Ice Age Scare of the 70's

Here you go. Took me all of 30 seconds.

Ooops, this is a report about the report. Trouble is, of course, that 1975 is quite a while ago. Computers were not nearly as widespread as they are now. So...

No... took me two minutes

Full text of Understanding climatic change

PS: As usual SSDD, you're wrong.

First, contrary to rock's claim, that paper was never published in the is the program for action described in the CIA file...second, you clearly have never read the paper...there are 12 mentions of warming and 23 mentions of cooling in the paper...and the paper represents a clear and present danger of a major cooling of the earth in the near future...

A striking feature of the instrumental record is the behavior of temperature worldwide. As shown by Mitchell (1970), the average surfaceair temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880's until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter (see Figure A. 6, Appendix A). Starr and Oort (1973) have reported that, during the
period 1958-1963, the hemisphere's (mass-weighted) mean temperature decreased by about 0.6 °C. In that period the polar and subtropicalarid regions experienced the greatest cooling
. The cause of this variation is not known, although clearly this trend cannot continue indefinitely.

During the global warming of the first part of this century, for example, the average length of the growing season in England (as measured by the duration of temperatures above 42 °F) increased by two to three weeks and during the more recent cooling trend since the 1940's has undergone a comparable shortening

The well-documented warming trend of global climate beginning in the 1880's and continuing until the
1940's is a continuation of the warming trend that terminated the Little Ice Age. Since the 1940's, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly halfway back to the 1880 levels.

The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future, although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next hundred years.

Seems that you can't read a paper any better than you can read a graph....the idea that you are an engineer is patently ludicrous....the thought makes me laugh out loud. The paper clearly is warning of a rapidly approaching cooling period. When one considers the fact that mentions of the possibility of warming are the minority when compared to mentions of cooling, the idea that the paper could be construed to be warning of anything other than an approaching cooling period is grasping straws by the warmer crowd.

The consensus of the day was clearly in favor of an approaching cooling period....the meme turned to warming when the cooling didn't happen...just as the meme turned to climate change when the predicted warming of later years didn't happen. Climate science eventually is going to have to stop simply predicting what is happening and then changing predictions with the weather and actually do some real science.
From the report:

The project which is the subject of this report was approved by the Gov-
erning Board of the National Research Council, acting in behalf of the National
Academy of Sciences. Such approval reflects the Board's judgment that the project
is of national importance and appropriate with respect to both the purposes and
resources of the National Research Council.

The members of the committee selected to undertake this project and prepare
this report were chosen for recognized scholarly competence and with due con-
sideration for the balance of disciplines appropriate to the project. Responsibili v
for the detailed aspects of this report rests with that committee.

Each report issuing from a study committee of the National Research Council is
reviewed by an independent group of qualified individuals according to procedures
established and monitored by the Report Review Committee of the National
Academy of Sciences. Distribution of the report is approved, by the President of
the Academy, upon satisfactory completion of the review process.

When you tell us there were x mentions of this and y mentions of that, don't bother bullshitting that YOU'VE read it. All you've done is run through it with a search facility.

The project was undertaken to accomplish the following:

In late 1967 the International Council of Scientific Unions, acting jointly with
the World Meteorological Organization, proposed a Global Atmosphere Research
Program (garp) to accomplish the objectives stated in U.N. Resolutions 1721
(XVI) and 1802 (XVII), namely, "to advance the state of atmospheric sciences
and technology so as to provide greater knowledge of basic physical forces affect-
ing climate . . . ; to develop existing weather forecasting capabilities . . . ," and
"to develop an expanded program of atmospheric science research which will com-
plement the program fostered by the World Meteorological Organization."

See any mention of cooling? See any mention of warming? NO and NO.

Find us some quotes from that document that actually support what you claim its saying. Cause I think you're full of it.
Here you go. Took me all of 30 seconds.

Ooops, this is a report about the report. Trouble is, of course, that 1975 is quite a while ago. Computers were not nearly as widespread as they are now. So...

No... took me two minutes

Full text of Understanding climatic change

PS: As usual SSDD, you're wrong.

First, contrary to rock's claim, that paper was never published in the is the program for action described in the CIA file...second, you clearly have never read the paper...there are 12 mentions of warming and 23 mentions of cooling in the paper...and the paper represents a clear and present danger of a major cooling of the earth in the near future...

