Ice protests turn violent in Philly

If you need a new federal government there are many countries you could cross illegally into and then claim asylum there.
A government can only fully turn to tyranny if the citizenry allows it.

Alright, when ICE was under Obama was there Tyranny then?

Why is it you love War, abuse of power and ICE when Democrats are running the show but then spew this Tyranny nonsense?

Also enforcing the laws is not Tyranny and if so then you love Tyranny when Democrats are running the show...

You only care about the plight of the illegal immigrant during election years Gloria Allred...
ICE wasn’t being used as a tool to terrorize under Obama. The rest of your accusations, I could ask you the same damn things, asshole.
Locking up criminals in this country is now terrorizing people ??? Ice wasn't required to uphold the law as well under Obama, because it didn't fit with the overall plan or agenda that Obama and company were working on politically. How did we get all these so called sanctuary cities etc ?? Sure wasn't by ICE doing it's job or the laws being upheld that's for sure.

They undoubtedly were required to do just enough to make it appear that they were doing their job during his tenure in office, and now that they are required to do their job (as it should be), then the Demon-crats call fowel ??? LOL
Get your big federal government the FUCK out of our communities, you bootlicking scum
Ohh it's my Federal government now eh ?? What, y'all lost control of it ?? Funny when the shoe is on the other foot the liberal bootlicking turns into oppressive stomping, but we aren't supposed to notice that right ??

My you all have a super short memory.
Wow, you don’t even realize your own hypocrisy while accusing another. Go to hell.
What amazes me is that none of these protestors are protesting animals caged up in zoos or protesting policemen and women who get killed in the line of duty.
Alright, when ICE was under Obama was there Tyranny then?

Why is it you love War, abuse of power and ICE when Democrats are running the show but then spew this Tyranny nonsense?

Also enforcing the laws is not Tyranny and if so then you love Tyranny when Democrats are running the show...

You only care about the plight of the illegal immigrant during election years Gloria Allred...
ICE wasn’t being used as a tool to terrorize under Obama. The rest of your accusations, I could ask you the same damn things, asshole.
Locking up criminals in this country is now terrorizing people ??? Ice wasn't required to uphold the law as well under Obama, because it didn't fit with the overall plan or agenda that Obama and company were working on politically. How did we get all these so called sanctuary cities etc ?? Sure wasn't by ICE doing it's job or the laws being upheld that's for sure.

They undoubtedly were required to do just enough to make it appear that they were doing their job during his tenure in office, and now that they are required to do their job (as it should be), then the Demon-crats call fowel ??? LOL
Get your big federal government the FUCK out of our communities, you bootlicking scum
Ohh it's my Federal government now eh ?? What, y'all lost control of it ?? Funny when the shoe is on the other foot the liberal bootlicking turns into oppressive stomping, but we aren't supposed to notice that right ??

My you all have a super short memory.
Wow, you don’t even realize your own hypocrisy while accusing another. Go to hell.
Accusing another of what ??

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