I wrote this almost two years ago about Trump

I read articles where all those pieces of shit said they were leaving, and I wrote it down. You don't like it? Too bad ya trolling piece of shit.
Everything out of your hole.

Why would I lie. Just so you know $100K down here gets you nowhere. Doesn't go very far at all. Now I know is shitstainsville, Texas, a gallon is still a $1 but not around here, son.
Because all regressive liars lie. That's why. Oh I'm sure once in a while you'll tell the truth, but mostly, you all lie.
Okay if that how you talk.
Over and over? Like what stupid fuck?

So middle class earners doesn’t pay taxes, You are a stupid idiot I ever heard.
I understand truth hurts.

No lying moron, you don’t get to move the goalposts. You said “Peasants” you did not say “middle class”. The middle class are not peasants.

Going to lie some more now idiot?

In my level a middle income is very low income for me. If people are making only ONLY $80k I called that peasants.

Eight years from now peasants will pay more taxes under Trump tax plan.

Shut up liar. You were defeated, slither away now.

Defeated? Very funny. None of you can give me an honest rebuttal except insult and lies.
Liar? Is that mean you don’t even understand or seen Trump tax plan? Very funny.
Your post is why I rarely ever try to provide any of you scum with proof. You deny it, spin smoke and lie more.

Instead of going around. Why don’t you prove where I lied? Is this mean you cannot back up all your lies?
It still holds true today. I was even banned for it on one forum because I did not post a link to it. No link exists because I wrote it.

We don't know Donald Trump

1. Obama is against Trump
2. The Media is against Trump
3. The establishment Democrats are against Trump
4. The establishment Republicans are against Trump
5. The Pope is against Trump
6. The UN is against Trump
7. The EU is against Trump
8. China is against Trump
9. Mexico is against Trump
10. Soros is against Trump
11. Black Lives Matter is against Trump
12. MoveOn.Org is against Trump
13. Koch Bro's are against Trump
14. Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump


Okay let’s see what you got moron.

You wrote these 2 years ago? Really? You are a lying bastard asshole.

1. Obama against Trump. Post a link where you think Obama against Trump. Actually it was Trump against Obama.
2. Media against Trump 2 years ago? Prove it.
3. Established Democrats against Trump. Prove it.
4. Established Republicans against Trump. Prove it.
5. Pope against Trump? Prove it.
6. UN against Trump? Prove it
7. EU against Trump? Prove it.
8. China against Trump? Prove it
9. Mexico against Trump? Prove it.
10. Soros against Trump? Maybe.
11. BLM against Trump? Prove it.
12. MoveOn. Org? Prove it.
13. Koch brothers against Trump? Prove it.
14. Really?? The whole world knows Trump is a racist bastard and people like you.

If you can’t prove any of these. You are a lying imbecile bastard.

I’m still waiting miketx.

Or Did I just shut you up?
No thanks, I don't play libtards games. It's all been said and done who all those people were against Trump. All you want to do is spin and deflect and lie more. It's what you do. Plus liar, I didn't say I wrote it two years ago. Tears you up and you feel you have to destroy someone when you see something like this doesn't it? It was probably about a year and half ago, but I don't really remember. Don't matter though but it's still true and it kills you! LOL

I’m not playing games. All I’m asking was simply asking you to prove what you posted.

Still true. Really? When you cannot even prove anything? No it’s not killing me it’s just that you are very funny.

This mean you are a a big LIAR. Big time.

I followed politics and current events long before Obama became POTUS. I do not recall most of those you claimed against Trump.
Like Obama against Trump. In reality it was Trump against Obama. Like Promoting Kenyan born.

You can’t remember? What kind of crap excuses is that? So you can just made up something then——— You can’t remember? All you have to do is post a link where those people are against Trump.

I do not spin, lie and deflect like you.
If I lied prove it.
If you post you prove it. If you can’t you are fake and liar.
And now the lowest tax rate since the 30's. Good deal two ways, it helps small business and big business and it gives libtards strokes.

Like in 8 years middle income will pay higher taxes. I expected that people like you don’t understand or don’t want to understand the implications of this new Trump fraud tax plan.
Sure it saves me a lot of money and benefits me the most but if you are peasants you will pay more at the end.
Remember only 24% support Trump tax plan.

