I will tell you why I am bored.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Because I am tired of so-called big shot iconoclasts side-stepping trouble. As well as loony one-dimensional Christians who loathe Catholicism and cannot allow their highly protected 12 word theological “ticket-to-heaven” ever be challenged.

So let us not pretend any longer, shall we? You atheists and agnostics can find your contradictions in Scripture, and your hateful, vengeful God in the Old Testament and keep using those “trump cards” every time you are backed into a corner on another case of solid evidence that says God is real and making Himself known. You will always find a band of nervous unchurched comrades to cheer you on and allow themselves a moment of respite from their eternal fears. You know, those fears we all have? Even Voltaire (*), champion of the counter-culture, admitted despite his total disbelief in God he retained a bedeviling fear that hell could still be real.

And to the hordes of fundamentalists and sola scriptura proponents who bristle at the thought Catholicism could be considered a high expression of Biblical Christianity --- you people disappoint me all the more. Did Jesus not tell His complaining apostles who resented the way other followers were preaching to --- “Leave them alone. If they are not against us they are with us.” ? And yet, because you are so beholden to your one very specific theology, and since you can find a Catholic teaching that you cannot accept, that means Catholicism has to be the work of the devil? 1500 years of lies, no doubt, because you have found just the right words to tell us Jesus did not mean it was HIS body and blood in the Holy Eucharist, and forgiving or holding sins bound was never meant for His ordained? And we worship statues, and the word purgatory is not in the Bible so it is more demonic deception, and praying to the Mother of God is blasphemy? (“From this day forward all generations shall call me blessed… except for Protestants.”)

So Hobelim can preface all his responses with reminding me we are idolaters eating matzo balls, and Campbell can never be convinced of anything because he is too old and has suffered enough at the hands of Christian “teachers.” Guno, whose clown face is so apropos. And Jeremiah who must have received a direct order from God in a dream to destroy the pope and the Catholic Church --- or was it from Jack Chick? Delta4Embassy with his endless ideas of esoteric “what if’s?” confusing no one but himself. The list is not endless, but long, nevertheless. I have learned that it is not they, but I, who is the fool here. Many things a Christian should work towards, but whipping a dead horse is not one of them.

So I hate to tell you this, but there are some who could very likely end up in hell if they remain so vile and hateful towards God. I wish that upon no man, of course. Most (like me) will be purified in purgatory because of our pride or selfishness or laziness or lack of charity. (emphasis on the last one.) I can never tell you why that is, but it very much appears to me that many who have ears to hear refuse to listen. And many who have eyes to see insist on remaining blind. I just hope cowards will no longer side step the troubling facts or questions, for their own sakes. Such as (for ONE EXAMPLE only, there are many) the Shroud of Turin (+). It truly is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. And who do we have to thank for demonstrating that? Why science, of course. They have created their own tomb, lest they pray for forgiveness to be snatched out its confining darkness.

So now you can pick and choose the one line in this screed you can attack and by all means avoid the troublesome ones. I am quite used to it.

(*) Voltaire was a clever one, I will grant him that -- "If God made us in His image we have certainly returned the compliment." (funny)

(+) http://www.strangenotions.com/is-the-shroud-of-turin-a-genuine-miracle/
Im an open minded agnostic, very open to any "revealing" going on but unfortunately there is nothing innate about natural world beauty that compels my brain to assign it the attribute: revelation from god.

My bar for evidence is unfortunately higher than arbitrarily assigning credit like that.

And thats with a COMPLETE open mind.
Because I am tired of so-called big shot iconoclasts side-stepping trouble. As well as loony one-dimensional Christians who loathe Catholicism and cannot allow their highly protected 12 word theological “ticket-to-heaven” ever be challenged.

So let us not pretend any longer, shall we? You atheists and agnostics can find your contradictions in Scripture, and your hateful, vengeful God in the Old Testament and keep using those “trump cards” every time you are backed into a corner on another case of solid evidence that says God is real and making Himself known. You will always find a band of nervous unchurched comrades to cheer you on and allow themselves a moment of respite from their eternal fears. You know, those fears we all have? Even Voltaire (*), champion of the counter-culture, admitted despite his total disbelief in God he retained a bedeviling fear that hell could still be real.

