I worship Adolph Hitler as one of the Norse Gods and I want a Jew to bake me a cake

The baker should be free form putting any message on the cake he disagrees with.

However, if it’s just a plain cake with no message............need I say more?

They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

I would say that is dependent upon the circumstances. If the KKK member goes in, buys something and leaves in a normal fashion, then no.
That’s what I’m talking about, except that the person is known by the baker to be a KKK member.
They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

I would say that is dependent upon the circumstances. If the KKK member goes in, buys something and leaves in a normal fashion, then no.
That’s what I’m talking about, except that the person is known by the baker to be a KKK member.

I don't think it matters if they are a known KKK member or not. This is a person going about their daily life in a manner which isn't causing problems.
If the wedding cake for the gay couple looks the same as a wedding cake for a straight couple, then the cake maker should make the cake because it’s “on his menu”. If the wedding cake for the gay couple is not the same as a wedding cake for a straight couple, then the cake maker should be able to turn down the job.....the cake is not of the type offered “on the menu”.

Unless there is something about the artwork of the cake that says “I support gay marriage”, I don’t see how it’s any different that selling the gay couple baked goods off the shelf.

I think that some of the issues are-----those little plastic people standing on the cake----two boys turn some bakers off------and the INSCRIPTION done in red-jelly goo------
JOHN LOVES JACK----turn some people off. Bakers should sell UNINSCRIBED cakes and------jell tubes. ------and little plastic figures
from a random box. bottom line----the whole thing is a pile of bullshit
The baker should be free form putting any message on the cake he disagrees with.

However, if it’s just a plain cake with no message............need I say more?

They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?

If a KKK person comes in and asks for a white cake, does the black person know it's for a KKK meeting? If the KKK person goes in and doesn't make any mention of being KKK then what's the problem? If the KKK person goes in and deliberately provokes the black person, this is something different.

When it comes to religion it is something slightly different. You are not born religious, this is something that is pumped into you from a young age. You can change your religion and your religious beliefs.

In my scenario, the Klansman stated that the cake would be for the meeting. Just as the gay couple stated the cake would be for a gay wedding. There's no difference.
I think that some of the issues are-----those little plastic people standing on the cake----two boys turn some bakers off------and the INSCRIPTION done in red-jelly goo------
JOHN LOVES JACK----turn some people off. Bakers should sell UNINSCRIBED cakes and------jell tubes. ------and little plastic figures
from a random box. bottom line----the whole thing is a pile of bullshit
The baker should be free form putting any message on the cake he disagrees with.

However, if it’s just a plain cake with no message............need I say more?

They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?

If a KKK person comes in and asks for a white cake, does the black person know it's for a KKK meeting? If the KKK person goes in and doesn't make any mention of being KKK then what's the problem? If the KKK person goes in and deliberately provokes the black person, this is something different.

When it comes to religion it is something slightly different. You are not born religious, this is something that is pumped into you from a young age. You can change your religion and your religious beliefs.

In my scenario, the Klansman stated that the cake would be for the meeting. Just as the gay couple stated the cake would be for a gay wedding. There's no difference.

Well, there's a massive difference.

The first is that the klansman is saying "this is for a meeting where we're going to discuss how much we fucking hate you" and the second is "this is for a wedding where we're not going to even think about you"

Do you see the difference?
If a bakery doesn't make cakes with pro-Nazi inscriptions on them, they don't have to make one special for you.
If their religious belief is so deeply-held that they can't run a business, then I suggest they don't run a business.

The problem I have is that the Bible says

Exodus 20:14

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

Hebrews 13:4

4 Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

Luke 16:18

18 “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery"

So why don't you get bakeries refusing to serve adulterers?

How do you know the bakery wouldn't have turned them away if an adulterer came into the shop wearing a big sign stating that he was a flaming overt adulterer?

Have you come across such a case? Do these religious people who are so deeply religious make a song and dance about adulterers being able to marry? No they don't. They don't push for adultery to be illegal, they don't push for anything.

Adultery is behavior and is a sin. If you quit committing adultery you can be forgiven.

Same thing with homosexuality.

Who cares? The point here is that these "deeply religious people" will treat gay people one way, and adulterers differently, that's how "deeply religious" they are.

Untrue. Deeply-religious Christians treat adulterers as they would homosexuals, as they would thieves, as they would liars: "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Anyone who accepts Christ as their savior by believing that He is the son of God, and quits sinning, is welcomed.
Really? Then why the support for people like Trump?
How do you know the bakery wouldn't have turned them away if an adulterer came into the shop wearing a big sign stating that he was a flaming overt adulterer?

Have you come across such a case? Do these religious people who are so deeply religious make a song and dance about adulterers being able to marry? No they don't. They don't push for adultery to be illegal, they don't push for anything.

Adultery is behavior and is a sin. If you quit committing adultery you can be forgiven.

Same thing with homosexuality.

Who cares? The point here is that these "deeply religious people" will treat gay people one way, and adulterers differently, that's how "deeply religious" they are.