Give libtards strokes???? Are you saying that only republicans have business? And the democrats don’t have businesses?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
I tell ya wut, my contacts, ain't never had a thing to do with Trump.

I haven't run into anyone locally yet that doesn't like MAGA though, black or white, so there's that.

Seriously, I do mean anyone. Where are all these Trump haters from? Certainly not around here.

I'm waiting to run into someone local that doesn't like Trump at this point.

Just like with the Hillary signs. I saw all of 1 last election.

I talk to a lot of people and am pretty boisterous, too, in case y'all can't tell. :rolleyes:

I live in a Democratic Party controlled sanctuary state that issues driver's licenses to illegals, so I can't say I don't run into Trump haters. What I can't understand is why they stay glued to the Democrat Party when our state is at or near the bottom of most of the good lists and at or near the top of most of the bad lists and it has been that way for a very long time now. In infrastructure, education, healthcare, poverty, crime, etc. we mostly suck. Wouldn't you think intelligent people would be willing to see what isn't working and give a different approach a chance?

That's what President Trump is offering. He's not at all partisan and he's no ideologue. And I can't find much fault with any of his agenda. As all people do who set out to actually solve problems instead of just talking the talk, a lot of it will involve mistakes, missteps, trial and error, and going from Plan A to B to C to whatever until something actually works. But in my book it is really refreshing to have a President who is actually wanting to solve problems and do something that makes America brighter, stronger, more positive even if government has to give up some power to accomplish it.

I wish all honorable people would get behind him and give him a chance. If it flops, there will be another election in three years.

I live here in California.

Let’s start with the driver license. These people will drive either either you nor I like it or not. The driver license is only for driving benefits only and nothing more.
This driver license allows to id people with criminal history, pay car insurance, id them in on going crime, id them when they are stopped. Why is that so bad?

With his agenda both domestic and foreign policies are both very disappointing. Nothing but bullies. He has not make America great but weaker laughingstock and isolated.
Let me just give you some examples. Why is it acceptable to blast his own intelligence agencies in support of Putin? Why is that acceptable?
What benefits do we gain in support of Jerusalem?
Why is it acceptable to support a child molester?
Why is it acceptable for POTUS a pussy grabber?
Why is acceptable for POTUS to hide tax returns?
LASTLY———- give us example of what greatness ( specific ) he has done in 11 months.

Please tell me where I’m wrong.
You wouldn't truth if it smacked you in the mouth.
This is very funny. In short this dude created a lot of enemies, isolated us, made us look ignorant, racist. a total disgrace and laughing stock around the globe.

That shows how dumb, unfit and ignorant is this POTUS. The lousiest we’ve ever seen.
But I’m give him credits for emboldened the racist, bigots and hatred groups.
You are a typical lying regressive media fed imbecile. And a coward.

Really? I know truth hurts.

All I told are true and facts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All you know is to think what they tell you to and parrot talking points.

Proof positive: You use a phone to post on the internet.

Excellent OP, Mike! :2up:

Really? All what Mike posted is a total joke and belong in humor section. Very funny.

I understand truth hurts.

Prove it.
No matter how many times you repeat the same lie, it does not make it true. Liar

Jesus - here is your list

Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro's are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump

Bonus points

Cher says she will leave the country
Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country
Whoopi says she will leave the country
Rosie says she will leave the country
Al Sharpton says he will leave the country
Jennifer Lawrence says she will leave the country.
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall

And the Radio.com list

Obama is against Trump… Check
The Media are against Trump… Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check
The Pope is against Trump… Check
The UN is against Trump… Check
The EU is against Trump… Check
China is against Trump… Check
Mexico is against Trump… Check
Soros is against Trump… Check
Black Lives Matter is against Trump… Check
Move On is against Trump… Check
Koch Brothers are against Trump… Check

Bonus points . . !

Whoopi says she will leave the country…
Rosie says she will leave the country…
Sharpton says he will leave the country…
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall…
Cher says she will leave the country…
Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country…

Minor differences and additions only - just admit you didn't write if Dorfus :)
Where is the rest of what I wrote if I stole it liar? You can't find it can you liar? You know why too don't you liar? Because it only exists on my computer, liar.

