I wonder what its like to be white?

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Why do afro-centrics like Asclepias feel the need to pretend to be descended from races and ethnic groups that held them in bondage? Jews held you as slaves and so did the Ancient Egyptians. They weren't black.

Some of the Egyptians were black, no historical doubt about it. Archaeology and the bible confirms this.
They were Black, predominantly Black at least up until the time of Herodotus. The Greeks confirm this as well.
You jelly, yes you are.
View attachment 89743

Well here's white privilege for you, talking to my neighbor last night and she tells me about her friend who is a grammar school teacher from Switzerland, teaching here in Pinole Ca, I guess she made an off the cuff remark about Pres Obama, three black girls in the class, or maybe it was out of class, I'm not sure, go home and tell their
parents. Woman loses her job, probably going to have a hard time getting another one now as a teacher because shes marked as a racist. Irony of the whole thing is, shes married to a black man and they have two children together. We've just come to the place in the world where yo cant speak anymore if your white, but if your black
you can say the same things or worse about a white president, no problem. This is the begining of facism it looks like to me
Facism was created by white people. You still drew first blood. You can't weasel out of the growing down hill white snowball. Even when it starts running over white people.
Africans didn't really have businesses did they. You can't control business with cetral government if there is no business or central government. I believe they simply killed each other and took their shit. That's superior in what way?
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

He is woefully ignorant of history.
Being white is cool. I don't have a proclivity to spend endless hours sitting on my front porch with other white folks so we can be seen by other whites on their porches or driving by in beat up cars with $1700 worth of rims and tires and another $1200 invested in a sound system that disturbs folks three blocks away. I not only speak standard English but I also learned the meaning of ask and axe at a very young age and would never walk around with half my ass hanging out of my pants because I thought it would enhance my street creed by hinting I may have actually spent time in jail. I've never had the desire to shoot at anyone or been shot at and would never even think of beating a woman or a child for any reason. I've lived with a wife and we've raised three sons in whom we instilled the value of working hard to educate themselves and be responsible and accountable for their actions in this world among lots of other things too. All in all life is good in Caucasianland and could be elsewhere too if others emulated how we approach it.

Lets disect your statement further. You mentioned rape as if blacks do it more than whites ; I disagree with that ; 69% of rape victums are white women.

LOL...um, you fucked up.
Interracial rape is almost exclusively black men raping white women.
White women only say it was rape to spare your white feelings. 9 times out of 10 its the white woman raping the Black man.

It would be almost impossible to show a white man that their women have raped black men ; its a pride thing. I think while the white male slavers were raping black women , their white wives were secretly raping the black men. Both were fascinated with black skin.
Being white is cool. I don't have a proclivity to spend endless hours sitting on my front porch with other white folks so we can be seen by other whites on their porches or driving by in beat up cars with $1700 worth of rims and tires and another $1200 invested in a sound system that disturbs folks three blocks away. I not only speak standard English but I also learned the meaning of ask and axe at a very young age and would never walk around with half my ass hanging out of my pants because I thought it would enhance my street creed by hinting I may have actually spent time in jail. I've never had the desire to shoot at anyone or been shot at and would never even think of beating a woman or a child for any reason. I've lived with a wife and we've raised three sons in whom we instilled the value of working hard to educate themselves and be responsible and accountable for their actions in this world among lots of other things too. All in all life is good in Caucasianland and could be elsewhere too if others emulated how we approach it.

Lets disect your statement further. You mentioned rape as if blacks do it more than whites ; I disagree with that ; 69% of rape victums are white women.

LOL...um, you fucked up.
Interracial rape is almost exclusively black men raping white women.
White women only say it was rape to spare your white feelings. 9 times out of 10 its the white woman raping the Black man.

It would be almost impossible to show a white man that their women have raped black men ; its a pride thing. I think while the white male slavers were raping black women , their white wives were secretly raping the black men. Both were fascinated with black skin.
Yes. Many white women have told me about the fragile egos of white men. They get positively pink in the face when they find out their women have slept with Black men so white women just refrain from hurting them.
I've been a member of this board since 2009. So far, this is the most ignorant OP I have ever read on this board. It gets the trophy for being pure bullshit.
A black man and a white man walk into a bakery.
The black man immediately steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket.

He says to the white, "See how good I am? The owner didn't see a thing." The white man says to the black man, "That's typical of you black people. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."

He goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick." Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. The white man swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then the white man swallows that one and asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.

The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "So what did you do with the pastries?"

The white man replies, "Look in the black mans back pocket....."

