I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.
The range on a taser is approximately 10 feet. Since he was running away from them and he had already fired the taser the weapon was effectively useless at that point. Unless he had a supply of cartridges on hand at home or where ever he was planning on running off to, the taser was no more useful than a paperweight to him.
The only other problem is the guy was a convicted violent felon facing a lot more time. Such a person is very dangerous to society because he has pretty much nothing to lose. They cannot just let such a person escape and hope he doesn't kill innocent people out of desperation before they can catch him again.
You watch too much crime TV. And I noticed that ALL of you always throw in the adjective "violent" when discussing black people. I can't recall any of you ever using such descriptors when discussing the cases of white mass shooters, generally the killer is described as "mentally ill" as opposed to "violent".

I would ask why that is, except I know it's part of the white racist psyche propaganda to portray black people, particularly black men as inherently violent and criminally inclined.

Do you all ever look at any of your own people?
ummmm....race had nothing to do with it. You're a sensitive one aren't you?

He was convicted of violently beating the shit out of his children, a felony. He was released due to COVID-19. Whose brilliant idea was that, Georgia?

And, what the fuck do you call someone punching and fighting with cops making a lawful arrest?


Here's the latest article.

I would ask why that is, except I know it's part of the white racist psyche propaganda to portray black people, particularly black men as inherently violent and criminally inclined.

Do you all ever look at any of your own people?
It's not just white people DeShawn. People the world over know that those from sub-Saharan African origin are not only limited in intelligence, but the most violent in the world. It seems to go hand-in-hand.
Who is DeShawn?
The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.
The range on a taser is approximately 10 feet. Since he was running away from them and he had already fired the taser the weapon was effectively useless at that point. Unless he had a supply of cartridges on hand at home or where ever he was planning on running off to, the taser was no more useful than a paperweight to him.
The only other problem is the guy was a convicted violent felon facing a lot more time. Such a person is very dangerous to society because he has pretty much nothing to lose. They cannot just let such a person escape and hope he doesn't kill innocent people out of desperation before they can catch him again.
You watch too much crime TV. And I noticed that ALL of you always throw in the adjective "violent" when discussing black people. I can't recall any of you ever using such descriptors when discussing the cases of white mass shooters, generally the killer is described as "mentally ill" as opposed to "violent".

I would ask why that is, except I know it's part of the white racist psyche propaganda to portray black people, particularly black men as inherently violent and criminally inclined.

Do you all ever look at any of your own people?
ummmm....race had nothing to do with it. You're a sensitive one aren't you?

He was convicted of violently beating the shit out of his children, a felony. He was released due to COVID-19. Whose brilliant idea was that, Georgia?

And, what the fuck do you call someone punching and fighting with cops making a lawful arrest?

Race has everything to do with how black people are described and portrayed in the media and court documents. You repeat the same false premise over and over and over again and people will accept it at face value even when it's not true. This has nothing to do with me being sensitive, I just happen to have first hand experience in situations that many others haven't.

I guess you all aren't picking up on the hypocrisy inherent in your assertions though huh?
I would ask why that is, except I know it's part of the white racist psyche propaganda to portray black people, particularly black men as inherently violent and criminally inclined.

Do you all ever look at any of your own people?
It's not just white people DeShawn. People the world over know that those from sub-Saharan African origin are not only limited in intelligence, but the most violent in the world. It seems to go hand-in-hand.
Who is DeShawn?
Well, I figured your name was NewsVine and it seemed a good name for a thug.
The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.
The range on a taser is approximately 10 feet. Since he was running away from them and he had already fired the taser the weapon was effectively useless at that point. Unless he had a supply of cartridges on hand at home or where ever he was planning on running off to, the taser was no more useful than a paperweight to him.
Most tasers will still work at close range even after being fired and some tazers have multiple shots loaded in them without the need to reload. Does anyone actually know what piece of equipment was used?

From what I have seen (and we all have limited info here) I do not think I would be able to convict either. That does not bode well for a jury.
I tried to find out exactly which taser the Atlanta PD uses but was not able to find it easily enough.

