy that they are trying to control you...? That seems like a poor way of sticking it to them. I think of it this way, peel off everything but the hard facts we know: COVID does have a significant chance to kill me even with its high survivability. I would not partake in an action that would kill me even 1 out of a thousand times I partook, it is just a silly risk to take. Over a billion full vaccinations have been administered and the side effects are far less risky than the virus. What do I care that the dems are being idiots about the vaccine, I am not going to let them dictate to me to take it or not. The risk analysis says I should so I did.
I will admit I am being rather extreme about it. I don't have faith that the government is giving me accurate information about the vaccine. That has primarily driven my hesitancy thus far. If I do take the vaccine (which I eventually will do somewhere down the line), fuck the mask. That's something I'll not budge on.

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