Really? when you can’t prove anything what you posted.
No matter how many times you repeat the same lie, it does not make it true. Liar

Jesus - here is your list

Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The establishment Democrats are against Trump
The establishment Republicans are against Trump
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Black Lives Matter is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Koch Bro's are against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump

Bonus points

Cher says she will leave the country
Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country
Whoopi says she will leave the country
Rosie says she will leave the country
Al Sharpton says he will leave the country
Jennifer Lawrence says she will leave the country.
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall

And the Radio.com list

Obama is against Trump… Check
The Media are against Trump… Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check
The Pope is against Trump… Check
The UN is against Trump… Check
The EU is against Trump… Check
China is against Trump… Check
Mexico is against Trump… Check
Soros is against Trump… Check
Black Lives Matter is against Trump… Check
Move On is against Trump… Check
Koch Brothers are against Trump… Check

Bonus points . . !

Whoopi says she will leave the country…
Rosie says she will leave the country…
Sharpton says he will leave the country…
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall…
Cher says she will leave the country…
Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country…

Minor differences and additions only - just admit you didn't write if Dorfus :)
Where is the rest of what I wrote if I stole it liar? You can't find it can you liar? You know why too don't you liar? Because it only exists on my computer, liar.

Really? when you can’t prove anything what you posted.
Dodge expected, waiting on your lies.....
And now the lowest tax rate since the 30's. Good deal two ways, it helps small business and big business and it gives libtards strokes.

Like in 8 years middle income will pay higher taxes. I expected that people like you don’t understand or don’t want to understand the implications of this new Trump fraud tax plan.
Sure it saves me a lot of money and benefits me the most but if you are peasants you will pay more at the end.
Remember only 24% support Trump tax plan.

Give libtards strokes???? Are you saying that only republicans have business? And the democrats don’t have businesses?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....
No lying moron, you don’t get to move the goalposts. You said “Peasants” you did not say “middle class”. The middle class are not peasants.

Going to lie some more now idiot?

In my level a middle income is very low income for me. If people are making only ONLY $80k I called that peasants.

Eight years from now peasants will pay more taxes under Trump tax plan.

Shut up liar. You were defeated, slither away now.

Defeated? Very funny. None of you can give me an honest rebuttal except insult and lies.
Liar? Is that mean you don’t even understand or seen Trump tax plan? Very funny.
Your post is why I rarely ever try to provide any of you scum with proof. You deny it, spin smoke and lie more.

Instead of going around. Why don’t you prove where I lied? Is this mean you cannot back up all your lies?
Oh, heck, why don't you stop lying...you scum all play the same game...ask for proof you know you will deny, drop dead.
In my level a middle income is very low income for me. If people are making only ONLY $80k I called that peasants.

Eight years from now peasants will pay more taxes under Trump tax plan.

Shut up liar. You were defeated, slither away now.

Defeated? Very funny. None of you can give me an honest rebuttal except insult and lies.
Liar? Is that mean you don’t even understand or seen Trump tax plan? Very funny.
Your post is why I rarely ever try to provide any of you scum with proof. You deny it, spin smoke and lie more.

Instead of going around. Why don’t you prove where I lied? Is this mean you cannot back up all your lies?
Oh, heck, why don't you stop lying...you scum all play the same game...ask for proof you know you will deny, drop dead.

Sorry dude. I did not post anything to prove I lied.
You are the OP of this thread and you cannot prove what you posted.
Very funny.
And now the lowest tax rate since the 30's. Good deal two ways, it helps small business and big business and it gives libtards strokes.

Like in 8 years middle income will pay higher taxes. I expected that people like you don’t understand or don’t want to understand the implications of this new Trump fraud tax plan.
Sure it saves me a lot of money and benefits me the most but if you are peasants you will pay more at the end.
Remember only 24% support Trump tax plan.

Give libtards strokes???? Are you saying that only republicans have business? And the democrats don’t have businesses?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....

Instead of keep blabbing nonsense. Why don’t you prove where I lied?
And now the lowest tax rate since the 30's. Good deal two ways, it helps small business and big business and it gives libtards strokes.

Like in 8 years middle income will pay higher taxes. I expected that people like you don’t understand or don’t want to understand the implications of this new Trump fraud tax plan.
Sure it saves me a lot of money and benefits me the most but if you are peasants you will pay more at the end.
Remember only 24% support Trump tax plan.

