I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

You’re absolutely right. The detractors will comment that the suspect was shot in the back. I have no issue with that. He actively resisted and fought back. He got what he deserved.
Oh bullshit. If I slapped you does that mean you shoot and kill me?
No but, if you threatened me with a Taser I'd defend myself with my own weapon if I had one and if that meant putting you down before you could kill or incapacitate me you could become room temperature very quickly.
Oh, another tough guy needs to prove it online.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

a criminal under arrest ran with a dangerous weapon----the weapon being HIMSELF



Yelling in caps doesn't help your word salad.
In your fantasy world if a criminal fires at a police officer 9 times then runs out of ammo its ok because he is now unarmed.
A taser doesnt take ammo. It takes cartridges. Which Brooks didnt have.
That's not very smart considering the police officer had a full clip.
You don't even know that it's a magazine not a clip
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

Not really.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

a criminal under arrest ran with a dangerous weapon----the weapon being HIMSELF



Yelling in caps doesn't help your word salad.
In your fantasy world if a criminal fires at a police officer 9 times then runs out of ammo its ok because he is now unarmed.

A Taser can only be fired once before it needs to be reloaded.

There was no possibility of the cop being shot at again

Do you think the cops didn't know that?

Brooks gambles and lost. Just admit it.

I don't have to admit anything since I have used nothing but the video evidence to come to my conclusions
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

That would be a great rationalization for police brutality. Cops can kill anyone based on their potential to become violent and be a danger to society.

Every time you post your arguments get weaker. I'm hearing that only 5% of calls to police departments involve violent crimes. Why are officers armed with deadly force being sent out to respond to the 95% of calls which don't involve violent crimes in their community?

Police could have taken Mr. Brooks up on his offer to walk home, they could have let him call a friend to take him home. Issuing him with a citation for driving while intoxicated. They could have done any number of things that didn't involve treating him like a menace to society, and ultimately, shooting him down in the Wendy's parking lot, endangering the public, and killing a man who really should be alive today.

animals like you ENCOURAGE criminality. The result of filth like you is that none of the filthy disgusting animals who engaged in mass destruction of the PROPERTY OF GOOD CITIZENS will ever be prosecuted-----MAY YOU SEE YOUR HOUSE A PILE OF RUBBLE

That little tantrum has nothing to do with the Brooks incident
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I would have to examine the details of at the scene. Brooks obviously assaulted the officer and was fleeing from arrest. Perhaps one shot would have been appropriate, but just what are the rules for shooting in this case. Shoot to kill or maim? I don't think it is ever right to shoot to maim.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I would have to examine the details of at the scene. Brooks obviously assaulted the officer and was fleeing from arrest. Perhaps one shot would have been appropriate, but just what are the rules for shooting in this case. Shoot to kill or maim? I don't think it is ever right to shoot to maim.
The rules are run and chase him down or call for backup.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I would have to examine the details of at the scene. Brooks obviously assaulted the officer and was fleeing from arrest. Perhaps one shot would have been appropriate, but just what are the rules for shooting in this case. Shoot to kill or maim? I don't think it is ever right to shoot to maim.

Don't shoot at all...

The officer's life is not in danger, he is not allowed to shoot.. If he had a tazer he could shoot...

Someone said it before, get some exercise or call for backup...

Some people watch way too much TV...
As has been stated many times by legal experts: a taser is not considered a lethal weapon.
Poor phony Indian doesn’t read again. Just over a week ago, that department had several officers (and some were black) FIRED because (the department’s words) the taser they used on a couple in a car was considered DEADLY FORCE. Oops. There goes the argument. The cop will easily beat these idiotic charges. I’d then sue the city and that moronic mayor.
Shot in the back is irrelevant. He raised a weapon to the police officer. What if the cop gets tased and the black guy then takes his gun? The cop had no choice. The black guy had a choice. He could have chose not the break the law. He could have chose not the resist arrest and he could have chose not to punch the cop. He put the cop in a very bad no win situation - except it was a no win for the black guy.
It's called murder. Get it you faceless fool.
No it isn’t. Turn to learn something you dumb fuck. Try not resisting arrest or pointing a weapon at an officer.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

That would be a great rationalization for police brutality. Cops can kill anyone based on their potential to become violent and be a danger to society.

