I'd like to be first to congratulate our new fascist overlords....

Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!
It’s all a big scam, but somehow the partisans of the two criminal gangs never catch on.

Is it a scam?

Yep, but Trump was never the solution and the GOP just like the Democrats are ran by those that pull the strings and tell us who to vote for...

So by 2024 the GOP will be back in power and nothing will change except more bellyaching and bitching.

Why fight when you know in the end the majority want to live like it is 1984?

Truthfully I have given up and just sit back and watch the game being played...
I too gave up long ago. I don’t understand how it is these partisans of the uniparty don’t see it. Nothing is going to change with Old Joe. He will continue to do the #1 job of the president, which is to protect and enrich Wall Street and the MIC, just as his predecessors did.

You are correct and Trump threw off the balance and the purge had to be done to rid the system of him.

Let me tell you once Trump is out of Office he need to flee the Country because those that pull the strings are coming not only after him but his entire family which includes all of his kids and wives no matter if they are no longer married to him...

You do not fuck the Devil and never expect to get burnt at the end!

It is a game and it is fun to watch but also annoying when so many believe their vote matters when it truly does not...

If we wanted true change then Sanders would have been selected just to give the old system a jolt or someone like Ron Paul and not someone like Biden or Trump...

Trump just removed the puppet but in the end he became the puppet and found out he is not as powerful as he thought he was...

This should be a lesson for the future idiots but someone will try again and might win for a short period but in the end they will lose this war as usual...
Agreed. Don is dumb. He never realized how much the establishment hates him. He claimed he’d drain the swamp, but surrounded himself with swamp creatures who undermined him. Then expanded the swamp. He did nothing about the coup attempt against him, by O’s people. In addition, he governed like a fool. He’s his own worst enemy and he has enemies everywhere.

You might be right that the establishment intends to punish him and his family anyway they can. This will send a message to any outsider intending to change the scam that is our government.
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...

But people that did vote still didn't vote because your daddy Biden stole their votes.

First by daddy name was Laney and never Biden, so go fuck yourself for ever insulting the asshole that help created me.

Second Biden won and those like you that did not vote are the reason why Biden won, so blame yourself and not anyone else!

I guess your daddy forgot to tell you that Biden raped your mom. Oooo wait...Maybe that was Clinton. Hard to tell the two old rapist apart.

Biden won because China put him there bud. Wake the hell up man.

Oh, so you are like the Democrats that claimed Russia put Trump in and just some moron that believe anything the fit your delusional reality...

I bet you believe Germany was raided and the CIA has a dominion server, right?

They force the Russia scam on you so you look the other way and don't see China coming.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!
It’s all a big scam, but somehow the partisans of the two criminal gangs never catch on.

Is it a scam?

Yep, but Trump was never the solution and the GOP just like the Democrats are ran by those that pull the strings and tell us who to vote for...

So by 2024 the GOP will be back in power and nothing will change except more bellyaching and bitching.

Why fight when you know in the end the majority want to live like it is 1984?

Truthfully I have given up and just sit back and watch the game being played...
I too gave up long ago. I don’t understand how it is these partisans of the uniparty don’t see it. Nothing is going to change with Old Joe. He will continue to do the #1 job of the president, which is to protect and enrich Wall Street and the MIC, just as his predecessors did.

You are correct and Trump threw off the balance and the purge had to be done to rid the system of him.

Let me tell you once Trump is out of Office he need to flee the Country because those that pull the strings are coming not only after him but his entire family which includes all of his kids and wives no matter if they are no longer married to him...

You do not fuck the Devil and never expect to get burnt at the end!

It is a game and it is fun to watch but also annoying when so many believe their vote matters when it truly does not...

If we wanted true change then Sanders would have been selected just to give the old system a jolt or someone like Ron Paul and not someone like Biden or Trump...

Trump just removed the puppet but in the end he became the puppet and found out he is not as powerful as he thought he was...

This should be a lesson for the future idiots but someone will try again and might win for a short period but in the end they will lose this war as usual...
Agreed. Don is dumb. He never realized how much the establishment hates him. He claimed he’d drain the swamp, but surrounded himself with swamp creatures who undermined him. Then expanded the swamp. He did nothing about the coup attempt against him, by O’s people. In addition, he governed like a fool. He’s his own worst enemy and he has enemies everywhere.

