I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal right now

Dude, conservatives are the biggest pussies of all. They hide behind their guns out of absolute fear. They are afraid of blacks and Mexicans. Their asses are kicked with ease. They vote for xenophobic bafoons that take their liberty away for the promise of safety. Conservatives are pussies and they have become women.

I can name a large number of gun dealers / ranges I'd suggest you walk into saying the above, and see how long your legs still work.
That's the Trump campaign you're thinking of

From the NYT, asshole moron, AGAIN:


"One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must be brought to an end."


The NYT gets it, why don't morons like you?
You've hated the NYT your entire life. Stop pretending to like them now.

Anyways Trump won the GOP primary with identity politics. He promised to punish all the groups that conservatives think liberals protect, and was way more enthusiastic about it than his opponents. That is why he won.
That's the Trump campaign you're thinking of

From the NYT, asshole moron, AGAIN:


"One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must be brought to an end."


The NYT gets it, why don't morons like you?
You've hated the NYT your entire life. Stop pretending to like them now.

Anyways Trump won the GOP primary with identity politics. He promised to punish all the groups that conservatives think liberals protect, and was way more enthusiastic about it than his opponents. That is why he won.

How silly. Lol.
They find out their degrees in TAMPON PAINTING and EBONICS don't get them SHIT for a job. It crushes them, so they live with their mommy in her basement whining about how cruel the world is. They want to go back to college where everybody sat around singing kumbaya and holding hands, everybody got a participation trophy and they were all patted on the head and told they were special. They can't imagine that unicorns don't really jump over the moon and shit rainbows. To say these little bubble headed tards have been brain washed is an understatement. It's entire generations of pathetic pussies.

Sometimes they get their degrees in such utter garbage like "women's studies," so they can follow the career path of their favorite Team Diversity Administrator for Undergraduate Studies working for the University assigned to them into a nice Fortune 500 corporate position which entails producing critical reports on neighborhood initiatives like "African American Cultural Celebration Week" and how the company can pretend to give a shit, so as to get some good press in the liberal media.
That's the Trump campaign you're thinking of

From the NYT, asshole moron, AGAIN:


"One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must be brought to an end."


The NYT gets it, why don't morons like you?
You've hated the NYT your entire life. Stop pretending to like them now.

Anyways Trump won the GOP primary with identity politics. He promised to punish all the groups that conservatives think liberals protect, and was way more enthusiastic about it than his opponents. That is why he won.

How silly. Lol.
Yes it was pretty damn silly. But we decided it should lead the country. God help us.
That's the Trump campaign you're thinking of

From the NYT, asshole moron, AGAIN:


"One of the many lessons of the recent presidential election campaign and its repugnant outcome is that the age of identity liberalism must be brought to an end."


The NYT gets it, why don't morons like you?
You've hated the NYT your entire life. Stop pretending to like them now.

Anyways Trump won the GOP primary with identity politics. He promised to punish all the groups that conservatives think liberals protect, and was way more enthusiastic about it than his opponents. That is why he won.

How silly. Lol.
Yes it was pretty damn silly. But we decided it should lead the country. God help us.

No Hillary lost. :D
They find out their degrees in TAMPON PAINTING and EBONICS don't get them SHIT for a job. It crushes them, so they live with their mommy in her basement whining about how cruel the world is. They want to go back to college where everybody sat around singing kumbaya and holding hands, everybody got a participation trophy and they were all patted on the head and told they were special. They can't imagine that unicorns don't really jump over the moon and shit rainbows. To say these little bubble headed tards have been brain washed is an understatement. It's entire generations of pathetic pussies.

Sometimes they get their degrees in such utter garbage like "women's studies," so they can follow the career path of their favorite Team Diversity Administrator for Undergraduate Studies working for the University assigned to them into a nice Fortune 500 corporate position which entails producing critical reports on neighborhood initiatives like "African American Cultural Celebration Week" and how the company can pretend to give a shit, so as to get some good press in the liberal media.
Don't worry. Trump has promised that unskilled, uneducated laborers in the U.S. whose jobs can be done all around the world for a few cents an hour will be employed at six figure rates here in the U.S. Capitalism will finally be tossed out the window.
You've hated the NYT your entire life. Stop pretending to like them now.

