IBTL --> But no Lock


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
I'll start...

in before the lock
it came as such a shock
i'm glad it wasn't me
so i'll sip my cup of tea

It's just got to be something about being in before the lock. It doesn't even have to rhyme. Just something.
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Wouldn't in before the lock be:


Well, I could run to poetic license but since I'm not a poet I will simply bow to error as it is not my first and will not be my last. :razz:

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Copy --> Delete --> Re-edit --> and Repost

See how that works? :razz:

but perhaps its time to run
although I've had my fun
for what more fun can be
when speaking by decree

and who are they who watch
must they inspect my crotch
and see if they can find
a crime to be assigned

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Delete --> Re-edit --> Merge with a new Post and Repost

bones said:
i didnt do that right did i?

Looks right to me bones. Quite good imo.

In before the lock
smelling the hammer
stirring the crock
hear the crowd yammer
The lock, I'm in before
These thread, We need more!
I live for a Mods hissy fit,
Makes me laugh cuz I don't give a shit.

Someone, please enlighten me
What could this strange lock ever be?
Do they re-invent ya?
And blame dementia?
I wish the hell
At least they'd spell
Rewritten essays correctly

Someone, please enlighten me
What could this strange lock ever be?
Do they re-invent ya?
And blame dementia?
I wish the hell
At least they'd spell
Rewritten essays correctly


They lock the door,
So no one can score.
Often some heady fool
transgresses forum rule.
Oh, now I get it.
They come to fix it
I wouldn't bet it
Made much difference 100 years from now, to any of us, fixer or fixed. :) *sigh*

But heck, I'm not complaining.
I do my share of the raining.
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Someone, please enlighten me
What could this strange lock ever be?
Do they re-invent ya?
And blame dementia?
I wish the hell
At least they'd spell
Rewritten essays correctly


The lock, get in before it
You really can't ignore it
The big padlock of doom
Creates despair and gloom
For some, the ban hammer swings,
Such weeping and wailing it brings.
^ :rofl:

In then before the schlock,
Who needs a stinkin' lock.
When one has not a clock,
So come, give the bell a ring.
Lets see who comes to sing,
Here comes the ratted ding.

Dong.. :razz:
I'm in before the lock
for here there is no clock
until eternity

I never liked the man
the one who had no plan
but only seeks to find
truth in their own mind
In moments that glimmer
Before the dawn
The moment comes,
Lock not the Heart
The lock, I'm in before
These thread, We need more!
I live for a Mods hissy fit,
Makes me laugh cuz I don't give a shit.


Oh I try to be in before the locks
where Cali's been many times
busy dodging sticks and rocks
while some are dropping dimes :razz:

In moments that glimmer
Before the dawn
The moment comes,
Lock not the Heart

So if you are in before the lock

You'd better take Syrenn's advice
See here that on this USMB vise
We don't have to play that nice
There is no need to force entice

And that can be a terrific shock
I'm in before the lock
It's a fascinating game
Try to beat the clock
On a thread that's lame
So again, in before the lock,
oh, it sounds so exciting.
Before they come and block,
that foolish poster fighting.

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