Untrue. Deeply-religious Christians treat adulterers as they would homosexuals, as they would thieves, as they would liars: "Love the sinner, hate the sin". Anyone who accepts Christ as their savior by believing that He is the son of God, and quits sinning, is welcomed.
Really? Then why the support for people like Trump?

Trump is a METHODIST-------he thinks that he "accepts" "Christ"---
but then again. so is Hellcat
How many whiny threads about cakes are you going to make tonight?
You don't care about the First Amendment, I do. You care more about the radical gay agenda than you care about the First Amendment.
If you're as passionate about the first amendment as you claim then you must totally support the NFL players who peacefully take a knee expressing their 1st Amendment rights, correct?
If the wedding cake for the gay couple looks the same as a wedding cake for a straight couple, then the cake maker should make the cake because it’s “on his menu”. If the wedding cake for the gay couple is not the same as a wedding cake for a straight couple, then the cake maker should be able to turn down the job.....the cake is not of the type offered “on the menu”.

Unless there is something about the artwork of the cake that says “I support gay marriage”, I don’t see how it’s any different that selling the gay couple baked goods off the shelf.

The baker also wouldn't make baked goods for Halloween celebrations or anything that's "adult-themed" either, so it wasn't only about making one for the Sodomites.

If he refused to bake cakes for gays on Halloween ...you might have a point
I think that some of the issues are-----those little plastic people standing on the cake----two boys turn some bakers off------and the INSCRIPTION done in red-jelly goo------
JOHN LOVES JACK----turn some people off. Bakers should sell UNINSCRIBED cakes and------jell tubes. ------and little plastic figures
from a random box. bottom line----the whole thing is a pile of bullshit
The baker should be free form putting any message on the cake he disagrees with.

However, if it’s just a plain cake with no message............need I say more?

They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.
How many whiny threads about cakes are you going to make tonight?
You don't care about the First Amendment, I do. You care more about the radical gay agenda than you care about the First Amendment.
If you're as passionate about the first amendment as you claim then you must totally support the NFL players who peacefully take a knee expressing their 1st Amendment rights, correct?

no----their actions are CRUDE AND RUDE and they are TAKING advantage of
their FAME to push their PERSONAL AGENDAS---very personal agendas-----
they are EXPLOITING a favor granted them by the GENERAL SOCIETY
The baker should be free form putting any message on the cake he disagrees with.

However, if it’s just a plain cake with no message............need I say more?

They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.

Where does it say in the US Constitution that gays are a member of a "protected class"? Even though a liberal-biased ruled that the 14th Amendment gives Sodomites the right to marry each other, I see nothing in that amendment that supports that.
They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.

Where does it say in the US Constitution that gays are a member of a "protected class"? Even though a liberal-biased ruled that the 14th Amendment gives Sodomites the right to marry each other, I see nothing in that amendment that supports that.

Local and state public accommodation laws.
The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.

Where does it say in the US Constitution that gays are a member of a "protected class"? Even though a liberal-biased ruled that the 14th Amendment gives Sodomites the right to marry each other, I see nothing in that amendment that supports that.

Local and state public accommodation laws.
So local and state laws could make the KKK a protected class in theory! Would that trump the 1st amendment?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.

Where does it say in the US Constitution that gays are a member of a "protected class"? Even though a liberal-biased ruled that the 14th Amendment gives Sodomites the right to marry each other, I see nothing in that amendment that supports that.

Local and state public accommodation laws.
So local and state laws could make the KKK a protected class in theory! Would that trump the 1st amendment?

Yes. If Mississippi or Alabama wanted to make racists a protected class, they could.
I want the Muslim bakery to start serving bacon.
They are free to do that. They can simply say "We do not do cakes with messages outside of the list we have here".

It's called USING YOUR BRAIN, and those bakers... well.... didn't use their brains.

The message has nothing to do with it. Suppose you are a black person and you own a bakery. A person comes in and states that he wants a plain white cake baked for his Ku Klux Klan meeting.

Are you legally obligated to make the cake, or can you tell him "Get the hell out of my shop"?
That is an excellent point. I don’t think any accommodation laws would be used against the black baker in this circumstance.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.

Where does it say in the US Constitution that gays are a member of a "protected class"? Even though a liberal-biased ruled that the 14th Amendment gives Sodomites the right to marry each other, I see nothing in that amendment that supports that.

Gays are entitled by the 14th amendment to equal protection under the law. Once it's determined that a same sex marriage is sufficiently similar to an opposite sex marriage to deserve that protection, gays win.
Should a black baker be able to ban a known KKK member from coming into his shop? Obviously being a KKK member is not a protected class.

You answered your own question. If the individual is not in a protected class, you can likely discriminate.

Where does it say in the US Constitution that gays are a member of a "protected class"? Even though a liberal-biased ruled that the 14th Amendment gives Sodomites the right to marry each other, I see nothing in that amendment that supports that.

Local and state public accommodation laws.
So local and state laws could make the KKK a protected class in theory! Would that trump the 1st amendment?

Yes. If Mississippi or Alabama wanted to make racists a protected class, they could.

They could? Just like Colorado and other state's ignoring federal law and making potheads a protected class?

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