I wonder what its like to be white?

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I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.

You do not know white.

Your mind is full of lies.

You should question the Authority that has told you these lies.
The sooner they do, the sooner things will improve for blacks. As long as they try to claim other's ethnicities and achievements as their own...they'll never make the progress they wish to see.
As I observe the white race , they are most unusual and I think unique. Many of them seem to have an inbred superiority complex , which I see them being that way because of an incredible history. They captured so much of the world. And they have that pearly white skin , along with that silky hair; its like life set them up to have inner personality complexes. They are perhaps the most prolific killers in history, a stunning ability to eliminate life. An obvious gift to create things, and equally merciless in suppressing the gifts in other races.

The whites are masters of self promotion , and cunning in taking over nations. Its been so curious to me how a few white women have been attracted to me all my life , and I am black. Its like , " What did I do to deserve this honor?" Now , could humanity have advanced this far without white people? In my view ,no. The whole world is a stage and everybody plays a part , a true concept some whites have problems with.

The white race has a serious selfish complex , they think Jesus was white , even God is white. And white run Hollywood always makes the white man the savior. And look at most of these threads in this section , white people questioning other races , always from a superior point of view , and often insulting them without refrain.

I wonder what it is like to be like that?

  • Get an education
  • Get a job
  • Raise your family instead of abandoning them
  • Pay your mortgage
  • Pay your taxes
  • Be honest in your dealing with other
  • Respect the property of others
That's what it's like to be "white."
Well said.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.

You do not know white.

Your mind is full of lies.

You should question the Authority that has told you these lies.

I have no authority you would recognize , I walk alone. What's it feel like to be exposed?
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.

You do not know white.

Your mind is full of lies.

You should question the Authority that has told you these lies.

I have no authority you would recognize , I walk alone. What's it feel like to be exposed?

Nonsense. You obviously have had your mind filled with lies by someone.

Who was it? YOu mother? A preacher?

"Exposed"? You are sad.
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.

You do not know white.

Your mind is full of lies.

You should question the Authority that has told you these lies.

I have no authority you would recognize , I walk alone. What's it feel like to be exposed?

Nonsense. You obviously have had your mind filled with lies by someone.

Who was it? YOu mother? A preacher?

"Exposed"? You are sad.

I like my own consciousness, I have no need to depend on anothers. I am just not bound by white influence . I cannot be poisoned by white.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.

You do not know white.

Your mind is full of lies.

You should question the Authority that has told you these lies.

I have no authority you would recognize , I walk alone. What's it feel like to be exposed?

Nonsense. You obviously have had your mind filled with lies by someone.

Who was it? YOu mother? A preacher?

"Exposed"? You are sad.

I like my own consciousness, I have no need to depend on anothers. I am just not bound by white influence . I cannot be poisoned by white.

White Influence?

Wow. That was telling.

YOU assumed that any authority that might have influence in your life would be white.

I was assuming, since you are such a racist, that you would not even listen to anyone not black.
I honestly would like to be proven wrong on my views on black folks.

It would be nice if some day in the future, skin color would mean nothing more than more variety and we all just get along.

But if blacks insist on believing afrocentrist lies, instead of just accepting the truth...that they have always been far behind the other races and instead of making up fictional histories of their people and started doing things NOW to show how they are not the underachieving race anymore...that ain't gonna happen.

It's not as big of a deal as they make it out to be. They had abundant resources and more favorable weather than, say whites did...they didn't have to build elaborate structures or travel far to get food and water that would require the wheel....its really that simple. When you have things easy(easier than whites who dealt with harsh winters)....you don't have to develop as many ways to survive as the people in harsher climates.

The average subsaharan African IQ is 65...that's considered mentally retarded by western standards...but the american blacks average 85....so obviously, exposure to western culture has raised their IQ levels during the time they have been in the Americas.

Every group started off having to learn how to adapt to their environment...blacks just didn't need to do all the technological advancement to survive. That's why they are behind.
I will admit that I wish there were a better, less insult-sounding way to break the truth down....but there's not. It is damn near impossible to tell black folks the truth without sounding condescending and insulting.
What's funny is subsaharan Africans from West Africa, which is who you guys are descended from....built nothing of importance. No seafaring ships. No advanced structures. No wheel.