Every time you post your arguments get weaker. I'm hearing that only 5% of calls to police departments involve violent crimes. Why are officers armed with deadly force being sent out to respond to the 95% of calls which don't involve violent crimes in their community?

Police could have taken Mr. Brooks up on his offer to walk home, they could have let him call a friend to take him home. Issuing him with a citation for driving while intoxicated. They could have done any number of things that didn't involve treating him like a menace to society, and ultimately, shooting him down in the Wendy's parking lot, endangering the public, and killing a man who really should be alive today.

Brooks shouldn't have gotten drunk, driven and passed out behind the wheel in a Wendy's drive thru. When he got caught he shouldnt have resisted arrest. When he resisted arrest he shouldnt have punched a police officer. When he punched a pice officer he shouldnt have stolen his taser. When he stole his taser he shouldnt have fired it at a policee officer. He definitely shouldnt have missed.
He was not shot in the back
Yes he was stupid.

" "His cause of death: gunshot wounds of the back," an investigator from the medical examiner’s office told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "
Eh? He was drunk?
Now youre 0-465
He was drunk and you got lambasted yesterday. Relax, snowflake.
He was shot in the back and you just claimed he wasnt loser. Back to the bench you go. :)
My bad. Not what I meant. Meant to type another sentence and hit the reply by accident.

He was not shot in the back. Well he was literally but that was not the intent.

What I wanted to post.
Of course it was.

When you shoot at a man running away from you the intent is to shoot him in the back.
And if he kills a kid or an elderly person with the tazer then the cop is vilified. Why did he resist arrest?
He was he going to kill a kid or an elderly person with a non working dropped taser? For that matter what makes you think he would mess with anyone?
Malfunctioning not non working. It could have worked. So you may play what if games and I may not? Got it...
Sure if he had any replacement cartridges.

But he didn't.

And once again he dropped the Taser at the scene BEFORE he ran so who could he have used it on?
Did you watch the video? It was bang bang. First shot hit him in the side the next two in the back. Not sure why it escalated so fast. Cops could not let him go after he resisted arrest either. Very messy. Why did he resist?
Nope. Youre wrong again. Both shots hit him in the back the other shot almost killed someone in a car.
There were three shots. Not two. I watched it and it looked like the shots rang as he was firing his tazer.
Read my comment again.
How could you tell the video is flawed at best. To me it looked like it was bang bang. If he cooperated and didn’t resist arrest then he would still be alive.
I could tell because I can see and I can read. Two shots to his back and the other almost killed someone in a car.
Where in the back? I bet they are closer to the side. Again if he doesn’t resist none of this happens.
I didnt do the autopsy and really it doesnt matter. The back is the back. People resist all the time. It shouldnt end up with him getting shot in the back.
All the time? Maybe that’s the problem. Resisting arrest, assault and battery on a police officer, taking a weapon from a police officer? This death was 100% preventable. Don’t commit crimes. Jeezus! Just don’t commit crimes and if you do then don’t resist arrest!

Brooks definitely made mistakes, he must have panicked... But Brooks is not trainied.

The cops are, they are trained and have rules about shooting people. They can only shoot people when serious danger of your life, this was not the case.

Police can't shoot people because they get pissed off, they are not in the revenge business. It is clear that the officers life wasn't in danger...
He was not shot in the back
Yes he was stupid.

" "His cause of death: gunshot wounds of the back," an investigator from the medical examiner’s office told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "
Eh? He was drunk?
Now youre 0-465
He was drunk and you got lambasted yesterday. Relax, snowflake.
He was shot in the back and you just claimed he wasnt loser. Back to the bench you go. :)
My bad. Not what I meant. Meant to type another sentence and hit the reply by accident.

