I wouldn't vote to convict the cop who shot Rayshard Brooks of murder

The cop has been fired buh bye. Shooting a guy in the back while he is running away for being asleep is simply dumb. Shameful.

Don't lie to try to make a point. It undermines / makes your whole argument moot.

Brooks was not shot and killed for being asleep. Released body cam footage shows the police were courteous and polite in the beginning.....

That was before he broke the law by resisting arrest.
That was before he assaulted a policeman.
That was before he stole an officer's weapon.
That was before he attempted to stun an officer with the officer's stolen weapon.

Attempting to paint Brooks as a poor, innocent victim who did nothing wrong during this encounter is simply dumb.

Both the actions of Brooks and the officer contributed to Brooks' death.

That is a sad fact.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.

I agree

The cop was struggling with the guy and he had taken his taser
It was a Taser and the shot missed the cop by a mile.
The cops life was not in danger when he shot Brooks in the back
Resisting arrest.
Assaulting a policeman.
Stealing a police officer's weapon and attempting to use it on him.

At any point, had he not done any of these things, he would still be alive. Drunk, an idiot, or both - he bears partial responsibility for his death.

The policeman will be held accountable; however, as 'cop-haters' / liberals scream, loot, destroy property, ambush and kill cops, hold city blocks hostage demanding REFORM for the police, there must also be REFORM for the citizens as well.

Children are not born with an o not know 'hate'. 'Hate' is something taught. So is respect. Children must not be taught to HATE the police, to disrespect the police, that when approached or addressed by a policeman that their best recourse is to be rude, confrontational, refuse to answer questions / cooperate, resist arrest, assault the police, and / or try to steal their weapons.

Yes, the policeman made serious mistakes and he will pay for what he did. The man he shot also committed extremely serious mistakes / offenses - he paid for them with his life. He demonstrated the police are not the only ones at fault and not the only ones who must change.

I can't make this any simpler.

At the time he was shot Brooks posed no threat to either officer.

If he was shot while actually fighting with the cops this would be a different story. But he wasn't he was shot in the back while running away.

I'll ask you again.

If you as a civilian tried to claim self defense after shooting a person who was running away from you in the back, your claim of self defense would be thrown out and you would be charged with murder.

Why should a cop be held to a lower standard than a civilian?

Since cops are supposed to be highly trained to handle these situations shouldn't cops be held to a higher standard than civilians?
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
I would vote to find them both innocent and force a hung jury. Then I would tell the other 11 jurors "This ones for the Goldman family; thanks O.J. !"
It was a Taser and the shot missed the cop by a mile.
The cops life was not in danger when he shot Brooks in the back
Resisting arrest.
Assaulting a policeman.
Stealing a police officer's weapon and attempting to use it on him.

At any point, had he not done any of these things, he would still be alive. Drunk, an idiot, or both - he bears partial responsibility for his death.

The policeman will be held accountable; however, as 'cop-haters' / liberals scream, loot, destroy property, ambush and kill cops, hold city blocks hostage demanding REFORM for the police, there must also be REFORM for the citizens as well.

Children are not born with an o not know 'hate'. 'Hate' is something taught. So is respect. Children must not be taught to HATE the police, to disrespect the police, that when approached or addressed by a policeman that their best recourse is to be rude, confrontational, refuse to answer questions / cooperate, resist arrest, assault the police, and / or try to steal their weapons.

Yes, the policeman made serious mistakes and he will pay for what he did. The man he shot also committed extremely serious mistakes / offenses - he paid for them with his life. He demonstrated the police are not the only ones at fault and not the only ones who must change.

I can't make this any simpler.

At the time he was shot Brooks posed no threat to either officer.

If he was shot while actually fighting with the cops this would be a different story. But he wasn't he was shot in the back while running away.

I'll ask you again.

If you as a civilian tried to claim self defense after shooting a person who was running away from you in the back, your claim of self defense would be thrown out and you would be charged with murder.

Why should a cop be held to a lower standard than a civilian?

Since cops are supposed to be highly trained to handle these situations shouldn't cops be held to a higher standard than civilians?

I am not saying the police officer should not be punished. I believe he will be and rightfully so. I am saying this was an unnecessary incident that never had to happen but DID due to the actions of BOTH men.

Regarding the training of officers, the training of THIS officer in particular SEEMS to have been lacking or he did not learn what he should have. I can not personally speak to what the training he received consists of or what was in the officer's mind when he shot Brooks. I can also not tell you what Brooks was or was not thinking every time he made one bad decision after another. In a split second the officer made a call - it was the wrong call. His was not the only bad call made, as I pointed out.

Defunding the police will NOT help train the police any better. If anything, it will probably result in less training.

When analyzing a problem, attempting to understand what / how something happened, and attempting to identify thins that can be changed to ensure it does not happen again, ignoring contributing factors will NOT result in solutions that will accomplish that goal.

I have heard from idiots on this board that it is ONLY up to the POLICE to change...

So, in this case, I agree the police should not shoot perps in the back as they run away, but the police should allow individuals to resist arrest, should 'turn the other cheek' when assaulted by a perp, should not give chase after the perp steals their weapon...?!

How about stop kids being taught all police are the 'bad guy', to disrespect / hate policeman...how about citizens/perps NOT resisting arrest, NOT assaulting police officers, NOT stealing their weapons, NOT attempting to shoot policemen?

The police aren't the only ones who need some 'reform' / 'change'.

That's all I am saying.
I would not vote to convict, either...

Doesn't matter whether you've been drinking or jaywalking or robbing or murdering...