You might be right that the establishment intends to punish him and his family anyway they can. This will send a message to any outsider intending to change the scam that is our government.

He will be used as an example and the message will be heard for decades.

Donald mistake is he try to be something that he is not built to be and fighting this monster that has ran this world since I was born is a losing battle because humans are enslaved to their idea they are free and can vote for change while never realizing you are voting for candidate A or B and never Z who is more likely to change things...

Trump also did what Jimmy Carter did and never understood his enemies but Carter quickly understood that the best thing to do is play the game after leaving while Trump will not...

Trump will end up like Lyndon LaRouche and that is not a good thing at all...
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...

But people that did vote still didn't vote because your daddy Biden stole their votes.

First by daddy name was Laney and never Biden, so go fuck yourself for ever insulting the asshole that help created me.

Second Biden won and those like you that did not vote are the reason why Biden won, so blame yourself and not anyone else!

I guess your daddy forgot to tell you that Biden raped your mom. Oooo wait...Maybe that was Clinton. Hard to tell the two old rapist apart.

Biden won because China put him there bud. Wake the hell up man.

Oh, so you are like the Democrats that claimed Russia put Trump in and just some moron that believe anything the fit your delusional reality...

I bet you believe Germany was raided and the CIA has a dominion server, right?

They force the Russia scam on you so you look the other way and don't see China coming.

They didn’t force anything on me at all I have stated Jill Stein was Putin bitch in that dog fight...

Many missed that one and yet you think I believe Trump was Putin bitch and also China is just the tip of this fucking iceberg and if you think for a moment China will rule, well their day is coming also...
No matter what...

Hitlary still lost in 2016....

I will savor that for the rest of my life.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?

Tell that to Georgia Republicans...

They said there was no cheating and the little fraud found was not enough to flip votes for Trump, so maybe you should ask why are Republicans so quick to throw Trump out?
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...
I don’t doubt there was voter fraud, since it occurs in every election. I also believe the establishment desperately wanted Dumb Don gone and isn’t above committing fraud to accomplish his demise. I also doubt believe a word the MSM and establishment politicians say about voter fraud. After all, they screamed fraud in 2016, but now we’re to believe there is none. However, fraud must be proven.

Atleast you have some common sense, unlike these other fools.

Says the person that does not vote...

You are the reason why Trump lost, so how does it feel to be a traitor to your dear leader?

My vote wouldn't of mattered anyway since the most unpopular candidate ever, got the most votes ever. Sure buddy. :auiqs.jpg: If you believe that Biden won without cheating, you belong in a loony bin for being so gullible and believing what the MSM tells you.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?

Tell that to Georgia Republicans...

They said there was no cheating and the little fraud found was not enough to flip votes for Trump, so maybe you should ask why are Republicans so quick to throw Trump out?

I guess you believe the deep state isn't real. Well, the rhinos are part of it also dingleberry.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...
I don’t doubt there was voter fraud, since it occurs in every election. I also believe the establishment desperately wanted Dumb Don gone and isn’t above committing fraud to accomplish his demise. I also doubt believe a word the MSM and establishment politicians say about voter fraud. After all, they screamed fraud in 2016, but now we’re to believe there is none. However, fraud must be proven.

Atleast you have some common sense, unlike these other fools.

Says the person that does not vote...

You are the reason why Trump lost, so how does it feel to be a traitor to your dear leader?

My vote wouldn't of mattered anyway since the most unpopular candidate ever, got the most votes ever. Sure buddy. :auiqs.jpg: If you believe that Biden won without cheating, you belong in a loony bin for being so gullible and believing what the MSM tells you.

Again, the GOP of Georgia stated Trump lost and would not flip votes for him, so blame them and those like you not voting cost Trump, so blame yourself!

Such a traitor you are to our Republic and your beloved Donald the Marvelous!
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?

Tell that to Georgia Republicans...

They said there was no cheating and the little fraud found was not enough to flip votes for Trump, so maybe you should ask why are Republicans so quick to throw Trump out?

I guess you believe the deep state isn't real. Well, the rhinos are part of it also dingleberry.

Including the three Judges that Trump appointed to the USSC...