Anyways Trump won the GOP primary with identity politics. He promised to punish all the groups that conservatives think liberals protect, and was way more enthusiastic about it than his opponents. That is why he won.

What fucking difference does it make whether I like them or not, the point dimwit is that even THEY are admitting the democraps need to stop dividing people based on racial or cultural lines.

Second, he won because the public finally gets that while its nice to have that little mexican woman clean your bathroom for $12 an hour, they are realizing that it actually costs FAR more with her 4 anchor kids in public school at a cost of $25K each, plus child tax credits and free breakfasts/lunches, etc.

When the WHOLE picture is brought to the public's attention and they are made aware of the true costs of the illegal invasion brought upon by the despicable national democratic party, it is clear why Trump or someone like him would have been elected.

NYS spent over FIVE BILLION DOLLARS last year to educate the children of illegal aliens. Do you fucking understand it yet, imbecile?
They find out their degrees in TAMPON PAINTING and EBONICS don't get them SHIT for a job. It crushes them, so they live with their mommy in her basement whining about how cruel the world is. They want to go back to college where everybody sat around singing kumbaya and holding hands, everybody got a participation trophy and they were all patted on the head and told they were special. They can't imagine that unicorns don't really jump over the moon and shit rainbows. To say these little bubble headed tards have been brain washed is an understatement. It's entire generations of pathetic pussies.

Sometimes they get their degrees in such utter garbage like "women's studies," so they can follow the career path of their favorite Team Diversity Administrator for Undergraduate Studies working for the University assigned to them into a nice Fortune 500 corporate position which entails producing critical reports on neighborhood initiatives like "African American Cultural Celebration Week" and how the company can pretend to give a shit, so as to get some good press in the liberal media.
And it's all backfiring. People are sick of it.
They find out their degrees in TAMPON PAINTING and EBONICS don't get them SHIT for a job. It crushes them, so they live with their mommy in her basement whining about how cruel the world is. They want to go back to college where everybody sat around singing kumbaya and holding hands, everybody got a participation trophy and they were all patted on the head and told they were special. They can't imagine that unicorns don't really jump over the moon and shit rainbows. To say these little bubble headed tards have been brain washed is an understatement. It's entire generations of pathetic pussies.

Sometimes they get their degrees in such utter garbage like "women's studies," so they can follow the career path of their favorite Team Diversity Administrator for Undergraduate Studies working for the University assigned to them into a nice Fortune 500 corporate position which entails producing critical reports on neighborhood initiatives like "African American Cultural Celebration Week" and how the company can pretend to give a shit, so as to get some good press in the liberal media.
Don't worry. Trump has promised that unskilled, uneducated laborers in the U.S. whose jobs can be done all around the world for a few cents an hour will be employed at six figure rates here in the U.S. Capitalism will finally be tossed out the window.
the point dimwit is that even THEY
Nah that's just an opinion article. It doesn't speak for the paper. They do 10 or 11 of them a day.

Regardless, Trump won using identity politics to demonize a bunch of groups of people. And it's looking like he's going to go for amnesty anyways. You poor rubes.
the point dimwit is that even THEY
Nah that's just an opinion article. It doesn't speak for the paper. They do 10 or 11 of them a day.

Regardless, Trump won using identity politics to demonize a bunch of groups of people. And it's looking like he's going to go for amnesty anyways. You poor rubes.

You seem to be in a tizzy. I don't think I've ever seen you posting so much either. Something bothering you? :D Would like to talk about it?
They find out their degrees in TAMPON PAINTING and EBONICS don't get them SHIT for a job. It crushes them, so they live with their mommy in her basement whining about how cruel the world is. They want to go back to college where everybody sat around singing kumbaya and holding hands, everybody got a participation trophy and they were all patted on the head and told they were special. They can't imagine that unicorns don't really jump over the moon and shit rainbows. To say these little bubble headed tards have been brain washed is an understatement. It's entire generations of pathetic pussies.

