I wonder what its like to be white?

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Nope, man. Whites are mostly christian. Or were mostly christian. So here is its power. Yellows and blacks are atheists or pagans or whoever else. That is your weakness, man.

Atheist are mostly males and white , and Christianity is pagan, read my thread " Pagan Christianity" in the religion section.
Not keen in reading trash.

Oh come now , expand your horizon ; be cognizant of the manifestations of your race. Come now make an effort.
my race does not consist of only atheists and pagan fanatics. The origins of european culture are well-known. And european culture is the base for american and so on. The foundation is Christianity.

Oh yes ,white roots run deep , but not as deep as black roots in history
Oh... you have an alternative history, do not you? Do no continue, please.
"In 2002, Jennifer Crocker and Jean Twenge conducted a “meta-analysis of studies of self-esteem.” They intended to discover which American ethnic group would score the highest on a self-esteem test. They also wanted to identify how each group’s self-esteem ranked in comparison to how positively society regarded that group. The researchers proceeded by making 712 self-esteem comparisons among five ethnic groups: Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, African Americans and European Americans.

The outcomes surprised Crocker and Twenge. They learned that African Americans scored the highest in the self-esteem category, but ranked last in the area of Society’s Positive Regard for the group. They concluded that African Americans consistently make positive statements about themselves even though society does not view them positively. European Americans were second, Latinos third, Native Americans fourth, and Asian Americans were last. Asian Americans’ ranking surprised the researchers because, outside of European Americans, the other groups hold them in high regard."

Like I said, Blacks lack self awareness and are woefully lacking in the ability for abstract thought. That's why you two are sitting here looking pretty stupid to everyone else but yourselves. Bragging about your dicks as if your dick size makes you superior in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't, you just look dumb.

Interesting study, I would totally disagree that blacks lack abstract thought, this list proves such a racist accusation is meaningless ;

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are talking averages, not the entire group. The ones that are more capable of abstract thought and self awareness are the leaders in Africa.

I don't agree , but I admit much of the world thinks as you do in this area.
You're not going to agree, you have unearned high self esteem and thus have a hard time with self criticism and reflection. That you entertain the idea that having a big dick is why a lot of white people don't have a high regard for blacks in american society makes that evident. It's got nothing to do with your dicks and everything to do with how you act.
Atheist are mostly males and white , and Christianity is pagan, read my thread " Pagan Christianity" in the religion section.
Not keen in reading trash.

Oh come now , expand your horizon ; be cognizant of the manifestations of your race. Come now make an effort.
my race does not consist of only atheists and pagan fanatics. The origins of european culture are well-known. And european culture is the base for american and so on. The foundation is Christianity.

Oh yes ,white roots run deep , but not as deep as black roots in history
Oh... you have an alternative history, do not you? Do no continue, please.

Interesting that you would request that I not continue my own thread?

Request denied , I will continue.
"In 2002, Jennifer Crocker and Jean Twenge conducted a “meta-analysis of studies of self-esteem.” They intended to discover which American ethnic group would score the highest on a self-esteem test. They also wanted to identify how each group’s self-esteem ranked in comparison to how positively society regarded that group. The researchers proceeded by making 712 self-esteem comparisons among five ethnic groups: Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, African Americans and European Americans.

The outcomes surprised Crocker and Twenge. They learned that African Americans scored the highest in the self-esteem category, but ranked last in the area of Society’s Positive Regard for the group. They concluded that African Americans consistently make positive statements about themselves even though society does not view them positively. European Americans were second, Latinos third, Native Americans fourth, and Asian Americans were last. Asian Americans’ ranking surprised the researchers because, outside of European Americans, the other groups hold them in high regard."

Like I said, Blacks lack self awareness and are woefully lacking in the ability for abstract thought. That's why you two are sitting here looking pretty stupid to everyone else but yourselves. Bragging about your dicks as if your dick size makes you superior in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't, you just look dumb.

Interesting study, I would totally disagree that blacks lack abstract thought, this list proves such a racist accusation is meaningless ;

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are talking averages, not the entire group. The ones that are more capable of abstract thought and self awareness are the leaders in Africa.

I don't agree , but I admit much of the world thinks as you do in this area.
You're not going to agree, you have unearned high self esteem and thus have a hard time with self criticism and reflection. That you entertain the idea that having a big dick is why a lot of white people don't have a high regard for blacks in american society makes that evident. It's got nothing to do with your dicks and everything to do with how you act.

I openly charge you with deception and false accusation, and ask you produce me ever saying anything about " Dicks." Or even show me ever using the term dick in my thread.

This I got to see. It will be of interest to see how you squirm out of this in honesty.
I'm not fully white, so I don't know. I do know that when I am perceived to be white by blacks, they treat me differently than when they perceive me as Latino. And most whites think I'm just a really dark skinned Italian or Mediterranean descended person.