Excellent joke ,I liked it. The sarcastic joking attitude of the white race is legendary, they will hang you and laugh at the noises you make while dying. They have reached for the top of the world , because they think the bottom is crowed with worthless races. They lead ; and the world follows like a pied piper. Not realizing what the world is about to do to them.
oh, i guess you do mean that "world" is black, don't you? Whites have the most power here, so everybody knows who is the world really.

Well I think that is true , Whites have the most power , and the most perversion. In my view this is exactly how God wanted it to be, he needed a perverted race to lead this world to its destruction. And whites fit that need like a glove. Your race was chosen to paint this world with confusion; and I think they have done a most stunning job of it.
Nope, man. Whites are mostly christian. Or were mostly christian. So here is its power. Yellows and blacks are atheists or pagans or whoever else. That is your weakness, man.

Atheist are predominantly white males , and I advise you read my thread on "Pagan Christianity" in the religion section.

I am so pleased to have you on thread Offensive minded , I can't wait to dissect your thoughts. I just know your going to help this thread ;I can feel it!
Well, I'm a little busy today, so I don't know how frequently I will be posting during the day. Good luck with whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.

Well thank you very much ; just wondering what it is like to be white.
I'm not fully white, so I don't know. I do know that when I am perceived to be white by blacks, they treat me differently than when they perceive me as Latino. And most whites think I'm just a really dark skinned Italian or Mediterranean descended person.

Interesting , this takes me by surprise. I am curious , which race treats you the worse?
Latinos actually. I know that's not white or black...but I get a lot of shit from Latinos for not keeping up with my Spanish and all.
You jelly, yes you are.
View attachment 89743

Well here's white privilege for you, talking to my neighbor last night and she tells me about her friend who is a grammar school teacher from Switzerland, teaching here in Pinole Ca, I guess she made an off the cuff remark about Pres Obama, three black girls in the class, or maybe it was out of class, I'm not sure, go home and tell their
parents. Woman loses her job, probably going to have a hard time getting another one now as a teacher because shes marked as a racist. Irony of the whole thing is, shes married to a black man and they have two children together. We've just come to the place in the world where yo cant speak anymore if your white, but if your black
you can say the same things or worse about a white president, no problem. This is the begining of facism it looks like to me

Facism was created by white people. You still drew first blood. You can't weasel out of the growing down hill white snowball. Even when it starts running over white people.

so where is this white privilage you guys are talking about? or was it just that you lived in a majority white country? and the system would obviously reflect the majority just like it would if you lived in China. In the US, if your white, and your not careful what you say, you lose your job, your career. If your black, you can speak as politically incorrect as you like on a bullhorn and people stand there wringing their hands. In the U.S. you have a majority white nation who elected a black president, twice. and you still have people believing whites are Neandrothal genetic half breeds looking for every opportunity to commit violence against a black man. If your kids go to a public school, please pull them out, there's white kids there too, your children are in danger.
I've been a member of this board since 2009. So far, this is the most ignorant OP I have ever read on this board. It gets the trophy for being pure bullshit.

Well thank you very much , white people rarely give me rewards. They generally fear me. I don't know why ; I'm not going to hurt them

not much.
Interracial rape is almost exclusively black men raping white women.

I am curious , do white women rape black men? I had one try to do it to me.
I believe it is possible for a woman to rape a man, so I am sure there have been cases of white women raping black men....though the stats collected by the feds show that's so rare it doesn't even warrant being included in the numbers.
You should know that stats are just pieces of data arranged to suit a political position. There is nothing conclusive about them unless everything is divulged and the identity and politics of the people paying for the study is revealed.
Yeah? Really? So Obama's justice department is trying to make black people look bad?
Could be. Why do you ask?
Lol! I doubt that. But he sure does like to validate the false narrative of white cops hunting down and killing black people and doesn't protest much when you all burn down your own neighborhoods....which makes you look like uncivilized people to everyone else...so maybe there is something to that
Well here's white privilege for you, talking to my neighbor last night and she tells me about her friend who is a grammar school teacher from Switzerland, teaching here in Pinole Ca, I guess she made an off the cuff remark about Pres Obama, three black girls in the class, or maybe it was out of class, I'm not sure, go home and tell their
parents. Woman loses her job, probably going to have a hard time getting another one now as a teacher because shes marked as a racist. Irony of the whole thing is, shes married to a black man and they have two children together. We've just come to the place in the world where yo cant speak anymore if your white, but if your black
you can say the same things or worse about a white president, no problem. This is the begining of facism it looks like to me

Of course, you are correct. The situation is bad, we are more divided than ever before and the government and law have chosen a side.