And to the hordes of fundamentalists and sola scriptura proponents who bristle at the thought Catholicism could be considered a high expression of Biblical Christianity --- you people disappoint me all the more. Did Jesus not tell His complaining apostles who resented the way other followers were preaching to --- “Leave them alone. If they are not against us they are with us.” ? And yet, because you are so beholden to your one very specific theology, and since you can find a Catholic teaching that you cannot accept, that means Catholicism has to be the work of the devil? 1500 years of lies, no doubt, because you have found just the right words to tell us Jesus did not mean it was HIS body and blood in the Holy Eucharist, and forgiving or holding sins bound was never meant for His ordained? And we worship statues, and the word purgatory is not in the Bible so it is more demonic deception, and praying to the Mother of God is blasphemy? (“From this day forward all generations shall call me blessed… except for Protestants.”)

So Hobelim can preface all his responses with reminding me we are idolaters eating matzo balls, and Campbell can never be convinced of anything because he is too old and has suffered enough at the hands of Christian “teachers.” Guno, whose clown face is so apropos. And Jeremiah who must have received a direct order from God in a dream to destroy the pope and the Catholic Church --- or was it from Jack Chick? Delta4Embassy with his endless ideas of esoteric “what if’s?” confusing no one but himself. The list is not endless, but long, nevertheless. I have learned that it is not they, but I, who is the fool here. Many things a Christian should work towards, but whipping a dead horse is not one of them.

So I hate to tell you this, but there are some who could very likely end up in hell if they remain so vile and hateful towards God. I wish that upon no man, of course. Most (like me) will be purified in purgatory because of our pride or selfishness or laziness or lack of charity. (emphasis on the last one.) I can never tell you why that is, but it very much appears to me that many who have ears to hear refuse to listen. And many who have eyes to see insist on remaining blind. I just hope cowards will no longer side step the troubling facts or questions, for their own sakes. Such as (for ONE EXAMPLE only, there are many) the Shroud of Turin (+). It truly is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. And who do we have to thank for demonstrating that? Why science, of course. They have created their own tomb, lest they pray for forgiveness to be snatched out its confining darkness.

So now you can pick and choose the one line in this screed you can attack and by all means avoid the troublesome ones. I am quite used to it.

(*) Voltaire was a clever one, I will grant him that -- "If God made us in His image we have certainly returned the compliment." (funny)

(+) http://www.strangenotions.com/is-the-shroud-of-turin-a-genuine-miracle/
Very well written OP. A question if I may. How can the the Vatican state that they follow the God of Abraham and yet be pushing for a two state solution?
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR
Very well written OP. A question if I may. How can the the Vatican state that they follow the God of Abraham and yet be pushing for a two state solution?
I cannot be certain on some political and social declarations or positions from Rome. Suffice it to say that Catholic teaching on dogma and doctrines is clear that the inerrancy resides only on matters of faith and morals. That includes the pope. The pope's or some ranking cardinal's position on evolution is personal and has no bearing on official Catholic teachings or doctrines. The same goes for which wars are "just wars" and the environment and a couple of others I can not presently recall. (It is worth noting the Vatican was vehemently against America’s invasion of Iraq and they were found to be correct on that one.)

As it is, for me I disagree with this pope’s views on evolution, his over emphasis on the environment, and his positions with Cuba and in some aspects, the Middle East. Yet, I very much love this pope’s courage on matters of divorced Catholics, and how he responds to atheism and homosexuality. All those need to be clarified to understand more properly what he stands for and what he does not, mind you. But this pope is all about mercy and forgiveness, and that I cannot see how that can be overly criticized?

As far as a two state solution, I assume you are referring to Israel and the Palestinians. Well, I am not sure what he or the Vatican has said about that, but I definitely feel that the Vatican is misguided on Israel. They are too overly focused with the plight of poor Arabs and too blind or afraid to confront why such a condition exists. Are they trying to appease the Arab states at Israel’s expense? How sad. The Jewish people, and Israel in particular, are the targets of misguided men and the devil himself. They have suffered since time immemorial and they are destined to be a target of wrath, highly undeserved. I do not believe there will ever be peace in the Middle East because this is a spiritual battle between Satan and G-d, and Islamic intolerants and extremists are being used to do the awful bidding.

If the Vatican champions a two state solution I consider that the least problematic of their judgments upon Israel. They have to show more courage and wisdom in defending Israel and they are not doing enough. Only those zealous protestant evangelicals are willing to say it as it is, even if some of them have ulterior motives.
Most (like me) will be purified in purgatory because of our pride or selfishness or laziness or lack of charity.
After that long pitiful tirade against non Catholics I'm sure you are ready to offer the biblical support for that.
Why should I?
This world operates on sound bites.
Most are not interested in taking the time to read at length why they might be wrong.
Most (like me) will be purified in purgatory because of our pride or selfishness or laziness or lack of charity.
After that long pitiful tirade against non Catholics I'm sure you are ready to offer the biblical support for that.
Why should I?
This world operates on sound bites.
Most are not interested in taking the time to read at length why they might be wrong.
In other words you can't quote any biblical references about Pergatory so the blame clearly falls on the shoulders of those that don't believe.