Give libtards strokes???? Are you saying that only republicans have business? And the democrats don’t have businesses?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....

Instead of keep blabbing nonsense. Why don’t you prove where I lied?
Can't, you'll just deny it like all regressive liars.
Like in 8 years middle income will pay higher taxes. I expected that people like you don’t understand or don’t want to understand the implications of this new Trump fraud tax plan.
Sure it saves me a lot of money and benefits me the most but if you are peasants you will pay more at the end.
Remember only 24% support Trump tax plan.

Give libtards strokes???? Are you saying that only republicans have business? And the democrats don’t have businesses?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....

Instead of keep blabbing nonsense. Why don’t you prove where I lied?
Can't, you'll just deny it like all regressive liars.
Like in 8 years middle income will pay higher taxes. I expected that people like you don’t understand or don’t want to understand the implications of this new Trump fraud tax plan.
Sure it saves me a lot of money and benefits me the most but if you are peasants you will pay more at the end.
Remember only 24% support Trump tax plan.

Give libtards strokes???? Are you saying that only republicans have business? And the democrats don’t have businesses?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....

Instead of keep blabbing nonsense. Why don’t you prove where I lied?
Can't, you'll just deny it like all regressive liars.

No dumb shit. I ordered you to prove me where I lied. That alone proved that you are too stupid, liar and dumb to back it up.

You can’t prove any single of your post? SCARED..... I know I already proved that you are a coward and a liar.

You are not that tough after all. Try to be tough again next time and I will kick your ass again. If you talk to me again this way. I will trash you again. YOU GOT THAT?
Giving me a funny ratings only prove you are weakling. I never give funny ratings because what’s the point?
Why not just bring it out here so everyone can see. You are very weak and very funny.
And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....

Instead of keep blabbing nonsense. Why don’t you prove where I lied?
Can't, you'll just deny it like all regressive liars.
And you honestly think that what just passed in a tax code is all that will ever be passed? That it is engraved in granite and we are stuck with it for all eternity?

Or is it possible that any in problems looming will be apparent and can be dealt with? That eight years of tax relief is better than no tax relief? That right now what we need is assurance to American commerce and industry that their capital that they put at risk won't be taxed or regulated away from them so that they can once again feel confident to expand their businesses and/or start up new ones? That they can once again hire full time employees and new employees without some punitive tax or penalty or regulation kick in?

President Trump got about maybe a third of what he actually wanted in tax reform. If it produces good results it will be easier for him and like minded representatives in Washington to improve on it and make it better.

If it turns out badly, all it requires is a simple vote of Congress to change it.


We are adding $1.4 trillion to our debt to support this new tax plan.

Tax relief now is better than nothing? Did you research who are the winners (now and in 8 years) and losers of the Trump tax law? Middle income earners will pay more in 8 years than what they paid today’s tax. Why is that supposed to be acceptable?

If it turns out badly all it requires is a simple vote of congress to change it. You made it sound how Trump made the GOP leaders are lap dog. No it’s not that simple.

Look at the economy. Does it look that corporate are starving?

Businesses expand and invest more because of demands. NOT because of tax breaks. Repeat NOT because of tax breaks.

With the economy this good. Are you saying that small businesses, start up and investment had suffered ?

Are you telling me that 24% of Americans that support Trump tax law are accurate?
That 70% of Americans and economist are wrong?

Trump and his buddies will save billions.

President Trump tells wealthy guests at Mar-a-Lago: “You all just got a lot richer” after tax bill
NO lie too big or too stupid....

Instead of keep blabbing nonsense. Why don’t you prove where I lied?
Can't, you'll just deny it like all regressive liars.

No dumb shit. I ordered you to prove me where I lied. That alone proved that you are too stupid, liar and dumb to back it up.

You can’t prove any single of your post? SCARED..... I know I already proved that you are a coward and a liar.

You are not that tough after all. Try to be tough again next time and I will kick your ass again. If you talk to me again this way. I will trash you again. YOU GOT THAT?
Giving me a funny ratings only prove you are weakling. I never give funny ratings because what’s the point?
Why not just bring it out here so everyone can see. You are very weak and very funny.
Please stop lying, you are frightening me.

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