I just have to make fun of the idiocy of this thread and the people who agree with it.

While your making fun ,explain to us how white people can be subtracted from the growing division? As if their hands are clean.

Our hands are clean. Those with dirty hands are Barack 0bama, Al Sharpton, BLM, and the Democrat Party. I guess the whites in the DNC also have their hands dirty, so in that sense, they are also to blame.

Wait a minute , this is a thread moment ; a white saying other whites are to blame. Wait ,this has got to be an illusion. I know , its a dream.

That is what you got out of that? You are one screwed up individual.

I know I am screwed up , I have known it for years. I have even asked God himself to help my mind. I got a serious problem ,I actually think I can see bigotry and bias in people ; and I can see it in myself. Oh yes ,I am screwed.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
I think you are a victim of white programming. Its pretty much the opposite. Whites as a race have a decidedly massive inferiority complex. They understand instinctively their genes are recessive hence their violence towards the darker original races and especially the Black people. Without a doubt nothing they have done would have been possible without Blacks and other races. They never had the foundation Blacks did by building civilizations from scratch. Long before whites became sentient Blacks had solved the problem of civilization. I recommend you read some non white authors (or whites that tell the truth) on your ancestors from the proven viewpoint that most likely any book on history written by whites is a lie based on their inferiority complex..This is easy to do once you realize all the lies whites have told you in your life about history.

I wondered the same thing at one point about what it would be like to be white and my rich brown skin crawled with revulsion. However, unlike yourself, I love my melanin. I love my hair. I love my intellect. I love my athletic ability. I love being the original homo sapiens to walk the planet. I honestly think I would kill myself if I turned white. What you should wonder is why in the bilble god punished people by turning them white. Think about that sobering fact for one moment. Food for thought.

I love being black....

Then it's too bad you're not.

I am only black when I am awake ,while sleep ,I can be anything I think of. While sleep I can fly and even be white. I can be Asian, Mexican , even rich. Ahhh sleep , one of the few joys left in life.

Give it up, kid. Your act is lame.
I am curious , do white women rape black men? I had one try to do it to me.
I believe it is possible for a woman to rape a man, so I am sure there have been cases of white women raping black men....though the stats collected by the feds show that's so rare it doesn't even warrant being included in the numbers.
You should know that stats are just pieces of data arranged to suit a political position. There is nothing conclusive about them unless everything is divulged and the identity and politics of the people paying for the study is revealed.
Yeah? Really? So Obama's justice department is trying to make black people look bad?
Could be. Why do you ask?
Lol! I doubt that. But he sure does like to validate the false narrative of white cops hunting down and killing black people and doesn't protest much when you all burn down your own neighborhoods....which makes you look like uncivilized people to everyone else...so maybe there is something to that
Its only false if you are retarded or similarly mentally handicapped. Any Black person that grew up dodging cops and gang bangers knows the real deal.
I am so pleased to have you on thread Offensive minded , I can't wait to dissect your thoughts. I just know your going to help this thread ;I can feel it!
Well, I'm a little busy today, so I don't know how frequently I will be posting during the day. Good luck with whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.

Well thank you very much ; just wondering what it is like to be white.
I'm not fully white, so I don't know. I do know that when I am perceived to be white by blacks, they treat me differently than when they perceive me as Latino. And most whites think I'm just a really dark skinned Italian or Mediterranean descended person.

Interesting , this takes me by surprise. I am curious , which race treats you the worse?
Latinos actually. I know that's not white or black...but I get a lot of shit from Latinos for not keeping up with my Spanish and all.

Now that is interesting. I don't know much about latinos.
Of course, you are correct. The situation is bad, we are more divided than ever before and the government and law have chosen a side.

I just have to make fun of the idiocy of this thread and the people who agree with it.

While your making fun ,explain to us how white people can be subtracted from the growing division? As if their hands are clean.

Our hands are clean. Those with dirty hands are Barack 0bama, Al Sharpton, BLM, and the Democrat Party. I guess the whites in the DNC also have their hands dirty, so in that sense, they are also to blame.

Wait a minute , this is a thread moment ; a white saying other whites are to blame. Wait ,this has got to be an illusion. I know , its a dream.

That is what you got out of that? You are one screwed up individual.

I know I am screwed up , I have known it for years. I have even asked God himself to help my mind. I got a serious problem ,I actually think I can see bigotry and bias in people ; and I can see it in myself. Oh yes ,I am screwed.