Sometimes they get their degrees in such utter garbage like "women's studies," so they can follow the career path of their favorite Team Diversity Administrator for Undergraduate Studies working for the University assigned to them into a nice Fortune 500 corporate position which entails producing critical reports on neighborhood initiatives like "African American Cultural Celebration Week" and how the company can pretend to give a shit, so as to get some good press in the liberal media.
Don't worry. Trump has promised that unskilled, uneducated laborers in the U.S. whose jobs can be done all around the world for a few cents an hour will be employed at six figure rates here in the U.S. Capitalism will finally be tossed out the window.
Yeah sure. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs --- Trump's new economic model.
Dude, conservatives are the biggest pussies of all. They hide behind their guns out of absolute fear. They are afraid of blacks and Mexicans. Their asses are kicked with ease. They vote for xenophobic bafoons that take their liberty away for the promise of safety. Conservatives are pussies and they have become women.

I can name a large number of gun dealers / ranges I'd suggest you walk into saying the above, and see how long your legs still work.
They'd have to get the drop on me. I pack a Sig 226 with 124 grain jacketed hollow points and a Benelli M4 with Federal PFC154 00. 2 3/4, 9 pellet, 00 Buck and a Socomguys 7 round extended tube.
They'd have to get the drop on me. I pack a Sig 226 with 124 grain jacketed hollow points and a Benelli M4 with Federal PFC154 00. 2 3/4, 9 pellet, 00 Buck and a Socomguys 7 round extended tube.

The 226 mark 25 is my favorite handgun, but like I said, it wouldn't matter what you were packing. You say something stupid like that moronic quote, and you'd need the Red Army to keep you alive.
You must've missed this part:

Conservative students who voted for Mr. Trump say that even though their candidate won, their views are not respected. Some are adopting the language of the left, saying they need a “safe space” to express their opinions — a twist resented by left-leaning protesters.

Actually imbecile, I did read it, which you clearly didn't. The article pointed out that the conservative students doing that was to expose the idiocy of the libs for seeking such ludicrous ideas, that an adult would need to hide in one because they couldn't handle differing opinions. They did it to mock the liberal assholes, and given that libs aren't particularly bright, it isn't surprising that one like you with poor reading comprehension skills missed that point.

Wrong, fuckwit. That's NOT what they were doing. These conservatives really did want a "safe space." The entire fucking article is about whiny, petulant, self-absorbed conservative Trump supporting babies whining and crying and being outraged that "their views aren't being respected." Awww, the poor, poor dear in the article was "deeply offended" that campus officials correctly assumed that students on campus were upset that a fascist piece of shit stole the election. I really hope someone creates a special space for the poor, poor dear.

Ibtihal Makki, a self-confident senior in a pink hijab who is studying biopsychology and neuroscience and is chairwoman of a student government diversity committee, objected to conservatives on campus saying they needed safe spaces to express their views.

“To turn around and say that they need safe spaces after their candidate won I think is ironic and hypocritical,” Ms. Makki said.

In the past, she added, conservatives did not understand the need for safe spaces, “because they never needed it, because they don’t have any of the identities that made them feel that way.”
That's NOT what they were doing. These conservatives really did want a "safe space." The entire fucking article is about whiny, petulant, self-absorbed conservative Trump supporting babies whining and crying and being outraged that "their views aren't being respected." Awww, the poor, poor dear in the article was "deeply offended" that campus officials correctly assumed that students on campus were upset that a fascist piece of shit stole the election. I really hope someone creates a special space for the poor, poor dear.

Idiot c-nt, who were the assholes who created the notion of safe places? LIBERAL ASSHOLES.

"Stole" the election? You're too fucking stupid to even waste my time with, go away dogshit.

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