Hmmm, I thought Trump was smarter than the Deep State?

I guess you back losers that can not see the enemies they surround themselves...
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...
I don’t doubt there was voter fraud, since it occurs in every election. I also believe the establishment desperately wanted Dumb Don gone and isn’t above committing fraud to accomplish his demise. I also doubt believe a word the MSM and establishment politicians say about voter fraud. After all, they screamed fraud in 2016, but now we’re to believe there is none. However, fraud must be proven.

Atleast you have some common sense, unlike these other fools.

Says the person that does not vote...

You are the reason why Trump lost, so how does it feel to be a traitor to your dear leader?

My vote wouldn't of mattered anyway since the most unpopular candidate ever, got the most votes ever. Sure buddy. :auiqs.jpg: If you believe that Biden won without cheating, you belong in a loony bin for being so gullible and believing what the MSM tells you.

Again, the GOP of Georgia stated Trump lost and would not flip votes for him, so blame them and those like you not voting cost Trump, so blame yourself!

Such a traitor you are to our Republic and your beloved Donald the Marvelous!

You have just used an oxymoron don't you know? If I didn't vote, what makes you think I love Donald Trump? Gosh you are slow man.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?

Tell that to Georgia Republicans...

They said there was no cheating and the little fraud found was not enough to flip votes for Trump, so maybe you should ask why are Republicans so quick to throw Trump out?

I guess you believe the deep state isn't real. Well, the rhinos are part of it also dingleberry.

Including the three Judges that Trump appointed to the USSC...

Hmmm, I thought Trump was smarter than the Deep State?

I guess you back losers that can not see the enemies they surround themselves...

It is not over yet. You probably shouldn't get to ahead of yourself quite yet.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...
I don’t doubt there was voter fraud, since it occurs in every election. I also believe the establishment desperately wanted Dumb Don gone and isn’t above committing fraud to accomplish his demise. I also doubt believe a word the MSM and establishment politicians say about voter fraud. After all, they screamed fraud in 2016, but now we’re to believe there is none. However, fraud must be proven.

Atleast you have some common sense, unlike these other fools.

Says the person that does not vote...

You are the reason why Trump lost, so how does it feel to be a traitor to your dear leader?

My vote wouldn't of mattered anyway since the most unpopular candidate ever, got the most votes ever. Sure buddy. :auiqs.jpg: If you believe that Biden won without cheating, you belong in a loony bin for being so gullible and believing what the MSM tells you.

Again, the GOP of Georgia stated Trump lost and would not flip votes for him, so blame them and those like you not voting cost Trump, so blame yourself!

Such a traitor you are to our Republic and your beloved Donald the Marvelous!

You have just used an oxymoron don't you know? If I didn't vote, what makes you think I love Donald Trump? Gosh you are slow man.

You are defending him like the loser you are... Trump was as cheated as Hillary was in 2016 which neither one deserved to be in the Oval Office...

So now you will claim you never liked Trump and just are arguing for him because you are some nutter with a boner...

So let recap:

1. You did not vote and cost your beloved Donald the Marvelous the election.

2. You are screaming rigged election like the left did when Trump won.

3. You are a traitor to your beloved Donald the Marvelous and our Republic for not voting and that is why we must suffer at the hands of Harris soon!!!

Just remember when they come for your guns, sexuality and brains us at the Global Cabal Network thank you for not voting and allowing us Albino Space Alien Chimps to pull the strings for another election cycle...

Now go back to reading Newsmax or whatever tabloid is of your choice ...
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?

Tell that to Georgia Republicans...

They said there was no cheating and the little fraud found was not enough to flip votes for Trump, so maybe you should ask why are Republicans so quick to throw Trump out?

I guess you believe the deep state isn't real. Well, the rhinos are part of it also dingleberry.

Including the three Judges that Trump appointed to the USSC...

Hmmm, I thought Trump was smarter than the Deep State?

I guess you back losers that can not see the enemies they surround themselves...

It is not over yet. You probably shouldn't get to ahead of yourself quite yet.

How isn’t it over?
This is one more reason we need a third party to stop either the dems or repups from getting complete control over the government.

Our 2 party system is what got this country into the mess we're in now but too many idiots still think that the same 2 party system can solve all our problems

What's that definition of insanity again?

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