Hopefully you can see good in people too, cause every one has it.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?
I think you are a victim of white programming. Its pretty much the opposite. Whites as a race have a decidedly massive inferiority complex. They understand instinctively their genes are recessive hence their violence towards the darker original races and especially the Black people. Without a doubt nothing they have done would have been possible without Blacks and other races. They never had the foundation Blacks did by building civilizations from scratch. Long before whites became sentient Blacks had solved the problem of civilization. I recommend you read some non white authors (or whites that tell the truth) on your ancestors from the proven viewpoint that most likely any book on history written by whites is a lie based on their inferiority complex..This is easy to do once you realize all the lies whites have told you in your life about history.

I wondered the same thing at one point about what it would be like to be white and my rich brown skin crawled with revulsion. However, unlike yourself, I love my melanin. I love my hair. I love my intellect. I love my athletic ability. I love being the original homo sapiens to walk the planet. I honestly think I would kill myself if I turned white. What you should wonder is why in the bilble god punished people by turning them white. Think about that sobering fact for one moment. Food for thought.

I love being black....

Then it's too bad you're not.

I am only black when I am awake ,while sleep ,I can be anything I think of. While sleep I can fly and even be white. I can be Asian, Mexican , even rich. Ahhh sleep , one of the few joys left in life.

Give it up, kid. Your act is lame.

Explain to me why you are paying attention to a lame act?
I think you are a victim of white programming. Its pretty much the opposite. Whites as a race have a decidedly massive inferiority complex. They understand instinctively their genes are recessive hence their violence towards the darker original races and especially the Black people. Without a doubt nothing they have done would have been possible without Blacks and other races. They never had the foundation Blacks did by building civilizations from scratch. Long before whites became sentient Blacks had solved the problem of civilization. I recommend you read some non white authors (or whites that tell the truth) on your ancestors from the proven viewpoint that most likely any book on history written by whites is a lie based on their inferiority complex..This is easy to do once you realize all the lies whites have told you in your life about history.

I wondered the same thing at one point about what it would be like to be white and my rich brown skin crawled with revulsion. However, unlike yourself, I love my melanin. I love my hair. I love my intellect. I love my athletic ability. I love being the original homo sapiens to walk the planet. I honestly think I would kill myself if I turned white. What you should wonder is why in the bilble god punished people by turning them white. Think about that sobering fact for one moment. Food for thought.

I love being black....

Then it's too bad you're not.

I am only black when I am awake ,while sleep ,I can be anything I think of. While sleep I can fly and even be white. I can be Asian, Mexican , even rich. Ahhh sleep , one of the few joys left in life.

Give it up, kid. Your act is lame.

Explain to me why you are paying attention to a lame act?
Its Unks shtick. He rarely is able to contribute so he just lashes out in frustration.
Well, I'm a little busy today, so I don't know how frequently I will be posting during the day. Good luck with whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.

Well thank you very much ; just wondering what it is like to be white.
I'm not fully white, so I don't know. I do know that when I am perceived to be white by blacks, they treat me differently than when they perceive me as Latino. And most whites think I'm just a really dark skinned Italian or Mediterranean descended person.

Interesting , this takes me by surprise. I am curious , which race treats you the worse?
Latinos actually. I know that's not white or black...but I get a lot of shit from Latinos for not keeping up with my Spanish and all.

Now that is interesting. I don't know much about latinos.
I grew up around latinos and if Offensively is telling the truth he is just another lap dog or more likely a white guy trying to lend some credibility to his POV by not admitting he is all white.
A black man and a white man walk into a bakery.
The black man immediately steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket.

He says to the white, "See how good I am? The owner didn't see a thing." The white man says to the black man, "That's typical of you black people. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."

He goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick." Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. The white man swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then the white man swallows that one and asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.

The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "So what did you do with the pastries?"

The white man replies, "Look in the black mans back pocket....."

Excellent joke ,I liked it. The sarcastic joking attitude of the white race is legendary, they will hang you and laugh at the noises you make while dying. They have reached for the top of the world , because they think the bottom is crowed with worthless races. They lead ; and the world follows like a pied piper. Not realizing what the world is about to do to them.
oh, i guess you do mean that "world" is black, don't you? Whites have the most power here, so everybody knows who is the world really.

Well I think that is true , Whites have the most power , and the most perversion. In my view this is exactly how God wanted it to be, he needed a perverted race to lead this world to its destruction. And whites fit that need like a glove. Your race was chosen to paint this world with confusion; and I think they have done a most stunning job of it.
Nope, man. Whites are mostly christian. Or were mostly christian. So here is its power. Yellows and blacks are atheists or pagans or whoever else. That is your weakness, man.

Atheist are mostly males and white , and Christianity is pagan, read my thread " Pagan Christianity" in the religion section.
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