I'd like to be first to congratulate our new fascist overlords....

Biden and kameltoe will get the respect you showed Trump in equal measure. If it wasn’t wrong then it won’t be wrong now. Bidumb is a pissant.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!
It’s all a big scam, but somehow the partisans of the two criminal gangs never catch on.

Is it a scam?

Yep, but Trump was never the solution and the GOP just like the Democrats are ran by those that pull the strings and tell us who to vote for...

So by 2024 the GOP will be back in power and nothing will change except more bellyaching and bitching.

Why fight when you know in the end the majority want to live like it is 1984?

Truthfully I have given up and just sit back and watch the game being played...
I too gave up long ago. I don’t understand how it is these partisans of the uniparty don’t see it. Nothing is going to change with Old Joe. He will continue to do the #1 job of the president, which is to protect and enrich Wall Street and the MIC, just as his predecessors did.

but you should accept the fact that not recognizing the election results and ask your vp to just hand over the presidency was a bit too far...

that was a big change and not in the direction anybody would want... regardless they are liberals or libertarians...
We all know by now or should, that dumb Don’s an asshole who only cares about himself. He doesn’t care about the law or precedent. He’s above those things his mind.

I’d love to see Don prosecuted but then they’d have to prosecute O and his minions, for committing treason against a sitting president.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

I find it hilarious you say better candidates while the Democrats had to cheat to win with a guy who can barely talk Biden and Kumilla who worked her way to the top by spreading those legs. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Well Georgia Republicans have stated many times there was no cheating, so bitch at them for failing to flip votes to Trump along with Conservative States like Arizona and Purple States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania...

Maybe you can not handle the fact you are the minority in this country when it come to voting and Powell and Woods are using your stupidity to help Trump steal money from you while you believe Trump was cheated...

Sure........No cheating, Right. Flouride is good for your teefs also. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Also, I don't vote because I learned a long time ago my vote don't count.

Then you have no way in what goes on in the political discussion and you are just one of those morons that want to bitch just to bitch!

Again, GOP members have stated very little fraud went on and not enough to overturn the election but keep on believing Powell, Woods, OAN, Newsmax and so on and live in denial...
I don’t doubt there was voter fraud, since it occurs in every election. I also believe the establishment desperately wanted Dumb Don gone and isn’t above committing fraud to accomplish his demise. I also don’t believe a word the MSM and establishment politicians say about voter fraud. After all, they screamed fraud in 2016, but now we’re to believe there is none. However, fraud must be proven.
I sadly watch the senate election last night just to see the same kind of strange thing happening then on November 8. Wolf was nervous because the republican was both doing pretty good but with Atlanta coming up with a large magical ballots for the demoncrat he said : 171.000 ballots are coming and when we have again a stop counting the vote when they talk about that and then they realise someone said it was only 117.000 ballots but sadly it should not be enough to "win" both senate seats but wait those who are counting made a mistake they reverse the 71 with the 17 so we could open the Champagne because it is finally 171.000 ballots ,
If the democrats think this election was so much on the up-and-up they should be WELCOMING an investigation. After all, what do they have to fear?
There is no need. The election was not rigged. Democrats now have better things to do. Like getting us out of the mess that trump created.

Then why fear an investigation? Why put up such a fight to stop one if there is nothing to hide? Just saying "there was no fraud" is no more credible than a bank robber saying he took no money.
If the democrats think this election was so much on the up-and-up they should be WELCOMING an investigation. After all, what do they have to fear?
There is no need. The election was not rigged. Democrats now have better things to do. Like getting us out of the mess that trump created.

Then why fear an investigation? Why put up such a fight to stop one if there is nothing to hide? Just saying "there was no fraud" is no more credible than a bank robber saying he took no money.
How many lawsuits were rejected?
Plain and simple there is no proof.
None. Zero. Zilch.
If the democrats think this election was so much on the up-and-up they should be WELCOMING an investigation. After all, what do they have to fear?
There is no need. The election was not rigged. Democrats now have better things to do. Like getting us out of the mess that trump created.

Then why fear an investigation? Why put up such a fight to stop one if there is nothing to hide? Just saying "there was no fraud" is no more credible than a bank robber saying he took no money.

Fear? I think there may be a state that needs to investigate attempted fraud. Georgia for one.

How did Trumps first Massive Voter fraud commission work out? Find much fraud?

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