You Catholics are so full of shit.
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.

... only boring people get bored."

there, you should have it now :)
In other words you can't quote any biblical references about Pergatory so the blame clearly falls on the shoulders of those that don't believe.

You Catholics are so full of shit.
So says you. Yet, you would not even take the time to read it if I did.
Very well written OP. A question if I may. How can the the Vatican state that they follow the God of Abraham and yet be pushing for a two state solution?
I cannot be certain on some political and social declarations or positions from Rome. Suffice it to say that Catholic teaching on dogma and doctrines is clear that the inerrancy resides only on matters of faith and morals. That includes the pope. The pope's or some ranking cardinal's position on evolution is personal and has no bearing on official Catholic teachings or doctrines. The same goes for which wars are "just wars" and the environment and a couple of others I can not presently recall. (It is worth noting the Vatican was vehemently against America’s invasion of Iraq and they were found to be correct on that one.)

As it is, for me I disagree with this pope’s views on evolution, his over emphasis on the environment, and his positions with Cuba and in some aspects, the Middle East. Yet, I very much love this pope’s courage on matters of divorced Catholics, and how he responds to atheism and homosexuality. All those need to be clarified to understand more properly what he stands for and what he does not, mind you. But this pope is all about mercy and forgiveness, and that I cannot see how that can be overly criticized?

As far as a two state solution, I assume you are referring to Israel and the Palestinians. Well, I am not sure what he or the Vatican has said about that, but I definitely feel that the Vatican is misguided on Israel. They are too overly focused with the plight of poor Arabs and too blind or afraid to confront why such a condition exists. Are they trying to appease the Arab states at Israel’s expense? How sad. The Jewish people, and Israel in particular, are the targets of misguided men and the devil himself. They have suffered since time immemorial and they are destined to be a target of wrath, highly undeserved. I do not believe there will ever be peace in the Middle East because this is a spiritual battle between Satan and G-d, and Islamic intolerants and extremists are being used to do the awful bidding.

If the Vatican champions a two state solution I consider that the least problematic of their judgments upon Israel. They have to show more courage and wisdom in defending Israel and they are not doing enough. Only those zealous protestant evangelicals are willing to say it as it is, even if some of them have ulterior motives.
Someday I will have to learn more about what the Pope says and how that actually relates to Vatican policy. As far religious courage on modern issues I ignore all of that from all sides. I do not know God's thinking on that and so I leave it alone. That is a very refreshing view of Vatican's Middle East policy. To the consideration that it is the least problematic sometimes following the will of God is very problematic but it is what is to be done nonetheless.

While I should probably not muddy the topic since you did mention it and I did have this thought the other day I think what really went wrong with the U.S. invasion of Iraq was the way Christians look at problems and the way Muslims look at problems. Christians put things in chunks and Muslims string everything together. Not saying the war should have ever happened. I am all for war crime charges on that one.
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.

... only boring people get bored."

there, you should have it now :)
That's why I am not bored, I am saw dust...
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.

... only boring people get bored."

there, you should have it now :)
You have kids, I know you were bored...
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.

... only boring people get bored."

there, you should have it now :)
That's why I am not bored, I am saw dust...
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.

... only boring people get bored."

there, you should have it now :)
You have kids, I know you were bored...

.... were????
My mom always said only boring people get bored.....

(I'm only going off the title of this post, once saw the OP was longer than 2 paragraphs, I lost interest) TLDR

Sorry, didn't get that?

I got as far as "My mom always said..." and got too bored to continue.

... only boring people get bored."

there, you should have it now :)
You have kids, I know you were bored...

.... were????
Where it counts,, baby...

In other words you can't quote any biblical references about Pergatory so the blame clearly falls on the shoulders of those that don't believe.

You Catholics are so full of shit.
So says you. Yet, you would not even take the time to read it if I did.
More proof that it's my fault.

Fine, then. You call my bluff and I will call yours.

See how many will care.
You're badly confused. You can't back up any biblical support for a Pergatory. I knew you couldn't, it was hardly a bluff. The Catholics pulled it out of their ass, like most stuff.

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