Nonetheless, Brooks dropped the taser and was still running away from the officer when they shot him in the back so all of the people here talking about the myriad of "what if" scenarios of things Brooks "could have done" with a "dangerous weapon" is nothing more than an attempt to further justify the killing of unarmed black people who were not posing an imminent threat of death of grievous bodiy harm at the time they were killed by the police.

Imminent threat does not come in and and out and in and out according to leftists feelings. The second he went to the ground brawling with the police he became an imminent threat.
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"then to shoot without justification since Mr. Brooks was no imminent danger at that time." The officer was assaulted by Brooks and a weapon was taken in order to be used by Brooks on the officer. No immediate danger? What if he shot the officer by the taser, making him open to the perp getting his gun and using it on him? Forget the race, just take a look at the actions. Who started the violence in this event? You don't assault an officer when drunk and expect him to shake his effin hand~ Whoever wrote that past behavior is a predictor of future behavior was right. The Brooks shooting was a good one.

Yep, we've seen rightards advocating for cops to execute Mr. Brooks for the crime of resisting arrest.

Cheering on a murderous lynch mob in blue.
"then to shoot without justification since Mr. Brooks was no imminent danger at that time." The officer was assaulted by Brooks and a weapon was taken in order to be used by Brooks on the officer. No immediate danger? What if he shot the officer by the taser, making him open to the perp getting his gun and using it on him? Forget the race, just take a look at the actions. Who started the violence in this event? You don't assault an officer when drunk and expect him to shake his effin hand~ Whoever wrote that past behavior is a predictor of future behavior was right. The Brooks shooting was a good one.

Yep, we've seen rightards advocating for cops to execute Mr. Brooks for the crime of resisting arrest.

Cheering on a murderous lynch mob in blue.

I blame the leftists. If they would have taken down a few more statues and looted a few more businesses Brooks might be alive today.
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
no one is excusing Brooks from what he did.

The point is that when he was shot he was running away and no longer a threat to either cop. The cops had his car, his mane and address they could have called for back up and gone to his house to arrest him.

There was no need to shoot him in the back.

I have my carry permit and if I tried to say I shot a man in the back as he was running away and it was self defense I would be charged with murder most likely second degree.

Why should the cops be held to a lower standard than a civilian?

Since they are trained shouldn't they be held to a higher standard?
Great. So a drunk person rolls up into a drive through and passes out. How many people can dui people kill? So along come the police wake him up, talk sweetly to him. Ask if he’s willing to take a field sobriety test, he says yes. He fails. Cops say you are to much under the influence to drive tonight, so they move to take him into custody, a battle ensues, he snatches a taser and hauls ass firing it at the police. How much abuse and lawbreaking are you people willing to take? Huh?
Zero. Cops shouldnt be breaking the law or abusing people at all.
Your feelings and opinions are not the law.
If I did what that cop did and tried to say I shot a man in the back in self defense it would never stand and I would be arrested for murder.

The cops should not be held to a lower standard than a civilian.
I would not vote to convict, either...

Doesn't matter whether you've been drinking or jaywalking or robbing or murdering...

You flee to avoid arrest then turn and fire upon a pursuing law enforcement officer and you earn yourself a toe-tag...

Phukk 'em...
It was a Taser and the shot missed the cop by a mile.

The cops life was not in danger when he shot Brooks in the back
You’re absolutely right. The detractors will comment that the suspect was shot in the back. I have no issue with that. He actively resisted and fought back. He got what he deserved.
Oh bullshit. If I slapped you does that mean you shoot and kill me?
No but, if you threatened me with a Taser I'd defend myself with my own weapon if I had one and if that meant putting you down before you could kill or incapacitate me you could become room temperature very quickly.
Oh, another tough guy needs to prove it online.
No, just a guy that wants to stay alive. Why would a 'tough guy' like you want to Taze me in the first place?
If you resist arrest
If you attack a police officer
If you punch a police officer...
none of those are capital offenses
What threat was he to the cop when he was shot in the back?

Brooks resisted arrest, assaulted a police officer, then shot at a police officer with a stun gun he had stolen from the police officer.