A striking feature of the instrumental record is the behavior of temperature worldwide. As shown by Mitchell (1970), the average surfaceair temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880's until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter (see Figure A. 6, Appendix A). Starr and Oort (1973) have reported that, during the
period 1958-1963, the hemisphere's (mass-weighted) mean temperature decreased by about 0.6 °C. In that period the polar and subtropicalarid regions experienced the greatest cooling
. The cause of this variation is not known, although clearly this trend cannot continue indefinitely.

During the global warming of the first part of this century, for example, the average length of the growing season in England (as measured by the duration of temperatures above 42 °F) increased by two to three weeks and during the more recent cooling trend since the 1940's has undergone a comparable shortening

The well-documented warming trend of global climate beginning in the 1880's and continuing until the
1940's is a continuation of the warming trend that terminated the Little Ice Age. Since the 1940's, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly halfway back to the 1880 levels.

The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future, although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next hundred years.

Seems that you can't read a paper any better than you can read a graph....the idea that you are an engineer is patently ludicrous....the thought makes me laugh out loud. The paper clearly is warning of a rapidly approaching cooling period. When one considers the fact that mentions of the possibility of warming are the minority when compared to mentions of cooling, the idea that the paper could be construed to be warning of anything other than an approaching cooling period is grasping straws by the warmer crowd.

The consensus of the day was clearly in favor of an approaching cooling period....the meme turned to warming when the cooling didn't happen...just as the meme turned to climate change when the predicted warming of later years didn't happen. Climate science eventually is going to have to stop simply predicting what is happening and then changing predictions with the weather and actually do some real science.

The quotes you give DO NOT COME from NAS' "Understanding Climate Change".

Seems that whether you read it or not doesn't matter. You'll just make up what you want.
Here you go. Took me all of 30 seconds.

Ooops, this is a report about the report. Trouble is, of course, that 1975 is quite a while ago. Computers were not nearly as widespread as they are now. So...

No... took me two minutes

Full text of Understanding climatic change

PS: As usual SSDD, you're wrong.

First, contrary to rock's claim, that paper was never published in the is the program for action described in the CIA file...second, you clearly have never read the paper...there are 12 mentions of warming and 23 mentions of cooling in the paper...and the paper represents a clear and present danger of a major cooling of the earth in the near future...

A striking feature of the instrumental record is the behavior of temperature worldwide. As shown by Mitchell (1970), the average surfaceair temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880's until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter (see Figure A. 6, Appendix A). Starr and Oort (1973) have reported that, during the
period 1958-1963, the hemisphere's (mass-weighted) mean temperature decreased by about 0.6 °C. In that period the polar and subtropicalarid regions experienced the greatest cooling
. The cause of this variation is not known, although clearly this trend cannot continue indefinitely.

During the global warming of the first part of this century, for example, the average length of the growing season in England (as measured by the duration of temperatures above 42 °F) increased by two to three weeks and during the more recent cooling trend since the 1940's has undergone a comparable shortening

The well-documented warming trend of global climate beginning in the 1880's and continuing until the 1940's is a continuation of the warming trend that terminated the Little Ice Age. Since the 1940's, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly halfway back to the 1880 levels.

The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future, although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next hundred years.

Seems that you can't read a paper any better than you can read a graph....the idea that you are an engineer is patently ludicrous....the thought makes me laugh out loud. The paper clearly is warning of a rapidly approaching cooling period. When one considers the fact that mentions of the possibility of warming are the minority when compared to mentions of cooling, the idea that the paper could be construed to be warning of anything other than an approaching cooling period is grasping straws by the warmer crowd.

The consensus of the day was clearly in favor of an approaching cooling period....the meme turned to warming when the cooling didn't happen...just as the meme turned to climate change when the predicted warming of later years didn't happen. Climate science eventually is going to have to stop simply predicting what is happening and then changing predictions with the weather and actually do some real science.

The quotes you give DO NOT COME from NAS' "Understanding Climate Change".

Seems that whether you read it or not doesn't matter. You'll just make up what you want.

So it isn't that you just can't read a report and understand can't read at all. Interesting that you are unable to find direct cut and paste quotes from the paper in the very paper you linked to. Here, let me help you out.

The first quote

"A striking feature of the instrumental record is the behavior of temperature worldwide. As shown by Mitchell (1970), the average surfaceair temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880's until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter (see Figure A. 6, Appendix A). Starr and Oort (1973) have reported that, during the period 1958-1963, the hemisphere's (mass-weighted) mean temperature decreased by about 0.6 °C. In that period the polar and subtropicalarid regions experienced the greatest cooling. The cause of this variation is not known, although clearly this trend cannot continue indefinitely"

can be found in section 36. 5th paragraph under the number 36...the paragraph begins with the words "A striking feature" and continues on with the rest of the quote I pasted.

