I worry if Tramp wins and I worry if he doesn't due to all the right

The only president who was able to take away the 1st Amendment freedom of the press was FDR and he was a democrat. Democrats are working on the rest of the 1st Amendment as well as the 2nd and the rest of the Bill of Rights so God help us if the crazy liberals ever get their claws on the Constitution. "Freedom of abortions"? Think about that one. Democrats are likely to extend the so-called freedom to new born infants and maybe kids and old folks. Who knows? Unemployment dropped to historic numbers under Trump but the crazy TDS afflicted lefties think there is a "freeze on hiring". You gotta laugh.
wing militias. If he wins we shall see the biggest divide yet of social classes and will then take away our freedom of the press, abortions and will cater to only the wealthy , like he is now. Talk about cuts to the prisons and a freeze in hiring, look no further than Tramp. Stringent cuts to all social programs he has been doing.

If he doesn't win, then we have the militias to contend with , the right wing groups.

We seen the way they were when Obama won, we are in for something, not sure what.
If Trump loses no Trump supporter will take to the street and burn this mother fucker down, unless the results look suspicious then will will do more than burn it down
You fuckin' idiot. You just contradicted your self in one sentence.

You know that when tRump loses the first thing he's gonna do is cry "foul!".
No you fucking moron it wasn't damn you're an idiot
No trump supporter will take to the street if he loses
But if it's seen as suspicious we will take to the streets and do more than burn the town down.
How in the fuck is that a contradiction?
wing militias. If he wins we shall see the biggest divide yet of social classes and will then take away our freedom of the press, abortions and will cater to only the wealthy , like he is now. Talk about cuts to the prisons and a freeze in hiring, look no further than Tramp. Stringent cuts to all social programs he has been doing.

If he doesn't win, then we have the militias to contend with , the right wing groups.

We seen the way they were when Obama won, we are in for something, not sure what.


be afraid.......be very afraid ......

After we saw crazy lefties torch cars and smash windows on inauguration day and a crazy Sanders supporter open fire on a republican baseball team a year later it scares the shit out of me to think what the purely insane left has up their sleeves for Trump's next inauguration.
wing militias. If he wins we shall see the biggest divide yet of social classes and will then take away our freedom of the press, abortions and will cater to only the wealthy , like he is now. Talk about cuts to the prisons and a freeze in hiring, look no further than Tramp. Stringent cuts to all social programs he has been doing.

If he doesn't win, then we have the militias to contend with , the right wing groups.

We seen the way they were when Obama won, we are in for something, not sure what.
The people threatened when Obama was President was surreal. The good thing is many now will watch a perp smash your skull in and your kids to. The good news is that it will be your own that will do it. Les and less will protect you. Your safety net is slowly being removed.
wing militias. If he wins we shall see the biggest divide yet of social classes and will then take away our freedom of the press, abortions and will cater to only the wealthy , like he is now. Talk about cuts to the prisons and a freeze in hiring, look no further than Tramp. Stringent cuts to all social programs he has been doing.

If he doesn't win, then we have the militias to contend with , the right wing groups.

We seen the way they were when Obama won, we are in for something, not sure what.

Pardon for the intrusion... Going to take the thread :offtopic: just for a quick minute...

Anderson Cooper is so gay...

Carry on...
wing militias. If he wins we shall see the biggest divide yet of social classes and will then take away our freedom of the press, abortions and will cater to only the wealthy , like he is now. Talk about cuts to the prisons and a freeze in hiring, look no further than Tramp. Stringent cuts to all social programs he has been doing.

If he doesn't win, then we have the militias to contend with , the right wing groups.

We seen the way they were when Obama won, we are in for something, not sure what.

Pardon for the intrusion... Going to take the thread :offtopic: just for a quick minute...

Anderson Cooper is so gay...

Carry on...

He's such a faggot, his mom disowned him.
What a nutty OP. What planet do you live on? And can you translate your OP's title into English?

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