How many police officers have been shot, beaten, injured, ambushed, run over, and killed since these 'protests' started?

Brooks' actions go far beyond 'disrespecting' the police. When someone demonstrates the willingness to assault and shoot a policeman he is not only a threat to the police but to the community as well.

Respect goes 2 ways. Want to be respected by the police, then start respecting the police.

'Don't want none? Then don't start none.' -- Don't want to get shot? Don't resist arrest, don't assault a policeman, don't try to shoot a policeman.

It's not rocket-science, and people of all color are smarter than Abrams / Abrams thinks they are - Brooks was not 'murdered' for sleeping in a fast food parking lot.
This had nothing to do with any protests.

It has to do with the use of deadly force and when deadly force is justified.

So tell me at the time the cop shot a man running away from him was that cop in any danger?

Absolutely. Just 1 second prior to that the cop has incapacitating taser barbs fly by his head from his own weapon. This guy needed to be put down immediately.

Good shoot.

Not at all.

You can see how wide the taser shot went on the video.

The fact is the cops were in absolutely no danger after Brooks dropped the taser and ran.
Please list the acceptable weapons criminals are allowed to fire at police officers before they can fire back.
Doesnt work like that retard. Cops are supposed to deal with any aggression in a like manner. Escalating to the use of a gun was a failure of protocol and the reason his ass is now an ex cop with soon to be murder/manslaughter charges on him.

Brooks shot a police officer. In a like manner the price officer shot back. Brooks had bad aim. The police officer did not.
With a NONLETHAL Taser that missed the cop by a mile

Non lethal is bs and you know it.

A TAser is considered a less than lethal weapon.

a criminal is a lethal weapon

That would be a great rationalization for police brutality. Cops can kill anyone based on their potential to become violent and be a danger to society.

Every time you post your arguments get weaker. I'm hearing that only 5% of calls to police departments involve violent crimes. Why are officers armed with deadly force being sent out to respond to the 95% of calls which don't involve violent crimes in their community?

Police could have taken Mr. Brooks up on his offer to walk home, they could have let him call a friend to take him home. Issuing him with a citation for driving while intoxicated. They could have done any number of things that didn't involve treating him like a menace to society, and ultimately, shooting him down in the Wendy's parking lot, endangering the public, and killing a man who really should be alive today.

animals like you ENCOURAGE criminality. The result of filth like you is that none of the filthy disgusting animals who engaged in mass destruction of the PROPERTY OF GOOD CITIZENS will ever be prosecuted-----MAY YOU SEE YOUR HOUSE A PILE OF RUBBLE

That little tantrum has nothing to do with the Brooks incident

In fact it does. There is RIGHT NOW a tremendous spike in crime that includes physical confrontation and
robbery in the streets of my city------ENDORSED as
"well----it's understandable" by garbage like you and by "political leaders" conscious of the benefit to their own behinds
This incident had NOTHING to do with any protests.

Not a single thing.
As a cop you cant have a heat of the moment. Peoples lives are on the line. One of the reasons I never became a cop.
Yes, and as a dude getting arrested, you cannot start fighting with the cops and expect to live.


Creating a situation where the police officers life is in danger particularly the part where the officer is incapacitated and the criminal can grab his gun, is life-threatening, JUSTIFYING DEADLY FORCE!!!!!

You are all full of shit if you think there is no danger to a police officer when someone resist arrest like that.


Creating a situation where the police officer's life is in danger is not what happened in this case. The police officer's life was NEVER in danger. It was the police who were endangering lives, and the police who in fact, killed a man.

You seem to have take the position that any sort of aggression gives the police the right to use deadly force because they are "in danger". This is a fallacy. The law says that the force you use to defend yourself, cannot exceed the force of the threat. If someone punches you, you cannot shoot and kill them.

As for suspects trying to wrestle weapons away from police, that's the best argument I can think of for not sending out heavily armed cops on calls that don't involve violent crimes.
Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

The cops shot a guy in the back. It was the cops who prevented the court from deciding the guilt or innocence of this man.
The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.

it was a Taser or in other words a nonlethal weapon that is only capable of firing one time. The taser had been fired and missed by a wide margin. The subject then dropped the taser and ran.

