I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

initforme, maybe watch some of the videos before parroting BLM cultists. :cuckoo: Let me summarize it for you, an intoxicated convict lied to the officers questions for 45 minutes, then resisted arrest for DUI, assaulted an officer, and shot at an officer with a taser. The brave officer neutralized the threat in a split second though and should be commended for protecting the public. :dunno:
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Only if they resist to the point that its deadly like I pointed out earlier.
At what point does the cop have to decide that wrestling around with somebody who is resisting arrest presents a danger to the cops life with the cops gone being within arms reach?

Every citizen must understand, and it is a standard by which every citizen is obligated to behave, that resisting arrest is a deadly proposition.

What is the point of resisting arrest? Answer me that one.

Dont know what that has to do with what happened here. They guy was nowhere near the cops gun when he was shot.

If every citizen believed that then there would be no need for the cops. There would be no crime so please spare me the bullshit.

You tell me. Some cops say you are resisting just because youre protecting yourself from getting your ass beat.
As I said, the end result of this thing is questionable at the very least. It looks like there was no danger or threat to anyone but the cop shot anyway.

What I'm talking about, is when the police officer goes to put the restraints on a person and that person starts fighting and wrestling, do you not see the immediate, highly dangerous, deadly situation with the cops gun being within arms length?

What you were saying is that you want it both ways. You want citizens to be able to resist without risk. You want cops to bear 100% of the risk while citizens can act a fool and bear no risk.

That is bullshit.

Again I have no idea what youre talking about. They guy was running away. He was no where near the cops gun.

Nope. I am saying that as a cop you should expect people to resist. Thats why you are trained to handle those situations. As a cop youre the professional not the citizen.
And the cop should be able to shoot them, AND sue their family.


How you like that? We can both be retarded.

No thanks. You can be retarded all by yourself. Leave me out of your plan.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

That would be a great rationalization for police brutality. Cops can kill anyone based on their potential to become violent and be a danger to society.

Every time you post your arguments get weaker. I'm hearing that only 5% of calls to police departments involve violent crimes. Why are officers armed with deadly force being sent out to respond to the 95% of calls which don't involve violent crimes in their community?

Police could have taken Mr. Brooks up on his offer to walk home, they could have let him call a friend to take him home. Issuing him with a citation for driving while intoxicated. They could have done any number of things that didn't involve treating him like a menace to society, and ultimately, shooting him down in the Wendy's parking lot, endangering the public, and killing a man who really should be alive today.
Can it you Canadian sack of shit. The best predictor of future behavior; is past behavior. This piece of trash has a documented history of violent behavior. And towards children no less. That’s what earned him a 7 year sentence. But you and your shitskin buddy can keep mourning the death of this child predator. The rest of the sane world are just glad he’s dead.


CASE NO: 794205
OFFENSE: simple battery
CASE NO: 794205
OFFENSE: cruelty to children
CASE NO: 794205
CASE NO: 794205
OFFENSE: family violence battery
CASE NO: 794205
CASE NO: 794205
CASE NO: 794205
OFFENSE: obstr of law enf officer
A violent criminal fleeing is a serious danger to society. Officers have no option but to stop them.


There is no obligation to go peacefully that I have seen anywhere.
In every jurisdiction in the United States and at the federal level it is a crime to resist arrest.

What are you talking about?

And I will take the punishment for my crime of resisting arrest as rendered by a court.
Again, you switch to a different standard.

The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest.

When doing so puts the life of another in danger, deadly force is necessary.

Until certain members of our society understand and except this standard, this will still be a problem.

" The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest. "

Bullshit. I never agreed to that. I will resist everytime I feel someone is attempting to take my rights away. If I have to die to do that then thats just facing the consequences.
And, here is the problem. Right here.

You don't go to the judge to get your case heard. No, you fight with the guy ordered to bring you in.

You will die one day if you keep that shit up.

No one ordered his ass to pull me over. He did that himself.

I'm going to die one day regardless. You will too.
Only if they resist to the point that its deadly like I pointed out earlier.
At what point does the cop have to decide that wrestling around with somebody who is resisting arrest presents a danger to the cops life with the cops gone being within arms reach?

Every citizen must understand, and it is a standard by which every citizen is obligated to behave, that resisting arrest is a deadly proposition.

What is the point of resisting arrest? Answer me that one.

Dont know what that has to do with what happened here. They guy was nowhere near the cops gun when he was shot.

If every citizen believed that then there would be no need for the cops. There would be no crime so please spare me the bullshit.