The second quote:

"During the global warming of the first part of this century, for example, the average length of the growing season in England (as measured by the duration of temperatures above 42 °F) increased by two to three weeks and during the more recent cooling trend since the 1940's has undergone a comparable shortening"

begins in the last paragraph in section 92 and continues into the first sentence of section 93. The clip can be found under a sub heading titled Climate and Food, Water and Energy.

The third quote:

" The well-documented warming trend of global climate beginning in the 1880's and continuing until the 1940's is a continuation of the warming trend that terminated the Little Ice Age. Since the 1940's, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly halfway back to the 1880 levels.[/quote]

Can be found in appendix A 181...Last sentence in paragraph one.

Interesting note regarding that quote...they clearly state that by 1975, the temperatures had dropped almost half way to 1880 levels since the 1940's.....if you look at modern temperature graphs going back to the 1880's you can see that that temperature drop has been reduced by half as a result of the warm bias being built into the temperature data.

The fourth quote:

"The onset of this climatic decline could be several thousand years in the future, although there is a finite probability that a serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next hundred years"

Can be found in appendix A section 189...last sentence of the first paragraph.

Clearly crick, you can't read...have never read the paper you linked to and it is, in fact you who simply makes up whatever you want to if you think it will help you with your argument. Apparently none of you warmers have read the report as it clearly states that cooling is on the way as evidenced by the 4th quote..."serious worldwide cooling could befall the earth within the next 100 years." "Since the 1940's, mean temperatures have declined and are now nearly half way back to 1880's levels" and on and on. The paper you claim discredits the 1970's cooling scare in fact was one of the instruments of the 1970's cooling scare. You are a real piece of work...claiming to have a science background...claiming to be educated when it has been proven over and over that you can't even read a simple graph and now apparently it seems that you don't even read at a junior high school level which is about the level that report was written at.

Laughable are truly f'ing laughable.

I might also note that there is a wealth of information regarding the state...and consensus of the climate science of the day to be found in the bibliography of that report...(in case you didn't know, the bibliography is that part at the end that references the papers used to compile the report).....cooling was the fear of the day crick...deny till your heart's content...but it won't alter the fact.
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First, fuck off asshole.

Second, you and I are apparently looking at different texts. I am looking at the National Academy of Science's "Understanding Climate Change", which may be found at the link I provided above: Full text of Understanding climatic change The text at that link contains NONE of the quotes you have presented. I know you're not capable of having manufactured such text, so you must be getting it from somewhere. Now, what's needed is for you to tell us where.
I remember the news and reports back

America you are going to Freeze your asses off..............was the frenzy of the day.............

Everyone buy a coat.

First, fuck off asshole.

Second, you and I are apparently looking at different texts. I am looking at the National Academy of Science's "Understanding Climate Change", which may be found at the link I provided above: Full text of Understanding climatic change The text at that link contains NONE of the quotes you have presented. I know you're not capable of having manufactured such text, so you must be getting it from somewhere. Now, what's needed is for you to tell us where.

Exactly the paper the quotes I provide are from... geez guy, even with clear instructions on where to find them in the text, you can't find them....I have you section numbers and locations in the paragraphs...are you really illiterate?

Here. let me try one more time....if you can't find them after this then you really must be written of as one stupid loser...

I will see if I can explain this step by step assuming that I really am talking to an idiot...

  1. Click on your link
  2. Make sure you are at the top of the page
  3. Scroll past the list of "scientific members" and the list of "members"
  4. At that point you will see the roman numeral IV and "forward" underneath.
  5. You will scoll past sections labeled with roman numerals up to XII and then you will see a heading called contents....followed by the word "introduction" just below it. THAT is where the actual report starts.
  6. As you scroll down the table of contents, you will see "Record of Instrumentally Observed Climatic Changes / 36"...that chapter will be where you find the first quote.
  7. After you get that far, and see the quote...then you continue down the page...past the rather long breaks of meaningless characters to the rest of the text to sections 92, 181, and 189... I have already told you where in the paragraphs the text can be found.
I find it hard to believe that you are really this stupid...referencing a paper that you obviously have never read past the introduction....a paper that clearly outlines the threat of an approaching cooling climate...and then even when told where the quotes can be found, you are still unable to find them.

