I'd be embarrassed to be a liberal right now

Progressives and Regressive Leftists, not liberals. Traditional liberals are not like this..
That's funny. Traditional Christians don't yell out "let him die" and say things like "Feed the poor and they will breed". Traditional Christians won't cut taxes for billionaires and cut food stamps for children and veterans. Traditional Christians would respect a woman who stays with her husband for better or for worse. Traditional Christians wouldn't see a pu$$y grabber and serial adulterer as a role model. Seems Tradition has taken a hit this Christmas season.
Clumsy, transparent, predictable deflection noted.
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Which two administrations did former Fed Chair Easy Al Greenspan identify as the most fiscally reckless in US history?

Remind us which president doubled in 8 years to $18 TRILLION the national debt, an amount that took approx. 240 years to reach the first $9 TR?

Obama was not the first.....Bush doubled the national debt in 8 fiscal years before Obama....!!! AND I think Reagan doubled it during his reign too?
I'll start being embarrassed as a liberal when you white conservatives start being embarrassed by some of the racist rednecks in their party.
Which two administrations did former Fed Chair Easy Al Greenspan identify as the most fiscally reckless in US history?

Remind us which president doubled in 8 years to $18 TRILLION the national debt, an amount that took approx. 240 years to reach the first $9 TR?

Obama was not the first.....Bush doubled the national debt in 8 fiscal years before Obama....!!! AND I think Reagan doubled it during his reign too?
That's the things about history. People tend to forget it and only blame the guy that is in front of him. The decline of the middle class started in the 80s under regan

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
We would be embarrassed if you were a liberal.
Which two administrations did former Fed Chair Easy Al Greenspan identify as the most fiscally reckless in US history?

Remind us which president doubled in 8 years to $18 TRILLION the national debt, an amount that took approx. 240 years to reach the first $9 TR?

Obama was not the first.....Bush doubled the national debt in 8 fiscal years before Obama....!!! AND I think Reagan doubled it during his reign too?
Reagan TRIPLED it during his term.....within a few years, Supply Side Idiocy Part One actually quadroupled it.

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
We would be embarrassed if you were a liberal.
No normal American wants to be a fascist......so you're good....

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?
In your fascist liberal world....sure...:lol:
OK.....clearly none of the U2TSVI Trumpettes refuse to peek out from their safe spaces......the Fear of a Black Hat is the better part of valor..

Except for the fact shitbird that most of those jobs went to immigrants, including illegals. Fucking tool.

Most Net Job Gains Went To Immigrants Since Recession - Breitbart

"Immigrants in the U.S. have experienced vastly more job growth than native-born Americans since the beginning of the recession, according to not seasonally adjusted data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics."

There was a time that Hucksters had to scour the nation to find rubes.....now all you have to do is get your inflammatory headline listed at Drudge, preferably in red, and the rubes come flocking...

Think about what that bit of crap is trying to sell you, and ask yourself

"Does this make sense? How would employers go about restricting their hiring to immigrants?"

I guess Scrub finishing up his Reign of Error with (in the words of the WSJ) "the worst jobs record on record" was a good thing, eh?

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?
In your fascist liberal world....sure...:lol:
So you DIDN'T vote for Scrub, O?

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?
In your fascist liberal world....sure...:lol:
So you DIDN'T vote for Scrub, O?
No, I did t vore to the algore or ketsup boy.....
That's NOT what they were doing. These conservatives really did want a "safe space." The entire fucking article is about whiny, petulant, self-absorbed conservative Trump supporting babies whining and crying and being outraged that "their views aren't being respected." Awww, the poor, poor dear in the article was "deeply offended" that campus officials correctly assumed that students on campus were upset that a fascist piece of shit stole the election. I really hope someone creates a special space for the poor, poor dear.

Idiot c-nt, who were the assholes who created the notion of safe places? LIBERAL ASSHOLES.

"Stole" the election? You're too fucking stupid to even waste my time with, go away dogshit.
The Idiotsphere Media Bubble is the original "safe space"

Allow me to demonstrate....

Real world:

2014 was America's best year of job growth since 1999

2014 was America's best year of job growth since 1999

WASHINGTON — Americans last year reaped the largest economic gains in nearly a generation as poverty fell, health insurance coverage spread and incomes rose sharply for households on every rung of the economic ladder, ending years of stagnation.

The median household’s income in 2015 was $56,500, up 5.2 percent from the previous year — the largest single-year increase since record-keeping began in 1967, theCensus Bureau said on Tuesday. The share of Americans living in poverty also posted the sharpest decline in decades.


But in "Safe Space"?

Most Net Job Gains Went To Immigrants Since Recession - Breitbart
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?
In your fascist liberal world....sure...:lol:
So you DIDN'T vote for Scrub, O?
No, I did t vore to the algore or ketsup boy.....
Yeah....whatever.....don't go changin', O...
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?
In your fascist liberal world....sure...:lol:
So you DIDN'T vote for Scrub, O?
No, I did t vore to the algore or ketsup boy.....
Yeah....whatever.....don't go changin', O...
For you IBS, never...:lol:
Funny. You can be embarrassed to be a liberal today, but tomarrow?

I remember when Right Wingers were so proud of Bush. Now it's difficult to find one that admits they voted for him. They don't even want him anywhere near one of their conventions. It reminds America what failures the GOP are.

Now that they have been conned by a scam artist, when they finally "get it", they are going to be so ashamed. They will blame Trump on Democrats, you watch. Like they blamed Iraq on Hillary Clinton and the failed economy on Obama.
I didn't vote for the algore, or ketchup boy....
I guess you cast two enthusiastic votes for

238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

Would that be right?
In your fascist liberal world....sure...:lol:
So you DIDN'T vote for Scrub, O?
No, I did t vore to the algore or ketsup boy.....

Ixnay on the ibberishjay.

You read articles like this and wonder how the US' places of higher learning have been allowed to fail to such a large degree in preparing the young for the future.

The nation is raising a generation of absolute fucking twats like this idiot: "Mr. Kim said he felt not only disappointed but worried for his well-being since the election. “Immediately after that election, I think what I really needed to do was just cry.”

This immaturity and absolutely pathetically childish behavior, aided and abetted by awful college professors and administrators with lunatic concepts like "safe places," or the introduction of utterly useless majors like "women's studies" is just appalling.

The very notion of needing a "safe place" at a college because you are incapable of handling differing opinions is simply nauseating. These people are products of homes and school environments where they are coddled and overprotected, told how "wonderful and brilliant" they are all the time - the description of them as a "snowflake" is absolutely appropriate.

I fear for the future of the US, where if it ever needs to defend itself in a war if these spoiled brats are the ones sent to the front lines the country might as well surrender outright.
We would be embarrassed if you were a liberal.
No normal American wants to be a fascist......so you're good....
Define normal.
Trump supporters are making a huge mistake. 12 years of shaming conservatives had led to that outrageous moron Donald Trump. History repeats itself you know. It wouldn't had you guys taken the high road towards your self described political opposition.
True, there would be no bush without a clinton - there would be no trump without a Obama.

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