You tell me. Some cops say you are resisting just because youre protecting yourself from getting your ass beat.
As I said, the end result of this thing is questionable at the very least. It looks like there was no danger or threat to anyone but the cop shot anyway.

What I'm talking about, is when the police officer goes to put the restraints on a person and that person starts fighting and wrestling, do you not see the immediate, highly dangerous, deadly situation with the cops gun being within arms length?

What you were saying is that you want it both ways. You want citizens to be able to resist without risk. You want cops to bear 100% of the risk while citizens can act a fool and bear no risk.

That is bullshit.

Again I have no idea what youre talking about. They guy was running away. He was no where near the cops gun.

Nope. I am saying that as a cop you should expect people to resist. Thats why you are trained to handle those situations. As a cop youre the professional not the citizen.
And the cop should be able to shoot them, AND sue their family.


How you like that? We can both be retarded.

No thanks. You can be retarded all by yourself. Leave me out of your plan.
Is resisting arrest justified?

If so, let's talk about when it would be justified.


You’re absolutely right. The detractors will comment that the suspect was shot in the back. I have no issue with that. He actively resisted and fought back. He got what he deserved.
Oh bullshit. If I slapped you does that mean you shoot and kill me?
No but, if you threatened me with a Taser I'd defend myself with my own weapon if I had one and if that meant putting you down before you could kill or incapacitate me you could become room temperature very quickly.
Oh, another tough guy needs to prove it online.
No, just a guy that wants to stay alive. Why would a 'tough guy' like you want to Taze me in the first place?
If you resist arrest
If you attack a police officer
If you punch a police officer...
Yep.....Apparently okfine thinks officers should just get tazed and take it. What bullshit.
There is no obligation to go peacefully that I have seen anywhere.
In every jurisdiction in the United States and at the federal level it is a crime to resist arrest.

What are you talking about?

And I will take the punishment for my crime of resisting arrest as rendered by a court.
Again, you switch to a different standard.

The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest.

When doing so puts the life of another in danger, deadly force is necessary.

Until certain members of our society understand and except this standard, this will still be a problem.

" The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest. "

Bullshit. I never agreed to that. I will resist everytime I feel someone is attempting to take my rights away. If I have to die to do that then thats just facing the consequences.
And, here is the problem. Right here.

You don't go to the judge to get your case heard. No, you fight with the guy ordered to bring you in.

You will die one day if you keep that shit up.

No one ordered his ass to pull me over. He did that himself.

I'm going to die one day regardless. You will too.
As long as we have it on record that you are TRYING to get killed by police because you think you are above the law, and have black privilege, to the point where cops are not allowed to arrest you, but a different standard applies to white people, right?

You have confessed your racial prejudice before, you can go ahead and do it again, Asslips. Just admit it again, so we can all take you less seriously.

You want one standard for white people, and one standard for black people. RIGHT????

Only if they resist to the point that its deadly like I pointed out earlier.
At what point does the cop have to decide that wrestling around with somebody who is resisting arrest presents a danger to the cops life with the cops gone being within arms reach?

Every citizen must understand, and it is a standard by which every citizen is obligated to behave, that resisting arrest is a deadly proposition.

What is the point of resisting arrest? Answer me that one.

Dont know what that has to do with what happened here. They guy was nowhere near the cops gun when he was shot.

If every citizen believed that then there would be no need for the cops. There would be no crime so please spare me the bullshit.

You tell me. Some cops say you are resisting just because youre protecting yourself from getting your ass beat.
As I said, the end result of this thing is questionable at the very least. It looks like there was no danger or threat to anyone but the cop shot anyway.

What I'm talking about, is when the police officer goes to put the restraints on a person and that person starts fighting and wrestling, do you not see the immediate, highly dangerous, deadly situation with the cops gun being within arms length?

What you were saying is that you want it both ways. You want citizens to be able to resist without risk. You want cops to bear 100% of the risk while citizens can act a fool and bear no risk.

That is bullshit.

Again I have no idea what youre talking about. They guy was running away. He was no where near the cops gun.

Nope. I am saying that as a cop you should expect people to resist. Thats why you are trained to handle those situations. As a cop youre the professional not the citizen.
And the cop should be able to shoot them, AND sue their family.


How you like that? We can both be retarded.

No thanks. You can be retarded all by yourself. Leave me out of your plan.
Is resisting arrest justified?

If so, let's talk about when it would be justified.


Yes its justified.

What in particular do you want to talk about?
As long as it is clear that certain black people like Asslips will resist arrest EVERY TIME, NO MATTER WHAT, we can all feel comfortable with wholesale execution of any black person who interacts with cops.