Interesting , this takes me by surprise. I am curious , which race treats you the worse?
Latinos actually. I know that's not white or black...but I get a lot of shit from Latinos for not keeping up with my Spanish and all.

Now that is interesting. I don't know much about latinos.
I grew up around latinos and if Offensively is telling the truth he is just another lap dog or more likely a white guy trying to lend some credibility to his POV by not admitting he is all white.

I find that interesting , that a white will admit they are not all white. Its like not fully putting on the Emperors robe.
I did too at first until I realized what they were doing. They know that most people dont lend any credibility to people that are all white. Knowing this they claim some other ethnic group in order to argue. Usually they end up saying something so stupid that you know they are all white and the charade is up.
A black man and a white man walk into a bakery.
The black man immediately steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket.

He says to the white, "See how good I am? The owner didn't see a thing." The white man says to the black man, "That's typical of you black people. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."

He goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick." Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. The white man swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then the white man swallows that one and asks for a third pastry and eats that, too.

The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "So what did you do with the pastries?"

The white man replies, "Look in the black mans back pocket....."

Excellent joke ,I liked it. The sarcastic joking attitude of the white race is legendary, they will hang you and laugh at the noises you make while dying. They have reached for the top of the world , because they think the bottom is crowed with worthless races. They lead ; and the world follows like a pied piper. Not realizing what the world is about to do to them.
oh, i guess you do mean that "world" is black, don't you? Whites have the most power here, so everybody knows who is the world really.

Well I think that is true , Whites have the most power , and the most perversion. In my view this is exactly how God wanted it to be, he needed a perverted race to lead this world to its destruction. And whites fit that need like a glove. Your race was chosen to paint this world with confusion; and I think they have done a most stunning job of it.
Nope, man. Whites are mostly christian. Or were mostly christian. So here is its power. Yellows and blacks are atheists or pagans or whoever else. That is your weakness, man.

Wow, some posts really pack in as much ignorance as possible.
I think you are a victim of white programming. Its pretty much the opposite. Whites as a race have a decidedly massive inferiority complex. They understand instinctively their genes are recessive hence their violence towards the darker original races and especially the Black people. Without a doubt nothing they have done would have been possible without Blacks and other races. They never had the foundation Blacks did by building civilizations from scratch. Long before whites became sentient Blacks had solved the problem of civilization. I recommend you read some non white authors (or whites that tell the truth) on your ancestors from the proven viewpoint that most likely any book on history written by whites is a lie based on their inferiority complex..This is easy to do once you realize all the lies whites have told you in your life about history.

I wondered the same thing at one point about what it would be like to be white and my rich brown skin crawled with revulsion. However, unlike yourself, I love my melanin. I love my hair. I love my intellect. I love my athletic ability. I love being the original homo sapiens to walk the planet. I honestly think I would kill myself if I turned white. What you should wonder is why in the bilble god punished people by turning them white. Think about that sobering fact for one moment. Food for thought.

I love being black....

Then it's too bad you're not.

I am only black when I am awake ,while sleep ,I can be anything I think of. While sleep I can fly and even be white. I can be Asian, Mexican , even rich. Ahhh sleep , one of the few joys left in life.

Give it up, kid. Your act is lame.

Explain to me why you are paying attention to a lame act?

Don't forget your sunscreen.
Interesting , this takes me by surprise. I am curious , which race treats you the worse?
Latinos actually. I know that's not white or black...but I get a lot of shit from Latinos for not keeping up with my Spanish and all.

Now that is interesting. I don't know much about latinos.
I grew up around latinos and if Offensively is telling the truth he is just another lap dog or more likely a white guy trying to lend some credibility to his POV by not admitting he is all white.

I find that interesting , that a white will admit they are not all white. Its like not fully putting on the Emperors robe.
I did too at first until I realized what they were doing. They know that most people dont lend any credibility to people that are all white. Knowing this they claim some other ethnic group in order to argue. Usually they end up saying something so stupid that you know they are all white and the charade is up.

In the fable ,everyone thought the Emperor was fully clothed , only one innocent child saw he was really naked. I think white skin became the Emperor's robe in America ,and white men worked hard to maintain that illusion. They killed many blacks and Indians to create the white robe of selfishness satin. Now they want us to forget all that and just happily take our place in holding up the tail of that robe.
I look forward to this thread and the human nature it will expose. Remember this ,if you dare challange whiteness then you open Pandoras box ,and all the evil it hides.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.

In my personal view , that is exactly why God choose them to be in power during these ages; he is creating the need for Christ to return , he needed a powerful race to further plunge the earth into turmoil, a race satan could easily tap into their ego and sear their consciousness. The white mind will NEVER realize that in this life.
I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.

