I wish you all a Merry Christmas

My cats take the pillow. :eusa_angel: I'm somewhere over to the side to not fall off. I've learned to grip in my sleep for safety's sake.

Merry Christmas Mr. H. And to you and all your loved ones may this be the best year ever.

Awww thanks, td. For some reason the dog felt he needed to wake me before 6am.
Think I'll go back to bed LOL.
Merry Christmas to you too Matthew.....and to all at USMB!!
He has RISEN! God bless!
Merry Christmas everyone

...my son in law gave me 2 quart jars of tannerite. muhaahahaha.
peace be with you all.

may 2013 be a lucky year for all mankind

Knowing how you think, I dont think we have the same idea of what would be "lucky for all mankind.". But since its Christmas and you kept it vague. I agree, and dont say I never gave you anything, TM.

Merry christmas.
you dont know me
No I dont, and Youre probably a nice person when not talking politics too. I only know what you say here.. which is why I dont think we have the same opinión of what luck for all mankind is.

If you mean you wish for things to get Better for mankind, in just that simple sense.. I agreed with you.

Cant you just give me a smile? Say merry Christmas back?
I wish peace to even people like you who think its a bad thing

I dont think peace is a bad thing at all. And I read your visitor message, I wasnt trying to be an asshole to you. Said I agreed with you and wished you a merry christmas. I dont see how thats being an asshole? Pointing out our differences in what luck may mean was just a friendly jab, Okay?
I apologize for upsetting you. Sincerely.
Awww thanks, td. For some reason the dog felt he needed to wake me before 6am.
Think I'll go back to bed LOL.

You're lucky it's 6....I'm lucky if the fox terrier let's me sleep til 5. Darn it.
LockeJaw wasn't saying anything mean to you....he just made a statement about peace, people have different opinions of it. Can't you just be nice for one day and stop being so negative to people that just don't think the same way you do? Merry Christmas TM......God Bless!
LockeJaw wasn't saying anything mean to you....he just made a statement about peace, people have different opinions of it. Can't you just be nice for one day and stop being so negative to people that just don't think the same way you do? Merry Christmas TM......God Bless!
Merry Christmas to you, Caroljo!

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