There is no obligation to go peacefully that I have seen anywhere.
In every jurisdiction in the United States and at the federal level it is a crime to resist arrest.

What are you talking about?

And I will take the punishment for my crime of resisting arrest as rendered by a court.
Again, you switch to a different standard.

The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest.

When doing so puts the life of another in danger, deadly force is necessary.

Until certain members of our society understand and except this standard, this will still be a problem.

" The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest. "

Bullshit. I never agreed to that. I will resist everytime I feel someone is attempting to take my rights away. If I have to die to do that then thats just facing the consequences.
And, here is the problem. Right here.

You don't go to the judge to get your case heard. No, you fight with the guy ordered to bring you in.

You will die one day if you keep that shit up.

No one ordered his ass to pull me over. He did that himself.

I'm going to die one day regardless. You will too.
As long as we have it on record that you are TRYING to get killed by police because you think you are above the law, and have black privilege, to the point where cops are not allowed to arrest you, but a different standard applies to white people, right?

You have confessed your racial prejudice before, you can go ahead and do it again, Asslips. Just admit it again, so we can all take you less seriously.

You want one standard for white people, and one standard for black people. RIGHT????

You got me fucked up with someone else. I'm not trying to die. I will if I have to in order to protect my rights though. No fucking cop has the right to arrest me unless I did something.
Only if they resist to the point that its deadly like I pointed out earlier.
At what point does the cop have to decide that wrestling around with somebody who is resisting arrest presents a danger to the cops life with the cops gone being within arms reach?

Every citizen must understand, and it is a standard by which every citizen is obligated to behave, that resisting arrest is a deadly proposition.

What is the point of resisting arrest? Answer me that one.

Dont know what that has to do with what happened here. They guy was nowhere near the cops gun when he was shot.

If every citizen believed that then there would be no need for the cops. There would be no crime so please spare me the bullshit.

You tell me. Some cops say you are resisting just because youre protecting yourself from getting your ass beat.
As I said, the end result of this thing is questionable at the very least. It looks like there was no danger or threat to anyone but the cop shot anyway.

What I'm talking about, is when the police officer goes to put the restraints on a person and that person starts fighting and wrestling, do you not see the immediate, highly dangerous, deadly situation with the cops gun being within arms length?

What you were saying is that you want it both ways. You want citizens to be able to resist without risk. You want cops to bear 100% of the risk while citizens can act a fool and bear no risk.

That is bullshit.

Again I have no idea what youre talking about. They guy was running away. He was no where near the cops gun.

Nope. I am saying that as a cop you should expect people to resist. Thats why you are trained to handle those situations. As a cop youre the professional not the citizen.
And the cop should be able to shoot them, AND sue their family.


How you like that? We can both be retarded.

No thanks. You can be retarded all by yourself. Leave me out of your plan.
Is resisting arrest justified?

If so, let's talk about when it would be justified.


Yes its justified.

What in particular do you want to talk about?

Forget discussion. You just admitted that you would resist no matter what happens.


There is no obligation to go peacefully that I have seen anywhere.
In every jurisdiction in the United States and at the federal level it is a crime to resist arrest.

What are you talking about?

And I will take the punishment for my crime of resisting arrest as rendered by a court.
Again, you switch to a different standard.

The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest.

When doing so puts the life of another in danger, deadly force is necessary.

Until certain members of our society understand and except this standard, this will still be a problem.

" The standard behavior for a civilian, that we as a society expect of that civilian, is do not resist arrest. "

Bullshit. I never agreed to that. I will resist everytime I feel someone is attempting to take my rights away. If I have to die to do that then thats just facing the consequences.
And, here is the problem. Right here.

You don't go to the judge to get your case heard. No, you fight with the guy ordered to bring you in.

You will die one day if you keep that shit up.

No one ordered his ass to pull me over. He did that himself.

I'm going to die one day regardless. You will too.
As long as we have it on record that you are TRYING to get killed by police because you think you are above the law, and have black privilege, to the point where cops are not allowed to arrest you, but a different standard applies to white people, right?

You have confessed your racial prejudice before, you can go ahead and do it again, Asslips. Just admit it again, so we can all take you less seriously.

You want one standard for white people, and one standard for black people. RIGHT????