More and more laughable crick...
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This is hilarious....crick claims to be educated and can't find quotes in a paper even when given the exact location of the quotes within the paper. Some education....I knew the American Educational System had been dumbed down since I graduated way back when, but I really wasn't aware that it had sunk so low....if crick is actually considered educated and can't find quotes in a paper when he is told precisely where to look, our educational system is really in trouble.
First, fuck off asshole.

Second, you and I are apparently looking at different texts. I am looking at the National Academy of Science's "Understanding Climate Change", which may be found at the link I provided above: Full text of Understanding climatic change The text at that link contains NONE of the quotes you have presented. I know you're not capable of having manufactured such text, so you must be getting it from somewhere. Now, what's needed is for you to tell us where.

Exactly the paper the quotes I provide are from... geez guy, even with clear instructions on where to find them in the text, you can't find them....I have you section numbers and locations in the paragraphs...are you really illiterate?

Here. let me try one more time....if you can't find them after this then you really must be written of as one stupid loser...

I will see if I can explain this step by step assuming that I really am talking to an idiot...

  1. Click on your link
  2. Make sure you are at the top of the page
  3. Scroll past the list of "scientific members" and the list of "members"
  4. At that point you will see the roman numeral IV and "forward" underneath.
  5. You will scoll past sections labeled with roman numerals up to XII and then you will see a heading called contents....followed by the word "introduction" just below it. THAT is where the actual report starts.
  6. As you scroll down the table of contents, you will see "Record of Instrumentally Observed Climatic Changes / 36"...that chapter will be where you find the first quote.
  7. After you get that far, and see the quote...then you continue down the page...past the rather long breaks of meaningless characters to the rest of the text to sections 92, 181, and 189... I have already told you where in the paragraphs the text can be found.
I find it hard to believe that you are really this stupid...referencing a paper that you obviously have never read past the introduction....a paper that clearly outlines the threat of an approaching cooling climate...and then even when told where the quotes can be found, you are still unable to find them.

More and more laughable crick...

Let's see your link to the paper, asshole.
I remember that campaign too lol. Where is Matthew when we need him?

I remember the news and reports back

America you are going to Freeze your asses off..............was the frenzy of the day.............

Everyone buy a coat.

everyone remembers it except the Alarmist cult, they remind me of the book 1984
OK, I very much remember the Newsweek and Time articles on a new ice age. And I even remember Steve Schnieder's warning about aerosols. However, knowing the quality of most journalists education in science, I went to the library and read that report as soon as it was available. Yes, the report said 'a finite possibility of descending into an cooling period within a hundred years' and then noted the probability of that was very small, but we had not enough knowledge of climate factors to make any kind of accurate prediction. And the whole thrust of the article was a program to gain the knowledge.

That you people have to misconstrue what the scientific community was stating at the time is indictutive of the weakness of your case and logic.
First, fuck off asshole.

Second, you and I are apparently looking at different texts. I am looking at the National Academy of Science's "Understanding Climate Change", which may be found at the link I provided above: Full text of Understanding climatic change The text at that link contains NONE of the quotes you have presented. I know you're not capable of having manufactured such text, so you must be getting it from somewhere. Now, what's needed is for you to tell us where.

Exactly the paper the quotes I provide are from... geez guy, even with clear instructions on where to find them in the text, you can't find them....I have you section numbers and locations in the paragraphs...are you really illiterate?

Here. let me try one more time....if you can't find them after this then you really must be written of as one stupid loser...

I will see if I can explain this step by step assuming that I really am talking to an idiot...

  1. Click on your link
  2. Make sure you are at the top of the page
  3. Scroll past the list of "scientific members" and the list of "members"
  4. At that point you will see the roman numeral IV and "forward" underneath.
  5. You will scoll past sections labeled with roman numerals up to XII and then you will see a heading called contents....followed by the word "introduction" just below it. THAT is where the actual report starts.
  6. As you scroll down the table of contents, you will see "Record of Instrumentally Observed Climatic Changes / 36"...that chapter will be where you find the first quote.
  7. After you get that far, and see the quote...then you continue down the page...past the rather long breaks of meaningless characters to the rest of the text to sections 92, 181, and 189... I have already told you where in the paragraphs the text can be found.
I find it hard to believe that you are really this stupid...referencing a paper that you obviously have never read past the introduction....a paper that clearly outlines the threat of an approaching cooling climate...and then even when told where the quotes can be found, you are still unable to find them.

More and more laughable crick...