So even if the Ancient Egyptians were black(which they weren't)... You are not related to them. They would be closer to the Ethiopians and guess what? They are considered Caucasoid. And Caucasoid doesn't mean they were white either(which they weren't)... Caucasoid describes cranial structure, facial features, etc.

"Yes Ethiopians are black, they are not white. They might be black skin wise, but are different than both white people and africans equally. people have to take in mind that colour of the skin does not tell the race. Indeed Ethiopians are Caucasoid.
Are Ethiopians black? - Quora
Quora › Are-Ethiopians-black"

Damn, those Caucasians even stole your skin color!

Sorry guy. obviously you are ignorant of the facts. Its not important that Blacks in the US are descended from Egyptians but the facts say they are.

The Thuya Gene - DNA Consultants

"this not-so-rare gene is Central African in origin and was passed to Thuya from her forebears, Queens of Upper and Lower Egypt and High Priestesses of Hathor, the Mother Goddess. Thuya passed it to her grandson Akhenaten and great-grandson Tutankhamun, among others, as documented in a forensic study of the Amarna mummies by Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Cairo, in 2010. "
I have much more material to cover ,but I have to wait on just a few more hardcore whites to join in on thread . I kind of prefer live examples of this most unusual race. A study of whites is most perplexing ,most of their consciousness is completely devoid of their racism. It is most difficult to get them to co operate.
You're a race baiter. Or a troll. Maybe both.

No , I am a simple man with opinions ,it is my right to post them ,and your right not to read them. But if I know white, your next plan is to get rid of this thread. So that you can freely step on blacks , and block blacks from stepping on whites.
You can get all pissy, I don't give a fuck. You don't have to read my posts either. The thread makes you look like a moron, why should anybody try to get rid of it?

I have no need to call you names, because I already "Have you". I have seen white behavior before , I already know some of you can't take this kind of beating for long.
Beating your meat isn't a win for anybody but you, assuming you can.
Here's another reason why blacks in subsaharan Africa have lower IQs than Europeans on average:

Cold Winters and the Evolution of Intelligence

Extended exposure to hot weather kills braincells...eventually it will affect your IQ. I moved from Seattle to Phoenix, and I will admit...when I worked outside I could tell the heat was killing my braincells... I felt sluggish all the time until I finally was able to get into an air conditioned building. Imagine the affects of thousands of years in the heat and what that did to subsaharan Africans.
The combination of exposure to western ideas and being here in a cooler climate has raised the black american IQ 20% or more higher than the average black African IQ.
The climate factor is not just visible in american blacks and african blacks. Have you ever wondered why southern whites seem slower and more laid back than northern whites? The climate difference played a role in that.
Whites are merely trying to " Whitewash Egyptian history." The ego of whites is incredible;

In which even the university of Cambridge admits that ancient Egypt was Black African

Your assumption of ego is incredible.
Maybe you should you put your ego aside as well, i for one don't believe Egyptians were white as depicted in these victorian paintings or movies. Those are easily seen as arist's depictions a lot of those paintings were ordered by the church for political reasons. So why would they be painted as darker skinned people? Kings and politicians usually only act in self interest, you know that right? Its just the way it was. Only the most ignorant people would think they look like Charlton Heston, your not threatened by that are you?

Clearly Egypt is part of the African continent , how could anyone question that ancient Egyptians were black? but an argument can be made that they were also multi -ethnic because of their location on the Mediterranean ocean,
and proximity to the Nile river. It was the center of the known world for a very long time. I'm sure the demography of Egypt has changed some over the last 50 thousand years, you had the Phoenicians trading and sailing all over the medditeranian 3000 BC, so whos to say who bred with who? from what Ive read, the egyptians didnt have vocabulary for race like we do, so to some scholars there is also disagreement about the word kmt, was it reffering to peoples color? or the color of the black delta soil. According to some on this board "everyone' was black back then, the Egyptians, the jews, the semitic people, so why would the Egyptians bother to use the word KMT to make a distinction for themselves?
If I may ,another poem ;

I am white ,I am white, yes I am white
that's how I know I am right
I am never wrong ,I have lasted this long
because I am white.
look at me world, I was made to lead you
what is man that he is mindful of white
you idiots , you dummies , can't you see the light
fall to your knees and worship me
and stay down there till I set you free
know that I am white ,accept me as your light
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