He was not shot in the back. Well he was literally but that was not the intent.

What I wanted to post.
Of course it was.

When you shoot at a man running away from you the intent is to shoot him in the back.
And if he kills a kid or an elderly person with the tazer then the cop is vilified. Why did he resist arrest?
He was he going to kill a kid or an elderly person with a non working dropped taser? For that matter what makes you think he would mess with anyone?
Malfunctioning not non working. It could have worked. So you may play what if games and I may not? Got it...
Sure if he had any replacement cartridges.

But he didn't.

And once again he dropped the Taser at the scene BEFORE he ran so who could he have used it on?
Did you watch the video? It was bang bang. First shot hit him in the side the next two in the back. Not sure why it escalated so fast. Cops could not let him go after he resisted arrest either. Very messy. Why did he resist?
Nope. Youre wrong again. Both shots hit him in the back the other shot almost killed someone in a car.
There were three shots. Not two. I watched it and it looked like the shots rang as he was firing his tazer.
Read my comment again.
How could you tell the video is flawed at best. To me it looked like it was bang bang. If he cooperated and didn’t resist arrest then he would still be alive.
I could tell because I can see and I can read. Two shots to his back and the other almost killed someone in a car.
Where in the back? I bet they are closer to the side. Again if he doesn’t resist none of this happens.
I didnt do the autopsy and really it doesnt matter. The back is the back. People resist all the time. It shouldnt end up with him getting shot in the back.
All the time? Maybe that’s the problem. Resisting arrest, assault and battery on a police officer, taking a weapon from a police officer? This death was 100% preventable. Don’t commit crimes. Jeezus! Just don’t commit crimes and if you do then don’t resist arrest!

Brooks definitely made mistakes, he must have panicked... But Brooks is not trainied.

The cops are, they are trained and have rules about shooting people. They can only shoot people when serious danger of your life, this was not the case.

Police can't shoot people because they get pissed off, they are not in the revenge business. It is clear that the officers life wasn't in danger...

I'm not trained but I know not to resist arrest.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

That would be a great rationalization for police brutality. Cops can kill anyone based on their potential to become violent and be a danger to society.

Every time you post your arguments get weaker. I'm hearing that only 5% of calls to police departments involve violent crimes. Why are officers armed with deadly force being sent out to respond to the 95% of calls which don't involve violent crimes in their community?

Police could have taken Mr. Brooks up on his offer to walk home, they could have let him call a friend to take him home. Issuing him with a citation for driving while intoxicated. They could have done any number of things that didn't involve treating him like a menace to society, and ultimately, shooting him down in the Wendy's parking lot, endangering the public, and killing a man who really should be alive today.

Brooks shouldn't have gotten drunk, driven and passed out behind the wheel in a Wendy's drive thru. When he got caught he shouldnt have resisted arrest. When he resisted arrest he shouldnt have punched a police officer. When he punched a pice officer he shouldnt have stolen his taser. When he stole his taser he shouldnt have fired it at a policee officer. He definitely shouldnt have missed.
That's seven mistakes by Brooks. And people want the officer to be held on murder charges? I think not.
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
You’re absolutely right. The detractors will comment that the suspect was shot in the back. I have no issue with that. He actively resisted and fought back. He got what he deserved.
Oh bullshit. If I slapped you does that mean you shoot and kill me?
No but, if you threatened me with a Taser I'd defend myself with my own weapon if I had one and if that meant putting you down before you could kill or incapacitate me you could become room temperature very quickly.
Oh, another tough guy needs to prove it online.
No, just a guy that wants to stay alive. Why would a 'tough guy' like you want to Taze me in the first place?
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
I know. However, he was fired and about to be charged so obviously my feelings and opinions are in line with the law.
Face it leftists, if Brooks didnt resist arrest he would be alive today. Just like the gentle giant.

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