In my personal view , that is exactly why God choose them to be in power during these ages; he is creating the need for Christ to return , he needed a powerful race to further plunge the earth into turmoil, a race satan could easily tap into their ego and sear their consciousness. The white mind will NEVER realize that in this life.
Thats a different angle but one easily believed if you are religious. Whites would definitely fit the mold. They have such fragile egos its easy for them to seek out power and maintain it.at all costs.
I look forward to this thread and the human nature it will expose. Remember this ,if you dare challange whiteness then you open Pandoras box ,and all the evil it hides.

I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.

I wonder what its like to walk around every day actually thinking that your better than everyone else, just because of your skin? Strange how skin can effect the whole consciousness.
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.

"but when it do"? Why is an illiterate white guys words being attributed to the guy in the meme? Didnt they remember to check the grammar before making the meme?
I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.

"but when it do"? Why is an illiterate white guys words being attributed to the guy in the meme? Didnt they remember to check the grammar before making the meme?

I wonder if you realize this entire premise is racist?

I agree , racism has a lot to do with it. No doubt.

Now allow me a joke ; "Am I racist? No ,I just don't like white people."

Remember , that is just a joke. I am only racist when it is brought out of me. And after reading all the threads in this section , well lets say I just was impelled.
You are sitting there acting like the entire white race is worse than other races. That is the EXACT definition of racism.
Look in the mirror and quit bitching.
To be honest, history shows whites are the worst race to ever walk the planet and they were the last to get here.

In my personal view , that is exactly why God choose them to be in power during these ages; he is creating the need for Christ to return , he needed a powerful race to further plunge the earth into turmoil, a race satan could easily tap into their ego and sear their consciousness. The white mind will NEVER realize that in this life.
Thats a different angle but one easily believed if you are religious. Whites would definitely fit the mold. They have such fragile egos its easy for them to seek out power and maintain it.at all costs.

Well I am not religious , but such is my view. I believe that. I am not saying the white race is doomed , I believe all of humanity will be given salvation from God freely , none of us will be left out for any reason ; I believe human history is simply the unfolding of God's will. Jesus said when he returns the earth will be in chaos ; 3 things which will plunge us into serious chaos , are religion , race , and perversion of power. I think whites and Arabs will factor into this heavily.
"In 2002, Jennifer Crocker and Jean Twenge conducted a “meta-analysis of studies of self-esteem.” They intended to discover which American ethnic group would score the highest on a self-esteem test. They also wanted to identify how each group’s self-esteem ranked in comparison to how positively society regarded that group. The researchers proceeded by making 712 self-esteem comparisons among five ethnic groups: Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, African Americans and European Americans.

The outcomes surprised Crocker and Twenge. They learned that African Americans scored the highest in the self-esteem category, but ranked last in the area of Society’s Positive Regard for the group. They concluded that African Americans consistently make positive statements about themselves even though society does not view them positively. European Americans were second, Latinos third, Native Americans fourth, and Asian Americans were last. Asian Americans’ ranking surprised the researchers because, outside of European Americans, the other groups hold them in high regard."

Like I said, Blacks lack self awareness and are woefully lacking in the ability for abstract thought. That's why you two are sitting here looking pretty stupid to everyone else but yourselves. Bragging about your dicks as if your dick size makes you superior in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't, you just look dumb.

Interesting study, I would totally disagree that blacks lack abstract thought, this list proves such a racist accusation is meaningless ;

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blacks constructing the great pyramids puts the retarded notion that Blacks lack abstract thinking to bed.
"In 2002, Jennifer Crocker and Jean Twenge conducted a “meta-analysis of studies of self-esteem.” They intended to discover which American ethnic group would score the highest on a self-esteem test. They also wanted to identify how each group’s self-esteem ranked in comparison to how positively society regarded that group. The researchers proceeded by making 712 self-esteem comparisons among five ethnic groups: Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, African Americans and European Americans.

The outcomes surprised Crocker and Twenge. They learned that African Americans scored the highest in the self-esteem category, but ranked last in the area of Society’s Positive Regard for the group. They concluded that African Americans consistently make positive statements about themselves even though society does not view them positively. European Americans were second, Latinos third, Native Americans fourth, and Asian Americans were last. Asian Americans’ ranking surprised the researchers because, outside of European Americans, the other groups hold them in high regard."

Like I said, Blacks lack self awareness and are woefully lacking in the ability for abstract thought. That's why you two are sitting here looking pretty stupid to everyone else but yourselves. Bragging about your dicks as if your dick size makes you superior in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't, you just look dumb.

Interesting study, I would totally disagree that blacks lack abstract thought, this list proves such a racist accusation is meaningless ;

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blacks constructing the great pyramids puts the retarded notion that Blacks lack abstract thinking to bed.

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