Tell me at what point was this cop ever in mortal danger?

I is a naive person-----do not own a taser. Can't they be recharged? The taser constituted a weapon in the hands of a fugging criminal who was so depraved that he resisted a lawful arrest

And you don't think the cop knew how is own Taser works?

When you think about it, it's a real possibility.
The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.
The range on a taser is approximately 10 feet. Since he was running away from them and he had already fired the taser the weapon was effectively useless at that point. Unless he had a supply of cartridges on hand at home or where ever he was planning on running off to, the taser was no more useful than a paperweight to him.
The only other problem is the guy was a convicted violent felon facing a lot more time. Such a person is very dangerous to society because he has pretty much nothing to lose. They cannot just let such a person escape and hope he doesn't kill innocent people out of desperation before they can catch him again.
You watch too much crime TV. And I noticed that ALL of you always throw in the adjective "violent" when discussing black people. I can't recall any of you ever using such descriptors when discussing the cases of white mass shooters, generally the killer is described as "mentally ill" as opposed to "violent".

I would ask why that is, except I know it's part of the white racist psyche propaganda to portray black people, particularly black men as inherently violent and criminally inclined.

Do you all ever look at any of your own people?
ummmm....race had nothing to do with it. You're a sensitive one aren't you?

He was convicted of violently beating the shit out of his children, a felony. He was released due to COVID-19. Whose brilliant idea was that, Georgia?

And, what the fuck do you call someone punching and fighting with cops making a lawful arrest?

Race has everything to do with how black people are described and portrayed in the media and court documents. You repeat the same false premise over and over and over again and people will accept it at face value even when it's not true. This has nothing to do with me being sensitive, I just happen to have first hand experience in situations that many others haven't.

I guess you all aren't picking up on the hypocrisy inherent in your assertions though huh?
You're making it about race.

what, are we not allowed to describe the actions of somebody who is black? Is that racist?

So whatever is true about a black person, no matter how true, it's racist to say the truth?

That motherfucker beat the shit out of his kids. That is a violent felon. That is a violent criminal.

It would be true whether he was white or black or Asian or Mexican or Martian.

Creating a situation where the police officer's life is in danger is not what happened in this case. The police officer's life was NEVER in danger.
Have you had any training in this area?

He was able to grab a taser. Let's assume the taser was not a huge risk to the officers (it was).

He could've easily grabbed one their firearms. We know it was within arms reach because he was able to grab the Taser.

Is it your argument that such a situation is not dangerous to a police officer?


The minute he started to struggle, both of those police officers lives were in danger.

That seems to be the general misunderstanding. Resisting arrest in the fashion this guy did is extremely dangerous to the police officers. They are trained to understand this danger and they accept the risk.

How are they trained/instructed?

They watch ACTUAL police videos showing police officers trying to make an arrest and someone resists and that person ends up getting the cops firearm and killing him with it...ON THE VIDEO. These police officers have to watch those videos as part of their instruction!!!

So tell me again, is it your argument that they were never in danger? Not at any point?
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It was a Taser and the shot missed the cop by a mile.
The cops life was not in danger when he shot Brooks in the back
Resisting arrest.
Assaulting a policeman.
Stealing a police officer's weapon and attempting to use it on him.

At any point, had he not done any of these things, he would still be alive. Drunk, an idiot, or both - he bears partial responsibility for his death.

The policeman will be held accountable; however, as 'cop-haters' / liberals scream, loot, destroy property, ambush and kill cops, hold city blocks hostage demanding REFORM for the police, there must also be REFORM for the citizens as well.

Children are not born with an o not know 'hate'. 'Hate' is something taught. So is respect. Children must not be taught to HATE the police, to disrespect the police, that when approached or addressed by a policeman that their best recourse is to be rude, confrontational, refuse to answer questions / cooperate, resist arrest, assault the police, and / or try to steal their weapons.

Yes, the policeman made serious mistakes and he will pay for what he did. The man he shot also committed extremely serious mistakes / offenses - he paid for them with his life. He demonstrated the police are not the only ones at fault and not the only ones who must change.

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