You flee to avoid arrest then turn and fire upon a pursuing law enforcement officer and you earn yourself a toe-tag...

Phukk 'em...
It was a Taser and the shot missed the cop by a mile.

The cops life was not in danger when he shot Brooks in the back

Irrelevant. Aiming an incapacitating weapon at a LEO and firing it is grounds for a lethal response.
As a cop you cant have a heat of the moment. Peoples lives are on the line. One of the reasons I never became a cop.
Yes, and as a dude getting arrested, you cannot start fighting with the cops and expect to live.


Creating a situation where the police officers life is in danger particularly the part where the officer is incapacitated and the criminal can grab his gun, is life-threatening, JUSTIFYING DEADLY FORCE!!!!!

You are all full of shit if you think there is no danger to a police officer when someone resist arrest like that.


Creating a situation where the police officer's life is in danger is not what happened in this case. The police officer's life was NEVER in danger. It was the police who were endangering lives, and the police who in fact, killed a man.

You seem to have take the position that any sort of aggression gives the police the right to use deadly force because they are "in danger". This is a fallacy. The law says that the force you use to defend yourself, cannot exceed the force of the threat. If someone punches you, you cannot shoot and kill them.

As for suspects trying to wrestle weapons away from police, that's the best argument I can think of for not sending out heavily armed cops on calls that don't involve violent crimes.
Let the court decide that not your or the cops.



It's like talking to a fucking brick wall.

You obviously misunderstood what you just quoted. I was speaking to someone else and telling them its not their job or the cops job to render a decision on guilt or innocence but nice try anyway.
And it is not the job of black people to render a judgment as the judge on the street and decide that they must resist arrest and get away.

Let the court decide.

That's what's happening. These guys are not letting the court decide, they're blaming the cops.

I have demonstrated to everyone this logical flaw that you're running around with.

Again, talking to a brick wall.

The cops shot a guy in the back. It was the cops who prevented the court from deciding the guilt or innocence of this man.
The way this has been presented to me is it the guy was running off with a weapon. I've heard new facts that he already fired that weapon. If that's the case and the cops shot him anyway, you have a good point.

Cops cannot let people run off a deadly weapons when that person has done so while resisting arrest. Far too many other people get hurt when that happens.

it was a Taser or in other words a nonlethal weapon that is only capable of firing one time. The taser had been fired and missed by a wide margin. The subject then dropped the taser and ran.

Tell me at what point was this cop ever in mortal danger?

I is a naive person-----do not own a taser. Can't they be recharged? The taser constituted a weapon in the hands of a fugging criminal who was so depraved that he resisted a lawful arrest

And you don't think the cop knew how is own Taser works?

When you think about it, it's a real possibility.
So actually the fact that cops are armed makes THEM vulnerable...interesting
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.

I agree

The cop was struggling with the guy and he had taken his taser
Again! The Criminal Codes need to be changed. Local governments get a lot of money through those codes. The DUI is a moneymaker to the extremes. You can't even sleep it off legally in many areas in your car. There was a time when a percentage of cops may have assisted in getting someone home if close enough. Of course if something happened in that process the lawyers may show up. A lot of reforms are needed. and that includes the lawyers both pro and con in deals. Those reforms will not work without criminal code changes.
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.

took his taser, fired it at him, was shot the second he turned around.

All thing like this will do is encourage people to resist arrest.
Non-Leathal vs. Lethal. Makes it all good I suppose. Give me a break.

I practice civil rights law including several taser cases. Just FYI a taser isn't "non-lethal," it is designated as a "less lethal weapon."
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed the cop's taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man is trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.

I agree

The cop was struggling with the guy and he had taken his taser
Again! The Criminal Codes need to be changed. Local governments get a lot of money through those codes. The DUI is a moneymaker to the extremes. You can't even sleep it off legally in many areas in your car. There was a time when a percentage of cops may have assisted in getting someone home if close enough. Of course if something happened in that process the lawyers may show up. A lot of reforms are needed. and that includes the lawyers both pro and con in deals. Those reforms will not work without criminal code changes.
Well then since the cops killed this guy there will be no revenue from him will there?
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.

took his taser, fired it at him, was shot the second he turned around.

All thing like this will do is encourage people to resist arrest.
Non-Leathal vs. Lethal. Makes it all good I suppose. Give me a break.

I practice civil rights law including several taser cases. Just FYI a taser isn't "non-lethal," it is designated as a "less lethal weapon."

I would not vote to convict, either...

Doesn't matter whether you've been drinking or jaywalking or robbing or murdering...

You flee to avoid arrest then turn and fire upon a pursuing law enforcement officer and you earn yourself a toe-tag...

Phukk 'em...
It was a Taser and the shot missed the cop by a mile.

The cops life was not in danger when he shot Brooks in the back

Irrelevant. Aiming an incapacitating weapon at a LEO and firing it is grounds for a lethal response.
If that was true why did the union allow the POS to get fired?
There are differences between the George Floyd case and the Brooks case.
The latter grabbed a taser and punched the cop in the face.
Did anyone here ever think that punching a cop in the face works result in a low chance of being killed by that cop?
People are not supposed to attack cops.
If I'm a cop and a man in trying to arrest takes my taser and punches me, it's on.
And I'm a Democrat.
Shot him in the back after dropping his Taser. Back shooting cop is a low life POS.

took his taser, fired it at him, was shot the second he turned around.

All thing like this will do is encourage people to resist arrest.
Non-Leathal vs. Lethal. Makes it all good I suppose. Give me a break.

I practice civil rights law including several taser cases. Just FYI a taser isn't "non-lethal," it is designated as a "less lethal weapon."


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