You got me fucked up with someone else. I'm not trying to die. I will if I have to in order to protect my rights though. No fucking cop has the right to arrest me unless I did something.
Actually they do have the right to arrest you, even if you didn’t do anything wrong. The requirement is a reasonable suspicion, or probable cause. It’s in the courtroom where guilt, or innocence are determined. There’s a Darwin Award just waiting for you to claim it...
I was pulled over in the DFW suburbs for doing a weird maneuver in traffic. The police officer asked to search my car. He told me that he could smell MJ from my car and that if I refused, he would hold me until he got a warrant (I actually had hit a skunk earlier, so it had a skunky/MJ smell) so having nothing to hide and not wanting to wait, I went ahead with a consent search but I watched and recorded everything with my phone. Before the search, one officer took my thumbs and held them together behind my back while the other did a pat search (before I was licensed to carry). It all went down without a problem. The officers were respectful and let me go without incident.

See. It happens to white people too.

The difference? I didn't give them a bunch of shit. I could have waited for a warrant but to what end?

What would I have accomplished by acting a fool? What could have happened if I did not let them do a pat search?

Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
I know. However, he was fired and about to be charged so obviously my feelings and opinions are in line with the law.

no---your feelings and opinions are in line with the current wave of insanity and hysteria sweeping the
nation. You would have done well in WOODSTOCK
1969 too ----and for that matter at my alma mater
in Newark circa 1967 when race riots tore a lovely
city to pieces. You are nothing new and neither are the animals ripping monuments to pieces------you are like the REDUVID BUGS-------you HAPPEN periodically completely thoughtlessly
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
I know. However, he was fired and about to be charged so obviously my feelings and opinions are in line with the law.

no---your feelings and opinions are in line with the current wave of insanity and hysteria sweeping the
nation. You would have done well in WOODSTOCK
1969 too ----and for that matter at my alma mater
in Newark circa 1967 when race riots tore a lovely
city to pieces. You are nothing new and neither are the animals ripping monuments to pieces------you are like the REDUVID BUGS-------you HAPPEN periodically completely thoughtlessly
So your claim is that everyone else is insane? OK good luck with that.
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

That would be a great rationalization for police brutality. Cops can kill anyone based on their potential to become violent and be a danger to society.

Every time you post your arguments get weaker. I'm hearing that only 5% of calls to police departments involve violent crimes. Why are officers armed with deadly force being sent out to respond to the 95% of calls which don't involve violent crimes in their community?

Police could have taken Mr. Brooks up on his offer to walk home, they could have let him call a friend to take him home. Issuing him with a citation for driving while intoxicated. They could have done any number of things that didn't involve treating him like a menace to society, and ultimately, shooting him down in the Wendy's parking lot, endangering the public, and killing a man who really should be alive today.

animals like you ENCOURAGE criminality. The result of filth like you is that none of the filthy disgusting animals who engaged in mass destruction of the PROPERTY OF GOOD CITIZENS will ever be prosecuted-----MAY YOU SEE YOUR HOUSE A PILE OF RUBBLE

That little tantrum has nothing to do with the Brooks incident

In fact it does. There is RIGHT NOW a tremendous spike in crime that includes physical confrontation and
robbery in the streets of my city------ENDORSED as
"well----it's understandable" by garbage like you and by "political leaders" conscious of the benefit to their own behinds
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
I know. However, he was fired and about to be charged so obviously my feelings and opinions are in line with the law.

no---your feelings and opinions are in line with the current wave of insanity and hysteria sweeping the
nation. You would have done well in WOODSTOCK
1969 too ----and for that matter at my alma mater
in Newark circa 1967 when race riots tore a lovely
city to pieces. You are nothing new and neither are the animals ripping monuments to pieces------you are like the REDUVID BUGS-------you HAPPEN periodically completely thoughtlessly
So your claim is that everyone else is insane? OK good luck with that.

Interesting insight. Just as "sane" as were the 1960s age of acid heads and endless riots. Give it time----
the push back is going to startle you
Let's call this what it really is.

Some folks want to get out of any and all traffic tickets.

They want to break the law without consequences.

They want all the opportunity but without the merit.

This is the communist revolution, and they are USING BLACK PEOPLE TO GET IT!!!

Quit being used!!!

Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
I know. However, he was fired and about to be charged so obviously my feelings and opinions are in line with the law.

no---your feelings and opinions are in line with the current wave of insanity and hysteria sweeping the
nation. You would have done well in WOODSTOCK
1969 too ----and for that matter at my alma mater
in Newark circa 1967 when race riots tore a lovely
city to pieces. You are nothing new and neither are the animals ripping monuments to pieces------you are like the REDUVID BUGS-------you HAPPEN periodically completely thoughtlessly
So your claim is that everyone else is insane? OK good luck with that.

Interesting insight. Just as "sane" as were the 1960s age of acid heads and endless riots. Give it time----
the push back is going to startle you
The push back to your push back is going to frighten you. This I can guarantee you. We are done fucking around.

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