I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal right now


Gold Member
May 31, 2009

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
Liberals have been successfully manipulated by their "independent" Media and repeat after it like parrots without thinking.

I doubt libs will feel embarrassed. Only if the Media somehow becomes really independent and starts delivering the truth for change. But even if that happens, it will take a certain time to fix their severe brain damage. It's sad...
They're already trained to surrender their lives to a Progressive US Government, I wouldn't worry about any foreign invader
Libs are incapable of feeling embarrassment, or shame, responsibility, wrong. These people have murdered over 50 million babies, they take the life of helpless babies by ripping their limbs off and chopping them up and selling the baby parts.
Progressives and Regressive Leftists, not liberals.

Traditional liberals are not like this.
I don't know how anyone could admit it in public. They aren't being ridiculed enough.

These are the dumbest mother fuckers in the world. They should be ashamed to show their faces after allowing hitlary to be their nominee. They still have signs in their yards in some places as some idiotic act of ignorant defiance.

No shit, the funny thing is after all the brainwashing, once they get out of school and into the real world, they toughen up and vote Republican, its pretty funny
Would all those present who actually cast a vote for the Former Reality star and WWF rodeo clown please raise their hands?

That's what I thought...

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.

Please disregard the many posts in which I asserted "I AM A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT"-----i take it back-----i NEVAH wrote that----FUHGET ABOUT IT-----nevah---

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.

Here is another one that committed her "thoughts" to ink and paper or bits and bytes that should be embarrassed but isn't smart enough to be. She blames Trump's election for the reason she quit looking for a partner. With all the concern about fake news these days, you'd think liberals would avoid writing pieces that read like Onion articles.

Trump’s election stole my desire to look for a partner

"But two weeks later, the election happened. Once it was clear that Donald Trump would be president instead of Hillary Clinton, I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to gather my children in bed with me and cling to them like we would if thunder and lightning were raging outside, with winds high enough that they power might go out. The world felt that precarious to me."

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
IF you are reading the NYT THEN you ARE a "liberal".

I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal right now

I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal any time in the last 40 years. Pushing an agenda that encourages use of government force to commit theft from people who make more money, to distribute the stolen goods to people who make less, is a fundamental violation of human rights. And these people have been trying to invent scenarios where it's actually OK.

They are wrong, of course. Finding a pitiable enough victim, is NOT justification for government to force you to give up your own property or money. Every govt official who says it is, has larceny in his heart.

Such theft is no more than that: Theft. Governments were set up originally to PREVENT that. And when somebody stole from you, you could go to government agents (police, courts etc.) to get justice.

But nowadays, when you go to the govt for redress, you find they're the ones who are stealing from you! Now who ya gonna call?
I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal right now

I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal any time in the last 40 years. Pushing an agenda that encourages use of government force to commit theft from people who make more money, to distribute the stolen goods to people who make less, is a fundamental violation of human rights. And these people have been trying to invent scenarios where it's actually OK.

They are wrong, of course. Finding a pitiable enough victim, is NOT justification for government to force you to give up your own property or money. Every govt official who says it is, has larceny in his heart.

Such theft is no more than that: Theft. Governments were set up originally to PREVENT that. And when somebody stole from you, you could go to government agents (police, courts etc.) to get justice.

But nowadays, when you go to the govt for redress, you find they're the ones who are stealing from you! Now who ya gonna call?

Which two administrations did former Fed Chair Easy Al Greenspan identify as the most fiscally reckless in US history?
Trump supporters are making a huge mistake. 12 years of shaming conservatives had led to that outrageous moron Donald Trump. History repeats itself you know. It wouldn't had you guys taken the high road towards your self described political opposition.

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.

What do you expect when people keep telling them they are a child till age 26. I was on my own 9 years by that age.
You people elected a guy who for 8 years cried and moaned about Obama not being born in the US,

and you think you have standing to mock liberals who are disappointed at the outcome of this election?

ha, you losers.
I have hardly anything in common with liberals, but was a more vocal critic of Donald in the election by how obviously stupid, clownish, and a demagogue was. I honestly believe that the collective IQ of Americans is bordering between 60-80.

Speaking of which, any fans of the british TV show Black Mirror should love this

No shit, the funny thing is after all the brainwashing, once they get out of school and into the real world, they toughen up and vote Republican, its pretty funny


Well you cant help stupid people. Millesimali the most liberal group ever(/sarcasm). Voted over 40% for Trump, even they see liberal bullshit
Wanna see Susceptible to Bullshit?

Of the total net gains in full time employment since Feb 2001, what percentage has been realized since the nation slipped under the cruel yoke of National Socialist Health Care?

Is it

A) 121%

B) -35%

C) 4.7%

D) Uppity Kenyan Socialist Usurper

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