I wont vote for a guy that stabs his friends and hammers his poor mom!!

I wouldn't give my vote to a white that tried to stab his friend...why should it be ok for a black?
You can only laugh at these people if they weren't so dangerous to us ALL

Obama wins LIE OF THE YEAR and puts on OUR back another Monster Government entitlement, call OScamCare. that has COST us Billions of dollars, is losing about that much everyday and here they sit and WAIL over something that was written IN A BOOK no less. but but but OMG..... This BLACK MAN who was a CHILDRENS surgeon who climbed out of the ghettos

Come on people let the left/democrats screech. everyone is tired of them already
No to Carson!!
He a feral black, what do you expect?
Has nothing to do with his race. We can't forget he is a respected brain surgeon. Why did he bring all of these things up?
He wrote these things in his book long before becoming a candidate. Many great people have experienced a troubled childhood. As he explains in his book, he turned the page and lost his anger problem.

I tried to steal a roll of film from a drug store once, was caught by the owner...haven't stolen a single thing (except cat naps at work) since then.

You that criticize Carson for his detailing of his troubled past are the real losers.
Carson is finished.

yeah sure. it's probably is the Democrats that are finished. First by that thing they called a debate by CNBC AND NOW this HIT PEICE made up by one of the left leaning Democrat supporting sites, Politico and then PICKED up and spread through the Lamestream medias. . All this is doing is PISSING more people off at your party and the LEFT.
if Hillary's or Obama LIES don't bother you people NOTHING a Civilian Carson says in a BOOK will Kill their chances. When you all start caring about the Democrats lying we might be able to take you all serious, someday, doubtful but.

Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson
Politico's editorial staff on Friday conceded that entire basis of attack on Carson was invented out of whole cloth.

November 6, 2015 By Mollie Hemingway
Politico‘s Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.

In a story published early on Friday, Politico’s Kyle Cheney authored a piece headlined “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship” with a subhed “Carson’s campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described.”

There were at least five major problems with the story:

Snippet from the article about the author who's name is Cheney:
Other critiques of Cheney and Politico are available from across the political and media spectrum here, here, here, here, here, and here.

At a time when the media need to demonstrate good faith efforts to cover Republicans and conservatives with even a modicum of fairness, Kyle Cheney and Politico have done a tremendous disservice to their brands.

all of it here:
Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson
I wouldn't give my vote to a white that tried to stab his friend...why should it be ok for a black?
You miss the point. Carson related to anecdotes from his past to illustrate his overcoming of an anger problem, something that was likely put upon him by the liberal welfare system that perpetuates poverty and single moms.

I wouldn't vote for a dried up bitch that has lied, cheated and murdered her way to the titular head of the Democrat Party.

In the morals and ethics categories, few people can match those of Ben Carson. Certainly, no one on the Democrat side close even close.
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I wont vote for a guy that stabs his friends and hammers his poor mom!!

Neither will I.

No to Carson!!

Then you shouldn't count Carson out. As it doesn't look like he did any of that shit.
The only problem ahead is getting the useful idiots that do not bother with political news to be aware of the lies being told daily by liberals. They will vote for a lying Democrat any day of the year. Just promise them some free stuff and you've got yourself a vote.
Charlie Rose interviewed Carson a couple of weeks ago.
Rose asked him how would he deal with Syria. Carson replied that he would set up a no-fly zone.
Rose asked a follow-up question as to what he would do if Russia violated such a zone.
Carson replied, 'then it would be a battle royale".

Carson needs to stick to brain-salad surgery as he doesn't know geo-politics from his ass and a hole in the ground. All I can say to Carson supporters is, that if you want WW-3, than keep supporting him.

The waters run deep with this guy as his affect is all wrong. As a retired professional counselor, I told my wife that if I did an intake on him, knowing little else about him, red flags would be going off left and right.
I expect that Rain Man will soon be throwing rocks and bricks again. His rage is building...
Charlie Rose interviewed Carson a couple of weeks ago.
Rose asked him how would he deal with Syria. Carson replied that he would set up a no-fly zone.
Rose asked a follow-up question as to what he would do if Russia violated such a zone.
Carson replied, 'then it would be a battle royale".

Can you back that with a link? Because if that's true.....holy shit. I don't want this guy looking at a picture of the white house.
Charlie Rose interviewed Carson a couple of weeks ago.
Rose asked him how would he deal with Syria. Carson replied that he would set up a no-fly zone.
Rose asked a follow-up question as to what he would do if Russia violated such a zone.
Carson replied, 'then it would be a battle royale".

Can you back that with a link? Because if that's true.....holy shit. I don't want this guy looking at a picture of the white house.

Was on PBS, Charlie Rose.........will try to find the link.......
"Hammers his poor mom"? More vulgar racist insults from the low information left?

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