I wonder what its like to be white?

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Well here's white privilege for you, talking to my neighbor last night and she tells me about her friend who is a grammar school teacher from Switzerland, teaching here in Pinole Ca, I guess she made an off the cuff remark about Pres Obama, three black girls in the class, or maybe it was out of class, I'm not sure, go home and tell their
parents. Woman loses her job, probably going to have a hard time getting another one now as a teacher because shes marked as a racist. Irony of the whole thing is, shes married to a black man and they have two children together. We've just come to the place in the world where yo cant speak anymore if your white, but if your black
you can say the same things or worse about a white president, no problem. This is the begining of facism it looks like to me
Facism was created by white people. You still drew first blood. You can't weasel out of the growing down hill white snowball. Even when it starts running over white people.
Africans didn't really have businesses did they. You can't control business with cetral government if there is no business or central government. I believe they simply killed each other and took their shit. That's superior in what way?
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?
I would argue these 10 excellent points of proof, and Melanin is one of them;

10 Arguments That Prove Ancient Egyptians Were Black - Atlanta Black Star
Blacks constructing the great pyramids puts the retarded notion that Blacks lack abstract thinking to bed.

Black slaves hauling heavy stones by threat of force means they designed the pyramids in Asclepias's mind.

In my view ,blacks did design the pyramids , the entire region was mostly black , and the Pharaohs where. History records how many went through great lengths to hide this , even removing "The obvious black noses of the Pharaohs."
Go visit the pyramids yourself some day and you will come back from that experience feeling duped by afrocentrism.
I've been there and it convinced me even more that they were Black.
Mhmmm....I hope you don't mind if I don't buy a stranger saying that on the internet.
Wow. Rambo effect? When little black kids are "EMPOWERED" to beat a little old man's (Hispanic Pearl Harbor) survivors dog to death, makes me wonder if blacks have any grasp of history at all out side of their own little universe. That is rhetorical question. They don't have a clue, and neither do you.

Is this where you start whining at being called a racist?
I think this is where she should call you a gook and not care if you call her racist or not.

Welcome to thread ,I needed a white like you to visit; I have a theory that racism can be passed down through the genes. You are most certainly proof of that ; you did not develop your racism on your own , you had help from your genome.
My theory is similar. Obviously whites have varying amounts of neanderthal DNA which is not homo sapiens sapiens. This DNA undoubtedly causes whites to exhibit aggressiveness and violence towards Blacks who are by and large pure human. I think there is a threshold where if you have X amount of neanderthal DNA it causes you to have a low intellect and therefore become racist or easily influenced by racist.

I agree wholeheartedly ,some whites can exhibit racism and not even be aware of it. Thus even the denial of racism is inbred.
Are You Racist? You Can Blame Your Genetics - WIT
I've met and heard from a lot of black racists, like you, but never heard one admit it.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.
Facism was created by white people. You still drew first blood. You can't weasel out of the growing down hill white snowball. Even when it starts running over white people.
Africans didn't really have businesses did they. You can't control business with cetral government if there is no business or central government. I believe they simply killed each other and took their shit. That's superior in what way?
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?

Do you mean in the bible?
"In 2002, Jennifer Crocker and Jean Twenge conducted a “meta-analysis of studies of self-esteem.” They intended to discover which American ethnic group would score the highest on a self-esteem test. They also wanted to identify how each group’s self-esteem ranked in comparison to how positively society regarded that group. The researchers proceeded by making 712 self-esteem comparisons among five ethnic groups: Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, African Americans and European Americans.

The outcomes surprised Crocker and Twenge. They learned that African Americans scored the highest in the self-esteem category, but ranked last in the area of Society’s Positive Regard for the group. They concluded that African Americans consistently make positive statements about themselves even though society does not view them positively. European Americans were second, Latinos third, Native Americans fourth, and Asian Americans were last. Asian Americans’ ranking surprised the researchers because, outside of European Americans, the other groups hold them in high regard."

Like I said, Blacks lack self awareness and are woefully lacking in the ability for abstract thought. That's why you two are sitting here looking pretty stupid to everyone else but yourselves. Bragging about your dicks as if your dick size makes you superior in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't, you just look dumb.

Interesting study, I would totally disagree that blacks lack abstract thought, this list proves such a racist accusation is meaningless ;

List of African-American inventors and scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blacks constructing the great pyramids puts the retarded notion that Blacks lack abstract thinking to bed.

Black slaves hauling heavy stones by threat of force means they designed the pyramids in Asclepias's mind.

He is quite deluded.
Facism was created by white people. You still drew first blood. You can't weasel out of the growing down hill white snowball. Even when it starts running over white people.
Africans didn't really have businesses did they. You can't control business with cetral government if there is no business or central government. I believe they simply killed each other and took their shit. That's superior in what way?
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?
The white man helped them develop written forms of their indigenous languages. They didn't have one prior to that.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.
Africans didn't really have businesses did they. You can't control business with cetral government if there is no business or central government. I believe they simply killed each other and took their shit. That's superior in what way?
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?
The white man helped them develop written forms of their indigenous languages. They didn't have one prior to that.

The white ego is truly awesome, foolishly trying to extend your race into ancient Egypt.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.
You can get all pissy, I don't give a fuck. You don't have to read my posts either. The thread makes you look like a moron, why should anybody try to get rid of it?
I've noticed most blacks aren't even aware they didn't name the continent of Africa itself...It was white people that gave it that name:

"The name Africa came into Western use through the Romans, who used the name Africa terra — "land of the Afri" (plural, or "Afer" singular) — for the *northern part of the continent*, as the province of Africa with its capital Carthage, corresponding to modern-day Tunisia."

See that part with the *'s. They never even made it down into subsaharan Africa, where Asclepia's and this other guy's ancestors hail from.
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?
The white man helped them develop written forms of their indigenous languages. They didn't have one prior to that.

The white ego is truly awesome, foolishly trying to extend your race into ancient Egypt.
I'm giving you the facts, man. Has nothing to do with ego.
Africans did not have businesses , good grief , the white wall is all covering ; it blinds whites from simple truth. One of the worse deceptions I have seen is being white walled.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?
The white man helped them develop written forms of their indigenous languages. They didn't have one prior to that.

The white ego is truly awesome, foolishly trying to extend your race into ancient Egypt.
Who did that?
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.

You do not know white.

Your mind is full of lies.

You should question the Authority that has told you these lies.
Well they did sell each other to slavers but that came way later when Muslims introduced the option. I'm not sure what they were payed with. Where were the written languages and how did they record sales figures?

Slavery began before history could accurately record it. The bible even records it just a bit. I don't think they recorded much sales figures
That was thousands of years ago, not hundreds. But where are the African written words?
The white man helped them develop written forms of their indigenous languages. They didn't have one prior to that.

The white ego is truly awesome, foolishly trying to extend your race into ancient Egypt.
Who did that?
I have said that the Ancient Egyptians were not white already....guess he is stuck on thinking Caucasian means 'white skin'. It doesn't.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.
You can get all pissy, I don't give a fuck. You don't have to read my posts either. The thread makes you look like a moron, why should anybody try to get rid of it?

I have no need to call you names, because I already "Have you". I have seen white behavior before , I already know some of you can't take this kind of beating for long.
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