Let's see your link to the paper, asshole.

Full text of Understanding climatic change

There is nothing else for it are an illiterate who simply can not read...even with step by step instructions to find the quotes in the paper you linked to you can not find the quotes....How much more stupid could you possibly get?

I am rolling on the floor laughing at your stupidity.
I remember that campaign too lol. Where is Matthew when we need him?

I remember the news and reports back

America you are going to Freeze your asses off..............was the frenzy of the day.............

Everyone buy a coat.

everyone remembers it except the Alarmist cult, they remind me of the book 1984
OK, I very much remember the Newsweek and Time articles on a new ice age. And I even remember Steve Schnieder's warning about aerosols. However, knowing the quality of most journalists education in science, I went to the library and read that report as soon as it was available. Yes, the report said 'a finite possibility of descending into an cooling period within a hundred years' and then noted the probability of that was very small, but we had not enough knowledge of climate factors to make any kind of accurate prediction. And the whole thrust of the article was a program to gain the knowledge.

That you people have to misconstrue what the scientific community was stating at the time is indictutive of the weakness of your case and logic.

There is an extensive bibliography at the bottom of the paper which was never published in the PNAS as you claimed...the scientific consensus at the time was that cooling was on the way...the paper mentions cooling more than twice as many times as warming and warming is really only mentioned as a possible partial counter to the coming cooling period. Deny as much as you like...the fact is that there was a very real cooling scare and every organization that was studying the climate at the time was on board with the prediction of cooling.

By the way, the small probability you mention, in context was the possibility of a cool period happening if such events happen at random intervals. There was no real argument that they happen at random intervals though....they were though to be cyclical which is what prompted them to suggest that a serious cooling event could be upon us within the next 100 years.

Maybe you can help crick find the quotes I copied from the paper he referenced. I have given him the quotes....listed the sections that they could be found in and then given him step by step numbered instructions to find the quotes in the paper and he still can't find them. Give him some help he has embarrassed himself enough already...and my sides are literally aching from laughing at him over this. Help him out.....please...
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Still waiting for SSDD to provide a link to the source of his quotes. If anyone else would care to attempt to locate those quotations at Full text of Understanding climatic change I'd appreciate it.

Ask rocks for some help...he clearly has read the paper but has spun it completely out of context and obviously hasn't looked at the bibliography with a critical eye....he did come pretty close to an exact quote of the possiblity of a serious cooling period within the next hundred years. You are absolutely laughable...have you even bothered trying to scroll to the bottom of the is waaaaaaaayyyyy down pass several long sections of meaningless characters that may or may not represent page breaks....clearly you have not read the paper as you represented yourself to have done....just another example of what a liar you are.

As for helping you out...anyone who can read at a junior high level can tell you where to find them...I gave you step by step instructions that even a complete idiot should have been able to follow but you couldn't even find them with that....there really is nothing else I, or anyone else can do for you at this point except laugh at the utter incompetence of your attempts.

You really are displaying stupidity of EPIC proportions...hell ask mammoth...I bet even the hairball can find them for you.
What reason could you possibly have for NOT providing a link? I have conducted several searches (using IDM's UltraEdit v22) through the document to which I linked (Full text of NAS' Understanding Climatic Change) for the text you quote and I found none of them. I strongly suspect you are actually looking at a different article and you know it and that is why you won't provide a link. Prove me wrong. Let's see your link.
What reason could you possibly have for NOT providing a link? I have conducted several searches (using IDM's UltraEdit v22) through the document to which I linked (Full text of NAS' Understanding Climatic Change) for the text you quote and I found none of them. I strongly suspect you are actually looking at a different article and you know it and that is why you won't provide a link. Prove me wrong. Let's see your link.

Geez get more stupid every time you not only can you not read a report or find quotes within it even when given precise instructions, you can't even read a post with the link you requested clearly posted.

Do you think you might be able to manage to look up to post #34 on this thread? Look on the far left hand side of the blue bars that separate the you can see on post 34, I clearly provided you with a link to the source of the quotes I you can see it is the same link you provided....How much more stupid can you possibly get crick?

I find it hilarious that you would suggest that anyone is less than intelligent after this debacle. I mean's your link and you can't even find passages when you are told exactly where they are. What should we make of your inability to manage such a simple task...even rocks quoted the article almost word for word regarding the cooling coming within 100 years. It's there crick you are just to much of a goober to read the article and find the quotes.

Still laughing...and laughing....and laughing.....and laughing..

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