I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal right now

TRANSLATION: Wow! Republicans actually fought back against our normal divisive tactics, for a change! I never thought they would do that! I'm stunned!
Fought back? More like you all admitted everything was true and embraced it.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, so I'll lie about it instead and hope somebody believes me.
Trump ran the most divisive campaign I've ever seen. It's why so many millions of people are furious and afraid right now.
TRANSLATION: Wow! Republicans actually fought back against our normal divisive tactics, for a change! I never thought they would do that! I'm stunned!
Fought back? More like you all admitted everything was true and embraced it.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, so I'll lie about it instead and hope somebody believes me.
Both of your replies have done what you just accused me of genius.
Trump ran the most divisive campaign I've ever seen. It's why so many millions of people are furious and afraid right now.

TRANSLATION: Wow! Republicans actually fought back against our normal divisive tactics, for a change! I never thought they would do that! I'm stunned!
Remember your Battle Cry as you were bussed to the polling location in 2004?


TRANSLATION: Wow! Republicans actually fought back against our normal divisive tactics, for a change! I never thought they would do that! I'm stunned!
Fought back? More like you all admitted everything was true and embraced it.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what you said, so I'll lie about it instead and hope somebody believes me.
Yo, Corn...

You gonna take a stab at that quiz?

It's Multiple Choice...
OK.....clearly none of the U2TSVI Trumpettes refuse to peek out from their safe spaces......the Fear of a Black Hat is the better part of valor..

The answer is

A) 121%

of net gains in full time employment since Feb 2001 has been realized since April 2010...


Grok that, kids!

(Math available upon request)

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.

You must've missed this part:

Conservative students who voted for Mr. Trump say that even though their candidate won, their views are not respected. Some are adopting the language of the left, saying they need a “safe space” to express their opinions — a twist resented by left-leaning protesters.

Progressives and Regressive Leftists, not liberals.

Traditional liberals are not like this.
College is work without pay, a class-biased indentured servitude. If you live like a child, you will wind up with the mind of a child. Students, who are afraid to grow up, have an infantile fixation of looking up to professors as infallible father-figure. Academics are intellectual pedophiles. Nerdy misfits in the real world, they desperately need the power that the classroom gives them.

This obsolete aristocratic institution must be replaced by highly paid professional training. The business plutocracy better give the few who belong in college the same high allowance they give to their own sons, or we should make sure those spoiled brats never graduate.
Progressives and Regressive Leftists, not liberals.

Traditional liberals are not like this.
College is work without pay, a class-biased indentured servitude. If you live like a child, you will wind up with the mind of a child. Students, who are afraid to grow up, have an infantile fixation of looking up to professors as infallible father-figure. Academics are intellectual pedophiles. Nerdy misfits in the real world, they desperately need the power that the classroom gives them.

This obsolete aristocratic institution must be replaced by highly paid professional training. The business plutocracy better give the few who belong in college the same high allowance they give to their own sons, or we should make sure those spoiled brats never graduate.

^ Anti-intellectualism, the hallmark of right wing fascism.
Well Trump ran as a great divider. Nobody should be surprised that people are at each other's throats.

I'm simply amazed at the willful stupidity of the left. You have a party that put all the eggs in the identity politics basket where you DIVIDE people up into little groups and think that Republicans divide. Let me clue you into something, jobs is a uniter and the guy that gets it, talks about it and knows how to create them, will win every time. The one thing that unites all of those groups you split people into is jobs. Trump had the better message for people who want to better their lives, regardless of the color of their skin, gender or sexual orientation. The sooner you guys get past the denial, the sooner you can start becoming a national party again.

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
We'd be embarrassed if you were a liberal right now too.
I'm simply amazed at the willful stupidity of the left. You have a party that put all the eggs in the identity politics basket where you DIVIDE people up into little groups.
Think for yourself instead of parroting bullshit that you hear from partisan blowhards.

Trump won using identity politics. His entire campaign was built around attacking members of those "little groups."
You people elected a guy who for 8 years cried and moaned about Obama not being born in the US,

and you think you have standing to mock liberals who are disappointed at the outcome of this election?

ha, you losers.
honestly? We won.
Donald being President Elect is an indication of a winner, not a loser.
but if it helps you sit with less pain....
I'm simply amazed at the willful stupidity of the left. You have a party that put all the eggs in the identity politics basket where you DIVIDE people up into little groups.
Think for yourself instead of parroting bullshit that you hear from partisan blowhards.

Trump won using identity politics. His entire campaign was built around attacking members of those "little groups."

Wow, a Democrat and you don't even realize that identity politics is the domain of the Democratic party. Forget the part about willful stupidity. Apparently you come by it naturally.
I'm simply amazed at the willful stupidity of the left. You have a party that put all the eggs in the identity politics basket where you DIVIDE people up into little groups.
Think for yourself instead of parroting bullshit that you hear from partisan blowhards.

Trump won using identity politics. His entire campaign was built around attacking members of those "little groups."

Wow, a Democrat and you don't even realize that identity politics is the domain of the Democratic party. Forget the part about willful stupidity. Apparently you come by it naturally.
There you go again. Want a cracker?
Well Trump ran as a great divider. Nobody should be surprised that people are at each other's throats.

Trump ran as a uniter...and won putting a can of whoop ass on Hillary and the Dem's in their own back yard.
Trump ran the most divisive campaign I've ever seen. It's why so many millions of people are furious and afraid right now.

Trump united 30 states, the House, the Senate, 33 governorships and 69 of 99 legislatures. Now that's some serious butthurt.
Which two administrations did former Fed Chair Easy Al Greenspan identify as the most fiscally reckless in US history?

Remind us which president doubled in 8 years to $18 TRILLION the national debt, an amount that took approx. 240 years to reach the first $9 TR?
Surely "rhodescholar" (sic) or Little Acorn can tell us...

Nothing funnier than a liberal idiot crawling into one of my threads proving the OP so nicely. Blow away little troll, go join Hilary in a safe room somewhere.
Liberals are acting like spoiled children throwing tabtrums in the middle of the local Wal Mart because they lost the election.

The hypocrisy, anger, hatred, lies, jealousy, conspiracy theories, fear-mongering, pettiness, insanity....it's the most disgraceful thing I have ever seen. 'Immature' doesn't come close to describing it, and the level of intolerance in defeat is off the charts.

Hillary and Obama promised a smooth transition of power, declaring accepting the election outcome and conducting a smooth handover of power is one of the pillars on which our democracy rests... and then they show their asses, burn the flag, call for the overthrow of the govt, vow to leave the union, call for the racist murders of whites, and call for the assassination of the newly elected President.

Libs have lost their fucking minds while putting who they truly are on display for the whole world to see!


You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.

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